
The day before I got married, I had a mind reading, and my newlywed's heart squeaked and screamed

author:A small bok choy

The day before I got married, I had the ability to read minds.

The murderous husband on the wedding night solved the assassin with a sword, but he was coquettish in his heart, "Ah, I'm scared to death! It's so scary, it's so bloody, who's going to hold the baby!"

The squeaky screaming is a headache.


I was originally hiding in the corner, because I couldn't stand the ghost screaming in Song Zhixian's heart, I tentatively approached him, and under the eyes of the cool owl, I reached out and wrapped my hand around his tight waist.

There was a huge difference in height between the two, and my ears were just close to his heart, and in addition to the heartbeat of "dong dong", there was also ......


"I want to drown in the arms of my little sister!"

The voice above his head was cold and unforgiving, "Get out."

I looked up at him, the blood of the Assassins sprayed on his extremely white face, half exposed in the light and half hidden in the shadows in the light of the candles.

Between light and dark, occupy the wind and flow.

If his heart doesn't keep screaming "ahhh

When I noticed that his mouth was wrong, I stepped back a little, but my arm did not leave his waist, and deliberately asked, "Don't hug it?"

"Don't! To hug, to hug!"

Song Zhixian: "Let go."

Me: "Do you really want me to let go? Then I'm relieved!"

I left very slowly, and my eyes kept staring at Song Zhixian's expression, but even though he had already roared loudly in his heart: "Don't let go, young lady, don't leave, people are so afraid!"

But his expression was still condensed, and no emotion was leaked.

He even said impatiently, "Hurry up."

It was also the first time I had this mind-reading technique, and I wanted to play it for a while, but there was a noise in the courtyard.

At the moment when the subordinate who came to hear the news pushed the door and came in, Song Zhixian pushed me away and maintained his persona of not being close to anyone.

In his ears was his inner thoughts: "Whew, it's dangerous."

Looking at the corpses of the assassins who had been dragged out, even though the room had been cleaned up, there was still a pungent smell of blood in the air.

We are probably the only ones who were assassinated on our wedding night.


My name is Xu Qingqing, born in a hairpin family, as the daughter of the family, I have been playing piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, poetry, wine and tea since I was a child, just for the family marriage when I grow up.

But I seem to have some magic power, no matter who I talk about marrying, there will be elders in the other party's family who will pass away, so I will keep filial piety for three years and not be allowed to marry.

In this way, my family affairs changed from family to family, and I was twenty years old.

At this time, I slept separately on the wedding night, and Song Zhixian, who was ruthless and desireless, was an upstart in the court, although he had no father, no mother, and no family background, but he was young and ranked as the commander of the Jinyi Guard, and he was the object of competition among the magnates in Beijing.

It took a lot of effort for my father to break out of the encirclement and fight for me for this good marriage without a father or mother, with a car and a house.

This time, I finally got married.

The night was peaceful, and I didn't have to get up early to serve tea, but I was woken up by the sound of "hum, hum, hey" in the yard.

I got up and dressed in frustration, and with my head on the coop, I violently pushed the window to look at the originator of the noise.

And then...... I widened my eyes and drooled.

This boobs!

This waist!

These abs!

It's so white!

Song Zhixian seemed to be unaware of my enthusiastic and obsessive gaze, and continued to practice naked, without even a trace of eyesight.

But he was clearly saying in his heart, "The young lady is watching me, I have to behave well, how about playing with another set of swords?"

"Another beautiful combo!"

"Eat my grandson!"

So, on the morning of the first day of marriage, our commanding master, who frightened all the officials, and made the saints extremely trusted, the legendary murderer without blinking, and the ruthless means, was like a big peacock who only courted, and he was stunned for an hour.

Swords, guns, swords, halberds, axes, hooks and forks, everything he had, he played it all over again.

In the end, he was as tired as a dog, and he still thought to himself, "How about young lady, is it okay for us to have a good physique!"

