
(End) My boyfriend took me to see the brother group and met Han Zicha, she said: Why does the brother bureau still bring women

author:A small bok choy
(End) My boyfriend took me to see the brother group and met Han Zicha, she said: Why does the brother bureau still bring women
(End) My boyfriend took me to see the brother group and met Han Zicha, she said: Why does the brother bureau still bring women
(End) My boyfriend took me to see the brother group and met Han Zicha, she said: Why does the brother bureau still bring women
(End) My boyfriend took me to see the brother group and met Han Zicha, she said: Why does the brother bureau still bring women
(End) My boyfriend took me to see the brother group and met Han Zicha, she said: Why does the brother bureau still bring women


  With everyone's expectant eyes on their faces, I pulled out my specialty jungler.

  As soon as Lin Mo saw the jungler I chose, she started to talk again:

  "Sister-in-law, this operation is very difficult, and even boys may not be able to control it, can you really do it?"

  The brothers were also very unconfident in the jungler I chose, and they persuaded me not to change it.

  I said no, just use this.

  "Sister-in-law, it's not like that, it's not like that, it's everyone's star that drops......

  Lin Mo choked in her throat before she finished speaking, because she saw the big gold mark in my game interface.

  Not only did she see it, but everyone saw it.

  The exclamations came one after another, and the cold air in the room was almost sucked in by them.

  "Sister-in-law, Gold Standard?! You, you're a national jungler!"

  "Awesome, sister-in-law, I can't even understand this hero, you actually hit the national uniform!"

  "It seems that we are too careful, this one has a sister-in-law, and we win!"

  The brothers threw shocked and admiring glances at me, except for Lin Mo.

  She was so angry that her face was distorted, her eyes were full of jealousy and unwillingness, and her mobile phone was about to be crushed for her, but she forced a smile and said:

  "Sister-in-law, this is what Ah Yu helped you fight, right? I really envy my sister-in-law for having a boyfriend who can help with the gold label."

  As soon as she said this, the light of admiration in the eyes of the brothers dimmed instantly.

  "Ah, it turned out that Brother Lu beat it!"

  "But also, what girls are good at are mages and auxiliaries, and the national costume jungler is indeed a bit outrageous."

  Just when everyone was led by Lin Mo's words, Lu Yu said word by word:

  "I'm not very good at dyeing, my highest jungler is only in the top 100 in the national server, and dyeing is already in the top 25 in the national server."

  In a word, it not only shows that my national uniform was not played by him, but also highlights my awesomeness.

  The light in the eyes of the brothers returned, even brighter.

  "Holy! National Jungler 25? Sister-in-law, you're the best girl I've ever seen!"

  Xie Zhou did not hesitate to compliment.

  When he finished saying this, I could see Lin Mo's expression twisted together, which was very ugly.

  Isn't that right?

  Originally, Lin Mo was the most special existence in this brotherhood, but now I took her place as soon as I came and stole her limelight.

  And I'm still a dimensionality reduction blow, the rookie she always thought was actually a hidden national service boss?

  If she can be happy, there will be ghosts!

  The smile successfully transferred to my face, and I smiled, "Low-key, low-key."

  My low-key and modest appearance won the favor of the brothers, and they all laughed and joked about Lu Yu:

  "If you can get this wife, what more can a husband ask for?"

  This time, Lu Yu played against the road, not the shooter.

  Lin Mo wanted to stick to him, and his illusion of going the same way with him was completely shattered.

  During this period, she wanted to go to Luyu several times, but was unceremoniously driven away by Luyu.

  And Luyu will come to support me as soon as he is free, and don't guard my wild area too well.

  The other brother groups will also put the string for me to eat and cooperate with me.

  Only Lin Mo seems to be on purpose, wandering around without saying anything, and always has a different rhythm from everyone.

  When we were in a group, she ran to clear the line, and when she came back, she didn't come back, and she was set on fire for seconds.

