
The Zuckerbergs are on vacation! and his Chinese wife hugged Xiuen and loved sweetness, and his wife was so beautiful this time

author:Kudo washing machine


Edit: Kudo washing machine


Recently, a set of summer vacation photos of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his Chinese wife Priscilla went viral on social platforms, showing the Zuckerberg family wearing refreshing vacation clothes, enjoying the good time of the sun and sand and the waves crashing, and the sweet picture made many fans like it.

The Zuckerbergs are on vacation! and his Chinese wife hugged Xiuen and loved sweetness, and his wife was so beautiful this time

As the founder of the world's largest social networking platform, Zuckerberg's work life has always attracted much attention, and the happy family life shown this time is also eye-catching, and successful people also pursue ordinary happiness, and such a family life has also brought many inspirations and conjectures to people.

1. Successful people also pursue ordinary happiness

In recent years, with the rise of social platforms, more and more

The Zuckerbergs are on vacation! and his Chinese wife hugged Xiuen and loved sweetness, and his wife was so beautiful this time

Successful people are beginning to show their lives in public, whether they are busy white-collar workers with successful careers or entrepreneurs and celebrities with huge wealth, they are all working hard to pursue ordinary happiness in their lives.

A case in point is the sweet vacation photos of Mr. and Mrs. Zuckerberg, the founders of the world's largest social networking platform, whose work life has always been busy, but in

The Zuckerbergs are on vacation! and his Chinese wife hugged Xiuen and loved sweetness, and his wife was so beautiful this time

In his heart, family is always the most important, and no matter how busy he is, he will find time to spend with his wife and children and enjoy life together.

In this vacation photo, the happy appearance of Zuckerberg's family is moving, they are not pretentious because of their special status, but show people in the most peaceful and natural state, and interpret successful people with practical actions

The Zuckerbergs are on vacation! and his Chinese wife hugged Xiuen and loved sweetness, and his wife was so beautiful this time

The truth of seeking ordinary happiness has also given a good inspiration to ordinary families.

2. The importance of family education

In addition to showing the pursuit of ordinary happiness of successful people, Zuckerberg's family life also gave people a vivid family education lesson, as can be seen from the photos, Zuckerberg and his wife pay great attention to the education and growth of their children.

The Zuckerbergs are on vacation! and his Chinese wife hugged Xiuen and loved sweetness, and his wife was so beautiful this time

Not only do they take their children to participate in various outdoor activities, but they also teach them to learn sports such as surfing.

In Zuckerberg's eyes, sports can not only exercise children's bodies, but also cultivate their tenacity and courage quality, and such a family education concept is also worthy of reference for the majority of parents.

The Zuckerbergs are on vacation! and his Chinese wife hugged Xiuen and loved sweetness, and his wife was so beautiful this time

Few parents are as attentive as the Zuckerbergs are to accompany their children and give them the right educational guidance.

Family education is very important for the growth of children, family is the first school in a child's life, parents are the best teachers, their words and deeds will have a profound impact on children, I hope that the majority of parents can be like Zuckerberg and his wife, pay attention to family education, give children health and happiness

The Zuckerbergs are on vacation! and his Chinese wife hugged Xiuen and loved sweetness, and his wife was so beautiful this time

The growth environment.

3. The pluralistic characteristics of the modern family

In addition, Zuckerberg's family life also shows people the diverse characteristics of the modern family, as can be seen from the photos, the Zuckerbergs are very good at matching and taste in life, whether it is in daily life, or on various important occasions, they can dress appropriately and leave people

The Zuckerbergs are on vacation! and his Chinese wife hugged Xiuen and loved sweetness, and his wife was so beautiful this time


Especially at Zuckerberg's 40th birthday party, the couple not only wore refreshing couple clothes to attend, but also set their birthday party theme on surfing, the family participated in it, the scene was very warm and interesting, such a birthday party not only showed the lively and lovely Zuckerberg family, but also conveyed the love and enthusiasm for life to the outside world.

It can be said that the modern family is no longer limited to the traditional parental model, more and more families have begun to show diversified characteristics, whether it is in the family responsibility, or in the positioning of the family role, both parents can participate equally together, such a family model is also more in line with the current social development trend, to bring children more abundant growth resources.


The happy life of the Zuckerberg family has brought a lot of inspiration and conjecture to people, their family life not only shows the side of successful people who also pursue ordinary happiness, but also conveys the positive energy of family harmony and happiness to people, I believe that in the near future, more and more families will be able to draw strength from them and create a better and happier life together.