
The tomb of Xue Shao, the first horse of the Tang Dynasty, was discovered? It's time to unravel the mystery of his death!

author:Dream Sunshine NP9

Outside Chang'an City, an ancient tomb that has been sealed for thousands of years has quietly unveiled its mystery. Archaeologists were surprised to find that this was the resting place of Xue Shao, the first horse of the Tang Dynasty. Xue Shao, a handsome young man who once had a good relationship with Princess Taiping, what ups and downs did he experience in his life? Is his love with Princess Taiping as fiery as the legend says? And what kind of shocking secret does his death hide?

When we stand in front of this ancient tomb, it is as if we hear the echoes of history. Xue Shao's life seems to tell us about the power game behind the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty. Why is his tomb so high-profile? Why are his remains missing? Why did the tomb suffer so much damage? As the archaeological excavation deepens, mysteries are waiting for us to uncover. Let's follow the footsteps of history and explore the legendary life of the first colt of the Tang Dynasty, as well as the amazing truth hidden behind him. Will Xue Shao's story subvert our perception of the history of the Tang Dynasty?

In the power arena of the Tang Empire, a prominent family background often means more opportunities and challenges. Xue Shao, the young man who later became the first colt of the Tang Dynasty, was born in the world-famous Hedong Xue family.

Hedong Xue family, this family with a long history, its ancestors can be traced back to the Han Gaozu period of the Qianhu Hou Xue Jian. Since the Han Dynasty, the Xue family has been in the prime minister for generations, and there are many talents, and it is a well-deserved hairpin family. At the beginning of the establishment of the Tang Dynasty, the Xue family was even more prosperous and established a close marriage relationship with the Li Tang royal family.

Xue Shao's father, Xue Li, was the concubine of Tang Gaozong and married Princess Chengyang, the daughter of Tang Taizong Li Shimin and Empress Changsun. This marriage not only brought glory to the Xue family, but also paved the way for Xue Shao's future career. Xue Shao's mother, Princess Chengyang, is Princess Taiping's aunt, and this blood relationship makes Xue Shao and Princess Taiping cousins.

Under such a prominent family background, Xue Shao received a good education since he was a child. He is familiar with poetry and books, proficient in etiquette, brilliant in writing, and strong in martial arts. These excellent qualities laid the groundwork for him to win the favor of Princess Taiping in the future.

The tomb of Xue Shao, the first horse of the Tang Dynasty, was discovered? It's time to unravel the mystery of his death!

However, Xue Shao's growth was not all smooth sailing. As the second son of the family, he must face the light of his eldest brother Xue Yi. Xue Yi is not only a few years older than Xue Shao, but also talented and highly used by the imperial court. This made the young Xue Shao have to find his place in the shadow of his brother.

Xue Shao's youth coincided with Wu Zetian's rise to power. As a relative of the imperial family, Xue Shao had to maneuver carefully in the complex politics of the imperial court. He had to protect his family's interests while avoiding getting involved in the whirlpool of power struggles. This experience undoubtedly exercised Xue Shao's political wisdom and prepared him to become a colt in the future.

In the second year of Yonglong (681), Xue Shao, who was only seventeen years old, ushered in a turning point in his life. Princess Taiping, who was fourteen years old at the time, had reached the age of marriage proposal. As the pearl of the royal family, Princess Taiping's marriage has naturally attracted the attention of the government and the opposition. After careful consideration, Wu Zetian chose Xue Shao as the husband of Princess Taiping.

The facilitation of this marriage, on the one hand, is to take a fancy to the Xue family, and on the other hand, it is also a recognition of Xue Shao's personal talent. Xue Shao is not only from a famous family, but also has both civil and military talents, which can be called an ideal candidate for a horse. In addition, the cousin-sister relationship between Xue Shao and Princess Taiping also made this marriage closer in blood.

On the day of the wedding, Chang'an City was full of jubilation. From the south of Xing'an Gate to the west of Xuanyangfang, the torches on both sides of the road are connected, and the light is as bright as day. In order to accommodate the large number of guests, it even had to borrow the nearby Wannian County Office and tear down part of the wall. This grand wedding is not only the beginning of the marriage between the two young people, but also highlights the prestige of the royal family and the status of the Xue family.

