
Will play! Murray had just been traded, and Russell immediately exercised his player option to stay with the Lakers!

author:I look at the world with a hard time
Will play! Murray had just been traded, and Russell immediately exercised his player option to stay with the Lakers!

This brother's patience is really convincing, seeing that the June 30 deadline is approaching, he is still calm, until Murray is traded to the Pelicans, Russell made a decisive move and chose the "stay with the Lakers" button. The Lakers are crying and laughing at the moment, the good seedlings that can be traded in the market are about to be snatched up, and the rest are either too high to climb, or not as good as their own Russell, at least he is stable.

Will play! Murray had just been traded, and Russell immediately exercised his player option to stay with the Lakers!

Then again, why doesn't Russell jump out of his contract and make his way into the free market? Well, the reason is actually quite realistic.

Looking at the current market, which team is willing to write him a big check? Executing the $18.7 million option is simply the wisest choice.

This past season, Russell's performance was like a roller coaster, in the playoffs he averaged only 14.2 points, 2.8 rebounds, 4.2 assists per game, shooting percentage and three-point shooting percentage were as low as 38.4% and 31.8%, respectively, compared to the 18 points, 3.1 rebounds, 6.3 assists in the regular season, and the 45.6% and 41.5% shooting percentages, it is simply a world of difference, and the key moment is always almost meaningless.

Will play! Murray had just been traded, and Russell immediately exercised his player option to stay with the Lakers!

However, exercising the player option to stay with the Lakers doesn't mean Russell can rest easy. With the right chips, he could be caught up in the maelstrom of trade at any time.

After all, next season is his contract year, and he still has a full year to prove himself, whether it is to stay with the Lakers or go to another team, otherwise the salary of the next contract may shrink, and the annual salary of 18.7 million is estimated to become a memory!