
Wang Yunlu is famous again, which directly makes people suspicious! doesn't rely on hard work, she relies on what to be the main attacker

author:Niu Niu looks at sports
Wang Yunlu is famous again, which directly makes people suspicious! doesn't rely on hard work, she relies on what to be the main attacker

Wang Yunlu's remarks of "God rewards hard work" sparked heated discussions: what does the main attacker's road to success rely on?

Recently, Wang Yunlu, the main attacker of the Chinese women's volleyball team, once again sparked widespread discussion because of a sentence. At the fan meeting, when asked if she believes in "God rewards hard work", she confessed: "I haven't believed it since I was 12 years old. This remark immediately caused an uproar in the sports circle and social media, making people wonder: If it weren't for hard work, what did Wang Yunlu rely on to become the main attacker of the national team?

Wang Yunlu is famous again, which directly makes people suspicious! doesn't rely on hard work, she relies on what to be the main attacker

As an important member of the Chinese women's volleyball team, Wang Yunlu's career has always attracted much attention. Her technical prowess and performances are often controversial, but she has always maintained her own unique perspective and attitude. The rhetoric that "God rewards hard work" has once again made people think deeply about what makes an athlete successful.

Some professionals pointed out that Wang Yunlu's view is not to completely deny the importance of hard work, but to emphasize the diversity of success factors. Li Ming, a professor of sports psychology at Beijing Sport University, said in an interview: "In competitive sports, talent, hard work and opportunity are indispensable. Wang Yunlu's remarks actually reflect a mature athlete's deep thinking about his own career. "

Indeed, looking back at Wang Yunlu's upbringing, we can find that her road to success was not all smooth sailing. In the 2019 World Women's Volleyball League, she was temporarily transferred from the main team due to poor performance. But instead of giving up, she eventually regained the trust of her coach by adjusting her mindset and technique. This experience may be one of the important reasons for her unique perspective.

Wang Yunlu is famous again, which directly makes people suspicious! doesn't rely on hard work, she relies on what to be the main attacker

At the same time, Wang Yunlu's remarks have also sparked discussions about China's sports training system. There is an argument that overemphasizing "heaven rewards hard work" may neglect the personality development and mental health of athletes. Wang Jianming, an expert from the Chinese Sports Science Society, said: "In the process of cultivating athletes, we need to pay attention not only to hard training, but also to the cultivation of individualized development and psychological quality. "

However, there are also many people who have reservations about Wang Yunlu's views. Zhang Zhifeng, a well-known volleyball commentator, said: "Diligence is always the cornerstone of success. While talent and opportunity are important, without sustained effort, any talent can be buried. He also stressed that the words and actions of athletes have an important impact on young people and should be expressed carefully.

It is worth noting that although Wang Yunlu is skeptical about "God rewards hard work", her investment in training and competitions has never decreased. According to her teammates in the national team, Wang Yunlu still maintains a high degree of concentration and hard work in her daily training. This seems to confirm what she said, "Even if you don't fully believe that hard work is everything, good technique and good condition are still essential."

Wang Yunlu is famous again, which directly makes people suspicious! doesn't rely on hard work, she relies on what to be the main attacker

In response to Wang Yunlu's remarks, the Chinese Volleyball Association also responded. A spokesperson for the association said: "We respect the individual views of each athlete and hope that athletes will correctly understand the importance of hard work. The association will continue to provide comprehensive support to athletes to help them develop better in their careers. "

Overall, Wang's remarks provide an opportunity to rethink what makes an athlete successful. It reminds us that on the road to excellence, in addition to hard work, we also need to consider many factors such as talent, opportunity, psychological quality, etc. At the same time, it is also a challenge to the traditional concept of sports, prompting us to think about how to better develop and support the all-round development of athletes.

In any case, as the main player of the Chinese women's volleyball team, Wang Yunlu's performance has always been the focus of attention of fans and the media. How she will prove her point with her prowess in the upcoming Olympic trials will undoubtedly be the focus of attention. And this discussion of hard work, talent and success is believed to continue to ferment for a long time to come, providing a new direction for the development of Chinese sports.