Burst! This damn childishness!

I suddenly discovered that my mind reading technique was a single skill that only Song Zhixian could light up.

This setting is very bloody.

But it was interesting enough to only hear him, for example, after breakfast, I wanted to walk around the house, and casually asked, "Are you going?"

He glanced at me, with a chilling look in his eyes, and replied to me mercilessly: "Don't go."

I was as good as I was, "Okay."

Song Zhixian was aggrieved in his heart, "Why doesn't the young lady keep me anymore, it's too ruthless!"

I took pity on him and asked again, "Why don't you come with me?"

Song Zhixian frowned, "I don't have time."

Me: "Oh."

I said in my heart, "Ah, young lady insists on holding on!"

I sighed, "Just walk around with me!"

Song Zhixian squinted impatiently, "Don't go, there's no time."

Me: "......"

Oops, I'll go! I'm playing with my heart here, right?!

I was so angry that I grabbed his arm and went for a walk.

Not only did he not resist, but he screamed in his heart: "Wow, the young lady is so domineering, so rude, I love it."

It's outrageous!

In fact, the Song Mansion is not big, and when I really walked around, I found that there was nothing to see.

We walked side by side, the path in the garden was not wide, the sleeves rubbed against each other as the body swung, and for a moment his body tilted imperceptibly.

And I just lowered my eyes and saw that his foot that should have fallen was a little off.

In order not to step on a bug.

I looked at him sideways with some surprise, indifferent eyes, tight lips, and perfectly curved jawline, and I couldn't see his kindness just now.

and his inner monologue: "I'm really loving, if you let the young lady know, you can't love me to death!"

Me: "......"

What a human being who is unseemly!


When I returned to the door on the third day, I sat in the carriage, and all I heard in my ears was the inner drama of the man opposite, and it was very noisy.

For a while, the clothes are not good, the hair is not neatly tied, and the gifts are not properly prepared.

To silence my ears for a moment, I interrupted his thoughts: "You look good in your clothes today, you deserve the crown on your head, and the gifts are all prepared according to my family's preferences, they must like it very much."

I thought that after saying this, he could finally stop, but after looking at Song Zhixian for a moment, my ears exploded directly.

"Ahhhh Is the young lady a roundworm in my stomach? You know me so well!"

I'm very curious, how did he do it, outwardly and inwardly acting in his own way, without mixing at all?

The Xu family was prosperous and hospitable, and after wave after wave of toasts, Song Zhixian was a little drunk, and although he still had a cold face when he went home, he could feel a little sluggishness in his eyes.

After the servant had prepared the water, he got up and walked to the bath, and suddenly turned his head halfway and said, "You ......," and then went away again.

I was left standing there with a red face, because what I heard him say was, "Little sister, do you want to peek?!"

Dirty embryo!

Song Zhixian's marriage leave ended, he went to the court, and I was asked by the little sisters to go to the teahouse for a party.

They were eager to spy on my newlywed life, after all, at that time, many people in Beijing wanted to ask for a marriage, and finally I got it, and they were still a little jealous.

Sister A said, "Listen to my father, Commander Song has a green face and fangs, bloodthirsty and cold, does he look terrible?"

Sister B said, "Listen to my brother, he is very strong in martial arts, he can kill a cow with his bare hands, is he very rude, will he be violent in the future?"

Sister C said, "I heard my husband say that he has never read a book and does not know a few big characters, do you have no common language and cannot speak a few words at all?"

Sister Ding: "Listen to my grandfather......"


I just want to ask, do the men of your family dare to face Song Zhixian in person!

I looked at them with concern on their faces, but in fact their eyes were full of schadenfreude gossip.

It seems that as long as I have a bad time, everyone is still a good sister, and I am speechless.

Naturally, I couldn't do what they wanted, not only negated their rhetoric, but even turned Song Zhixian into a good man who loves his wife like his life.