  We cleared the line and she went to squat again, and ordered her several times, but she refused to leave, and was squatted back.

  I can see that Lin Mo is deliberately acting that I want to cause me to lose!

  So she can laugh at me after the game, childish!

  Without Lin Mo, I only care about development.

  With the support of everyone, I quickly developed and led everyone to kill.

  Soon the light-speed thrust tower was pushed to the opposite high ground.

  After I easily took the Dragon King, I led a large army to abuse the spring, and tortured the other side to the point that they quit the game one after another.

  The game ended in less than ten minutes and went to the stars.

  The brothers who were taken away looked satisfied, and they were all enthusiastic.

  "It's been a long time since I've had this cool!"

  "Awesome, sister-in-law's rhythm is too comfortable!"

  When the brothers praised me, Lu Yu had already hugged me with a smile at some point, with a proud face:

  "Yes, my daughter-in-law!"

  This time I am the MVP again, and Lin Mo, who has not done anything, is still at the bottom.

  0-5-2, a rating of 3.5. The team died 10 times, and she accounted for half of them.

  The only two assists were at the end when he was abusing Quan.

  I also admire this record.

  I glanced at Lin Mo, squinted and said:

  "You're right, you can't take it."

  This was what Lin Mo said to me earlier, and now I return it as it is.

  Lin Mo bit her lip and was silent, her face turned green.


  After playing two games in a row, we were a little thirsty and stopped to rest and drink.

  I took out bottled water from my satchel and handed it to Lu Yu: "Little deer, give it."

  Just as Lu Yu was about to reach out and take it, a figure suddenly popped out and took the water from my hand.

  If you look closely, it's Lin Mo!!

  I saw that she took the bottle and twisted it directly, and then put the water she had drunk in front of Lu Yu:

  "I just didn't have any water, so I'll come over and take a few bites."

  Then Lin Mo raised his chin and smiled at me defiantly:

  "Sister-in-law, I drink his saliva, they are all brothers, don't you mind!"

  The words all show how good her relationship with Lu Yu is, just to make me jealous and embarrassed, so as to quarrel with Lu Yu.

  If I do, I'm going to fall for her!

  I looked at her in feigned shock:

  "What? Are you going to drink my baby's saliva? It's so hygienic~"

  Lu Yu didn't think about it, and directly threw away the water that Lin Mo had drunk: "There are dirty things, I can't ask for them."

  After throwing it, he turned around and asked me for water to drink:

  "Dye, thirst, water, drink."

  The cute fawn is so cute, I unscrewed the water in my hand and fed him with my own hands.

  We once again sprinkled a wave of dog food in front of Lin Mo.

  The intimate action made Lin Mo almost crazy, and he completely became a clown.

  Seeing this, Xu Hao hurriedly took a bottle of unopened water to Lin Mo to ease the atmosphere:

  "You said you didn't bring water, I just have a lot of it."

  Lin Mo reluctantly took the water from Xu Hao's hand and sat aside angrily.

  After that, we played a few more games of entertainment, and as if sensing that I was a little tired, Lu Yu suggested ending the party early.

  After the party, Lu Yu sent me home, and Lin Mo also cheekily pasted it up:

  "Ah Yu, just by the way, let's send my sister-in-law home together. I'll go have a skewer and drink two drinks later?"

  I stared at Lu Yu, waiting for his answer like Lin Mo.

  Believe it is believed, but if Lu Yu dares to agree to Lin Mo today, there is no need for our relationship to continue.

  I have never accepted betrayal, and I can't tolerate sand in my eyes.

  Lu Yu didn't think about it, and directly and ruthlessly refused:

  "What are you going to do? I have a girlfriend, don't hurt me here!"

  "I'm a straight man, but I'm not stupid, if I have a partner, I go out late at night with other members of the opposite sex, that's either scum or cheap! It took me a long time to catch up with Dye, so I naturally wanted to give her an absolute sense of security."

