
The woman staying in the hotel was knocked on the door by a strange man late at night! The hotel responded: The takeaway was delivered by knocking on the wrong door

author:Live viewing

On the morning of July 1, some netizens posted a video saying that when they stayed in a hotel in Chengdu Huapaifang, they were knocked on the door by two strange men at night on the grounds of delivering takeaways, "There was a kicking action at the beginning". The video publisher said that the party stayed at the Xiyue Cinema Hotel in Xicheng International, Yingmen Road, Jinniu District, Chengdu on June 30, and at about 10 o'clock that night, someone suddenly knocked on the door and said that it was takeout, but because all the girls lived inside, and they didn't order takeout at all, they didn't dare to open the door. The person contacted the front desk and asked to see the surveillance video.

The woman staying in the hotel was knocked on the door by a strange man late at night! The hotel responded: The takeaway was delivered by knocking on the wrong door

The video shows that at 21:56 on June 30, two men appeared in the corridor of the hotel, among which the man in black had a white handbag in his hand. Walking to the door of a room in the hotel, the man in black knocked on the door and said "takeaway", and found that no one opened the door, the man in black continued to knock and kicked the door, and then continued to knock on the door and said "takeaway", the man in white always stood not far away, and the two still maintained communication. Seeing that no one had opened the door, the man in black walked next to the man in white and looked at his mobile phone together. At 21:58, the two left together.

The woman staying in the hotel was knocked on the door by a strange man late at night! The hotel responded: The takeaway was delivered by knocking on the wrong door
The woman staying in the hotel was knocked on the door by a strange man late at night! The hotel responded: The takeaway was delivered by knocking on the wrong door

On the afternoon of July 1, the reporter of Jingshi Live contacted Chengdu Xiyue Cinema Hotel. A staff member told reporters that what happened in the video did happen on the night of June 30, and the hotel dealt with it that night. "I checked them out, and I didn't take any money from them. ”

Mr. Wen, the person in charge of the hotel, told the Jingshi live broadcast reporter that two women checked into the hotel, and the two men knocked on the wrong door because they were delivering takeaways. "They also have takeaways in their hands, and they are on the wrong floor." When asked by the reporter how to determine whether the two men knocked on the wrong door or did it on purpose, Mr. Wen said that the hotel had called the police and was waiting for the police to investigate and deal with it.

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