
I think I'll spend the rest of my life walking with him through all the prosperity of the world

author:A small bok choy
I think I'll spend the rest of my life walking with him through all the prosperity of the world
I think I'll spend the rest of my life walking with him through all the prosperity of the world
I think I'll spend the rest of my life walking with him through all the prosperity of the world
I think I'll spend the rest of my life walking with him through all the prosperity of the world


In the days that followed, Madame Qi sent a butler to familiarize me with everything about the Qi family, including the powers I had as a young lady.

The Qi family is not more luxurious and complex than the Yun family, but reveals order and rigor in simplicity. The management of the Qi family is very strict, that day Mrs. Qi said that the Qi family does not have so many rules, in fact, it should be that Qi Zhan does not have so many rules.

If Qi Zhan wasn't his father's old son, I'm afraid he wouldn't be spoiled with this character.

But although he is sometimes unreliable, I have to admit that he was raised very well by Mrs. Qi, otherwise he would not be the third son of Qi who haunted the girls in Beicheng.

And the only ridiculous thing he did was probably to find Xuanxuan in Chunfeng Building, but this can also be a harmless embellishment in his romantic history.

At the same time, I also learned that Qi Zhan is very rich, the kind of rich person who can let him do nothing for the rest of his life, but he can also have fine clothes and food.

I closed the ledger in my hand and thought silently, as long as Qi Zhan doesn't go too far, it seems that it is not bad to be a young lady of Qi with peace of mind.

On this day, I had nothing to do, wandering around the yard, and happened to come to an attic, which seemed to be Qi Zhan's private treasury.

I have seen all the assets on Qi Zhanming's face, but I have never seen this private treasury, so I prepared to take a look at it on a whim. When I walked to the door, the doorkeeper stopped me and said coldly, "You can't enter without the permission of your son."

I raised my eyebrows, noncommittal. It doesn't matter if you look at the things inside or not, the main thing is that this girl's attitude makes me feel uncomfortable.

I left seemingly unconcerned, turned around and went to find Qi Zhan. Qi Zhan practiced calligraphy in the study,

After listening to this, he handed me the jade pendant on his waist with an expression of "you have a lot to do", and asked, "What do you see, are you afraid that I can't afford to support you?"

He was talking nonsense, and I was also talking nonsense: "I'm a little lover who sees if your things can be raised." After speaking, he slipped away without looking at his darkened face.

This loft is divided into three floors, and there is a lot of stuff inside. As I walked up the wooden staircase, I saw a lot of rare treasures, such as the purple jade Ruyi that appeared in the North City auction last year, the starting price was already astronomical, and my father originally wanted to give it to me as a birthday present, but I was persuaded by "it's too stupid to spend so much money on a broken stone".

Unexpectedly, the fool turned out to be Qi Zhan.

Turning around the shelves full of ancient books, I caught a glimpse of a lantern in the corner, its crude workmanship very different from the atmosphere of the treasures in this room.

I got a little closer, and it looked a little familiar, and suddenly a thought flashed through my mind, and I picked it up and looked at it, and sure enough, I found the word "cloud" at the bottom.

Isn't this the lantern I made back then?

When I first made a lantern, I thought I was a clever fairy, and then the uglier I looked, and I wanted to throw it away.

But before throwing it away, I met Qi Zhan on the street. He had just finished refusing one and wanted to send it

The girl with his lantern happened to be empty-handed, so I simply went over and stuffed my lantern into his hand, leaving only the sentence "I sent you", and left without giving him a chance to refuse.

What I think is, he doesn't know that I did it anyway, and at most he loses it ugly, and that's better than losing it myself. I didn't expect to see this lamp here today.

Why did Qi Zhan leave this lamp?

I had mixed feelings, and I was a little absent-minded when I came out of the attic. I was thinking about whether to ask Qi Zhan, but I heard someone stop me: "Young lady stay!"

