
Youku was complained about eating ugly: opened VIP and SVIP, and the ending was charged again, and the customer service responded

author:Let's talk about technology

At the end of the hit drama "Ink Rain Clouds", the video website Youku added a new charging item for the "finale closing ceremony", which caused many netizens to criticize its charging model for being chaotic and increasing prices layer by layer. In the case that VIP and SVIP membership services have been opened to obtain subscription income, the surprise charge before the end of the play will inevitably bring users a sense of "ripping the bamboo".

Youku was complained about eating ugly: opened VIP and SVIP, and the ending was charged again, and the customer service responded

However, we must also be aware that the high investment in the film and television industry determines that video platforms must obtain reasonable returns through fees. It is difficult to rely solely on advertising, and it is reasonable for video platforms to charge membership fees and content on demand.

So, how to find a balance between business monetization and user feelings, and make fees more reasonable and transparent, requires video platforms to carefully design and communicate with users and content creators.

The charging model should be simple and clear, and should not confuse users. Consider a subscription system to make it clear to users what content and services they need to pay for.

Youku was complained about eating ugly: opened VIP and SVIP, and the ending was charged again, and the customer service responded

You can't introduce too many fees and membership levels, which will increase the learning and cognitive costs of users. Major content, such as the end of the play, should not be charged separately, so as not to affect the user's judgment of the value of the product. Innovative business models, such as brand advertising, derivatives, and creator sharing, can be explored to reduce the dependence on user fees.

Charging isn't the only core value of a video platform. Its more important mission is to support content creation, ensure content quality, and enrich the user experience.

Youku was complained about eating ugly: opened VIP and SVIP, and the ending was charged again, and the customer service responded

If quality, user feelings, and creators' rights and interests are harmed in pursuit of commercial interests, then this will damage the platform's brand image and ecology. Therefore, video platforms also need to:

Proactively communicate with users about charging strategies and solicit opinions and suggestions. Keep your fees reasonable and transparent. Distribute more profits to content creators, and don't just think of them as content providers. Treat creators as equal partners and let them share in the fruits of business success.

Youku was complained about eating ugly: opened VIP and SVIP, and the ending was charged again, and the customer service responded

Continuously optimize the user experience and strengthen the emotional connection with users. User loyalty is the core competitiveness of the platform. Pay attention to and protect the rights and interests of creators, so that more outstanding creators choose to create and share their works on the platform.

Charging is only one of the means to realize business value, and does not represent the whole video platform. If the platform's business decisions deviate from content creators and users, damaging the industry ecosystem, even short-term profits will not be long-term.

Therefore, video platforms need to establish an open and inclusive concept, maintain trust with users and creators, and balance the interests of all parties in business monetization.

Youku was complained about eating ugly: opened VIP and SVIP, and the ending was charged again, and the customer service responded

Only when users, creators, investors and video platforms can get a reasonable return, can this entertainment industry chain truly achieve sustainable development.

We deserve to see that video platforms make it easy for everyone to enjoy exciting content and accompany us to grow. User payment not only supports the healthy operation of business, but also respects the labor of creators. Let's maintain rational communication with video platforms, jointly promote the progress of the industry, and make beautiful entertainment products benefit more people.

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