
As soon as Chang'e-6 returned home, NASA announced the new "Pillar of Creation"! Is it a coincidence?

author:I look at the world with a hard time

In June this year, two wonderful scenes were staged on the stage of science and technology - the return of Chang'e-6 on the back of the moon and the three-dimensional revelation of NASA's "Pillar of Creation", as if they were echoes from the depths of the universe, echoing each other.

As soon as Chang'e-6 returned home, NASA announced the new "Pillar of Creation"! Is it a coincidence?

Chang'e-6, the lunar envoy from the East, gracefully landed in the Siziwang Banner of Inner Mongolia on June 25, carrying the precious soil on the far side of the moon, announcing that China was the first country to accomplish this feat. This achievement not only wrote a new chapter in the history of aerospace, but also allowed the world to witness the rapid development and infinite possibilities of China's science and technology.

As soon as Chang'e-6 returned home, NASA announced the new "Pillar of Creation"! Is it a coincidence?

And just three days later, NASA on the other side of the ocean responded to this invitation to the universe with a stunning three-dimensional image - the "Pillar of Creation". This image, combined with the intricate data of the Hubble and Webb telescopes, brings to life a corner of the Eagle Nebula 6,500 to 7,000 light-years away. The interstellar dust and gas that give birth to new stars form a spectacular spectacle of the "Pillars of Creation", which makes people marvel at the creativity of the universe and the miracle of life.

As soon as Chang'e-6 returned home, NASA announced the new "Pillar of Creation"! Is it a coincidence?

However, the exchange of technology is not always easy. The lunar soil brought back by Chang'e-5 has aroused NASA's keen interest. But this time, China has chosen to be conservative and has not shared its precious lunar soil samples with the United States.

As soon as Chang'e-6 returned home, NASA announced the new "Pillar of Creation"! Is it a coincidence?

Behind this, there are not only the consideration of scientific research autonomy, but also the rational use of lunar resources. After all, lunar soil is not only a treasure trove of scientific research, but also a symbol of national strength and scientific and technological self-confidence.

As soon as Chang'e-6 returned home, NASA announced the new "Pillar of Creation"! Is it a coincidence?

The analysis of the French scientific team revealed the differences between the Chang'e-5 lunar soil and the samples brought back by the Apollo mission, which is not only a major scientific discovery, but also a true portrayal of international scientific and technological cooperation and competition. On the road to exploring the universe, every step forward is accompanied by cooperation and competition, and every discovery has the potential to rewrite human cognition of the universe.

As soon as Chang'e-6 returned home, NASA announced the new "Pillar of Creation"! Is it a coincidence?

In the future, perhaps we can witness more such moments - when China's technology becomes more and more powerful, it is no longer just a follower, but a leader. Perhaps one day, the "Tiangong" will really be able to reach the "Pillar of Creation", allowing mankind's gaze to travel through thousands of years and reach the depths of the universe.

As soon as Chang'e-6 returned home, NASA announced the new "Pillar of Creation"! Is it a coincidence?

Driven by technology and dreams, mankind's exploration of the universe will never stop.