  Lu Yu, who said this, is more handsome, he is glowing, I like him more!

  Who says straight men don't know love? It all depends on whether the other party has intentions.

  Lu Yu's words undoubtedly spoke to my heart, and I gave Lu Yu a thumbs up:

  "Fawn, you're awesome! Well said!"

  Lin Mo was repeatedly slapped in the face by Lu Yu's refusal today, and she was angry, she couldn't bear to be angry at Lu Yu, so she pointed the finger at me:

  "Ah Yu, is your sister-in-law here, are you worried that your sister-in-law will be angry and can't let go? Oh, sister-in-law, don't be so careful, I have something to do with Ah Yu a long time ago, how can it be your turn?"

  Lin Mo tried her best to provoke the relationship between me and Lu Yu, and I couldn't be clearer about what she thought.

  didn't follow her words, and I also began to be yin and yang:

  "Indeed. I was worried about it, but when I saw you, I was relieved, and I finally realized why you have been brothers for so many years."

  Looking at Lin Mo's bucket-like figure, I couldn't help but "tsk" out loud, which really makes it difficult to have desire.

  Lin Mo felt my gaze and glared at me angrily.

  Then he rushed up and pulled Lu Yu without giving up:

  "Ah Yu, you don't want a brother if you have a partner? After so many years of brotherhood, you don't want it?"

  Lu Yu shook off Lin Mo in disgust and threw Lin Mo to the ground:

  "Can you stop taking a bite of Ayu? It's like we're so close. I didn't say it directly to you before, but you have to make an inch?"

  "I'm just a normal friend with you, don't be sentimental. Dye is the person I want to join hands with for the rest of my life, who do I spoil if I don't spoil her?"

  "Also, you keep saying that you are my good brother, why didn't you do what a brother should do? If you are really my good brother, respect me and Dye, and if you want to target Dye again, then break off your friendship!"

  I could feel Lu Yu's anger, and I could see that he really took me to heart.

  There was a warmth in my heart, and it felt so good to be pampered......

  After reprimanding Lin Mo, Lu Yu pulled me into the car and left in a dashing manner, leaving Lin Mo alone in the exhaust and wind.

  On the way back, Lu Yu kept apologizing to me, saying that if he had known that Lin Mo would bully me like this, he would not have let me attend this party.

  Of course, he won't go, but will stay with me.

  Lu Yu said that Lin Mo was obviously not so crazy before.

  Lin Mo was brought in by Xu Hao, because of Xu Hao's introduction and her personality, she quickly broke into the inner group of brothers.

  It's always shoulder-to-shoulder with my brothers.,There's no sense of boundary.,I don't know and think it's a couple.。

  But he himself doesn't like this way of getting along, and thinks it's weird, so he and Lin Mo are not very familiar with each other.

  Just because Lin Mo and the other brothers played well, Lu Yu didn't choose to fall out because of his brotherhood.

  Over time, it doesn't matter if Lin Mo exists.

  Lu Yu didn't expect Lin Mo to target me like this, he was very angry about it, and directly locked Lin Mo in the small black room in his heart.

  "I'm sorry I wronged you today."

  Lu Yu held my hand and blamed himself.

  I also shook Lu Yu's hand back: "Don't be wronged, because you are by my side."

  The party was so unpleasant that I thought the brothers wouldn't be in touch with us anymore.

  Unexpectedly, the brothers called Luyu a few days later.

  They called this time to invite Lu Yu to play in the video game city, but they politely asked Lu Yu not to take me there.

  The meaning of the words of the brotherhood is that there are pure boys at this party, and there is no opposite sex, so that they can let go.

  Lu Yu instinctively wanted to refuse, and looked at me aggrievedly: "Dye, it's not interesting to go to the party without you."

  I patted his head soothingly:

  "Go ahead, you can't delay your brother's cultivation of feelings because of me, otherwise I'll be a disaster, hehe......