I stopped, and I turned to see the girl who was guarding the door. She bit her lip, as if she hesitated for a long time before she made up her mind, and said, "Young lady, do you know that Childe doesn't like you at all?"


My mind was finally drawn back from the lantern, and my eyes fell on her, and I noticed that the girl looked familiar. I thought about it for a moment and asked, "Your name is Bailu?"

She acquiesced, and I remembered that she seemed to be Qi Zhan's personal maid, and I didn't like her before, so I transferred her away.

Except for Qi Zhan, I'm a good-natured person most of the time, so I patiently motioned for her to go on and see what she could say.

 "Childe is such a dragon and phoenix, how can an ordinary woman match? Even if he wants to marry, he should marry the person of his heart. If it weren't for the Yun family's wealth, the son would not have married the young lady......

Oh, you're saying I'm not worthy? I laughed angrily, and decided to take back what I said before that it was not bad to be Young Lady Qi. Even if there is a Xuanxuan outside, even the girl who came out of nowhere in the family dares to say that I am not worthy, I have never suffered this kind of grievance when I am so old.

I grinded my teeth and watched her play the role of a faithful Protector of the Lord, and when she had finished, she asked, "Who gave you the courage to say this to me?"

She knelt down before me, her body straight, like an unyielding lotus:

"The slave has served by Childe's side for more than ten years, and I don't know Childe anymore. Childe was unwilling to go against his wife's wishes, so he sacrificed his happiness for the Qi family, but the young lady should know that Childe doesn't like you, so why should you entangle him?"

I laughed heartily, and said that I was pestering Qi Zhan, and that was the funniest thing I've ever heard today. I came closer, looked at her condescendingly, and said gently:

"White dew, huh? Since you have served by Ah Zhan's side for more than ten years, why did you come here to visit the door? 」

Her body stiffened, and it took a long time to find an excuse, as if to explain to herself: "That's because Childe trusts me......

I laughed deeper, "No, I transferred you away from Zhan. It's a pity that Ah Zhan didn't ask at all, as if he didn't know about your existence at all."

I like to kill people, pinching her chin to force her to raise her head, and say word by word: "You're right, I did marry because of the Yun family, but my surname is Yun, and that's enough. He doesn't like me, does he like you?"

Her pupils shrank, her lips trembled as she tried to say something, but her eyes suddenly lit up. I had a vague feeling that something wasn't going well, and then I heard her call out "Childe" in surprise.

I caught a glimpse of the moon-white figure in the afterglow, and I froze.


Why is Qi Zhan here? If you don't come early or late, you just came here when I just let go of the cruel words, did you come here specifically to slap me in the face?

I pretended to be calm on my face, but in fact I panicked, let go of my hand and took a step back, coughing a few times to hide the panic in my heart.

Bai Lu must have been born to be a good material for singing, and when her eyes are red, she wants to cry,

I wanted to say it again and again, and in the end I only made a look of pity for me, and lined me up as a bully who bullied a weak woman.

I stood aside and watched, touching the jade bracelet on my wrist, thinking that if Qi Zhan dared to speak for her, he would be finished.

Qi Zhan walked over, skipped her and walked directly to me, took my hand, frowned and said:

"Your hands are so cold, and you're still standing here blowing the cold wind?"

Me: "......"

No, that's a bit too much, isn't it?

I couldn't help the goosebumps on my body, and I almost wanted to shake his hand away, but fortunately, I still remember that there was a little white lotus kneeling next to me, so I had to ignore the warm touch of my palm, and said lightly: "This is not your personal maid, let me not pester you."

Isn't it?"

Qi Zhan looked at Bai Lu who was kneeling on the ground, the other party's face became a little pale because of what he had just done, and his expression was aggrieved: "Childe, the slave maid didn't know what she had done wrong, so the young lady was transferred here to do hard work, and the slave maid just wanted to stay by Childe's side......

There was a smile on his face, but he looked indifferent and detached: "White dew? You've been with me for a long time, and you're old enough to get married."

