
(END) I have been charitable since I was a child, saving lives and helping the wounded, but I didn't expect that doing good deeds would overturn the car

author:A small bok choy

The champion of civil and military affairs visited me one after another within a day, saying that he wanted to marry me.

When I was in a dilemma, the emperor also came to the door to ask for marriage, saying that he had admired me for a long time.

For the first time, I experienced the result of a fish farming overturn, pretending to have a headache, and even the doctor I saw was my old friend.

God knows, I just like to raise fish and don't like to be responsible!


I am my father's only daughter, and my father is the richest man in Liangzhou City, and my family is like a cornucopia, and I can't spend all the money.

Therefore, since I was a child, I have been willing to give charity, such as soup kitchen, saving lives and helping the wounded, and so on. It's not that I'm good by nature, it's that my father said that to be a man is to gain fame and fortune, especially if we are businessmen, we need to have a good reputation.

Therefore, I always took my father's words to heart, and I also found joy in scattering money. However, I didn't expect that doing good deeds would overturn!


I was in the Zhuangzi summer vacation, happy as a melon thief, my father sent someone to urge me to hurry back, saying that someone came to the door to ask to marry me.

I was shocked and puzzled, "There are so many people who want to marry me, is it possible that they want to marry me?" The little girl said worriedly, "Miss, there are two of you here this time."

"It's useless even if it's ten." I held the melon and continued to nibble.

"It's this year's civil and military champion, and he has a token of love with Miss."

I was so frightened that I immediately stood up, and the melons fell: "Do you know their names?"

The little guy thought for a moment and said, "One surnamed Fei, and the other surnamed Wen."

Xiaohe is worthy of being the most intimate girl by my side, and she took out the account book early and started rummaging. In the time of half a burnt incense, I found the names of more than a dozen people, and I was shocked: "So many?"

"Miss, this still excludes some impossible options, otherwise more." Xiaohe said intimately.

In recent years, I have been more enthusiastic about investing money in the imperial examination, thinking that if one is admitted, I will return to my roots, but, people, there are always many ungrateful people, and I don't care about small money. However, I never expected that this year I would be able to meet two people who are grateful for the reward, shocked!


On the way back, Xiaohe and I turned over suspicious candidates, and we didn't choose reliable ones, Xiaohe said, "Won't you know when you see someone later?"

I solemnly said, "What if I don't recognize it?"

You know, among these people I sponsor, I give them recognition for those who are mediocre, and if they are outstanding, I will send a token of love to satisfy my yearning for talented and beautiful women. However, I don't know if they were lucky enough to fail the test, or if I had poor vision, so I chose some of the ones that didn't work, anyway, none of them came back to propose marriage over the years.

So much so that now I realize that I am actually a person who is a good dragon of Ye Gong.


Fortunately, my father is reliable, and as soon as I came back, I got the news that my father asked me.

Although there are not many, at least the name is known, but it may not be able to match the master, Wen Huizhi, Wen Huizhi, and Wu Zhuangyuan Fei Youran.

The two of them were also patient, and they waited until I came back, and as soon as they met, I had an impression, for no other reason, that is, they looked outstanding.

Wen Hui's face is like a crown of jade, but there is a mole between the eyelids, which is just right. Fei Youran was born with a harmless baby face, in fact, he has infinite strength, and he is especially able to eat, he can eat more than a dozen bowls of rice in one meal, which made me stunned.

"Ah Yan, didn't we say that we would come to the door and ask you to marry you after I got my fame?"

"Ah Yan, didn't you promise to marry me?"

When the two of them saw me and said at the same time, I was shocked to hear it, where did I think that the two of them were so affectionate and righteous, and they both soared and still remembered what I said casually. My father secretly gave me a look, I decisively pretended to be dizzy, and cooperated with Xiaohe.


However, I didn't expect them to come with the Imperial Doctor, and I made a mistake!

Fortunately, the Taiyi people are not bad, they didn't expose me in person, and helped me perfunctory. When the others left, I just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, but I heard the imperial doctor say, "It turns out that what Ah Yun told me was all a lie to me."

I chuckled in my heart, won't this also take my love token, is it a clash with me this year?

"Ah Yan, don't pretend, I know you're awake, and you don't want me to prick you with a needle."

I had no choice but to open my eyes and listen to him say leisurely, "Ah Yun is amorous, don't you remember who I am?"

My mind spun around and I said before he could speak, "You're a little round, how could I not remember you?"

"Then tell me my full name."

Oh, it's over, where do I remember this!


"Zhang Yuan?" As soon as I spoke, I saw him squint, and immediately changed his words, "Lantern Festival, it must be this!"

As a result, I was wrong again, after guessing a few names in a row, his face was almost black, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Miss, I'm Fang Yuan."

I defended, "You know, I don't have a good memory."

Fang Yuan was dismissive of my explanation: "Then you promised me that you won't count?"

My brain was spinning rapidly, and I only hated that Xiaohe was not around, and I couldn't take out the ledger to turn it over with me. Fortunately, Fang Yuan was born with great characteristics, and he was white and chubby and likable since he was a child, otherwise, I am afraid that I really won't be able to remember it at all.

I met Fang Yuan when I was young, when my mother was seriously ill and invited Doctor Huo to come and see, and Fang Yuan was Doctor Huo's little apprentice. At that time, he was more mellow than now, like a New Year's doll.

I scratched my head against Fang Yuan's scrutinizing gaze, I couldn't remember what kind of pie I had drawn for Fang Yuan in the past, but looking at his current posture of collecting debts, I was very unconfident and said, "I also gave you a token of love?"

"Are all Ah Yan's tokens wholesaled? That's a lot."

I think I should retort loudly, how could I be such a child's playful person, even sending love tokens wholesale, which does not conform to my character of beauty and money at all, of course I spent a lot of money to customize. But now in this posture, I was still silent, and shook my head at him.

