
Shining "Red Star" Shining coordinates: the story of three "military medals".

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On July 1, 2024, on this special party founding day, let us remember a deceased hero - the old Communist Party member Gao Xingkuan.


On April 28, 2024, Gao Xingkuan, a 93-year-old veteran of the Anti-Japanese War in Ezhou, Hubei Province, passed away. On April 30, a shocking scene emerged after the cremation of the old man's body, and the staff of the Echeng funeral home found three shrapnel crystals in his ashes. Previously, the family only knew about the two shrapnel on the old man's body, one in the left knee and the other in the left palm, and the shrapnel in the right shoulder blade was not even known to the family.

Shining "Red Star" Shining coordinates: the story of three "military medals".

The high-sex and wide old man listened to the party's command and made many military exploits. He participated in 68 large and small battles, and had 1 special merit, 2 first-class merits, 1 second-class merit, and 11 third-class merits. However, little is known about his exploits, and even his daughter only learned about it when she was interviewed by the relevant departments. In 1964, Gao Xingkuan transferred to Echeng County, and due to work transfer, all 15 military merit medals and meritorious service certificates were lost, but he hid his fame and did not complain.

Shining "Red Star" Shining coordinates: the story of three "military medals".

Devoted to construction, he was sincere for the people. In his work, he does everything in detail and does everything himself. When building the Liangzihu Modaoji Temperance Gate, he was not afraid of danger, personally tested the recipe and temperature, and fried black explosives, saving money and materials for the country.

After his retirement, he is still nosy and daring. There were no security guards and doormen in the community, so he volunteered to patrol and never gave up even if he was misunderstood as "nosy".

Gao Xingkuan is dedicated to the party's cause, but he often says to his family and friends, "don't cause trouble to the organization." He is honest and does not use his position to seek convenience for his children.

Loyalty, perseverance, simplicity, high sex and magnanimity have been glorious in the party for 77 years. He used his life to interpret the noble character and great spirit of Communist Party members.

Shining "Red Star" Shining coordinates: the story of three "military medals".

A country needs heroes and national pioneers. Old man Gao Xingkuan is such a hero and pioneer, his deeds will always inspire us, let us pay the highest respect to this veteran, party member, and hero!

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