I shyly said nonsense, "My little idle family is not only good-looking and eloquent, but also fell in love with me at first sight and loved me deeply."

"I met an assassin on my wedding night, and he protected me from the thieves in the nick of time."

The more I talked, the more energetic I became, and I used all the fragments of the script that I had been sneaking up on a daily basis, "Finally, he got down on one knee and said to me in a loud voice, 'You are my God!'"

I thought that this earth-shattering confession would win the envy and applause of everyone present, but I saw A, B, C, and D open their mouths and stare straight behind me, trembling.

At the same time, my ears were Song Zhixian's inner words, "Little sister...... Who are you talking about?"

I turned around in embarrassment and met his frowning and strange eyes, as well as the dark brocade guard...... Guys.

God, save the child!

I'll give you the newly cut out three-in, three-out house!


In the blink of an eye on my birthday, my mother's family held a birthday banquet for me, and my family also prepared gifts for me, and when I raised my hand to take it, I heard Song Zhixian's inner murmur: "I envy the young lady......

My hand to receive the gift paused, and turned my head to meet his indifferent eyes, inexplicably feeling a little sorry for him.

Returning home late at night is just a good time for husband and wife to talk at night.

It looks like two people have a pot of wine, but in fact, three people are talking.

I stretched out my hand, "Where's my birthday present?"

Song Zhixian glanced at me, "No."

Inside: "Under my pillow, but I won't give it, I can't take it!"

I stumbled back and took it out, and met him with a stunned look.

Inside: "How did the young lady find it?"

The plain white brocade box is not cheap at first glance, but there is an ugly and rough wooden hairpin lying inside.

Song Zhixian said casually: "I bought it easily."

Inside: "This is carved by my own hands, if the young lady dislikes it, I won't be with you."

I turned my head to Song Zhixian's deep eyes, and slowly spoke: "I remember that you are from the Huzhou area, where there is a custom where a man carves a hairpin for his beloved woman to show that he will grow old together, right?"

The moon was bright that night, shining on his body and giving off a terrifying light.

It was rare that he did not retort duplicitously, and even took the wooden hairpin I handed him and inserted it in my bun.

I smiled lightly and asked softly, "Is it pretty?"

Song Zhixian pursed his lips and nodded, "Hmm."

The truth from the heart: "It's ugly. Woo woo little sister, I'll buy you a beautiful one tomorrow."

Me: "......"

, stop talking!

Then I asked him, "When was your birthday?"

"I don't remember."

His ordinary tone seemed to say that the moonlight was beautiful tonight, but the loneliness and desolation hidden in the depths were impossible to ignore.

Looking at his picturesque appearance, I felt a little bored in my heart, and whispered, "Why don't you celebrate your birthday with me?"

"I don't want to die on the same day and month of the same year, but I want to be born on the same day of the same month and month of the same year."

I even took off the jade pendant I had been wearing on my body and gave it to him, "Happy birthday!"

Song Zhixian stared at the jade pendant for a long time, and then put it in his arms as if casually, and cheered in his heart: "Ahhhh

"And a gift!"

I was amused by the sound of babbling in my ears, and I thought that tonight was really beautiful!

But it's really not good!

I didn't sleep all night, all because of Song Zhixian, a man who couldn't hide things in his heart, screamed in his heart all night, and the noise made my brain buzz.

He put the jade pendant I gave him under the pillow last night, and this night, he got up for a while to see if he had lost it, and then put it in front of his eyes to carefully examine the color.

Even several times, the jade pendant "snapped" and fell on the bridge of his nose, and the sudden "ah" in his ear scared me!

I had two dark circles under my eyes in the morning, and I really wanted to drop that jade pendant!

Song Zhixian has been a little busy lately, and often forgets to eat, and I can always hear his pitiful inner cry: "Stomach, it hurts, ah!"

Seeing that he had indeed lost too much weight, I boiled rice porridge and sent it to him at noon.

The first thing he said to me was, "Don't come again."