Fang Yuan said, "Ah Yun still think about it."

Seeing that he turned around to leave, I quickly grabbed his sleeve: "We got acquainted, you can help me deal with the two outside first, please."

Fang Yuan raised his eyebrows: "Ah Yun and the champion of civil and military affairs don't all know each other, if I help you today, will you also join others to deceive me like this in the future."

It really pierced my heart, I fell on the bed and wanted to cry, Fang Yuan said, "I can help you cope with it for a day or two, and then I can't help."


My dad and I spent the night discussing what to do, and my dad said, "If there is only one, it would be the icing on the cake, but how can you give two people at the same time."

I looked down and whispered, "More than two." It's just that the two who came here are more conscientious, but they are so conscientious that it makes my conscience hurt!

"You girl!"

"Didn't you say Daddy, do you want to do good deeds?"

My dad slapped the table angrily, "Then did I tell you to play with other people's feelings?"

I tried to argue, "How can this be called a toy, am I not giving my feelings? Even if I don't talk about feelings, I still paid the money, isn't it that I have lost a little more?"

I've always been clean and self-conscious, and I've always been single-minded, but feelings come and go quickly. What's more, I never promised to be with anyone. So, you can't rely on me.

"Bad luck at home!" My dad shook his head.

"Dad, now is not the time to talk about this, the two of them live in our house, we can't let them eat and drink like this all the time."

I wanted to let them go out to live, but they didn't know what was going on, so they wouldn't leave, so they could only stay, so I didn't dare to run away in my own house.

Knowing that today, I would have restrained myself a little at the beginning.

"Do you still want to ask them for money?"

"Why not?"

"Then you go." My dad pointed to my head and said, I waved my hand, "It's not appropriate for me to go, why don't you go?"


Fang Yuan's words, the two of them really listened to them, but they only let me be quiet for two days before they came to the door together.

It's hard for me!

I prefer Wen Huizhi's beauty, but I am not willing to be innocent, but the result of this is that they are-for-tat, and I am not right.

After just one morning, I couldn't take it anymore and suggested to them, "In that case, why don't we make do with the three of us?"

Anyway, no matter how bad it is, it can't be more than now. But as soon as my words fell, the two of them changed their faces together, Wen Huizhi immediately turned cold, and a pair of Danfeng eyes looked at me coldly, which scared me. As for Fei Youran, her eyes immediately filled with tears, and she was shaking, looking at me with her eyes blank. I felt deeply guilty, unforgivable.

If there are two of me, it would be good to divide them equally.

"What do you say?"

Fei Youran was the first to speak: "Ah Yun should naturally marry me, didn't Ah Yun say that he likes me the most?"

Wen Hui said: "Obviously, I met Ah Yun first."

The two suddenly spoke together, "Ah Yan, you won't give someone else's token, right?"

I cautiously said, "How could it not be?"


Fei Youran and I met at the docks, and I went to inspect the business, and I happened to meet him working at the docks. They are also workers, others carry two bags of goods, he can carry six bags, standing out from the crowd, so it is difficult for me not to see.

After asking the steward, I found out that he was a newcomer, and he had a lot of strength, but he also ate a lot, and he ate all the daily wages in his hand. Looking at Fei Youran, who was like a hill, I felt that it was a bit overkill to put him on the dock to carry things, so it was better to be a bodyguard by my side.

I gave Xiaohe a look, and she understood that she would take someone to talk to Fei Youran in detail. There is no need to think about the result, Fei Youran is naturally full of promises. But after he came to me, I found that the steward did not exaggerate the truth at all, and that Fei Youran was able to do and eat, and that he did more work and ate more than others.

He is simple by nature, and when I treat him well, he will repay him tenfold and hundredfold, and he is simply obedient to my words, like a caring big dog, biting the thief fiercely, and waging his tail at me with his red fur, I really like him so much.

The incident happened six months later, when he said that he had heard that his brother might be in the capital and wanted to go to look for his relatives. I remember his brow and eyes on his face when he said this, as if if I objected, he would stay for me.

But I agreed with him to leave, and gave him the money, and he turned it away with a red face, and I said, "Is the friendship between you and me comparable to this silver?"

"Ah Yun really thinks so?" When he heard this, his eyes lit up, and he looked at me, and if there was a tail behind him, he would have waged it.


He blushed: "Ah Yan, don't worry, no matter whether I can find my brother or not, I will definitely come back."

There are so many people who say this to me, but very few have returned, so I don't have much emotion about this, but as always, I wish him a smooth journey. If he can have a better chance in the capital, it doesn't matter if he can't come back or not. I like him, but I just like him.


And Wen Huizhi, my acquaintance with him is more dramatic, and it can be regarded as a hero saving beauty.

There are always some gentlemen in the city who like to bully people, Wen Huizhi is one of the targets of their bullying, the reason is simple and ridiculous, it is nothing more than Wen Huizhi was born poor, and he is motivated, so he is always praised by his master, which makes them dissatisfied.

I couldn't get used to them bullying people like this, so I helped Wen Huizhi and sent someone to their house to complain fiercely. Originally, this matter ended here, but they pay attention to gratitude and gratitude, and I, who happened to have a bit of a lustful problem, went back and forth, and Wen Huizhi slowly became acquainted.

But unlike Fei Youran, he is more reserved, always wanting to refuse and welcome, like a noble and cold cat, he will tease me with his snow-white paws when I am not paying attention.

The straightforward love words are not the slightest bit exciting to me, but the quiet ambiguity I find interesting. The relationship between us is a tear back and forth, Xiaohe is anxious in his eyes, and asks me more than once why I don't pick it out.

"That's boring."

She was puzzled: "But I see that Gongzi Wen is really interested in you, and even your favorite scriptbook has been retrieved for you."