"Childe, the slave doesn't want to get married! The slave maid just wants to serve the child......" She was finally a little frightened, and couldn't stop pleading, her eyes wet.

Qi Zhan stopped looking at her, curled the corners of his lips and said, "You know, she has a sentence that is right - I don't like her, do I still like you?"

Did he hear it?!

At this moment, a series of broken "Ahhh How much did he hear? I'm done......

I thought sadly, why do I always overturn in this kind of thing, and I am still hit by Qi Zhan, can't I save a little face in front of him?

My mind almost stopped thinking under such a scene, and when I came back to my senses, Bai Lu had already been taken down in tears, leaving only Qi Zhan and me.

I really didn't want to face Qi Zhan at this time, I turned around and wanted to leave, but he pulled me back,

He smirked and said, "Why, I'm going to run away when I'm done using it? Who was Ah Zhan just now, calling him so affectionate? 」

My face burned, and I said viciously, "It's not you yet! Even your girl is going to ride on my head, and the face says!"

He raised his eyebrows and made an innocent expression: "You just said it, I didn't even know she existed, how can you blame me?"

"......" talking to such shameless people is asking for misery.

I didn't want to pay attention to him, thinking that if he didn't let me go, I would stomp him, but I heard him say, "There won't be a next time."

I finally broke free of his hand and muttered, "Who knows, maybe it's that Xuanxuan next time......

I walked back, and he didn't hear me, and after a few steps followed me, he asked, "What?"

「…… Nothing."

Seeing this, he didn't ask any more questions, but started a new topic: "What about you...... What did you see?"

When he asked, I remembered the lantern before, but now I suddenly didn't want to ask again, so I replied, "I see you're a stupid person with a lot of money."

At this point, I took out the jade pendant and handed it to him, "Oh, give it back to you."

He did not take it, but said, "Take it, and it will be yours."

Here it is again, when am I one of those coaxing little girls?

I rubbed the lines of the jade pendant and smiled: "Since you say so, then I'll take it."

Well, it's a fool not to collect money, I'm not stupid.


Qi Zhan took over Xuanxuan in my name, and my identity was a friend of Yunxi Gongzi surnamed Chu.

Although I knew that Qi Zhan should not be so beastly, I still went to meet Xuanxuan in private and asked her if she had been wronged.

Xuanxuan is a very weak girl, and she is very introverted and shy, and when she sees me, she will whisper to me "Sister Yunchu". I looked at her innocent face, and suddenly realized that Qi Zhan was probably protecting her.

Because of this, even if I am dissatisfied, it is only for Qi Zhan, I always feel that losing my temper to this girl hurts the innocent. After all, there's nothing wrong with her.

After about two or three years like this, Qi Zhan suddenly went to see Xuanxuan publicly, so everyone in the city knew that Qi Zhan had a confidante in Chunfeng Tower.

At that time, I didn't know that I would marry him, and I was indifferent to the news, except that when my father came home, he angrily took my hand and scolded, "That kid of the Qi family is ridiculous!

I agreed, but I had to remain silent, considering that I was a part of this absurdity.

My marriage with Qi Zhan was set off guard.

When I was drinking tea in the backyard, I heard the Qi family send someone to deliver Geng Tie, and the cup in my hand fell to the ground with a "pop", and I didn't know that the person I wanted to marry was me.

I delayed for a long time, and only went to my father's theory after organizing the language, I couldn't believe that my father, who had always doted on me, had decided my marriage so hastily, and the object was still Qi Zhan.

But according to my father, this is not a hasty thing at all, but a premeditated one. He said to me earnestly: "Although the boy of the Qi family is not worthy of my precious daughter, he is also a good-looking talent, and he has a childhood sweetheart with you, there is no more suitable partner than him."

I tried to refute it, but even the Geng sticker was changed, which means that this matter is already a certainty. I vaguely knew in my heart that this matter was in the interests of the family, but I didn't want to think about it, I didn't want to think that my father and mother would sacrifice my life's affairs for financial gain.