This duplicitous dog man.


"It's not clean here."

Song Zhixian actually explained to me?

Sure enough, because of his birthday, he opened his heart to me?

He drank the porridge one by one, and sighed in his heart, "It's so comfortable, the young lady is a fairy."

Looking at the inexplicably well-behaved Song Zhixian, I deliberately teased him, leaned forward, got very close to him, stared at him with a pair of moist eyes, and whispered: "I'm here, aren't you happy?"

Song Zhixian's eyes widened, and he forgot to respond for a while, but his warm breath sprayed on my face, and the tips of his ears quietly reddened.

Since that day, I've noticed that he's turning on the screen more and more often.

He seems to know his own advantages, and he also grasps my psychology, often either dew a little here, or dew a little there, and bloom his charm.

As a Yan dog, I am happy to watch.

This made him even more misunderstood.

More than once I heard his inner monologue: "Hey, it's another day to fascinate the young lady, what a damn charm of mine!"

Me: "......"

In his narcissism, autumn arrived, and the eldest princess prepared a crab feast and invited the magnates of Beijing.

Song Zhixian had official business and had no time, so I could only go alone.

Before I left the house in the morning, I casually asked, "Do you want to pick me up?"

He looked at me and reluctantly replied, "Yes."

In my heart, I said, "Little Sister loves me so much, she doesn't want to be separated from me for a moment!"

Me: "......"

Far away, I could still hear his tsundere.

I didn't expect the crown prince and the crown princess to go too, as former friends, the crown princess and I naturally hurried to catch up.

Now that she is pregnant, she is pregnant, and I touched her round belly and asked her how she felt.

She teased, "I want to know, you're pregnant with one of your own!"

I was speechless for a while, after all, Song Zhixian and I are a very pure husband and wife.

Quack Pure!

Time passed unconsciously, and in the blink of an eye at dusk, the feast was about to disperse, and everyone hugged the prince and his wife to walk outside the house.

I saw Song Zhixian waiting next to the carriage at a glance.

At this time, he took off his official uniform and stood in a brocade robe under the sunset, and his cold posture made people unable to take their eyes off.

He raised his eyes and looked over, his originally indifferent expression became extremely solemn when he saw the prince.

I don't know if it's my delusion, but I feel that there is something vaguely wrong with the noisy crowd around me.

The master's move was only a matter of a moment, and almost at the same time as the assassin appeared, Song Zhixian stood in front of the prince.

The sword was unsheathed, floating and shining in the cold light.

Everyone was frightened and scattered, and the prince and his wife were even protected by the guards.

This is the second time I have seen him kill, and the blood of the other party fell on his eyebrows, bewitching and cold.

I glanced at the corpse on the ground, remembering the wedding night, before Song Zhixian screamed in his heart, I ran to him.

Reached out and attached it to his eyes.

I could feel the confusion of others, and I could feel the slight itch of the soft eyelashes brushing against my palm.

I said, "I'm afraid, don't look."

Song Zhixian: "......"

Inside: "Little sister, can you hug me?"

I stretched out my other hand around his waist and snuggled up in his arms.

As a result, the most exciting news on the second day in the capital was not the assassination of the prince and his wife.

Instead, Jin Yiwei commanded the couple to shamelessly sprinkle dog food at the murder scene.

This is really the biggest misunderstanding of our "pure couple"!


The crown prince was assassinated, the saint was furious, and Song Zhixian was busy for a while, and he didn't have time until late autumn.

I remember telling me that when I was young, I didn't have any fun except martial arts every day.

I found a beautiful kite, and after breakfast I asked him to fly it with me in the yard.

He didn't refuse as usual, but took it directly and ran all over the yard.

The high kite flew in the blue sky, and I turned my head to look at Song Zhixian.

He was dressed in a blue robe, with the jade pendant I gave him hanging around his waist, his forehead was oozing with slight sweat from the running just now, and when he looked up, the corners of his lips curved into a beautiful arc.