  Under my persuasion, Lu Yu complied, but he insisted that I send him there.

  When I arrived, I found that Lin Mo was also among them.


  Lu Yu's expression was displeased, and his tone was cold: "Only brothers are good?"

  Xu Hao explained with a smile, "Didn't you make an unpleasant mess last time? Lin Mo was also very guilty when she found out, and she was worried that she would not come forward, so we let us hide from you and apologize to you."

  "And didn't you bring your family with you, too? Why don't you take a step back...... That's it for now?"

  "Dye was just here to give it to me." Lu Yu's expression became even colder, "But if you say so, then I won't let Dye go back."

  Lu Yu pulled me to his side and glanced at Xu Hao defiantly.

  After Lu Yu finished speaking, Xu Hao and Lin Mo's faces became ugly.

  After coming in with Luyu, I felt that everyone looked at me strangely, and there was no enthusiasm before.

  Lin Mo deliberately left a seat for Lu Yu next to him, and beckoned him over with a smile: "Ah ...... Brother Lu, come and sit."

  Then he was embarrassed to stick out his tongue at me: "Sister-in-law, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were coming, so I didn't prepare a seat for you."

  Actually, there was a seat next to her, but when she saw me, she immediately put the cat in her hand to occupy a seat.

  Even cats have a place, but I don't.

  This time, he turned a corner to scold me, not directly yin and yang me.

  After a few days of not seeing, the tea art has improved again.

  It's a pity that it's not enough to see in front of me.

  I hooked my lips, "It's okay, I may not be able to sit down even if you're ready." After all, you're going to occupy two seats by yourself~"

  When I said this, the brothers also noticed Lin Mo's bucket figure, and they ridiculed one after another:

  "Lin Mo, it's really time for you to lose weight, haha......

  Lin Mo was ashamed, but she kept a smile on her face, and compared to the last time, her expression management and emotional stability have improved a lot.

  She writhed her bucket and moved it in desperately, trying to make room for me to prove that she didn't need to lose weight.

  Lin Mo looked at me with a smile: "It's just a seat, and you can still sit down if you are squeezed." Isn't it, sister-in-law?"


  Lu Yu and I sat down, and we didn't forget to glance at Lin Mo.

  Inflicted on yourself, right?

  Lu Yu was angry at Lin Mo's deliberate targeting and didn't want to deal with her at all.

  Seeing this, Lin Mo hurriedly opened his mouth to relieve the embarrassment: "Let's play the one that we had to play before, and the detachment is as good as before, just in pairs."

  I'm blinded: Huh? What kind of dumb riddle is this?

  The tacit understanding between the brothers allowed the brothers to form a team quickly.

  It wasn't until I asked Xie Boat that I found out that they were going to play VR CS, and the so-called two-person team also excluded me.

  I still don't understand something, Lin Mo is leading the brotherhood to isolate me.

  Lin Mo smiled and looked for Lu Yu, sincerely admitted her mistakes, begged Lu Yu for forgiveness, and said that if she agreed, she would team up with her as before.

  Lu Yu is not a fool, and he is also aware of everyone's isolation towards me.

  He asked directly with a cold face, "What's just right? And dyeing."

  Lin Mo blinked, looking innocent and aggrieved: "Didn't you expect your sister-in-law to come?"

  "There's really no place for my sister-in-law this time, or my sister-in-law is watching from the sidelines? Or play with the cat to relieve boredom......

  Lu Yu interrupted: "It's not that you didn't expect it, you don't want to dye it at all."

  "Lu Yu, what you said is just like Lin Mo deliberately. How? If you have a partner, you don't treat your brother as a brother?"

  It was Xu Hao who spoke, and he stood in front of Lin Mo to confront Lu Yu.

  As soon as I heard this, I was holding my breath, and the scene was completely cold.

  "Brother Lu, Xu Hao, he didn't mean it......