I was very depressed for several days, until I was walking down the street and almost got hit by a carriage, when I was pulled into Qi Zhan's arms. He barricaded me in a corner and asked meaninglessly:

"You don't want to marry me like that?"

I opened my mouth to say that I just didn't like the feeling of being used as a tool, and when I got to my lips, I turned my head and snorted and said, "yes, I don't want to marry you."

He snorted, his eyes darkened, and he sketched a smile without warmth:

"If you don't want to marry me, who do you want to marry?"

"Not you, anyway." I put my hands on his chest and tried to push him away, but he didn't move, and chuckled: "Yun Chu, since you can't change the ending, why don't you try to change yourself, for example, try to like me?"

「…… Qi Zhan, what's wrong with you?" I looked at him worriedly and reached out to touch his forehead to see if he had a fever. If you don't have a fever, how can you say some foolish things?

He grabbed my wrist and suddenly sneered and said, "Yun Chu, you really can do it!"

I withdrew my hand and rubbed my wrist, "Why, don't I care about you?"

"You don't need to care."

I got angry too, and said, "Okay, then you can go to Xuanxuan."

And he really left, and we parted.

In this way, I married my bamboo horse, but his sweetheart was not me.


After really marrying Qi Zhan, except for performing a respectful drama with him, my life seems to be no different from before.

However, Qi Zhan didn't seem to be idle, and he began to get acquainted with the Qi family's industry, and often came back late when he was busy. It didn't save me a lot of embarrassment, but when he came back to hug me with a deeper chill, it made me feel uncomfortable.

Just when I was in a panic all day, Yunxi wrote to him that he was coming back.

And that's really good news, he didn't have time to come back when I got married, and this time I didn't knock him on a congratulatory gift.

Yunxi was very good, and first sent a set of customized jewelry from the Beijing Jinyulou to come over, and then asked me to go out to meet.

Before I went to see him, I put on the jewelry he gave me, and was seen by Qi Zhan, and asked:

"Dressed up in such bells and whistles, who are you going to meet?"

I took one last look at myself in the mirror and explained, "My brother is back." After a pause, he couldn't help but say, "I'm not you, I can go out to meet my little lover."

And he turned me into his eyes, and said, "Tell me, when am I going to see someone?"

I know he's been busy lately, and I guess he hasn't been free, but I'm still talking:

"Then how do I know, you can find a chance anyway."

He seemed to laugh at me, let go of me and said, "Doesn't your conscience hurt?"

Qi Zhan is embarrassed to mention to me whose conscience will hurt? I didn't bother to reply to him and went straight out.

Yunxi booked a seat at the largest restaurant in the city, and it stands to reason that I should have been the one who took care of him, but after all, he didn't come back to my wedding, so he owed me more.

When I entered the cubicle of the restaurant, I found that there was another person in the seat besides Yunxi, and that person saw him

I smiled softly, "Long time no see, Hatsuha."

I was stunned for a moment before I said, "Brother Ziling?"

Yunxi patted Chu Ziling on the shoulder, and scolded with a smile: "Do you two brothers and sisters recognize each other here? Is it my sister or your sister?"

Chu Ziling laughed: "Why are you so stingy, Chu Chu is also my sister."

Chu Ziling was Yunxi's good friend, and he was more like the big brother next door to me than my false friendship with Qi Zhan, but then he went to Beijing with Yunxi. I didn't expect him to come back this time.

Naturally, I was very happy to meet him. The three of us chatted together for a long time, and Yunxi sighed and said that I was still a little girl in my memory, and now we are all married. I smiled and asked, Even if I am married, why is he still alone, and it will not be as good as Longyang

Right, he knocked on the head and said I'm not big or small.

When I was full, it was getting late, and I should go back. Yunxi was going to send me, but when something happened temporarily, he asked Chu Ziling to do it for him. I don't think there's anything, after all, Chu Ziling has always been a considerate brother, and he won't bother me.

