
"堑壕" does not read zhàn háo, how to pronounce it? What does it mean, and how is the difference between a trench and a trench?

author:A shallow pavilion of literature

After warfare entered the era of thermal weapons, tactics became more flexible and changeable, and defensive warfare and positional warfare were one of them. In the traditional frontal battlefield, it is used for frontal fortifications, and trenches or trenches are generally used. Then the question arises again, what does "trench" mean, what is the difference between trench and trench, "trench" does not read zhàn háo, how to read it correctly, today we will take a serious look.

"堑壕" does not read zhàn háo, how to pronounce it? What does it mean, and how is the difference between a trench and a trench?

1. The evolution of the glyph of "trench".

(1) Mine

The "trench" is composed of "car", "jin" and "soil". The oracle bone glyph of the "car" is divided into two parts, the lower part of the left and right wheels, which are fixed by a horizontal log, and the upper part of the T indicates the steering wheel. Jin Wenshi's steering wheel stands sideways, and the lower part has three wheels, one large and two small. When the small seal is in the upper and lower parts of the "ten" character, the middle is the wheel, and there is the prototype of the "car". Later, it was simplified again, and the font became square and became the italic version of the word "car".

"堑壕" does not read zhàn háo, how to pronounce it? What does it mean, and how is the difference between a trench and a trench?

The oracle bone glyph of "jin" resembles an axe, with a horizontal blade and a vertical handle. Jin Wenshi simplified again and became two large axes with the "blade" part to the right. The shape of the axe can no longer be seen in the small seal font, but it is more linear. When it was simplified into Lishu, there was a rudimentary form of "jin", and the latter was simplified again and became the "jin" in italics, which indicates the weight of the object. The glyph change of "soil" is the most simplified, initially it is a mound of soil on the ground, and then the upper part gradually changes to the character "ten", and then simplifications many times, and finally becomes the character "soil".

(2) Bunker

The word "trench" is composed of two parts: "soil" and "hao". The evolution process of the glyph of "soil" refers to the above, and will not be discussed here. The oracle bone glyph of "Howe" is divided into two parts, the upper part resembles the image of a highland, and the lower part resembles a porcupine. During the Jin Wen period, the upper part was simplified to "高", and the lower part was simplified to "豕" (shǐ). When the Qin system is a simple script, the upper part is similar to "髙", and the lower part is unchanged. Later, it was simplified again and gradually became the word "Hao". Hao Benyi means "porcupine", which was later extended to the hair on the body of animals, and again extended to people with outstanding talents.

"堑壕" does not read zhàn háo, how to pronounce it? What does it mean, and how is the difference between a trench and a trench?

2. How to distinguish between "trenches" and "trenches"?

Trenches and trenches, both military terms, are mainly used to describe trenches dug in battle, both to protect soldiers and provide cover. The differences lie in the following three aspects:

(1) The meaning is different. The trench is a fortification dug along the front of the position around the city or town for combat purposes, and there are three kinds of kneel shooting, standing shooting and deepening trenches; Trenches, on the other hand, generally refer to scattered small bunkers or fortifications dug in a tactical area or on the front line.

"堑壕" does not read zhàn háo, how to pronounce it? What does it mean, and how is the difference between a trench and a trench?

(2) The construction method is different. Trenches are generally excavated from the city wall or next to the castle, the shape is relatively regular, and there is a certain depth, and it is used for kneeling shooting, standing shooting or other combat methods; Trenches are mainly made by digging the names of rocks or soil textures, or straight lines or curves, and are generally shallow in depth.

"堑壕" does not read zhàn háo, how to pronounce it? What does it mean, and how is the difference between a trench and a trench?

(3) The role is different. Trenches are generally used to protect castles, towns, or cities from enemy attacks, with a variety of tactics, such as defense, counterattack, and even anti-tank tactics; Trenches, on the other hand, were generally used to cover the body of the soldiers, to avoid being exposed to enemy attacks, or to suppress the charge of the infantry.

3. The use of "trench" in ancient documents

《Allegory》Part 1

[Yuan] Yang Hongdao

The white road goes through the clouds, and the green suburbs occupy an area of cultivation.

The trenches are deep and thorny, and they have to cut off people's walks.

The author of this poem, Yang Hongdao, the word Shu Neng, the number Suan, a native of Zichuan in the Yuan Dynasty, and the representative work "Little Heng Ji". The gist of the poem: "The white road goes straight up, as if through the clouds." In the green suburbs, the land is cultivated. The trenches in the fields are overgrown with needle-like plants, which hinder people from moving forward. ”

This poem describes the appearance of the suburban land, and the first sentence of the word "through the clouds" uses an exaggerated technique to describe the meaning of the road extending far and far. The second sentence describes the location and purpose of the field. The third sentence writes that the fields are full of thorns and thorns, blocking people from moving forward, alluding to the fact that no one has taken care of them for a long time, highlighting the sense of desolation. The whole poem expresses the poet's regret for the desertion of the land in the spring ploughing season and the silent accusation that no one takes care of the land under the annexation.

4. How to read "trench"?

Correct pronunciation: qiàn háo

Homonym: Missing

Radical: Earth

Structure: up and down, left and right

V. Conclusion

Between the lands, every inch of land must be contested. Looking back on the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, when the national crisis was at the head, everyone rose up to resist, and every trench and trench played an important role. Today's happy life is the result of the blood and will of our revolutionary ancestors, who persevered in every inch of land and every trench, and we must know how to cherish it.