However, who would have thought that behind this seemingly happy marriage, there are hidden turbulent waves in the future. Xue Shao's family background and identity are not only his glory, but also the root of his ill-fated fate. This young colt stands at the crossroads of history, about to usher in the most glorious and tragic moment of his life.

In the second year of Yonglong (681), Chang'an City was full of joy. The wedding of Xue Shao and Princess Taiping became the most high-profile event at that time. This marriage is not only the union of two young people, but also a well-planned political marriage.

Wu Zetian is well versed in the way of power, and she knows that the marriage between the royal family and the family can consolidate her rule. The choice of Xue Shao as the husband of Princess Taiping is not only a recognition of the Xue family, but also a manifestation of political balance. The Xue family has intermarried with the royal family for generations and has considerable influence in the court. Through this marriage, Wu Zetian not only won over the Xue family, but also found a well-matched husband for his daughter.

The tomb of Xue Shao, the first horse of the Tang Dynasty, was discovered? It's time to unravel the mystery of his death!

On the day of the wedding, Chang'an City was very lively. From the south of Xing'an Gate to the west of Xuanyangfang, the torches on both sides of the road are connected, illuminating the night sky of the entire Chang'an City. In order to accommodate the large number of guests, the imperial court even had to borrow the nearby Wannian County Government and tear down part of the wall. This decision sparked some controversy, as the county gate was designed by Yu Wenkai, a famous minister of the Sui Dynasty. In the end, at the suggestion of Tang Gaozong, only the wall was demolished and the historic gate was preserved.

The scale of the wedding is enough to show the prestige of the royal family and the status of the Xue family. According to historical records, there was an endless stream of guests and horses that day, and the locust trees along the way died due to smoke and fire. The wedding was not only a festive day, but also a grand ceremony to show the power of the emperor.

After marriage, Xue Shao and Princess Taiping lived in Pingkangfang. Pingkangfang is located in the northeast of Chang'an City, which was an aristocratic settlement at that time. It is an elegant place to live, making it an ideal home for newlyweds. As a concubine, Xue Shao not only enjoys glory and wealth, but also shoulders important political responsibilities. He needed to represent the interests of the Xue family in the imperial court, while also maintaining the dignity of the royal family.

The young couple soon welcomed their first child. According to records, Xue Shao and Princess Taiping had two sons and two daughters. This not only strengthened their marital relationship, but also added a new bond to the connection between the Xue family and the royal family.

However, this seemingly happy married life was not all smooth sailing. As a member of the royal family, Princess Taiping has a strong personality and a lofty status. She is not only the emperor's daughter, but also the pearl of Wu Zetian's palm. This disparity in identity undoubtedly brought a lot of pressure to Xue Shao.

In addition, Xue Shao also needs to balance the contradictions between the interests of the family and the demands of the royal family. As the representative of the Xue family, he needs to seek benefits for the family in the court; As a colt, he must be loyal to the royal family. This dual identity often puts him in a dilemma.

After marriage, Xue Shao, in addition to family life, also actively participated in court politics. With his talent and family background, he gradually gained a firm foothold in the court. However, with Wu Zetian coming to power, the power struggle within the imperial court became increasingly intense. Xue Shao had to maneuver carefully in this complex political environment.

Xue Shao's marriage with Princess Taiping seems to be a beautiful marriage, but in fact it is secretly turbulent. It is not only the union of two people, but also the integration of two families and two forces. This marriage not only brought glory to Xue Shao, but also laid the groundwork for his future tragedy.

The tomb of Xue Shao, the first horse of the Tang Dynasty, was discovered? It's time to unravel the mystery of his death!

In the fourth year of the vertical arch (688), a sudden political storm completely changed Xue Shao's fate. His elder brother Xue Yi was executed for responding to the rebellion of Li Chong, the king of Langya, and the Xue family was all over the house. This disaster not only ended Xue Shao's short marriage with Princess Taiping, but also drew a tragic end to Xue Shao's life.