"Am I not interested in him?" I asked rhetorically.

Seeing that Xiaohe was still puzzled, I said, "He is a scholar, smart and motivated, and he will fly out sooner or later, and I think Liangzhou City is very good."

On the day of farewell, he asked me bluntly for the first time, "Would you like to wait for me to come back?"

I smiled and gave him a jade pendant, "I will always stay in Liangzhou."


Scenes from the past came to mind, but I didn't expect that there would be a day in the crematorium today, and I was racking my brains to make it up, when I saw Xiaohe running over in a hurry.

Seeing this, I hurriedly beckoned her over, thinking that there was finally a reason to slip away, but Xiaohe whispered in my ear, "There is another Xu Gongzi, who also said that he had an old relationship with Miss."

My heart that had just fallen in my stomach hung up again, and I pulled out the account book in her arms, flipped through it and looked at it again and again, puzzled: "The two surnamed Xu are both nearly half a hundred years old, maybe they are just here to repay the favor."

Xiaohe hurriedly said, "Miss, you listen to me first."

After that, she took two more breaths, and I made up my mind that I must exercise Xiaohe well from tomorrow, at least next time she can finish one thing in one breath.

"He's the one you picked up earlier."

I was so scared that I even dropped the ledger, I picked up a beautiful little fool, but wasn't he sent away by me? Now that you're back, you won't want to take revenge on me!

I turned my head to look at Wen Huizhi and Fei Youran in the pavilion, and had a thought in my heart, so I grabbed Xiao He and said, "You go to find Fang Yuan, if we can't get over later, we will still be the old way."


I haven't seen him for a few years, and the little fool is getting more and more provocative, it seems that life is also good, why do you like to take revenge?

When he saw me, a smile immediately appeared on his face: "Ah Yan, I'm here to fulfill my promise, does what you said still count?"

I wanted to say no, but remembering the tall bodyguards he had just seen at the door, I swallowed back and asked him how he was doing.

He spoke to me warmly about the situation, and I learned that soon after he returned, he remembered what had happened, and then he endured the humiliation and snatched the family business from his bad-hearted uncle, and the family business became more and more prosperous in his hands.

Seeing him like this, I couldn't help but feel that I was discerning, and praised him a few words, and he immediately said, "I have done so much, just to marry Ah Yan."

Ah, I saw Xiaohe probing at the door, and decisively decided to pretend to faint. In case of indecision, I dragged it first, pretended to stand up, and then shook it slightly, Xiaohe rushed over to support me, and the scene was chaotic for a while.

Then, things are out of my schedule. Fang Yuan came over to check my pulse, although I closed my eyes, I also knew the next routine, as a result, I only heard him plop and kneel, Xiaohe gasped. I was wondering when I heard Fang Yuan say, "See the emperor."

Emperor? Is this one in my script? Then I heard people kneeling on the ground, and Xiaohe whispered in my ear by helping me, "Miss, it seems that we are finished this time."


I heard Xu Zhixing shouting to calm down, and when I heard him ask Fang Yuan to check my pulse, Fang Yuan's hands were shaking.

I knew it was going to be over, so I decided to open my eyes and wake up again as if I was myself. Xiaohe hurriedly said, "Miss, how are you?"

I said angrily, "I'm sick."

My father was also very powerful, and quickly introduced me to Xu Zhixing's identity, and I knew that Zhixing was his word. I feel very wronged, how can I, a common man, know what the emperor's words are?

Xu Zhixing said, "Ah Yan should take care of his body."

I nodded sneeringly, and he continued, "The imperial physician in the palace has the best medical skills, let them show you when the time comes."

My heart tightened, "Okay?"

"What's so bad about this, what will they share with each other after they get married."

I feel like something might be wrong with my heart, it hurts! Xu Zhixing said, "Doesn't Ah Tong want to marry me?"

"I'm just the merchant's daughter—" Before he could finish speaking, he interrupted, "It's not difficult, I can give me a knighthood."


He looked at my face and said slowly, "Don't worry, it's not a problem."

I thought that there were two more people in the backyard, and I felt that it was even more difficult to do, and I thought that it would not work, so I took them out to block it. It's okay now, I'm going to block them, who makes the emperor the biggest?

When I think about this in the middle of the night, I have to sit up and slap myself hard, so that you can pick up people casually!


I was very entangled, Xu Zhixing took a step back and didn't force me to give an answer on the spot. However, before I could be happy, I heard him say that he would also live in my house.

"Isn't that okay?" I looked at my dad frantically as I spoke, and my dad received my eyes and hurriedly helped me to say, hoping that Xu Zhixing would die.

But he didn't: "It's okay, I used to live in the Jinfang Pavilion in the east, so I can live there again."

This is even worse, Wen Huizhi and Fei Youran live in the east, if Xu Zhixing lives in the past, I don't dare to think about that scene, so I have to find a way to let him go to the Xiyuan in the west to live.

Seeing that he was relieved, I hurriedly asked Xiaohe to take them over, and when I turned around, he suddenly said, "Didn't Imperial Doctor Fang return to his hometown with Wen Zhuangyuan? Why are you here now?"

Fang Yuan shrank back, and was asked by Xu Zhixing, as if he was scared stupid, I hurriedly stepped forward to hold Xu Zhixing and diverted my gaze: "He has an old relationship with my house."


Fang Yuan seemed to ease up, and when he talked about the old incident of his master's treatment for my mother, he finally dispelled Xu Zhixing's suspicions.

As soon as they left, I sat down in my chair, looking bored. Where is this, and what can I do in the future?

It's better to be entangled between Wen Huizhi and Fei Youran like before, at least, they are all on the same starting line, and no one can help anyone? Well, now that a valuable Xu Zhixing suddenly came, don't you just finish it!

