
Song Dandan's ancestors and grandchildren were met by chance, the 2-year-old grandson ran barefoot, and the 69-year-old Zhao Yuji was intimate and fashionable

author:Ōban Eggplant

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Recently, Song Dandan's family of three was met by netizens.

On that day, Song Dandan was holding a camera to take pictures of the surrounding scenery seriously, while her husband Zhao Yuji was doting on her face, waiting for her closely.

At the same time, her son Batu is also taking care of his youngest son seriously, and from time to time he has to take photos of the two.

Song Dandan's ancestors and grandchildren were met by chance, the 2-year-old grandson ran barefoot, and the 69-year-old Zhao Yuji was intimate and fashionable

This family is also catching up with the good weather here, and it looks very kind and lovely.

It was supposed to be a good day for the family to travel happily, but they encountered the entry of a third party, and this third party was there to help take pictures.

So how did such a happy family come about?

A cordial, orderly and energetic "fairy family".

Recently, some netizens photographed Song Dandan's family of three in Aranya, this family is not only kind and orderly, but also full of vitality.

Song Dandan's ancestors and grandchildren were met by chance, the 2-year-old grandson ran barefoot, and the 69-year-old Zhao Yuji was intimate and fashionable

They were just in time for the good weather that day, and the whole person looked extraordinarily bright.

Batu and his wife, Wang Bogu, stand in the middle, with their son on their left and his wife on their right.

They all seem very close to each other, as if they are the most harmonious and happy family in the world.

And Batu stared helplessly at his barefoot son running around on the ground, and the youngest son of Batu was only two years old this year.

Song Dandan's ancestors and grandchildren were met by chance, the 2-year-old grandson ran barefoot, and the 69-year-old Zhao Yuji was intimate and fashionable

Looking very naughty and cute, he not only touched the nanny's shoes with his hands, but also jumped on the ground from time to time, rejoicing.

And Wang Bogu is also very beautiful, she is wearing a white T-shirt with white wide-leg pants, and a long gray trench coat on the outside.

It looks very stylish and stylish.

Standing on the far left is Batu, who is well-dressed and looks very smart.

He was wearing a black shirt and black slacks, and he was holding a bottle of drink in his hand.

Judging from the whole picture, Song Dandan not only has a handsome and handsome husband, but also has a slim son and a beautiful and lovely daughter-in-law.

Song Dandan's ancestors and grandchildren were met by chance, the 2-year-old grandson ran barefoot, and the 69-year-old Zhao Yuji was intimate and fashionable

Such a happy family is the envy of people.

Handsome, handsome and caring husband.

In Song Dandan's family, in addition to herself, her husband Zhao Yuji is also a very interesting, stylish and interesting character.

Although he is sixty years old, Zhao Yuji still maintains the demeanor and charm that a strong man should have.

He was neatly dressed that day and followed closely behind Song Dandan.

He wears a green T-shirt with khaki pants.

Song Dandan's ancestors and grandchildren were met by chance, the 2-year-old grandson ran barefoot, and the 69-year-old Zhao Yuji was intimate and fashionable

It looks very crisp and simple.

He is more than 180cm tall, and he is like a strong man next to Song Dandan.

And he seems to be tall and mighty, but he is actually very gentle and considerate in his heart.

From time to time, he took pictures of Song Dandan, or helped with bags, makeup, etc.

In his heart, Song Dandan was cared for like a little princess.

Speaking of his relationship with Song Dandan, the story is actually very legendary.

Although he is 20 years older than Song Dandan, the two of them meet late.

Song Dandan's ancestors and grandchildren were met by chance, the 2-year-old grandson ran barefoot, and the 69-year-old Zhao Yuji was intimate and fashionable

At that time, when Zhao Yuji saw Song Dandan for the first time, he was attracted by her charming, moving, fresh and refined temperament.

After several twists and turns, he finally got Song Dandan's promise to travel.

In order to make this date more meaningful, Zhao Yuji deliberately renovated his newly bought villa "new".

The marble floor was replaced with a wooden floor.

The reason is that Zhao Yuji found that Song Dandan likes to walk barefoot at home, so he made such a transformation in order to make her no longer feel cold.

Such considerate behavior made Song Dandan look at him with admiration, and because of this, he was moved by his true feelings.

Song Dandan's ancestors and grandchildren were met by chance, the 2-year-old grandson ran barefoot, and the 69-year-old Zhao Yuji was intimate and fashionable

The two lived happily ever after they got married, and they still maintained a sweet relationship like love for many years.

Pretty boy little fresh meat and beautiful old lady

In addition to having a handsome and caring husband, Song Dandan is even more proud of having a beautiful and fresh meat-like son.

Although Batu's appearance is not as charming and touching as his mother, he has inherited his mother's mature and stable personality.

He has been very sensible and polite since he was a child.

Even as an adult, he didn't become flamboyant because he became famous.

Song Dandan's ancestors and grandchildren were met by chance, the 2-year-old grandson ran barefoot, and the 69-year-old Zhao Yuji was intimate and fashionable

On the contrary, he is very low-key and modest, and in the eyes of everyone, he is evaluated as a "respectful" and "polite" good young man.

He not only reassures and reassures his mother in his personality, but also inherits his mother in appearance.

Batu showed a very high talent for acting from an early age.

At the age of 16, he starred in the TV series "Flower Thousand Bone"

and won the Best New Actor of the Year Award at the 22nd Oriental Billboard for this play.

After that, he participated in many film and television works such as the movie "Nine-Story Demon Tower", and won praise in the industry for his outstanding performance.

In addition, Batu also co-starred with Zhang Yuqi in the romantic drama "Old Watch, Come Out to Play".

The two created a light comedy emotion that is sweet and funny.

And Batu successfully created his own representative and influential character image in the hearts of the audience with this play.

Song Dandan's ancestors and grandchildren were met by chance, the 2-year-old grandson ran barefoot, and the 69-year-old Zhao Yuji was intimate and fashionable

Now Batu has become one of the powerful actors of the new generation, and is gradually known and loved by the audience.

In fact, it's not just a star like Song Dandan, it's very rare to find such a happy family in our lives.

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