Xue Shao was imprisoned and spared direct execution because of his status as a colt. However, an even more cruel fate awaited him - he was beaten with a hundred rods and starved to death in prison. This cruel ending not only ended a young life, but also shattered the hopes of a family.

At that time, Princess Taiping was still pregnant with their little daughter, and this unborn child became the last witness of this marriage. Xue Shao's tragic fate is not only a personal misfortune, but also a microcosm of that turbulent era. It reveals that in the whirlpool of power, even the illustrious family background and noble status cannot escape the merciless tricks of fate.

In the fourth year of the vertical arch (688), the situation in Chang'an City suddenly changed. A political storm that swept the government and the opposition completely changed Xue Shao's fate. The source of this storm was Xue Shao's brother Xue Yi who responded to the rebellion of Li Chong, the king of Langya.

Xue Yi, as the eldest son of the Xue family, has always been the pride of the family. He was talented and highly regarded by the imperial court, and served as the assassin of Tongzhou. However, it is such a promising young official who is involved in a political conspiracy that can destroy the entire family.

Li Chong was the nephew of Tang Gaozong and was named King of Langya at that time. He was deeply dissatisfied with Wu Zetian's rise to power and plotted a coup d'état. As Li Chong's ally, Xue Yi became an important participant in this rebellion. However, their plans were leaked before they could be put into action. When Wu Zetian learned about it, he immediately ordered a crackdown.

When the news reached Chang'an, it was like a thunderbolt from the blue. The Xue family suddenly fell into a panic. As Xue Yi's younger brother, although Xue Shao did not participate in the rebellion, he still could not escape implication. Wu Zetian was furious and ordered the Xue family to be beheaded.

Xue Shao was immediately arrested and imprisoned. His status as a colt saved his life for the time being, but an even more cruel fate awaited him. Wu Zetian ordered Xue Shao to be punished with 100 rods, which was usually enough to kill a person. However, Xue Shao stubbornly survived.

The tomb of Xue Shao, the first horse of the Tang Dynasty, was discovered? It's time to unravel the mystery of his death!

Xue Shao in the prison, the former glory and wealth have become a cloud of smoke. He was deprived of all privileges and suffered the same torture as a normal prisoner. The jailers showed no mercy to the once high colt, often kicking and punching him.

What's even more cruel is that Wu Zetian ordered not to give Xue Shao any food. This noble son, who used to be well-dressed and well-fed, can now only endure the torment of hunger. It is said that Xue Shao tried to eat his own clothes to satisfy his hunger in prison, which shows the tragic situation of his situation.

At the same time, the Xue family's mansion in Chang'an City was raided. The Xue family's property was confiscated, and the family members were either executed or exiled. Overnight, the once-prominent family collapsed.

Xue Shao's wife, Princess Taiping, was pregnant at this time. After she learned the news of her husband's imprisonment, she pleaded with her mother Wu Zetian many times, but failed to change Xue Shao's fate. It is said that Princess Taiping had secretly sent someone to deliver food to Xue Shao, but it was discovered and confiscated by the jailers.

In prison, Xue Shao spent the last days of his life. He was afflicted by hunger and torture, and his body was weakening day by day. According to historical records, Xue Shao spent several months in prison, during which he experienced unimaginable suffering.

In the end, Xue Shao starved to death in prison. The once beautiful No. 1 horse of the Tang Dynasty ended his young life tragically. When the news of his death broke, Juchao was shocked. Many felt sorry for this talented young man, but under Wu Zetian's repressive rule, no one dared to openly express sympathy.

Shortly after Xue Shao's death, Princess Taiping gave birth to their youngest daughter. This child, whom he had never met, became Xue Shao's last bloodline left in the world. However, as the daughter of a "criminal minister", the fate of this child is also destined to be bumpy.

Xue Shao's tragedy is not only a personal misfortune, but also a microcosm of that era. It reveals that in the game of power, even the illustrious family background and noble status can hardly resist the merciless tricks of fate. Xue Shao's story has become a classic case for later generations to talk about the impermanence of power.

The tomb of Xue Shao, the first horse of the Tang Dynasty, was discovered? It's time to unravel the mystery of his death!