I think that if he was born in a powerful family and his parents are still alive, he will definitely become a beautiful son with a beautiful moon.

They won't bear to let him put away all his weaknesses and be a ruthless person with a hard shell.

Maybe I've been watching it for a long time, Song Zhixian looked at me with lowered eyes, and the sunlight in the sky was like a falling galaxy, which made me sink for a moment.

It's just that in the next moment, my ears were: "Eh, young lady, you should put it well, the kite is going to fall!"

Me: "......"

You're allergic to romance, aren't you?

It was night, and we were still lying on the bed, and although we had played all day, we still didn't feel sleepy.

I think of the princess's bulging belly that day.

I looked sideways at Song Zhixian, who was lying with his eyes closed in a regular manner, and I secretly reached out and poked his exposed neck.

His eyebrows jumped, but he didn't open his eyes, and said softly, "What's the matter?"

I was wrapped in a quilt, revealing only one pair of eyes, and I replied, "Do you want to kiss me?"

Time stands still in this moment, but the ears explode in the next.

"Ahhhh What did the young lady just say?

"Let me kiss her? But I won't?

"What's the matter? Where do you get your mouth to go?"

But no matter how lively he was in his heart, on the surface, Song Zhixian just wrung his eyebrows to look at me, and scolded lightly: "Nonsense."

As soon as the words fell, I leaned in and mouthed him.

Then, with a smile on his face, he said coquettishly, "If you don't kiss me, I'll kiss you."

Song Zhixian was stunned in front of me for the first time, and a blush slowly appeared in the depths of the neckline of his middle shirt, crawling up his neck, cheeks, and finally to the tips of his ears.

It took him a while to come to his senses, and he turned his back to me with a blank face, and began to output frantically.


There was nothing in my ears but his "ahhhhh

I was so noisy that I got up, propped my hands on the sides of his head, and learned from the big heroine in the script, "Man, don't play with me."

Song Zhixian's gaze fell on my face, which was a little deep, in stark contrast to his inner "Wow, young lady is so domineering, I love it".

"Oh, that's not right!"

As soon as his inner words fell, the positions of the two of us were reversed in an instant, and I was suppressed by him.

I looked at Song Zhixian above in astonishment, and his exhaled breath fell on the tip of my nose, making me inexplicably hot.

I obediently closed my eyes and waited for him to play freely, but my ears were ......

"What's next?"

"Why is the young lady closing her eyes?"


At this time, Song Zhixian's middle coat was slightly messy, whether it was with the doubts in his heart or the cold eyes, there was an urge to be well-behaved and make people want to bully.

And I not only thought about it, but also reached out and hooked his neck, and did so.


When I woke up at dawn, the sun was already high, and I opened my eyes tiredly, only to see a white chest.

I looked up at Song Zhixian, who was sleeping peacefully.

I tried to get up, but when I moved slightly, my back hurt terribly.

Slowly move down around my big palm, kneading it for me with moderate pressure.

I looked up at his sleepy-eyed appearance, although it was not as cold as before, but the center of his eyebrows were still frowning, like a habit.

I raised my hand to soothe him, and said in a hoarse voice, "Don't frown."

Song Zhi poured water on the ground and fed me to drink.

But I wasn't deceived by the good guy he played, because when he stared at me with a faint look in his eyes, he thought to himself, "Young lady, this physique is not good, I still have to practice!"

I'll practice your sister!

I don't know if it's because of being a real husband and wife, although Song Zhixian is still silent, he gradually opens his heart and has no defenses.

Even on Chinese New Year's Eve, he almost broke the work!

At that time, the two of us were keeping the New Year together, and there was a fine melting snow outside the house, and I happily got up and wanted to go out, but Song Zhixian grabbed my wrist.

"Get dressed." The thick scarf was draped over his body, and his hands, which had never only killed people, were now properly buttoning up for me.