My father said, "Now, you don't have to be so pessimistic, think about the good, at least he still thinks about you."

"In just three years, he uprooted King Ning and regained power, where is such a person a vegetarian?" I still know how many catties and taels I have, Xu Zhixing is not someone I can control at all, if he is really a fool, maybe he can make my heart move even more.

"Also, it's easy to please God and it's hard to send God, I said back then, don't pick up all the messy people back." Speaking of old things, my dad couldn't help but complain.

I don't like to hear this: "But don't you think he is good-looking, don't forget, you sold him in the first place."

My dad quickly covered my mouth: "You can't say that."


Xu Zhixing was picked up by me, and I sold it with my father.

After all, I can't blame my dad and me for this, after all, we did save him. But he was born too outstandingly, although he was stupid, but he learned things quickly, and he was a child. Not only do I like him, but my dad also thinks he's good and wants to match us.

According to my father's meaning, Xu Zhixing can also be regarded as having a kitchen in the hall, and he can barely match me. When the eight characters have not been skimmed, something happened.

Xu Zhixing's family came over, skipped him personally, and went directly to me and my father. Many prerequisites have been laid, but the central idea is to let Xu Zhixing follow them, and they will give us a trade route. Those of us who do business naturally can't stand the temptation of money, not to mention, we have also calculated that if we toast and don't eat and drink, it is likely to be the end of hitting a stone with an egg.

No matter how good Xu Zhixing is, it's not worth losing my family's life. So, don't even think about it, of course, it's pretending to agree when you see money, leaving them with the impression of being greedy for money.

After sending Xu Zhixing away, we also got the promised benefits, and our business went to the next level. It's just that Xu Zhixing has become a taboo for us. Whether he is good or bad, we want to have nothing to do with him again.

But I never expected that now we have ushered in the worst ending, he turned out to be the emperor, and he came back to marry me. How dare I agree, who doesn't know the iron-blooded methods of the current emperor, I don't go to the teahouse on weekdays to listen to his drama against King Ning.

Now, the villain turned out to be myself.


I had a headache, and Fang Yuan came to see a doctor, saying that I was overly worried.

"You and I have known each other for a while, and now that this happens, how can I not worry." I spread my hands out, and I have nothing to love.

Fang Yuan lowered his head and wrote Fang Zi to me, and said casually, "Isn't that your morning?"

"It's human nature to be lustful, right?"

He handed the prescription to Xiaohe, asked her to boil the medicine according to the prescription, turned to me and said, "I don't understand."

I looked at him suspiciously, only to hear him say slowly, "I have always taken Ah Yun's words to heart, because Ah Yun and I are the same." As I spoke, I saw him rubbing the worn-out purse, and I remembered that it had also been embroidered when I was just learning to needle.

I can't imagine that after so many years, he still treasures it, but I still can't help but want to defend myself, if he is sincere, how can he not communicate with me for so many years. He and Doctor Huo have traveled all over the world, but my Qian family's ancestors have stayed in Liangzhou City for generations.

As if he had a mind reading skill, he looked up at me, and his dark eyes were full of profundity, "After saying goodbye that year, the master took me to the capital, and later, the first emperor's concubine Wang was seriously ill, and the master was elected to the palace, cured the concubine, and was left in the palace by the first emperor as a doctor."

It's just that his voice changed: "But there is too much privacy in the palace, and the master will soon be involved in it." At this point, there was a sadness in his words, and I couldn't help but ask, "What about later?"

"After Master went, I was a man with my tail between my legs in the Tai Hospital, and I finally survived until His Majesty took power and cleaned up the whole Tai Hospital, so that I had a bright future. When Master Wen returned to his hometown, he borrowed someone from the Tai Hospital, and I heard that his ancestral home was Liangzhou, so I was willing to come."

He doesn't need to say the rest of the words, I also understand. Simply substituting, I felt like I was a scumbag, but I looked at Fang Yuan and said, "You have been living so hard, but there is no shortage of fat on your body."

He smiled shyly: "I haven't been easy to lose weight since I was a child, could it be that Ah Yan doesn't believe me?"


After catching up, I talked to him about the troubles in front of me, and there was a hint of happiness in his tone: "I thought that in Ah Yun's heart, I was not as good as the two champions, but now it seems that this is not the case."

Only then did I remember that I still managed to hide those two, but Fang Yuan dared to be bright and bright under the emperor's nose.

"Otherwise, I will tell them, I like you, why don't you marry?"

Fang Yuan waved his hand again and again: "Even if Ah Yun can't make a promise, he doesn't need to take revenge, right?"

"Didn't you say you wanted to marry me?"

A smile erupted on his chubby face, "That was before."

"You help me think of a way, after this level, I won't marry you."

"You're embarrassing me."

I looked at Fang Yuan for a while, and said in a low voice, "Since you know how to heal, why don't you poison them?"

"You're crazy, it's a great crime to kill a king." His voice was extremely low, but I could also hear his panic, it seemed that Xu Zhixing was really a person who held grudges, otherwise, how could Fang Yuan be so afraid.

"What then?"

He thought about it for a long time, but he was really helpless, and hesitated to suggest that if I really can't do it, I will have a bowl of water.


Duanshui, I am very experienced, but now there is an emperor among these people that I can't afford to offend, so I can't play with all my intrigues.

I tried to get my dad up to him, but he was already working on carving a tablet for himself, and asked me if I needed one.

"You don't have to be so pessimistic, do you?"

My father was heartbroken and said, "Have you figured it out?"

"Always give it a try."

My father ignored me and lowered his head to engrave, and I joked, "Maybe they won't be able to extricate themselves from me, and then I can say a few words and they will get along."

My father sighed, "You think this is a script, if you want me to say, there must be a ghost!"