Xue Shao's death also marked the decline of the once prominent Xue family in Hedong. Although in the later years, there were some outstanding figures in the Xue family, but they could never regain their former glory. The tragedy of Xue Shao has become one of the most praised cases of political struggle in the Tang Dynasty, and has also left a profound historical lesson for future generations.

Xue Shao's tragic ending cast a shadow over Princess Taiping's life. However, as Wu Zetian's pearl, her life trajectory did not stop there. On the contrary, in the years that followed, Princess Taiping showed extraordinary political talent and ambition, and became an important role that cannot be ignored on the stage of Tang Dynasty history.

Shortly after Xue Shao's death, Princess Taiping gave birth to their youngest daughter. The birth of this child is not only a memorial to her deceased husband, but also a motivation for Princess Taiping to regain her strength. As a member of the royal family, she knows that in this whirlpool of power, only by constantly strengthening her own strength can she protect herself and her children.

With Wu Zetian's support, Princess Taiping soon re-entered the political arena. She used her identity and intelligence to gradually establish her own power in the court. Wu Zetian gave her a "goldfish bag", a token of imperial power, which allowed her to freely enter and leave the court and participate in court politics. This privilege allowed Princess Taiping's political influence to expand rapidly.

Princess Taiping's political skills can be described as perfect. She is good at making friends with important ministers in the court, such as Zhang Khan Zhi, Cui Xuanwei and others, all of whom were her political allies. Through these relationships, she not only strengthened her position, but also formed a force to be reckoned with in the court.

However, Princess Taiping's political career was not without its challenges. In Wu Zetian's later years, the power struggle between Korea and China became increasingly fierce. As the emperor's daughter, Princess Taiping was inevitably involved. Her relationship with her half-brother Li Dan (later Zhongzong) was complicated, sometimes collaborative, sometimes antagonistic.

In the first year of Shenlong (705), Wu Zetian was forced to abdicate, and Li Dan re-ascended the throne as Zhongzong. This political change brought new opportunities to Princess Taiping. She used her relationship with her brother to further expand her power. Zhongzong bestowed on her honorific titles such as "Jun Rong" and "Book of Heaven", and her status reached unprecedented heights.

Princess Taiping's second marriage was also an important step in her political career. She married Wu Youji, which was a typical political marriage. Wu Youji is Wu Zetian's nephew, and through this marriage, Princess Taiping not only consolidated her position in the court, but also won more political resources for herself.

The tomb of Xue Shao, the first horse of the Tang Dynasty, was discovered? It's time to unravel the mystery of his death!

However, the pinnacle of power often comes with danger. In the fourth year of Jinglong (710), Zhongzong died suddenly. The DPRK and China are once again in turmoil. Princess Taiping played a key role in this power struggle. She supported her nephew Li Chongmao to succeed to the throne, but soon united with other forces and supported the accession of another brother Li Dan's son Li Longji (later Xuanzong) to the throne.

This series of political manipulations shows Princess Taiping's superb scheming, but it also lays the groundwork for her future tragedy. As Li Longji gradually seized real power, Princess Taiping's situation became increasingly dangerous.

In the first year of Kaiyuan (713), Li Longji staged a coup d'état and eliminated political enemies, including Princess Taiping. This once called for wind and rain, and finally ended up committing suicide. Her property was confiscated, her children were exiled, and her illustrious political career came to an end.

Princess Taiping's life, to some extent, is the epitome of women's participation in politics in the Tang Dynasty. She has shown extraordinary political talent and has taken her place in the male-dominated political arena. However, her ending also reflected the exclusion and restriction of women's participation in politics at the time.

The second half of Princess Taiping's life is a historical drama full of intrigue, ambition and tragedy. She came out of the haze of Xue Shao's death and played an important role in the political arena of the Tang Dynasty with her own intelligence and family background. Her political career spanned the three dynasties of Wu Zetian, Zhongzong, and Ruizong, and influenced the political situation of the Tang Dynasty for nearly two decades.

However, Game of Thrones is always dangerous. In the end, Princess Taiping failed to escape the whirlpool of political struggle and ended up in disrepute. Her story is not only the ups and downs of personal fate, but also a true portrayal of the political ecology of that era.