  The brothers' group pulled Xu Hao to play in the round, Xu Hao threw them away directly with a cold face, and insisted on standing up for Lin Mo:

  "I did it on purpose. Lin Mo just spoke a little ugly, and his heart and eyes were not bad, otherwise he wouldn't have specially set up this game for you."

  "But it's such a big grinning person, but you squeezed me and cried! Lu Yu, I didn't expect you to be so heavy and light on friends, I really misjudged you!"

  At this time, Lin Mo came over and pulled Xu Hao, looking very wronged:

  "Xu Hao, don't say it, don't blame Brother Lu. It's my fault that I didn't get my sister-in-law to like me......

  I glanced at Xu Hao, and then at Lin Mo with an aggrieved face.

  Understood, Lin Mo's budding bird.

  With my toes, I can think of what Lin Mo said to Xu Hao after we left on the day of the party.

  While calling him a brother, he pretended to be aggrieved and weak.

  It's you, Hanzi Tea!

  Lu Yu didn't look at Lin Mo from beginning to end, and was very indifferent: "What does it have to do with us that she loves to cry? said that they were brothers, but the things of real brothers were not done. What does it mean that you know I'm dyed and stick to me all the time?"

  was publicly executed, Lin Mo suppressed the resentment in her eyes, her eyes were red, and her tears fell as soon as she said it: "I didn't mean that, I'm afraid you think too much......

  When she cried like this, the brothers also thought that it was me and Lu Yu who went too far.

  "Sister-in-law, Brother Lu, maybe you really misunderstood Lin Mo."

  "Yes, after so many years of brotherhood, we can still trust Lin Mo's character."

  I could see Lu Yu's fists slowly tightening, and he wanted to say something more, but I stopped him: "I'll come."

  With that, I stepped forward and calmly asked the brotherhood with the object to push their girlfriend to me.

  The brothers didn't know what I was going to do, so I grinned and said, "Of course, I'm going to introduce them to male girlfriends."

  The brothers' expressions froze: "Are you alright?!"

  Male girlfriends can be described as the thunder point of all boys, and they feel that male girlfriends are the most disgusting existence in the world.

  If you say it nicely, it's a male girlfriend, but if you say it ugly, isn't it a spare tire?

  I laughed, "So you know, isn't that female brother just as disgusting?"

  The forced empathy made the brothers feel it firsthand, and with my enlightenment, the brothers realized their previous behavior.

  They immediately walked away from Lin Mo's side, and only Xu Hao insisted on accompanying Lin Mo.

  Seeing the brothers who circled around her leaving her one by one, Lin Mo was angry and stopped pretending at all.

  She walked towards me viciously and raised her hand to slap me.


  A crisp slap rang out.

  Finger prints immediately appeared on Lin Mo's face.

  Before she could hit me, I backhanded her a big mouth.

  "Qiao Ran, you hit me? Who do you think you are? First provoked the relationship between our brothers, and now they are still beating me? You shit!"

  Lin Mo covered her red and swollen face and screamed.

  For her sake, I couldn't help but slap her again.

  Well, it's symmetrical.

  "If you hit you, you will beat you, and you have to pick a day? And you're going to hit me first, I'm protecting myself."

  "Qiao Ran, you ......"

  "I know you're unhappy with me, but hold on."

  The force is mutual, my hands are red, and Lu Yu rubs my hands distressedly.

  Then he glared at Lin Mo fiercely: "Break off!"

  After saying that, he blocked Lin Mo in front of him and deleted all of Lin Mo's contact information, and left the e-sports city with me regardless of the obstruction of the brothers.

  Before leaving, I saw Lin Mo bowing her head and wiping her tears, and only Xu Hao stepped forward to comfort her.

  After that, the good brothers also apologized to me and Lu Yu, saying that they would no longer have anything to do with Lin Mo.

  Lu Yu is only interested in being sweet with me, and other things lead to the future.