Actually, I think it's also the same, there can't be such a coincidence in the world, but I can't even find a breakthrough. After thinking about it, I think it's better to go to Fei Youran first.

When I tried to get the conversation up to that, he said, "I just like Ah Yun, but I don't want Ah Yun to be so amorous."

"I swear, you're the last." Not long after Fei Youran left, the family's business went wrong, I was busy for half a year to get it done, and then I gave myself a long vacation, and before I could find a new person, I overturned.

"I don't dare to believe Ah Yan's words."

"And what do you want me to do?"

He pulled the jade pendant and slapped it on the table: "If you keep your promise, I will believe it."

Seeing that he insisted on doing so, I gritted my teeth and stomped my foot, "It's fine, but you must send the others away first."

Shock flashed on Fei Youran's face, and then he was happy: "Ah Yun, I know that you like me the most, what's so good about that little white face who can read."

I looked down and played with my fingers, "It's not just Wen Huizhi."

"Ah Yan!" He raised his voice and looked at me incredulously, and I said, "That day, Xiaohe came to me, but in fact, there was another one."

"Who is it?"

I lowered my voice and said, "It's your boss."

Fei Youran didn't react for a while, so I had to say, "It's the one sitting on the dragon chair."

Fei Youran reflexively stood up, staring at me with her hands on the table, as if trying to stare me out of a hole, and her baby's face was full of incredulity. After a while, he should have accepted this before slowly sitting down, "Ah Yan, I went to the capital to find my brother this time, and the reason why I was able to be admitted to the martial arts champion was because my brother encouraged me to give it a try."

Although Fei Youran has been here for a few days, we haven't talked much about it, and suddenly I heard him say this, and I was also happy for him: "Great, I wanted to ask, but I'm afraid that you didn't get what you wanted, and mentioning it will make you unhappy."

"If it were someone else, it would be fine, but I'm not alone now, I always have to think about my family."

I knew what he meant, and I didn't feel any disappointment, but I felt that he was doing the right thing. If I was really impulsive, it was because I was blind in the first place.

I nodded, and he continued, "Ah Yan, it's not that I look down on you, it's just that it's the Son of Heaven, if you really marry in the past, in the future—"

Before he could finish his sentence, I interrupted: "I know, I'm not stupid."

He grinned at me and said, "That's good, if you can use me in the future, I'll help you."


I went to find Wen Huizhi, and I thought he would be as easy to pass as Fei Youran, but after hearing this, he fell into deep thought, and I felt a little uncomfortable.

He stared at me for a moment, and then said softly, "Do you think I'm inferior to Your Majesty?"


Actually, if there weren't so many accidents, I think Wen Huizhi, Fei Youran and Fang Yuan are all good candidates, they know the roots, and they all have some skills, so they won't come to gnaw at my family business.

"Then Ah Yun prefers Your Majesty?"

I bowed my head: "Your Majesty is the Son of Heaven, how dare I talk about whether I like it or not?"

He leaned over my ear and whispered, "In that case, is Ah Yun willing?"

I looked up and looked at him, and when I saw his undisguised ambition, my heart tightened, and I just listened to him say step by step: "I am sincere to Ah Yun, and I must always think about Ah Yun."

His words gave me a delusion like thunder on the ground, from beginning to end, I wanted to push these people away and continue to live my happy life in Liangzhou City. But now, he showed me a more tempting path. The risks are greater, but the rewards are also more, should I be tempted?

"But I'm just a merchant girl."

"Heroes don't ask where they come from, Ah Tong is so smart, how can his background be a problem?" He whispered in my ear, "Ah, I'll always be on your side."


"Really, as true as this jade pendant."


I agreed to Xu Zhixing's proposal to marry, my father was puzzled, and I said, "Isn't this also an opportunity for us?"

My father advised me to be cautious and not to take risks, and I advised my father to be bold: "How can there be no risk at all in business?"

Even if I know that Xu Zhixing is selfish, Wen Huizhi is right, such an opportunity will only happen once in my life for me, and I have no reason not to cooperate.

Xu Zhixing was naturally happy, I took the opportunity to correct the identities of Wen Huizhi and Fei Youran, and he said, "If there is no kindness, wouldn't my Liang lose two more talents?"

"I'm just giving them money, it's their own ability to go to high school."

Xu Zhixing shook his head: "Ah Yun doesn't know, there are always a few Maxima who have met Bole."

"If you talk about Bole, it still depends on Your Majesty."

He corrected, "Ah Yan, don't call me Your Majesty, it's too rusty."

"Then what is your majesty?"

"Call my word, know the line."

I read it softly, but I was wondering if Xu Zhixing's personality would be the same as his words, the unity of knowledge and action, is he really such a bright and upright person?


Xu Zhixing gave me the title of father, and decreed to crown me as the queen, it was I who saved his life, and he should promise him. The decree was written with great affection, and I was eager to write all his friendship.

I watched it carefully several times, and I thought his writing was excellent, no wonder he could learn so quickly even if he had amnesia. It's just that when I knew that he had married a queen before me, I knew that our marriage was also one of his bargaining chips.

The last queen was chosen for him by King Ning, and as a result, King Ning fell, and the queen died of illness soon after. Anyway, it's his wife, but now he's trying his best to erase her traces, so will this be my fate in the future?

While preparing for marriage with peace of mind, I secretly took the silver and smashed a way in the capital, digging up the unspeakable things when Xu Zhixing and King Ning competed for the throne. Eventually, the night before the wedding, I pieced together a possible reason, he wanted a queen who trusted him completely and had no relatives, and my background was an excellent choice for him for the time being.

not only meets his requirements, but also promotes a wave of his affectionate personality, and when he doesn't use it one day, it's easy to get rid of it. It's just that he probably didn't expect it, and I happened to think the same way, that we are both stepping stones for each other.