Although Xue Shao's life is short, the ripples he left in the long river of history are endless. As a famous genius in the Tang Dynasty and the first concubine of the Tang Dynasty, Xue Shao's influence far exceeded the length of his short life. His talent, tragedy, and love story with Princess Taiping have been constantly reinterpreted and explored in later literature, art, and historical studies.

In the field of literature, Xue Shao's talent and tragic fate became the theme of poets' chanting. The Tang Dynasty poet Li Shangyin mentioned Xue Shao in his famous "Han Tablet", "Jun buried the mud under the spring, and I sent the world full of snow", this poem not only expresses Xue Shao's tragic ending, but also expresses the poet's sympathy and regret for this talented man. In addition, the Song Dynasty writer Su Shi also mentioned Xue Shao in "Dongpo Zhilin", lamenting the disproportion of his talent and fate.

The tomb of Xue Shao, the first horse of the Tang Dynasty, was discovered? It's time to unravel the mystery of his death!

In terms of art, the love story between Xue Shao and Princess Taiping became the creative material for operas and novels. The Ming Dynasty opera "The Palace of Eternal Life" has a plot describing Xue Shao and Princess Taiping, although it is different from historical facts, but it reflects the imagination and longing of later generations for this love. In modern times, Xue Shao's story has also been adapted into a number of TV series and movies, further expanding its influence.

In the field of historical research, Xue Shao's case has become an important entry point for exploring the politics, marriage system and culture of the Tang Dynasty. His experience not only reflects the political environment of the Wu Zetian period, but also reveals the complexity of the royal marriage of the Tang dynasty. By studying the case of Xue Shao, scholars delve into the political struggles, the rise and fall of families, and the fate of literati in the Tang Dynasty.

Xue Shao's tragedy has also become a warning for later officials. His experience is seen as a classic example of the brutality of political struggle, a reminder of caution in a complex political environment. Many literati after the Tang Dynasty often mentioned the example of Xue Shao when discussing the dangers of official careers.

In the study of family history, Xue Shao's encounter is regarded as the turning point of the Xue family in Hedong from prosperity to decline. Through the study of the Xue Shao case, scholars have been able to delve into the rise and fall of the Tang dynasty and the pattern of political participation. This not only enriches the study of Tang Dynasty social history, but also provides important clues for understanding the social structure of ancient China.

Xue Shao's talent also had an impact on later literary creations. Although he has not survived many works, his literary talent was widely praised at the time. Many literati in later generations would mention or imitate Xue Shao's style when they were creating, so that his literary influence could be continued.

In folklore, the love story of Xue Shao and Princess Taiping is constantly glorified and celebrated. Although these legends may be different from historical facts, they have enriched the love narrative in traditional Chinese culture and become an important part of folk literature.

Xue Shao's experience also triggered later generations to think about the legal system of the Tang Dynasty. His case is seen as a classic example of judicial injustice during the Wu Zetian period, prompting later rulers to be more cautious in formulating laws and enforcing justice.

In terms of cultural exchanges, Xue Shao's story has also spread abroad. There are records of Xue Shao in the history books of Japan and other East Asian countries, which not only reflects the cultural ties between Tang Dynasty China and neighboring countries, but also shows that Xue Shao's influence has transcended national borders.

The tomb of Xue Shao, the first horse of the Tang Dynasty, was discovered? It's time to unravel the mystery of his death!

Xue Shao's talent and tragic fate also influenced the educational philosophy of later generations. His example is often used to illustrate the complex relationship between talent and fate, reminding people to pay attention to moral cultivation in the pursuit of learning.

In the field of architecture and archaeology, relics related to Xue Shao have also become important materials for the study of the history of the Tang Dynasty. For example, the site of Xue Shao's former residence in Chang'an City provides valuable physical evidence for the study of the life of the Tang Dynasty aristocracy.

In general, although Xue Shao only lived for more than 20 years, his influence spanned thousands of years of time and space. His talent, love, and tragic fate not only enriched the connotation of Chinese culture, but also provided a unique perspective for later generations to study the history of the Tang Dynasty. Xue Shao's story has become a key to interpreting the society, politics and culture of the Tang Dynasty, and its influence continues to this day.