Outside the house, it was snow-white, and I reached out to feel the cold snowflakes falling, and I didn't hurry back to the house until my hands were cold enough.

Taking advantage of Song Zhixian's defenselessness against me, I shoved my frosty hands from his neck and stuck them against his skin.

He stared at me with wide eyes, and as he shrunk, his lips unconsciously "ahhh

While peeking at my reaction, he secretly regretted in his heart: "Oops, stupid, I almost didn't keep my character!"

Tut-tut, it's so cute!

This year's weather is particularly abnormal, several times in the capital have failed to enter the summer, it should be a month with clear skies, but it has been rainy for half a month.

In the south, heavy rains raged, and river embankments collapsed, causing countless casualties.

The saint was furious and ordered the prince to go with the disaster relief money to appease the people.

He also asked Jinyiwei to thoroughly investigate all officials involved in the construction of the river embankment.

After all, the imperial court just took out a large amount of money to maintain it more than a month ago.

But is the money really used on the river embankment?

It was two months before and after, the prince came back, and Song Zhixian and they also found out about it, from the first rank of the court to the small county order of the county seat.

And the source of everything is the princess's maiden family.

She once secretly went out of the palace to find me, hoping that I could talk to Song Zhixian and open up the net, and Chen Qingsheng would be able to take her out of the house when she went up.

She told me as a matter of course that it was normal for her family to be like this.

I looked at her beautiful face and felt a little strange.

I rejected her in a calm voice, and said to her word by word: "What everyone is doing does does not mean that it is right, if Song Zhixian does not report the truth tomorrow, how innocent are those victims and people who died because of you?"

The crown princess interrupted me anxiously, "But if the Holy One knows, my family of 100 people will not survive!"


I stared into her eyes and asked her a little tiredly, "Are the victims and the people who died because of you ants who are not sorry to die?"

There were tears in her eyes, her eyes full of sadness and despair, and her expression told her unwillingness.

"When you enjoy in peace the glory and riches that are not rightfully yours, think that one day you will have to pay it back."

"The Son of Heaven is guilty of the same crime as the common people, and everything is determined by the Holy One."

Watching her leave, no longer having the proud back of the past, I couldn't help but cry.

Some of them may never see each other again.

Song Zhixian originally handed over the results of the investigation to the saint, and the Son of Heaven was furious, and the princess's family was beheaded all over the house to set an example.

The crown princess was pregnant and confined in the East Palace until the child was born and was demoted to a commoner and sent to the cold palace.

But her child died in less than 100 days due to congenital deficiency due to premature birth, and she committed suicide in the cold palace that night.

The hundred-year-old family has fallen.

One wrong step, and you lose the whole game.

Due to the many cases involved in the collapse of the river embankment, the vegetable market on East Street has not stopped recently, whether it is corrupt officials and corrupt officials, or the old and weak women and children in the family, they will pay the price for the enjoyment they once had.

Blood flowed all over the ground, and even from a distance, you could smell the smell of blood wafting through the air, which was disgusting and helpless.

The matter should come to an end, but for some reason, Song Zhixian's already bad reputation has plummeted in the past few days.

The reason is very speechless, the people feel sorry for the women and children on the execution ground, and they hear their abuse of Song Zhixian before they die, saying that he is cold and hard-hearted, that he cares about people's lives, is unkind to officials, and does not even let go of children.

What's more, it is said that he was beaten into a trick, as if they had not embezzled the money of the river embankment at all, and it was nonsense from others.

All of a sudden, those spectators who claimed to be righteous began to fabricate and frame Song Zhixian.

They forgot how many people in the south were homeless and strewn with corpses strewn across the wilderness by the corrupt officials, and they forgot the innocent children who died at the beginning of the summer, collapsing under the river embankment.

Anyway, the suffering did not fall on them, and the justice of moving the mouth is so simple.

