
Why did overseas Chinese go from being the object of envy of some people to a joke in their eyes overnight?


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Why did overseas Chinese go from being the object of envy of some people to a joke in their eyes overnight?

In the glory and glory of the past, overseas Chinese were the dreams and aspirations of countless people. However, what is surprising is that overnight, their image seems to fall from a bright star to a joke after dinner. What kind of changes and turns are hidden behind this?

The following is the real sharing from netizens, let's take a look!

Why did overseas Chinese go from being the object of envy of some people to a joke in their eyes overnight?

Whether you mix well or not is compared with others, not with yourself.

Why did overseas Chinese go from being the object of envy of some people to a joke in their eyes overnight?

The height of the country determines the height of you in the world.

Why did overseas Chinese go from being the object of envy of some people to a joke in their eyes overnight?

In fact, only 2% of Runmei is really stupid, the remaining 49% are guilty of crimes, and 49% are in debt.

Why did overseas Chinese go from being the object of envy of some people to a joke in their eyes overnight?

There should be a lot of this, and those who had the ability to run in that era were rich.

Why did overseas Chinese go from being the object of envy of some people to a joke in their eyes overnight?

That is: you can be good, but you can't be better than me.

Why did overseas Chinese go from being the object of envy of some people to a joke in their eyes overnight?

Maybe he likes men in the first place, and he is in the United States in order to pursue the lifestyle he wants.

Why did overseas Chinese go from being the object of envy of some people to a joke in their eyes overnight?

There is a saying that the thinking of people who go abroad is always at that moment, listening to music and watching movies will always stay in that era.

Why did overseas Chinese go from being the object of envy of some people to a joke in their eyes overnight?

Seek benevolence and get benevolence, and why complain.

Why did overseas Chinese go from being the object of envy of some people to a joke in their eyes overnight?

It proves that Gao Hua's high character is just a homonym, and the exact one should be written as a lamb.

Why did overseas Chinese go from being the object of envy of some people to a joke in their eyes overnight?

Migration Agent: We don't produce garbage, we're just garbage movers.

Why did overseas Chinese go from being the object of envy of some people to a joke in their eyes overnight?

讨厌中介--- understanding 中介---成为中介---超越中介。

In this ever-changing tide of the times, the image of overseas Chinese is like a flickering candle flame, flickering bright and dark. However, no matter what the outside world says, their tenacity and wisdom, dreams and pursuits are always their most solid strength. Let's listen to their stories and feel their emotions with a more inclusive and understanding attitude, because in this diverse world, every group deserves to be respected and appreciated.

What do you think about this? Feel free to share your insights in the comments section! See you in the comment section.

Why did overseas Chinese go from being the object of envy of some people to a joke in their eyes overnight?