
Chapter 57 of the Tao Te Ching talks about the art of war and trickery, and the master grasps the hearts of the people, and does not say anything, and the people are self-controlled

author:Notes on watching the crane


The fifty-seven chapters of the Tao Te Ching were taught by Lao Tzu to the king, and today, it is also taught to leaders and parents. It is not to teach us how to control people, but to tell leaders the secret of "making employees work for the company without preaching", and to tell parents the experience of "making children grow without preaching".

Chapter 57 of the Tao Te Ching talks about the art of war and trickery, and the master grasps the hearts of the people, and does not say anything, and the people are self-controlled

The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted

Govern the country with righteousness, use troops with oddity, and take the world with nothing. How do I know that? In this way:

There are many taboos in the world, and the people are poor; There are many sharp weapons, and the country is faint; There are many people and tricks, and strange things arise; Laws and regulations are proliferated, and there are many thieves.

Therefore, the sage said: "I do nothing, but the people are self-reliant; I am so quiet, and the people are upright; I have nothing to do, and the people are rich; I have no desire, but the people are simple. ”

This chapter can be read as a sequel to Chapter 37, which is a practical version of "doing nothing and doing nothing", Lao Tzu tells in detail what the prince's "rule by doing nothing" should do and what should not be done, adhere to this way of governing the country, how the people are self-righteous and self-righteous, how to be rich and simple.

First, the three major art of war

"Tao Te Ching" does not talk about strategy, but it has derived a lot of tricks in the art of war. Later generations applied the wisdom of Lao Tzu to governing the country, employing soldiers, indoctrination, management, etc., and achieved great results. In this article, Lao Tzu talked about the three ideas of "promising", "non-doing" and "nothing", which are respectively applied to governing the country and using troops, which can be called great wisdom.

First, we should govern the country with integrity

"Zheng" means quiet and inactive. "Governing the country with righteousness" is the statecraft advocated by Lao Tzu. In ancient times, emperors often used "righteousness and light" to educate hundreds of officials, and also regarded it as their own way of governing the country, that is, to have righteousness in order to be at ease; Only when leaders are at peace can the people live and work in peace and contentment.

In life, we can often see that if the leader of a company is upright, then the employees of the company rarely follow crooked ways when doing things. This is even more true for a family. If the family style is right, the children and grandchildren will be right. For example, Zeng Guofan himself is upright, he did not swell because of his meritorious counter-insurgency, and has always maintained a humble and low-key attitude, and his descendants have also maintained a good body and become high-ranking officials for generations.

Second, the use of soldiers by Israel

"Qi" means kitsch, mysterious, and also refers to improvisation. Reading this sentence, we can't help but have questions in our hearts: Didn't Lao Tzu provide "rule by inaction", and Kitkat wisdom is "promising"? Aren't Lao Tzu's words inconsistent?

This is not the case. When the ancients talked about the use of soldiers, they generally referred to foreign warfare; Internally, it is called counterinsurgency. Lao Tzu's "rule by inaction" refers to governing the country and is an internal affair. There is no conflict between the two.

Why should we be "promising" in the use of foreign troops? This is because the use of soldiers must be immediate, and when the blade is unsheathed, blood will be seen. The use of troops without results not only has no success or failure to speak of, but also has no other use than to consume the people's strength. Therefore, Lao Tzu emphasized that the use of troops should be surprisingly successful, speculating on the opponent's mind, and using troops unexpectedly, which is a strange move.

This trick is often used in shopping malls. For example, if two companies go to bid for a project together, both parties should guess each other's intentions to set the reserve price, after all, low price is the greatest competitiveness; But what to do when your price is not advantageous? That's when you come up with a trick, such as adding a patent, or a unique service, and your advantage will be greatly enhanced.

Third, take the world with nothing

What does it mean to be "nothing"? that is, not to disturb the people. The loveliest thing about the people of our country is that they like to live their little lives behind closed doors. As long as the people live their own small lives, the country will not be chaotic and the situation will be stable.

This sentence is to say that when the people govern the country, they only need to let the people solve the troubles in the "small days" by themselves, and there is no need to transfer the troubles that the major national affairs and those high-ranking officials should solve to the people, and give the people problems, then the world will naturally be governed well.

The same is true in corporate management. For example, the responsibility of the marketing director is to do a good job in operation, pull in projects, and do a good job in market operations, while employees, internal staff can do a good job in project monitoring and risk prevention, and field work can do a good job in project collection and front-end docking, but some leaders will decompose their task indicators to each employee because of high business pressure. This may yield results in the short term, but over time, employees will realize that they are being passed on to the risk.

Because the leader's salary contains the salary of risk management, and the employee does not have this salary, whoever is responsible for it must do his duty. Leaders who try to pass on the risk to their employees will soon be hit by the backlash.

Chapter 57 of the Tao Te Ching talks about the art of war and trickery, and the master grasps the hearts of the people, and does not say anything, and the people are self-controlled

The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted

Second, the four causes of chaos

Behind these three great tricks of war are the four major chaos:

First, there are many taboos in the world, and the people are poor

What is a "taboo"? Prohibitions, admonitions. In ancient times, it was mostly used to refer to the prohibition of the emperor and the royal comparison, for example, articles and books should avoid the emperor's name, so in the popular version of the "Tao Te Ching" we read today, where the word "country" is written, most of them were originally written as "state", which is to avoid the name of Liu Bang, the ancestor of the Han Dynasty. However, in ancient times, the boundaries of countries and states were different, but there was no way, the system was the system. In ancient times, there were also officials who changed their names in order to avoid it.