But every time I hear such words, I feel sad, although Song Zhixian doesn't care on his face, he will hum in his heart: "Ask for comfort, ask for hugs, what they say is false, young lady, don't believe it!"

I put my hand around him and told him firmly, "I don't believe it, I know you're not that kind of person."

How can a crying little crying bag, a person who doesn't even step on worms, be a heinous villain?!

I thought that this would be forgotten by everyone after a while, but we underestimated the "righteousness" that was twisted in their hearts.

I was kidnapped and taken to a ruined temple outside the city, and the robbers didn't hurt me, they just wanted Song Zhixian to come over.

The man at the head was the son of a corrupt official in the river embankment case, and he was sent away by his father before the incident.

He hid in the crowd, watched his family execution, and attributed all the fault to Song Zhixian, hatred infected his internal organs.

He said that the reason why he kidnapped me was because Song Zhixian had no family except me.

These words knocked in my ears, and I was inexplicably sad.

When Song Zhixian came alone, it was only half an hour after the letter was delivered.

Under the fine sunlight, a breathtaking figure rushed at great speed.

I looked up at him, and he stared deeply at me.

I heard him think, "Don't be afraid, Qingqing, I'm here."

Well, I'm not afraid.

Song Zhixian's eyes shot a cold light when he looked at the kidnapper, "Let my wife go, I'll give you whatever you want."

A lot of people came out of the house, all of them fierce and vicious, and surrounded Song Zhixian.

There is no appearance of justice in half a minute.


I was held to my neck with a knife by a kidnapper, and the slightest movement would leave cold blood stains.

Song Zhixian's eyes were cold, "How can I let her go?"

The kidnapper scoffed, "You get on your knees and finish yourself off with the knife in your hand."

"I am jealous of my father's soul!"

Song Zhixian's expression was extremely cold, "I'm dead, you let her go?" Really?"


Looking at the man who knelt on the ground without the slightest hesitation, I shook my head in despair with pleading eyes, tears flooded my eyes, and my heart felt like someone was clutching him.

I struggled desperately, but to no avail.

Song Zhixian held the cold knife, and everyone watched nervously as he thrust the knife into his abdomen little by little.

"Whew! Throat! Cough!"

Sharp arrows burst through the sky.

Almost at the same time, the kidnappers let go of me to protect themselves, and Song Zhixian rushed over with blood in his stomach and hugged me in his arms.

I heard some people angrily calling him treacherous, and I heard their wails before they died.

From beginning to end, Song Zhixian hugged me tightly, and he didn't let me see the corpses all over the ground, nor did he let me see the wounds on his body.

He just buried his head in my neck and said very lightly, "Qingqing, I hurt so much, hug me."

I reached out and wrapped my arms around his waist, his warm blood in the palm of my hand.

I was so flustered that I didn't know what to do, so I just kept crying, muttering his name.

"Song Zhixian."

"I'm here."

"Song Zhixian."

"I'm here."

"Song Zhixian."

"Don't be afraid, Qingqing, I'm here."

When Song Zhixian stabbed himself, he missed half a point and avoided the vital point, but he was still in a coma for a long time because of excessive blood loss.

By the time he woke up, I had lost my skills for him.

I couldn't hear him call me "little sister" sweetly in his heart, and I was not used to it for a while.

He had to rest for a long time because of the injuries on his body, and the two of us were tired of being together for some time.

Although I don't have the ability to read minds, because we understand and confirm each other's minds, I can guess his heart with just one look.

I asked him if he was afraid of killing?

He said he was numb.

When he said this, the profundity and desolation in his eyes made my heart feel astringent.

I asked him, "Do you want to hug?" The kind that provides warmth and comfort."

He looked at me steadily, smiled suddenly, and his eyebrows crooked.

By the time he returned to normal, it was the New Year.

When I asked him what his New Year's wishes were, he rubbed the jade pendant I gave him and whispered like a lover, "Yes, Qingqing...... Love me."