On the way back together, we chatted a few words from time to time, and he shared some things about the capital with me, which were very new and interesting.

When he was about to arrive at Qi's house, he was silent for a while, and suddenly asked, "Chu Chu, are you happy to marry Qi Zhan?"

I was stopped by his sudden question, hesitated, and said, "Yet...... All right? He's been nice to me."

In all fairness, it's not bad to marry Qi Zhan, I'm still very free and idle, and there are no messy women in front of me for the time being. Probably, as long as I don't indulge in emotional things, the rest is well satisfied.

"That's good, I heard that you got married in a hurry, and I was worried about how you were doing."

I smiled and said, "Thank you Brother Ziling for caring about me, I'm doing well."

As I finished speaking, there was silence. I saw Qi Zhan standing at the door of Qi's house, and the light cast a shadow on his face, so that I couldn't see his expression clearly, and I only heard him say in a cold voice, "How did the beginning go, so I don't have to worry about outsiders."


The atmosphere became a little stiff.

When I was about to open my mouth to play the round, Chu Ziling laughed first: "I don't know when I will also be an outsider."

He said softly, "I was my sister at the beginning, I watched her grow up since I was a child, and I didn't want to see her suffer any grievances, so I cared a few more words."

He paused, and suddenly changed his words again: "I have heard that the third son of Qi is handsome, and when I see it today, it is really extraordinary, no wonder there are many confidants."

Chu Ziling's words were full of needles, and Qi Zhan's face was as gloomy as ink, and his tone was so cold that it was almost frozen: "Chu Chu is the wife I am marrying, how could I let her be wronged. But it's not appropriate for Young Master Chu to care about the private affairs between our husband and wife, right?"

Seeing the tense situation between the two, I hurriedly walked to Qi Zhan's side and quietly tugged at his sleeve, and said, "Brother Ziling, thank you for sending me back, you should go back early."

Qi Zhan held my fingers in the palm of his palm with his backhand, and said slowly: "Young Master Chu, don't send it slowly."

Chu Ziling was not angry, showed a gentle smile, and said goodbye to me: "Chuchu, see you again."

Qi Zhan pulled me into the Qi family without waiting for me to respond, which was really rude.

I couldn't say anything in front of Chu Ziling, and I couldn't help but say when I entered the courtyard:

"Qi Zhan, what are you crazy about?"

Qi Zhan sneered again, and said in a strange manner: "Brother Ziling? No wonder I dressed up so well, and sure enough, I saw your good brother."

"There's something wrong with you, right? I was originally going to see my second brother, but Brother Ziling is also my brother, so what's wrong with him caring about me? 」

I was very annoyed by his tone, and I began to say unscrupulously, "I am the elder brother of Ziling, what about you? Do you also regard Xuanxuan as a sister? Qi Zhan, you are also qualified to say me? 」

When Qi Zhan heard me mention Xuan Xuan, a cluster of flames suddenly ignited in his dark pupils, as if to burn people to ashes: "Yun Chu, do you really care, Xuan Xuan's identity for me?"

He approached me step by step, pinched my chin to make me look him in the eye, and said, "Yun Chu, for so many years, whenever you ask about Xuanxuan's identity, I will tell you the truth, but you don't care at all."

"Yun Chu, do you have a heart? Do you even care about me a little bit in your heart?"

It was as if his words had suddenly become a language I didn't understand, and my heart was pounding, and I didn't know how to react for a moment.

I stiffened as I watched his face draw closer, the warmth intertwined with my breath, and finally a cold touch came over my lips.

His tongue pried open my teeth, snatching every breath from my mouth like a sudden storm.

I am like a fish suffocated by lack of water, powerless on the shore but in vain, and like a man floating on the sea about to drown.

I think Qi Zhan is really crazy.

After a long time, I finally pushed him away, gasping slightly, his ears red and almost dripping blood.

My mind was a mess, and Qi Zhan didn't give me time to react, so he picked me up and took me back to my room.