After getting married, Xu Zhixing treated me very well, he gave me whatever I wanted, and the love words were one after another, lingering and compassionate. But he didn't know that one of my daily pastimes was the obedient book, and the more I listened to it, the more people hardened. Therefore, every time he said something in love, I was extremely patient, for fear that I would not be able to suppress my laughter and make the scene embarrassing.

Half a year later, good news finally came out of my belly, Xu Zhixing was overjoyed, and he couldn't wait to announce it to the world immediately. I hurriedly stopped him: "Why are you so anxious?"

"How can I not be happy?" He looked at me with tenderness on his face and couldn't wait to talk about his hopes for his children. But the more he showed his love for the child in this way, the more cold my heart became, because when the queen died, she was also pregnant.

Although I will not let myself repeat the mistakes of the king and queen, but they are all women, how can I not hurt them?

"I'm happy too." I took his hand and slowly talked about my feelings, "I didn't expect us to have a baby so soon." Seeing that he was getting happier and happier, I laughed out loud in my heart, we are both strong and strong, and we have the conditioning of the imperial doctor, it is strange to have no children.

It's just that I'm really looking forward to the arrival of this child, after all, this is the most important step in my plan.


I still overestimated Xu Zhixing's self-control.

When he was six months pregnant, he pampered a palace maid in the Heart Cultivation Palace, and I caught him. I looked disappointed and asked him why he was so contemptuous of me.

He hurriedly pulled me up, apologized to me, said that he didn't mean it, and put all the fault on the palace maid. I didn't know that the dignified emperor could be wantonly played with by a palace maid in his own palace, which is ridiculous!

"Don't you believe me?"

I pursed my lips, couldn't believe it, and turned away angrily. Xiaohe asked me privately, "Isn't Miss afraid that Your Majesty will be angry?"

"Shouldn't I be angry?"

Xu Zhixing made all kinds of peace, and even the palace maid was handed over to me to deal with. I looked at the palace maid carefully, and I had to admit that she was indeed a good look. She pleaded with me again and again, but I didn't bother to deal with it, so I only asked people to send her to the Huanyi Bureau.

Lian Rong said for me, "Why did Niang Niang let her go like this?"

"Isn't it possible that I'm going to kill her?" I said angrily, hearing me say this, Lianrong bowed her head and was silent.

After Xiaohe took people away, she said to me, "She provoked Niangniang, and it is not too much for Niangniang to kill her."

I slowly touched the child in my womb and saw that Lotus Rong thought about me like this: "It's a life."

"Mother is kind."


I gave birth to Xu Zhixing's first prince as I wished, and as soon as the child was full moon, he couldn't wait to be crowned the crown prince and amnesty the world. Even the Qian family with me was beaming, my father entered the palace to see me, and when he talked to me about these things, he couldn't help but sigh: "I thought that there were many nobles in Beijing and it was difficult to get along with, but I didn't want these nobles to know how to write the word interests."

"Daddy is relieved now?"

My dad shook his head, "When it's done, my heart will be completely grounded."

I smiled and told him not to be like this, he might as well have wine today and get drunk tomorrow, and tomorrow's sorrow will be said tomorrow, but my father said that I was narrow-minded, and I said, "How old is Qian'er, if you are willing to live with fear."

"You're my daughter, and I'm counting on you."

But within a few days of the good days, Xu Zhixing couldn't control himself anymore, Huan Ling was sent to the Huanyi Bureau by me, but the two of them could still hook up, and even became pregnant, so Xu Zhixing had to find me to confess.

I asked him in disappointment, but he said, "Ah, I am the emperor."

"And what about the two people you promised me for the rest of my life?"

"But didn't I already marry you?"

I didn't expect his patience to be so small, or maybe he couldn't appease those courtiers anymore, I was thinking about it, so I heard that he not only arranged Huanling's position, but also drafted.

"Where did Your Majesty leave me?"

"Can't you be considerate of me? Do you know how much I paid to marry you?"

I expected our quarrel to break up unhappily. originally thought that Xu Zhixing would be able to defeat King Ning in just a few years, and he would naturally be the master of Ming. But when I slowly came into contact with the center of power, I realized that the so-called emperor was also subject to the shackles of the courtiers.

As for Xu Zhixing, although he tried his best, he still did not break through. The draft is just another step back for him.


But I didn't expect that Xu Zhixing's approach still surprised me. Huan Ling told me that one of the selected show girls looks like Queen Wang.

My heart fluttered: "How similar?"

嬛ling 犹豫道: "Yu Jiu Cheng."

I thought about the time of a cup of tea, and asked Huan Ling to test whether it was really like her or her. Huan Ling was puzzled: "She was personally given death by His Majesty."

"What if it's fake?"

"Then what is Your Majesty trying to do?"

yes, what the hell is he trying to do in a big circle? Soon, Wen Huizhi's secret letter helped me answer this doubt. Wang and Xu Zhixing are also old acquaintances, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are childhood sweethearts. It's a pity that the Wang family is attached to King Ning, King Ning fell, and the Wang family was also pulled, and the Wang family naturally lost its position.

"Miss, or we did her?"

"Don't worry, I want to see how Your Majesty wants to sing this scene."

If the Wang family is his true love, then what am I, thousands of miles to marry, is it possible that he erected a target, together with my children? Sure enough, the wild man on the side of the road can't just pick it up.


Spring goes to autumn, time flies, and three years of time are fleeting.

And I also feel that I am tired of watching this scene, under my instructions, Huan Ling faced the Wang family, and Xu Zhixing actually made the Wang family make all kinds of compromises, I don't think it's worth it.

Huan Ling complained to me privately about Xu Zhixing's subordinate operation, and I comforted her casually, but she tentatively mentioned that she wanted to take revenge.

