
My cousin brought the baby to Peking University, and Wei Shen sent 8 meat buns to my niece! Netizen: Wei Shen also understands human feelings

author:Bearded view

Wei Dongyi: Have you heard of the philosophy of life behind mathematical geniuses?

Have you ever wondered what the daily lives of those geniuses in the field of mathematics are like? Always immersed in complex numbers and formulas, cut off from the world?

However, Wei Dongyi, a mathematical genius at Peking University, uses his unique lifestyle to reveal another side of mathematical genius for us.

1. Wei Dongyi: Math geniuses also love vegetarianism?

We have the stereotype that mathematical geniuses are always closely connected to numbers and formulas, as if their lives are only data and logic.

My cousin brought the baby to Peking University, and Wei Shen sent 8 meat buns to my niece! Netizen: Wei Shen also understands human feelings

But Wei Dongyi let us see a different side. During a dinner with my cousin, we found him to be picky and persistent in his choice of food.

Although the table is full of delicacies, he has a soft spot for vegetarian dishes, and even washes the peppers off the dishes with water. This kind of care and persistence in eating and drinking makes us can't help but be impressed by this mathematical genius.

My cousin brought the baby to Peking University, and Wei Shen sent 8 meat buns to my niece! Netizen: Wei Shen also understands human feelings

Wei Dongyi's simple life and vegetarian choice actually reflect his spirit of pure heart and lack of desire and dedication to research.

He not only has outstanding achievements in the field of mathematics, but also pursues a kind of purity and simplicity in life. This way of life allows us to see the other side of mathematical genius, and also gives us a deeper respect for Wei Dongyi.

2. Wei Dongyi: Mathematical genius also understands human feelings?

In the eyes of many people, mathematical geniuses are often portrayed as introverted and wooden, seemingly ignorant of interpersonal communication and human sophistication. But Wei Dongyi broke this stereotype with practical actions.

In his dealings with his cousin, he showed a careful and considerate side. He will not only prepare steamed buns for breakfast for his cousin, but also give 8 large meat buns from the Peking University canteen when his cousin brings his children to Beijing to play. These seemingly insignificant gestures are full of warmth and affection.

My cousin brought the baby to Peking University, and Wei Shen sent 8 meat buns to my niece! Netizen: Wei Shen also understands human feelings

Wei Dongyi's behavior allows us to see his proper handling of human feelings. He is not the kind of person who is cold and heartless, on the contrary, he knows how to care and care for others.

This also makes us realize that a true mathematical genius is not just a loner immersed in numbers and formulas, they also have a rich emotion and delicate mind.

3. Wei Dongyi talks about family education: let children grow up in happiness

Regarding Wei Dongyi's family education, there have been various speculations and interpretations from the outside world. Some people think that his parents were too strict with him, causing him to lose the joy of his childhood;

Some people believe that it is this kind of family education that has created his achievements today. So, how does Wei Dongyi himself view family education?

My cousin brought the baby to Peking University, and Wei Shen sent 8 meat buns to my niece! Netizen: Wei Shen also understands human feelings

In a conversation with my cousin, we learned about Wei Dongyi's views on family education. He emphasized that children's learning should not be overly suppressed and restricted, but should allow them to grow and develop in happiness.

He reminded his cousin not to schedule too many lessons for the children and to give them enough time to play and explore. This view undoubtedly reflects his deep understanding of family education.

My cousin brought the baby to Peking University, and Wei Shen sent 8 meat buns to my niece! Netizen: Wei Shen also understands human feelings

Wei Dongyi's point of view gives us more respect for this mathematical genius.

He not only has outstanding achievements in the field of mathematics, but also has unique insights and understanding in the field of family education. These views and practices of his will undoubtedly have a far-reaching impact on our educational methods and concepts of family education.

Fourth, explore Wei Dongyi's real life

Through the understanding of the above three aspects, we can more fully understand the real life of Wei Dongyi, a mathematical genius. He is not an unreachable, high-minded figure, but an ordinary person with his own unique lifestyle and pursuits.

My cousin brought the baby to Peking University, and Wei Shen sent 8 meat buns to my niece! Netizen: Wei Shen also understands human feelings

He has a preference for vegetarian food, a proper handling of human feelings, and a deep understanding of family education. These seemingly unrelated details of life, but they give us a better understanding of what this mathematical genius really looks like.

At the same time, we should also recognize that a true mathematical genius is not just about having extraordinary talent and achievements.

My cousin brought the baby to Peking University, and Wei Shen sent 8 meat buns to my niece! Netizen: Wei Shen also understands human feelings

They also need to face various problems and challenges in life, and they need to constantly learn and grow. Wei Dongyi's story tells us that only by constantly working hard and pursuing one's dreams and goals can one become a true mathematical genius and a winner in life.


When we mention the name Wei Dongyi again, perhaps we no longer just think of his dazzling mathematical achievements and honors. More often than not, we think of his austere lifestyle, his preference for vegetarianism, his proper handling of human affairs, and his deep understanding of family education.

My cousin brought the baby to Peking University, and Wei Shen sent 8 meat buns to my niece! Netizen: Wei Shen also understands human feelings

These details of life, which seem to have nothing to do with mathematics, make us feel the charm and style of this mathematical genius more realistically. At the same time, it also makes us more aware that a real mathematical genius is not just a pile of numbers and formulas, but also an ordinary person with rich emotions and delicate thoughts.