I subconsciously wrapped my arms around his neck, and suddenly felt a little scared, and said, "Qi Zhan, you...... You let me down, can we talk well? 」

He did put me down, but put me on the bed. His voice was hoarse: "Yun Chu, you brought it on yourself."


The night was a little too long.

I was tossed to death, and I didn't even have the strength to scold him, only to bite him on the shoulder to vent my hatred, leaving a tooth mark, but in his eyes it was just a tickle.

I thought to myself, this is really what I did, why on earth should I provoke him......

The next morning, I woke up from a breathless dream, and found Qi Zhan's warm lips grinding on my lips, licking the tip of my tongue lightly before leaving, and my voice was lazy: "Awake?"

A series of anachronistic images popped up in my mind, and my face turned crimson, pushing him a little farther away, and burying my head in the covers.

He stretched out his long arms and pulled me back into his arms, put them close to my ear and said, "Yun Chu, you won't turn your face and deny people after you sleep, will you?"

"......" I realized that I couldn't be as brazen as he was, and muffled, "We're still fighting."

He whispered a chuckle in my ear: "Yes, I haven't forgiven you for having no conscience."

"What......" I remembered what happened before, and I got a little angry again, and hit him with my elbow: "Qi Zhan, you are really unreasonable. You and ...... Whose business is that, what position do I have to ask, can you blame me? 」

After last night, I didn't dare to mention Xuanxuan's name, for fear of poking Qi Zhan's nerve again.

Fortunately, he was in a normal mood at the moment, and said, "Even if there was none, now that you are my wife, are you not?"

…… I've never seen a husband ask his wife to check the post.

It's not that I didn't want to ask him about it, but I didn't think it was necessary.

On the one hand, I personally took him to meet Xuanxuan, I can say that I understood it very clearly from the beginning, as for the hidden secret, he didn't say it at the beginning, so why should I ask.

On the other hand, I didn't have any emotional thoughts about Qi Zhan before, and he didn't seem to have anything to do with which girl he was looking for. After getting married, I also subconsciously avoided thinking about it.

So he doesn't think I'm paying enough attention to him now?

I glanced at him quietly with my peripheral vision, and compromised, "Okay, then you can tell me about Xuanxuan."

"You really want to hear it?"

「…… Love to say it or not, is there no end? 」

I was impatient, and Qi Zhan hugged me a little tighter, so that I could feel his chest slightly

"Then come closer, and I'll tell you ......."


"Xuanxuan is my sister."


If it weren't for the seriousness of his tone, I would have doubted what he was saying sarcastically.

I turned over and faced him, and said seriously, "Qi Zhan, it's okay if you don't want to say it, there's no need to make up a sister."

"I didn't make it up." And he got serious, and said, "Look, you don't believe me at all."

…… That's because he makes up too much in front of me.

But I didn't have the strength to fight with him anymore, so I closed my eyes and listened to him.

Xuanxuan is indeed his sister, but only his cousin. She is the second master of Qi, that is, the illegitimate daughter of the second uncle of Qi Zhan.

Qi Zhan said that she was more knowledgeable than me, after all, her first ten years of life were cultivated according to the standards of Miss Qi. I hadn't seen her much before, because she had been sick and had not been out of the house since she was a child.

That year, Xuanxuan's identity was exposed, and the second lady of Qi was furious, and she couldn't accept her existence no matter what, and finally drove her out of the Qi family, only saying that she had died of illness to the outside world.

Qi Zhan was not very close to his second uncle's family, but he had also seen this sister a few times, and when he heard the news, he felt strange, so he investigated it privately, and finally found out her whereabouts, and then went to Chunfeng Tower.

When he went, he was a step late, Xuanxuan had already signed a deed of sale with Chunfeng Lou, so she had to use the identity of the third prince of Qi to keep her safe, and hide her true identity.

I heard this and was silent for a while, and asked, "Then why didn't you ransom her?"

