
Live broadcast of the legend of "Boiling Eagle": How does War Eagle win applause with wisdom?

author:Pepe Sports said

Today, we focus on this genius, who is not only a professional Go player, but also a representative of the rapid rise in the field of live Go through persistence and innovation. From her difficult journey to the unexpected transformation on the live streaming platform, Warhawk uses her own story to tell the challenges and growth behind her success. Her unique experience has not only attracted the attention of Go enthusiasts, but also taught us that perseverance and enthusiasm are always the keys to success, no matter what difficulties we face.

Live broadcast of the legend of "Boiling Eagle": How does War Eagle win applause with wisdom?

Foreword: The story behind the rise of the warhawk and the "breaking of defense".

In the Go world, there is a female chess player, and her name is War Eagle. This name, long before she was born, was decided by her parents, whether it is a boy or a girl, it will be named "War Eagle". Her upbringing was full of ups and downs and challenges, but it was these experiences that shaped her into one of the brightest stars in the Go world today.

Live broadcast of the legend of "Boiling Eagle": How does War Eagle win applause with wisdom?

From obscurity to fame

Warhawk has shown a talent and love for Go since she was a child, and since she started learning chess at the age of 6, she has shown excellent chess skills, and she is still able to win the game despite illness and fever. However, her path to Go was not smooth. At the age of 12, she left home to study in Beijing, where she deeply experienced the cruelty and challenges of competitive Go in the face of outstanding players from all over the country. It took her a full 8 years to travel to the fixed section, during which she was nicknamed the "King of the Eight Determinations", but she never gave up her determination to pursue progress.

Live broadcast of the legend of "Boiling Eagle": How does War Eagle win applause with wisdom?

Become the "boiling eagle" in the Go world

In 2019, the Eagles finally became a professional second-stage player, and although her record in the women's league was not satisfactory, she was still proud of her victory over Rui Naiwei. In the game against Rui Naiwei, she used excellent tactics and patience to win when her opponent was about to make a low blood sugar attack, which earned her the nickname "Boiling Eagle" and also sparked widespread discussion and attention in the Go community.

Live broadcast of the legend of "Boiling Eagle": How does War Eagle win applause with wisdom?

From a professional chess player to a live wizard

Warhawk's career hasn't been easy, and in the face of setbacks in the game and pressures in her life, she made the switch. She decided to open her own live broadcast room on the live streaming platform, and at first, she tried to attract the audience as a Go teacher, but soon found that most of the audience had limited knowledge of Go. As a result, she changed her strategy to focus on telling interesting stories and interacting with the audience, and her humor and storytelling skills attracted more and more audiences.

Behind the defense breach

In 2022, a "defense-breaking" incident in a live broadcast became a turning point in Warhawk's career. Facing the audience's doubts and ridicule, especially a comment "War Eagle can't support itself, it can only rely on live broadcast", which deeply touched her heart. This incident not only brought tears to her eyes, but also made more people aware of the cruel reality of professional Go. However, it was this incident that made her live broadcast room quickly become popular and attracted the attention and support of a large number of new viewers.

Live broadcast of the legend of "Boiling Eagle": How does War Eagle win applause with wisdom?

The story and revelation of the warhawk

With his persistence and enthusiasm, War Eagle has not only won the respect and attention of the Go community, but also let more people know and love Go through the live broadcast platform. War Eagle tells us with practical actions that no matter how difficult it is, as long as we persevere, we will always see the dawn of hope. Persistence and enthusiasm are the keys to success, no matter the time or place. In the face of difficulties, not giving up is the only way to grow, and every challenge and failure is a step to success.

Live broadcast of the legend of "Boiling Eagle": How does War Eagle win applause with wisdom?