Of course, these are all things that do not hurt the country, and there are some taboos that hurt the country, such as King Zhou Li, who forbade the people to speak, and so on, causing the people's lives to become more and more poor.

Second, there are many sharp weapons, and the country is faint

"Sharp weapons" can be used as blades and other things, and can also be used as power and conspiracy.

For example, in a certain country where everyone has a "sharp weapon" at home, the public security environment is world-famous. Another example is that in some countries that have been in war for many years, it is not new for the people to store their weapons in order to protect themselves. But when we go to these countries to do business, we have to pay high security costs, even several times that of other countries, how can we do this business? It will be difficult for the people's lives to improve in such a country's economic construction.

As for power, even more so. Have you ever noticed that the more chaotic the business, the greater the power of the leader. Even in many sluggish state-owned enterprises, the "number one" responsibility system prevails, even exceeding the power of the boss of private enterprises, the enterprise system is not transparent, there are a lot of black boxes, over time, it has become the leader to lead, the employee to do the employee, the well water does not violate the river water, such an enterprise is like a plate of loose sand, only to survive.

Third, there are many people and strange things

The word "trick" in "trick" is very interesting, and the word "person" plus the word "branch" is a skill that is controlled by people. Here the role of "man" is aggravated, that is to say, cunning, which has surpassed skill, so what is it? Opportunistic.

The original meaning of "strange things" refers to strange things, and things that are beyond the ordinary are considered strange things. It also refers to something that is evil, something that is beyond the norm. For example, some things that are outside the scope of the law, some things that most of us will not do.

Since the "rise of strange things" is not a good phenomenon, why should people be opportunistic? Because of self-interest. What cannot be solved by formal channels can only be solved by "strange things". For example, when the labor union of a company was not strong in the past, the membership fee was often managed by the company itself, and some "big and smart" people took the membership fee to "make money", and the "money" generated had nowhere to be accounted for, and it became a "strange thing" to satisfy the leadership.

Fourth, laws and regulations flourish, and there are many thieves

This is a phenomenon that has been present since ancient times. The more numerous the laws, the more people break the law. Throughout history, the darker the age, the more laws and regulations.

For example, there are more than 600 articles in the "Qin Law", and there are more than 10 kinds of death penalty alone, which is said to have enough deterrent power for the people, why did there be a large-scale peasant uprising at the end of Qin? Why do people defy the law?

And after Liu Bang, the ancestor of the Han Dynasty, laid down Xianyang, he only used ten words in the three chapters of the Civil Covenant Law, and the legal provisions were involved, what was the result? Xianyang City was not in turmoil because of a catastrophe.

"Historical Records: Gaozu Benji" contains: "Covenant with the father, three chapters of the law; The murderer dies, wounds and steals. Yu Xi removed the Qin law. ”
Chapter 57 of the Tao Te Ching talks about the art of war and trickery, and the master grasps the hearts of the people, and does not say anything, and the people are self-controlled

The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted

Why did Han Gaozu rule the troubled times with only ten words? Because he rested with the people, because he knew the principle of "more words and more poverty", he learned the harsh lessons of the Qin law; Moreover, because he killed the "thieves" in the hearts of the people with sincerity.

3. How do masters grasp people's hearts

In response to these four chaotic phases, Lao Tzu also used the words of the sage to tell us how the master grasps people's hearts.

Therefore, the sage said: "I do nothing, but the people are self-reliant; I am so quiet, and the people are upright; I have nothing to do, and the people are rich; I have no desire, but the people are simple. ”

This sentence is to say that as a leader, if you are not selfish, can put down your selfish interests, and do things for employees, then employees can naturally feel it; If the leader doesn't always think about "promising", always wants to put gold on his face, and attribute the credit to the employee, then how can the employee not forge ahead; If the leadership reduces the useless system and does not change the order, the employees will develop themselves, and if the employees develop well, the enterprise will naturally be good; In the final analysis, if the leader has no self and no desire, the employee will naturally be sincere and simple, and devote himself to the company.

The same is true as a parent. Parents who truly love their children will not impose their own wishes on their children, but give their children full choice and sufficient space to grow; Good parents don't always educate their children to be like this, to be like that, that is to teach by example, to be a role model for children, children are exposed to it, and they will naturally sit upright; If the spiritual world of parents is rich, the child will grow up in a happy family; If parents have no desires, children will also be innocent and kind.

Therefore, the real master does not have to say anything himself, but let others understand, and the truth he understands is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people; It is the "Tao" that he has taken the initiative to realize that subtly affects his behavior and behavior, and even his ideological cognition. Therefore, the real master is not to educate the people, but to make the people self-eductly, enlighten themselves, practice by themselves, and realize self-help!


Govern the country in a quiet way, use troops in a strange way, and rule the world without disturbing the people. How do I know this is the case? Here's a clue from the following:

The more taboos there are in the world, the poorer the people live; The more sharp weapons there are in the world, the more chaotic the country becomes; The more clever the minds of the people, the more evil things happen one after another; The stricter the law, the more people break the law.

Therefore, the enlightened person said, "If I do nothing, the people will be self-educated, if I am quiet, the people will naturally walk on the right path, if I do not disturb, the people will naturally be rich, and if I have no greed, the people will naturally become simple." ”