In the past, I used to draw cakes for her, but this time, instead of stopping her, I patted her hand and asked her to do it. Huan Ling, from the very beginning, was the person I chose, otherwise, how could I have come so coincidentally in the Heart Cultivation Palace? After all, Xu Zhixing can be so ruthless to the Wang family who is pregnant with his own child, and I have to be on guard.

But Huanling heard that I agreed, but her face was shocked, and I looked at her with a smile: "Aren't you happy?"

Three years is enough time for me to hold power. Just as Wen Huizhi promised back then, he worked diligently to contact the courtiers for me, and the money I sowed years ago was also rewarded. Whoever asked me to pet the merchant girl and became the queen, they didn't want me to come to the door, and they automatically climbed over to repay the favor.

But it was the first time I had done such a thing as a usurpation of the dynasty, and it was inevitable that I would be unfamiliar, and I didn't notice it for a while, and I actually heard that the Wang family was pregnant. I was dumbfounded on the spot, how could it be, obviously I had drugged Xu Zhixing early.

The next day, I summoned Fang Yuan into the palace under the pretext of wanting to care about my father, and asked him what was going on.

Fang Yuan was also puzzled, but he swore to me, "The medicine will definitely not go wrong."

"You have faith like that?"

"The heir medicine is not difficult, how can the minister mismatch it?"

I casually clasped the table, and it was a flash of inspiration, it was Xu Zhixing who couldn't give birth, and it wasn't Wang, and it wasn't impossible for her to be pregnant. Thinking about this possibility, I thought it was even more interesting how things were going to turn out.


I wanted to let Huan Ling go to the test, but after calling someone over, I hesitated, and randomly found an excuse to send Huan Ling away. After thinking about it, I thought it was better for me to test the Wang family by myself, but I didn't expect that just a few ambiguous words would make her show her feet, and her child was really not Xu Zhixing's.

"Concubine Yu, if Your Majesty knows, you say, will he do this?"

Wang knelt down and begged me, with tears in his beautiful eyes, begging me to let them go.

"As the queen, how can I deceive Your Majesty, let alone that you really deserve to die."

Wang said: "Qian Tong, don't think he is a good person, he also spoiled me like a treasure back then, but he didn't send my whole family to the guillotine, should I be grateful to Dade if he spared my life?"

"But didn't he spare your life?"

"He might as well kill me! Let me lose everything, and now I can only go incognito, is this what he likes?" After that, she wiped away her tears and said, "You and I are both women, so why bother each other?"

"But if you give birth to this child, it will affect me."

Her eyes fluttered, and she suddenly smiled, looking gentle and virtuous: "It's Your Majesty who is eccentric, not me and the child, if there is no Your Majesty, won't no one be eccentric?"

I was shocked, staring at Wang in a daze, frightened by her words, she seemed to really think it was a good idea: "I use Your Majesty's life to surrender to Niangniang, can Niangniang let me go?"

"Since you have this ability, what do you use me for?"

"I just want a place to be safe."


Things began to develop in a strange direction, Wang somehow wanted to surrender to me like crazy, and Huan Ling couldn't wait to sharpen his knife.

Xiaohe was uneasy and asked me if I should do something, and I was relieved, "Let them do it, as long as it doesn't involve us."

Anyway, now their spearhead is Xu Zhixing, and it's not me, so I don't want to bother with it.

"But what if they turn against the water?"

"What are you afraid of, don't forget that they are all chaotic parties, so it's good to find a reason to do it at will when the time comes."

After that, I asked how my father was doing, and Xiaohe said, "The master hasn't come back yet, maybe I can surprise the master?"

We looked at each other and smiled, and everything was silent. Xiaohe gave me the account book, I flipped through it, and felt that there were still few people, so I asked her to continue to scatter silver, "How can everyone be talented?"

"It's not just talent, it's just a skill." Silver has always been easy to use. In the past, in Liangzhou City, I could use silver to make a good name, but now it is as easy to use it in another place.

Thinking of this, I suddenly thought of Wen Huizhi, and I couldn't help but feel a headache. We worked well together, but I always felt that his ambition was getting bigger and bigger, and I didn't want to fight with the tiger. But for a while, I couldn't find a better one than him, and I was really entangled.

Lian Rong came in with Fang Yuan, saying that she wanted to ask for peace and security, I waved my hand, and Xiaohe stepped back.

Fang Yuan checked the pulse and said that I had been overthinking recently, so I asked the lotus paste to pour tea, and said casually: "Concubine Yu is happy, Your Majesty is so happy, how can this palace not worry?"

"It is good to have more children and more blessings."

As if I had been woken up suddenly, I took a sip of tea and hurriedly made up for it: "I am pregnant in October, and I am afraid that it will be bad if something happens."

"That Niangniang should also relax her heart, so as not to hurt her body, and prescribe a dose of calming decoction for Niangniang."

"No need, just use the last one." I stopped Fang Yuan and asked Lotus Rong to decoct the medicine according to the previous prescription.


When Qian'er was four years old, Xu Zhixing finally died.

When he took the seven-month-pregnant Wang out of the palace to observe the people's situation, he was assassinated by an unknown assassin. Originally, he could have escaped, but in order to protect the Wang family and the child, he was stabbed by the assassins, and when he returned to the palace, he only had one breath left.

And the Wang family was born prematurely, and the palace was in chaos. I wanted to put this matter down first, but I didn't want to come all the way back and make a big fuss. Taking the opportunity to meet Wen Huizhi, I preemptively asked him if he was the person he arranged.

He was astonished and hurriedly said, "If the minister did it, he would have poisoned the sword."


"Mother doesn't believe in the minister?" Seeing that I was leaving, he hurriedly grabbed my sleeve, and I glared at him, "Don't pull and pull here."

"Your Majesty is dying, what else is Niangniang worried about?"

"How do you know he's not going to work?"

