
These kinds of "poor people's houses" are not easy to sell or live in, and many people are in a hurry to get rid of them

author:Lao Zhong said life

In the past few years, in order to buy a house, a wave of buying a house has been formed, and everyone is scrambling to buy a house, many of whom are speculators, and some are just in need of buyers, which has led to the price of housing soaring all the way.

While housing prices are soaring, many people lack thinking about buying a house, which is generally for marriage or for children's education.

For home buyers, these are superficial meanings, in fact, there are deeper meanings, that is, assets and liabilities, good location, good quality houses, appreciation is fast, will bring great wealth to themselves.

On the other hand, houses with poor geographical location, poor quality, and poor environmental sanitation are not only difficult to realize, but also depreciate quickly, and it is not impossible to even let the rich return to poverty overnight.

These kinds of "poor people's houses" are not easy to sell or live in, and many people are in a hurry to get rid of them

Therefore, you should be quite cautious when buying a house, don't touch the following kinds of houses, don't even look at them, don't even look at them, and don't buy these kinds of houses.

First, the community with poor property service, this kind of community, the poor environmental sanitation is indescribable, the ground is full of fallen leaves, and there are pet feces everywhere, which makes people disgusting when they see it.

There is garbage everywhere in the elevator, on the stairs, there are cigarette butts, and if the equipment there is broken, it will not be maintained for a long time, and some even go unattended for months.

I've been a security guard before, and I've come across this kind of community, why is this happening! That is, the property does not act, only knows how to collect property fees, and does not care about the rest, of course, the staff is not much better, I ran away after a day!

These kinds of "poor people's houses" are not easy to sell or live in, and many people are in a hurry to get rid of them

Second, some people will choose suburban villas in order to be cheap and save face.

This kind of place has little movement of people, and it seems deserted, not only is it inconvenient to go anywhere, but it also has a great impact on medical care and education, not to mention the lack of security issues.

In case of any emergency, it is called every day, and the ground is not spiritual, and some people with bad intentions are focusing on this kind of place, thinking that the people who live in villas are relatively wealthy, and this kind of suburban villa must not be bought.

Third, the old and dilapidated house, this kind of old and dilapidated house, although it is very cheap, but it faces various problems, and the service life is almost to the end of the term, take water and electricity as an example, water pipes and lines.

These kinds of "poor people's houses" are not easy to sell or live in, and many people are in a hurry to get rid of them

After long-term use, it is easy to age, often short circuit or water pipe rupture. It will bring a lot of trouble to yourself, especially a short circuit in the wire, which will bring greater safety hazards, so don't buy this kind of house.

Thank you for reading.