After saying that, he didn't dare to look at me with a flushed face, bit his lower lip, and was very well-behaved.

I was stunned for a moment, then waved my hand casually, "What kind of wish is this, think about it again!"

He jerked his head up at me, panic and discomfort in his eyes overflowing.

He said abruptly, "Why...... Want to think about it again?"

"Because I already love you!" I answer as a matter of course.

Song Zhixian looked down at me, the expression in his eyes had changed, and the small starlight was full of fetters.

He pecked at the corner of my lips, "What is Qingqing's wish?"


"I wish we could have a child," I raised my hand to smooth the broken hair from the corners of his forehead, "so that there is someone in this world who is connected to you by blood, and becomes your lifelong fetters and concerns."

"You are, you're my bond."

I guess although Song Zhixian is trying his best to be calm at the moment, he is already crying and squeaking in his heart.

He was a little mysterious for the next few days, and when I asked him what was wrong, he only said it was a secret.

In the blink of an eye, the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, today's capital will be lit up all night, and the ten-mile lantern street will be very lively.

I looked at the back of the man holding my hand in front of me, he was tall, his shoulders were broad and his waist was thin, and his eyes flashed with a small light when he looked back, which was so breathtaking in the night.

We stood in the center of the crowded Lantern Street, and Song Zhixian stood opposite me, regardless of the eyes of the people around us.

His hand was held tightly with me, and I was enchanted by the love in his eyes.

I didn't understand why he suddenly stood still, and the next moment he suddenly knelt on one knee, "Qingqing, you are my god!"

"Oh my God! Oh my God!"

As Song Zhixian chanted through the crowd, there were bright fireworks blooming in the sky in the distance.

I stared blankly at the grand fireworks, blooming and withering for a moment, and in the flickering light, the light in his eyes shone with fine crystals, and when he looked at me intently, I had the illusion of being seduced.

And...... There was an awkward silence around them.

I don't know him now, is it too late?

But Song Zhixian obviously didn't want to let me go, he asked me with a smile on his face, were I happy?

And said that I don't have to lie to my little sisters in the future.

This...... It's revenge on me!

If this is the end of the matter, I can barely forgive him.

But the next morning, when the owner of the fireworks shop came to me to settle the bill, he looked at the numbers that made me dizzy......

I'm really running away from home!

A dog man who doesn't know the price of firewood and rice!

Because of this, I was so angry with Song Zhixian, and in the end he was forced to be helpless, and he couldn't coax me, and at night the cat was in the bed, dragging the corner of my clothes and calling: "Little sister, don't be angry......

I lifted the quilt and stared at the red-faced, aggrieved man with an incredible expression.

This is the first time he has called me "little sister"!

Sure enough, men will be coquettish, and women's souls will float.

Don't talk about the cost of cigarettes at this moment, I will buy him back from the fireworks factory!

The fireworks on the fifteenth caused a sensation in the entire capital, and even the masters in the palace were speculating who was so generous?

And the people's comments on Song Zhixian are gradually getting better.

After all, the people who eat melons have no memory, and they like to watch some gossip about love and love.

According to Song Zhixian's actions that night, someone wrote a script called "Three Hundred and Sixty-five Days of Indifferent Jinyiwei and Little Wife".

directly exploded, and launched Xu major teahouses and bookstores.

The jokes in there are all made up, but they have a nose and an eye.

The crowd even said, "Sure enough, it's a real couple, it's just a good thing!"

I was curious about the content of the story, so I bought a book to read, but Song Zhixian saw it.

Since he knew that I had no resistance to coquettishness, he completely liberated the soft and cute self in his heart.

is still cold and cold to the outside, and when he closes the door, he is a coquettish ghost of "sister hugging, Qingqing kiss".

After he read the greasy plot in the script, he forced me to play it out with him one by one.

The character design has completely collapsed!

[End of this story]

The day before I got married, I had a mind reading, and my newlywed's heart squeaked and screamed