"Whether he can do it or not, he will die today." He whispered.

Somehow, I suddenly missed Wen Huizhi a little bit in the past, at that time, he was still a decent gentleman, and now, he feels a little scheming.

"I'll go take a look."

A group of imperial doctors surrounded Xu Zhixing, sweating profusely, and I was about to say a few words of appeasement, when I saw Lianrong hurriedly come over and tell me that the Wang family had given birth to a stillborn baby.

"What's going on?"

"Do you want to go over and have a look?"

Before I could speak, Xiaohe reprimanded, "What kind of thing is she, Your Majesty is still lying now, how can Niangniang go over!"

Lian Rong hesitated, and I told Xiaohe to shut up first: "You go over to take care of Concubine Yu for me first, and I'll go over later."

I called Fang Yuan out and asked him if Xu Zhixing was saved in the end, he shook his head slightly, and the heart I was hanging on finally landed, "Then you still surround it?" I thought you could really bring him back to life."

"Even if you can't save it, you have to pretend to do your best, what does the mother say?"

"Can Your Majesty wait until tomorrow?"

"I'm afraid I can't."

I was finally relieved, and then I told him about the Wang family, but he suddenly solved my confusion: "A few months ago, the minister added something more to Concubine Yu's medicine."

I immediately understood why the Wang family wanted to get rid of Xu Zhixing as if he was crazy, I thought it was her who changed her mind, but it turned out to be a problem with medicine, "What about her child?"

"It's not about the minister." He immediately cleared himself, and I didn't bother to bother with him, but just commanded, "Don't hide this kind of thing from me in the future."

"I didn't plan to hide it from my mother, but I just didn't find a chance to say it." He said respectfully.

I don't think it's right, if he wants to find an opportunity, then there is an opportunity, since my father left Beijing with the caravan, Fang Yuan has returned to the Tai Hospital, taking care of Qian'er on weekdays, how can there be no chance?

But now, I didn't bother to study it, so I put it down gently.


Xu Zhixing died, and Qian'er, as the crown prince, is the undoubted heir. It's just that Qian'er is too young, and the government is naturally discussed by me, the queen mother, and the ministers. Although there are not a few people in the court, it is not that no one disagrees with me, so it makes me unhappy from time to time.

It wasn't until Huan Ling came over to ask me to resign that I remembered that Xu Zhixing had been dead for half a year.

Huan Ling is beautiful, I naturally don't want her to leave, what is good outside, it is better to stay in the palace and have no worries about food and clothing.

"Niangniang's mind and concubine body know, but the concubine body has already thought it through."

"Really figured it out?"

She nodded slowly under my gaze, and I said, "Have you really thought it through, or are you afraid that I will settle accounts after the fall?"

As soon as I said this, her face immediately changed, but she still resisted stubbornly: "What does this mean?"

"What do you mean?" I repeated with a smile, "The Emperor was assassinated, how can he still come back with a breath?"

She was silent, and I bent down to lift her face: "Huanling, didn't I say let him die outside?"

"But don't they all end the same?"

"Same? You should be glad that the assassin was ruthless, and he only had one breath left, otherwise I would have killed you alive." Through his eyes, I saw that I was ruthless, and it was really different from the one I remembered.

"Mother's life." She begged for mercy again and again, just like the scene when I was messed up with Xu Zhixing in the Heart Cultivation Palace, but I have already given her a chance, but she herself doesn't know how to cherish it.

Disposed of Huanling, I thought of Wang and asked her about her situation. Xiaohe said, "Why did Niangniang think of her?"

"What's wrong?"

"Ever since her child is gone, she's really crazy, and if you want me to say, maybe there's something wrong with Doctor Fang's medicine?" Speaking of the back, Xiaohe complained a little more, and when he told me about Wang's crazy appearance, I waved my hand again and again, indicating that I didn't want to hear it.

Xiaohe said: "That lady has found a way to send it down, otherwise, she will always come back to me."

I pressed my temple, "Send her out of the palace."

"She's crazy!"

Wang's relatives have long been disposed of by Xu Zhixing, and finally had a lover, and he died in order to save the car when he was assassinated, and she herself didn't even keep the child, how can you say that she is not pitiful?

"You're annoyed to leave her behind."

Xiaohe frowned and said dissatisfiedly: "It's a life, so let's stay in the palace."

"Okay, you know that our little lotus girl is the most kind."


Fei Youran came back from a victory, but I had a dispute with Wen Huizhi about the reward. He thought I was too generous, I thought he was too stingy, and he said, "Since Niangniang thinks about him like this, why don't you choose a good wife for him?"

I looked at Wen Huizhi: "Wen Qing is not married now, is she trying to take this opportunity to complain about herself?"

"Ah Yan!" He seemed to be so angry with me that he blurted out "Ah Yan" who hadn't shouted for a long time.

"Didn't I say that? Wen Qing doesn't know how many girls have already secretly promised you, Mrs. Jingping Hou talked to me a few days ago."

He lowered his voice, "You know who I'm waiting for?"

"Then Wen Qing has to wait."

"You can afford to wait."

I didn't back down from his unabashed gaze, but looked at him. I'm going to see how true his heart is.

"You can afford to wait, how do you know that others can't wait."

He stretched out his hand and trapped me in the chair, "Why does Niang Niang like to eat and sleep so much?"

I pressed his hand, "Don't say it so badly, like I promised someone?"

"Ah Yun is really ruthless!"

"If I had been ruthless, I would have had someone drag you out."

When I was younger, I didn't believe in sincerity, but now I like to play on the spot, after all, how could I give up everything at my fingertips for a man. Queen Mother, but it is my first step, one day, I will sit on that dragon chair openly.


(END) I have been charitable since I was a child, saving lives and helping the wounded, but I didn't expect that doing good deeds would overturn the car

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