"She doesn't want to. She said that when she was in Chunfeng Lou, she could just be Xuanxuan, and she would not remember that she was still the illegitimate daughter of the Qi family."

I let out a dry "oh", not knowing what to answer.

Qi Zhan leaned his face closer and said, "I've told you so much, do you understand?"

"Got it......

"Got what?"

"She's just your sister."

"What else?"

"What else can ......?"

I turned my face away from him, he snorted, gritted his teeth and said, "Yun Chu, are you really stupid or pretending to be stupid?"

"Who is stupid...... I vaguely knew what he meant, and said angrily: "Qi Zhan, you said that you didn't want to marry me on the first night of marriage, how do you want me to understand?"

"Didn't you me off?"

"I'm ......," I turned my face back, just past his lips, and he kissed him and said, "Those are all angry words, you know what I'm trying to say."

A wonderful and complicated feeling arose in my heart, which began with hearing his explanation, like a seed taking root and taking over the entire atrium.

My voice was soft: "What if I don't know? I want to hear from you."

After a while, I heard him say helplessly, "The person I want to marry has always been you."

To actually hear him say that, I don't know why I felt like I had fallen into a jar of honey oozing sweetness from the tip of my heart.

I muttered, "Why ......?"

Why is the person Qi Zhan wants to marry me? I really can't figure out that this possibility, which I was denied from the beginning, and he himself rejected it from the beginning, turned out to be the truth.

I knew Qi Zhan was very good to me, but that was only because I was the daughter of the Yun family. He had to take care of me, and he had to marry me, and if it had been someone else, it would have been the same ending.

As if hearing my heart, Qi Zhan sighed: "Because I like you, Yun Chu."

His words exploded in my ears like a beam of fireworks, illuminating everything I had been avoiding and deliberately ignoring.

I used to attribute those good feelings to delusions, to the illusion of exchange of interests, but when I heard him say this, I found that there was no way to make my heartbeat seem so calm, and I seemed to find the reason for Xuanxuan's inexplicable mind.

I blinked, and in the thunderous sound of my heartbeat, I said, "I see."

My reaction to look too cold made Qi Zhan's face sink again.

I looked at the coldness on the corners of his eyes and eyebrows, and suddenly laughed, "Brother Ah Zhan actually likes me."

His breathing was suffocating, his eyes were unpredictable, and he rolled over and pressed me underneath: "What did you call me?"

I wanted to make a joke, but I closed my mouth when I saw this and didn't dare to say anything more, but Qi Zhan has me today

If he didn't scream, he wouldn't let me get out of bed, forcing me to hold back the shame and call him a few more times.

Finally he said, "You are not allowed to call anyone that any one else."

I was about to contradict him, and I heard him say, "You know I'm not talking about your two brothers."

Tsk, I don't think he's getting more lenient.

But this time, I didn't argue with him again.


Qi Zhan's liking always makes me feel so unreal, but I can inadvertently detect it in some places.

I like to drink peach blossom wine, and there is a peach tree in his yard. When I told him about wine-making, he said, "If you want to drink, there's something buried under the tree."

"Is there such a good thing?"

"It was meant to be for you."


I pretended to be calm, but I couldn't suppress the upturned corners of my mouth, and I couldn't help but speak, "How do you know I'll have a chance to drink? Did you have something to do with me a long time ago? 」

He raised an eyebrow, "So what? I haven't settled the account with you that you've been playing stupid with me."

"I didn't! You don't have to move your hands and feet......

I came to realize that I had the upper hand in the quarrel with him in the past, but now I had to turn to an indescribable topic and be taken advantage of by him in less than three sentences.

One day, I finally remembered the lantern, and when I went to look at it in the attic, I found that it was gone.

I asked Qi Zhan tentatively, "Last time I went to that attic, I saw a lantern, why is it missing now?"

His face remained unchanged: "Where are the lanterns, you remember wrong."

I stared at him suspiciously: "How can you throw my stuff?"

"Didn't throw ......," he said abruptly halfway through, refusing to continue.

