
Military school admissions or an upset? The colleges and universities have dropped their scores sharply and are still dissatisfied, and the reason is realistic and heart-wrenching!

author:Bearded view

Why is military school no longer a "hot" choice?

Once upon a time, the military academy was a holy place in the hearts of countless enthusiastic young people, and a stage for them to realize their dream of defending their homes and the country and pursue the value of life. But now, why does military school seem to be an "unpopular" choice?

Even though the admission score has been lowered repeatedly, the enrollment of military schools is still facing difficulties. What is the reason behind this? And how can we rekindle the appeal of military schools?

1. Exploring the "cold" enrollment of military schools

The score threshold is high, and it is difficult for students to cross

In the fierce competition of the college entrance examination, it is even more difficult for most candidates to achieve a high score of more than 650 points.

Especially in Shandong, Henan, Hebei, and Chongqing, which are major provinces for college entrance examinations, the admission score line of military schools is even more prohibitive. Although military schools have lowered the cut-off score for admission, for many candidates, this threshold is still difficult to cross.

Military school admissions or an upset? The colleges and universities have dropped their scores sharply and are still dissatisfied, and the reason is realistic and heart-wrenching!

The physical fitness requirements are strict, which makes many candidates stop

In addition to the high score threshold, military schools also have extremely strict requirements for the physical fitness of candidates. Physical examination standards such as eyesight, height, and weight are extremely harsh, and many candidates are eliminated early because of vision problems.

In addition, military schools will also test the psychological qualities of candidates to ensure that they have the basic conditions to become a qualified soldier. These high standards and strict requirements undoubtedly discourage many candidates.

The political trial level is difficult, and the family background has become an obstacle

In the enrollment of military schools, political examination is an indispensable link. It not only requires candidates to be of good character and have no illegal records, but also requires their immediate family members of three generations to have no violations of law and discipline.

Although this requirement ensures the political quality of military cadets, it also discourages some candidates with complex family backgrounds or historical problems. After all, a person's family background cannot be chosen, but the political standards of military schools are iron-faced and selfless.

Military school admissions or an upset? The colleges and universities have dropped their scores sharply and are still dissatisfied, and the reason is realistic and heart-wrenching!

The employment prospects are uncertain, and parents and candidates have concerns

In the past, military school graduates were often able to obtain stable employment, which has also become an important motivation for many candidates to apply for military schools. However, with the change of the times and the deepening of the reform of the army, graduates of military academies no longer enjoy the treatment of package allocation.

They need to participate in the unified distribution of the army after graduation, and the location of the assignment and the nature of the work are often highly uncertain. This uncertainty has caused many candidates and parents to have apprehensions and worries about applying for military schools.

2. New opportunities and challenges for military school enrollment

Rediscover the unique value of military schools

"The rise and fall of the country is the responsibility of the husband." In the context of the new era, the importance of national defense construction has become increasingly prominent. As an important base for cultivating high-quality military personnel, the value and significance of military academies are self-evident.

We should re-examine the characteristics and advantages of military academy education and understand the unique role of military academies in cultivating all-round talents. Through strengthening propaganda and education, more people can understand the unique charm of military academies, so as to strengthen their determination and confidence in applying for military academies.

Military school admissions or an upset? The colleges and universities have dropped their scores sharply and are still dissatisfied, and the reason is realistic and heart-wrenching!

Lower the bar and improve the quality of education

In the face of the dilemma of "cold" enrollment in military schools, we can start from two aspects: lowering the admission threshold and improving the quality of education. On the one hand, the admission score and physical examination requirements of military schools can be appropriately lowered to attract more outstanding students to apply for the examination.

On the other hand, it is necessary to strengthen the teaching reform of military academies and the building of the teaching staff, and improve the quality of education and student satisfaction. Through the introduction of advanced teaching concepts and methods, we will strengthen practical teaching and the cultivation of innovation ability, so that military school education will be more in line with the development of the times and the needs of personnel training.

Strengthen the reform of the armed forces and the building of a contingent of qualified personnel

Military reform is one of the important tasks at present and for some time to come. In the course of reform, efforts should be made to strengthen the building of a contingent of qualified personnel and enhance the overall quality and attractiveness of the armed forces.

Military school admissions or an upset? The colleges and universities have dropped their scores sharply and are still dissatisfied, and the reason is realistic and heart-wrenching!

By optimizing the talent selection and training mechanism, improving the incentive mechanism and career development system, we will attract more outstanding talents to devote themselves to the cause of national defense.

At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen contacts and cooperation between military academies and military units, and provide military academy graduates with more opportunities for practice and development space. This will not only enhance the employment competitiveness of military academy graduates, but also provide more outstanding personnel for the troops.

3. Looking to the future: Military academies are rejuvenated

In the face of the current predicament and challenges, military academies need to actively seek new development opportunities and breakthroughs. First of all, it is necessary to intensify propaganda and education in military academies so that more people can understand the educational characteristics and training objectives of military academies.

Military school admissions or an upset? The colleges and universities have dropped their scores sharply and are still dissatisfied, and the reason is realistic and heart-wrenching!

By holding open days, admissions briefings and other activities, candidates and parents can experience the charm of military schools up close. Secondly, it is necessary to appropriately lower the admission threshold and physical examination requirements to attract more outstanding students to apply for the examination.

At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the reform of the armed forces and the building of a contingent of qualified personnel, so as to enhance the overall quality and attractiveness of the armed forces. Finally, it is necessary to strengthen employment guidance and policy support for military academy graduates, so as to enhance their employment competitiveness and development space.

We believe that in the near future, the military academy will surely usher in a new road of rejuvenation. With the continuous advancement of national defense construction and the in-depth implementation of military reform, the quality of education and the level of personnel training in military academies will be further enhanced.

Those enthusiastic young people who have the dream of defending their homes and the country will definitely be able to shine more brightly on the hot land of military academies! Let's look forward to a bright future for the military academy together!