  However, a few days after being sweet with Luyu, there was another accident.


  Rumors suddenly spread about me in the school, saying that I was a bad person who stirred up the feelings of other people's brothers, and that I was still a loveless female sea king, and she wanted to seduce all men.

  Because of the rumors, I became famous.

  Everyone looked at me with contempt and disgust, and I was successfully isolated.

  Tracing back to the source, it is a confession wall sent by an anonymous user.

  This anonymous user doesn't have to think about it, I know that it must be Lin Mo.

  It seems that last time it was light!

  I decided to get revenge and go back.

  Lin Mo didn't know that I majored in computer science, and my computer skills were very good, so finding an IP was a small case.

  I operated the computer and successfully found her IP and took a screenshot to keep the evidence.

  This is not enough, I also need something that can cause public outrage, such as Lin Mo's intimate photos.

  I know that Lin Mogou can't change eating, and after breaking up with the brothers, she will definitely find a new brother.

  After following Lu Yu for a few days, he found that she had indeed broken into a new group.

  When they hooked shoulders and backs, I quickly pressed the shutter and captured a lot of intimate photos of Lin Mo and different boys.

  The intimate photos plus the previous IP screenshots, I directly threw these evidence on the school forum to expose Lin Mo's true face.

  I didn't say anything, but I said everything.

  Lin Mo's intimate photos quickly aroused public outrage, and there was a condemnation in the comment area:

  [Damn! It turned out that Lin Mo was directing and acting herself, she was the king of the sea, and she also slandered Qiao Ran, the next girl! 】

  [Hey, it's so dirty with so many men! ] 】

  [Wait?] Isn't that what I'm for? Scumbag, break up! 】

  [As soon as you say that, I find that my object is also in it!] It's really a toad looking for a frog - ugly, playful! 】

  More and more people in the comment area jumped out to claim the object, broke up quickly after admitting it, and accused Lin Mo of his behavior.

  The forum spread like this, and Lin Mo became completely popular.

  Everyone knows that she is an out-and-out man's tea.

  In the name of a good brother, he broke into the boy's interior, but in fact, he had no sense of boundaries, and he was a couple all the time.

  Lin Mo was ruined and became the number one public enemy of the girls, and was completely isolated at school.

  Lin Mo, who was holding the moon with stars before, became a suspicion of ten thousand people, and was punished by the school for slandering and slandering me.

  I succeeded in whitewashing, but I had more friends, and everyone admired my approach.

  "Well done! You can't be soft on this kind of man's tea!"

  Just when I thought it was over, something happened.


  On this day, I was out of school and was on a voice call with Lu Yu as usual to discuss the weekend appointment arrangement.

  When I turned into the alley, I suddenly met a familiar figure.

  Lin Mo!!

  Why is she here?

  When I saw a few yellow-haired and pink-haired big guys behind her, I secretly said something was wrong.

  turned around and was about to leave, but found that the exit was blocked by green hair.

  I became a turtle in an urn.

  I saw Lin Mo walking towards me with the gangster brother she just recognized.

  After a few days of not seeing her, she became more earthy, with flaming red lips, smoky eye makeup, and flying eyelashes.

  "Qiao Ran! See you again."

  When I said this, I felt that Lin Mo's teeth were about to be crushed, and the hatred in my eyes was revealed.

  "You caused me to be punished, isolated, abandoned by my good brothers! Do you think I'm going to let you go?"

  After speaking, Lin Mo gave the gangsters a look, and the gangsters rubbed their hands and walked towards me with an obscene face.

  "I want to see if Lu Yu will want you if you have lost your innocence! Also, would your former friend still want to play with you who is dirty!"

  Lin Mo's face gradually distorted and crazy due to jealousy, coupled with the exaggerated makeup, his face looked hideous and terrifying.

  I forced myself to calm down and looked at Lin Mo.

  "Filthy people look dirty at everything."