Qi Zhan eats soft rather than hard, so I smiled softly: "What is Brother Zhan doing hiding my lanterns? It's not that it's unsightly."

「…… Yun Chu, you are normal!"

I saw his slightly reddened earlobes, and I almost couldn't hold back my laughter. It turns out that he will also be shy when he is shy?

I continued to pinch my throat and said, "I know that Brother Ah Zhan has liked me for a long time, what else is there to hide?"

In the end, Qi Zhan couldn't bear to gag my mouth, and it took a long time to let me go.

He said, "Yun Chu, that was the first gift you gave me."

My arrogance immediately subsided.

Qi Zhan is not short of money, let alone people who give him gifts. Every year on his birthday, the Yun family prepares a gift, and then I send it, so I don't prepare a gift for him myself. The rest of the time, there is no reason to give gifts.

I didn't think he would care about that, so I was silent for a while, and said, "After that, I'll make it up to you."

He hugged me and whispered in my ear, "It's okay, you're the best gift I've ever had."

Later I learned that there was another reason why he left the lantern.

There is an unwritten agreement in the Lantern Festival, if you accept the lanterns of the opposite sex, you also accept the other party's heart.

At that time, I didn't know the rules and did things casually, but Qi Zhan was worried and entangled all night, until the next day he saw my usual look, and realized that he was doing it himself.

He was so angry that he couldn't lose his temper with me, so he locked the lantern in the attic, but he didn't expect it to be seen by me.

"So that's why you tricked me on your wedding night?"

"Of course not, that's just because I'm afraid you won't ......."

Before he could finish speaking, I tugged at the corners of my mouth: "Then why aren't you afraid later?"

He replied, "You are the one who scares me, and you are the one who makes me lose control."

「…… Okay, then I'll reluctantly forgive you."


Yunxi and Chu Ziling are going back to Beijing, and I will see them off.

Qi Zhan was originally going to go with me, but I remembered the last unpleasant meeting, and even coaxed and persuaded him for a long time to dispel this idea.

I went to the Long Pavilion alone, and Yunxi was surprised: "Qi Zhan's kid doesn't accompany you either?"

Chu Ziling knew the reason, and said a little apologetically: "Chu Chu, I didn't embarrass you that day, did I?"

"It's okay, I didn't let him come with me." I laughed a little and said, "Brother Ziling, I should actually thank you."

Chu Ziling's eyes flickered, and then he said, "It's good that you can get along in harmony, Chu Chu, I still hope you live happily."

"I will, I'm happy to be with him."

Yunxi listened for a long time and interrupted us: "What are you two hiding from me again? Stinky girl, did you still take me seriously?"

I laughed, hugged Yunxi and said, "Second brother, I will miss you."

He pushed me away in disgust, "Don't, it's a strange thing."

"Wow, you still hate me?"

Yunxi and I had a while, and finally it was time to part. The carriage wheeled in the direction of returning to Beijing, gradually shrinking into an invisible point.

"What else to see? I can't even see the human figure."

Qi Zhan suddenly appeared beside me and startled me.

"Why are you here, didn't you say you shouldn't come?"

"Then I told you not to call him brother, did you listen?"

I'm angry: "You're eavesdropping on us?"

He was right: "I saw you hugging another man! 」

"That's my brother! 」

"That's another man, I don't care."

I finally couldn't tell him, and got into the carriage in anger to go back, and he followed.

"Yun Chu, do you know why I didn't go to the capital to be an official?"

"Because you can't pass the test."

"Just kidding, this son is so talented, can he still stump me in the imperial examination?"

「…… Qi Zhan, you should make a face."

"I didn't go because I wanted to stay and marry you."

"Pull it down, who believes......

The morning glow on the horizon is dyed crimson, just like my face at the moment.

The road is short, and one more turn will take you to get home; It's a long road, and I think I'll spend the rest of my life walking with him through all the prosperity of the world.

I think I'll spend the rest of my life walking with him through all the prosperity of the world