
Appreciation of the production team's years: nine in the morning and five in the evening, and two in the middle of the approval

author:The media talked about Wang Linian at night

#历史上有哪些搞笑的打油诗##六七十年代一年能吃几次肉?##生产队大食堂##你经历过或者听老人讲过生产队的故事吗##知青的背后有多少故事? #

Appreciation of the production team's years: nine in the morning and five in the evening, and two in the middle of the approval

Photography Literature Essay Notes: Appreciation of limerick poems in the years of the production team: nine in the morning and five in the evening, two o'clock in the middle of the appropriation of funds to repair agricultural work in a pile to push tomorrow, regardless of his spring sowing and autumn harvest, three rural writers gather in the salon, some people propose that it is not the limerick of the production team years, there are obvious traces of modern words, but it is barely possible to recall the era of the production team. It outlines the specific state and ideological atmosphere of the era of the production team, implying the interweaving of labor and ideology.

Appreciation of the production team's years: nine in the morning and five in the evening, and two in the middle of the approval

Limericks reflect the daily work life of a specific period of time. Political tasks are tightly tied to daily work, often at the expense of actual agricultural production needs. What makes people reflect is that it was not an isolated phenomenon, but a common state of affairs at that time. At certain times, farming was delayed, efficiency decreased, and the negative consequences were not given due attention at the time. The limerick reads a microcosm of an era, as well as the state and mentality of the people of that era. (Huakang)

Appreciation of the production team's years: nine in the morning and five in the evening, and two in the middle of the approval

Editor's comment: How to take the essence of the production team's limerick poetry and remove its dross? to enhance the literary value and artistic expression of limerick poetry. On the basis of the original charm of the creator, more literary accomplishment and social observation are injected, not only staying at the level of satire and ridicule, but also digging deep and delicately depicting the brilliance and darkness of human nature. The way limericks are disseminated also needs to keep pace with the times. In the context of the Internet and new media, traditional oral communication can no longer meet the needs of modern people's information acquisition habits.

Appreciation of the production team's years: nine in the morning and five in the evening, and two in the middle of the approval

People and birds share the ecological beauty [Ecological Village] photography and real photo of Anfengtang Town, Shou County, Anhui Province

Appreciation of the production team's years: nine in the morning and five in the evening, and two in the middle of the approval
Appreciation of the production team's years: nine in the morning and five in the evening, and two in the middle of the approval
Appreciation of the production team's years: nine in the morning and five in the evening, and two in the middle of the approval
Appreciation of the production team's years: nine in the morning and five in the evening, and two in the middle of the approval
Appreciation of the production team's years: nine in the morning and five in the evening, and two in the middle of the approval
Appreciation of the production team's years: nine in the morning and five in the evening, and two in the middle of the approval
Appreciation of the production team's years: nine in the morning and five in the evening, and two in the middle of the approval
Appreciation of the production team's years: nine in the morning and five in the evening, and two in the middle of the approval
Appreciation of the production team's years: nine in the morning and five in the evening, and two in the middle of the approval
Appreciation of the production team's years: nine in the morning and five in the evening, and two in the middle of the approval
Appreciation of the production team's years: nine in the morning and five in the evening, and two in the middle of the approval
Appreciation of the production team's years: nine in the morning and five in the evening, and two in the middle of the approval