  "Do you think you're abandoned by your good brother just because of me? No, your behavior itself is problematic and disgusting!"

  Lin Mo's eyes were surging with anger, and he was about to rush up and suppress me.

  I flashed, slapped her and grabbed her by the hair.

  Then he pulled it hard, and forcibly ripped off a piece of her scalp, which was still covered with blood, and Lin Mo screamed in pain.

  Lin Mo covered her missing scalp in pain and screamed frantically, "Why are you stunned? Hurry up!"

  When she said this, the thugs reacted to what they were going to do to me.

  Mainly, the violence I had done before me made them all look stupid.

  While they were stunned, I had smashed my bag in their direction, giving myself a chance to escape, but not much.

  After running for a while, they gradually caught up.

  The pink-haired man pinned me directly to the ground and tied my hands. The green fur held my foot and made a gesture to drag me down the alley.

  I tried to call for help, but I was covered by yellow hair.

  Seeing that they were about to succeed, my despair continued to grow.

  Am I going to be handed over here?

  Just then, the siren sounded.

  A few athletic policemen rushed up and knocked down a few thugs, pressing them down so that they couldn't move.

  Then he took out the handcuffs and handcuffed them all, so that they had no chance to resist completely.

  I looked up with a delighted face.

  I looked at Lu Yu, who was running towards me.

  Little deer!

  It's a fawn!

  He came to my rescue with the police!

  Looking at the red marks and strangulation marks on my body, Lu Yu took me into his arms apologetically, and his voice trembled:

  "I'm sorry, Dye! I'm late, I'm sorry I didn't protect you......

  I could feel Lu Yu's panic and fear, and hugged Lu Yu back.

  "I know you're going to come to my rescue, you've done a good job."

  During this period, I was on the phone with Lu Yu, and before Lu Yu arrived, I had been delaying Lin Mo and them, just to buy more time for Lu Yu.

  Even in the face of a desperate situation, I firmly believe that I can wait for my fawn.

  With the help of the police, I was successfully rescued, and these people, including Lin Mo, were taken away.

  During the interrogation, these gangsters identified Lin Mo one after another, saying that they were all instructed by Lin Mo and that they were just accomplices.

  Now that the human and physical evidence is available, Lin Mo is also speechless.

  In the end, Lin Mo was detained for three months for attempted injury, and of course the gangsters were also detained for a month.

  It's all in the news.

  Now not only the school, but also the people in this city know about Lin Mo, and Lin Mo's reputation is completely stinky.

  I heard that Lin Mo was expelled from the school, and the infamous Lin Mo didn't have the face to stay here after he came out, so he left his hometown.

  After reconciling with the brothers, we went to the party again, this time without Lin Mo.

  When talking about Lin Mo again, the brotherhood couldn't help but sigh for a while, saying that it was good that they broke up with her.

  Then they apologized to me and Lu Yu again, and in order to completely discourage us, the brothers pestered me, the king of the national costume, to teach them to fight the jungle.

  Lu Yu hugged me deliciously: "It's okay to take you, but you can't teach it by hand, you can only teach me one person by dyeing."

  Seeing this, the brothers ate melons and coaxed: "Ouch, Brother Lu is vinegar~"

  Xu Hao on the side was a little sad when he mentioned Lin Mo, and he was blind that he still liked Lin Mo at the beginning.

  Later, Lin Mo said that he was not worthy of her at all, and he gave up after breaking his heart.

  The brothers said they should be cautious about making friends in the future, and they all agreed that Hanzi tea is the most disgusting species in the world!

  I raised my glass, "I think so too. Cheers to get rid of the man's tea completely!"

  Everyone: "Cheers!"

  Life is very beautiful, there is no need to spoil your mood for scumbags, it is better to enjoy the moment.

[End of this story]

(End) My boyfriend took me to see the brother group and met Han Zicha, she said: Why does the brother bureau still bring women