
After the announcement of the provincial pensions, most of the quotas and linkages have been lowered, and there is a difference between the refund of the enterprise and the increase in money

author:Magpies say things

Sentence / Ki Ling



Recently, the pension adjustment plan was announced, and the adjustment differences between regions are obvious, with the eastern region having the most severe downward adjustment, and the western region has increased. Many netizens expressed dissatisfaction with this, believing that it would widen the regional gap. Want to know how much pensions will rise this year? Let's look down!

Local pension adjustments are released

The pension adjustment has been widely spread on the Internet and has attracted the attention of many people.

After the announcement of the provincial pensions, most of the quotas and linkages have been lowered, and there is a difference between the refund of the enterprise and the increase in money

The adjustment of pensions this time is mainly based on different regions and different standards.

At present, the pension adjustment plan of the provinces has also been announced, compared with previous years, this year's adjustment notice announced much earlier, compared with the notice announced in late June last year, this year has been announced in early June.

In this pension adjustment, most places focus on the reduction of the fixed amount and linked adjustment standards, and do not focus too much on the linked adjustment.

After the announcement of the provincial pensions, most of the quotas and linkages have been lowered, and there is a difference between the refund of the enterprise and the increase in money

In this year's adjustment plan, the differences between regions are also very obvious.

In some developed eastern regions, although the level of economic development is high, the level of pension is not optimistic.

For example, Jiangsu, Shanghai and other places have lowered the quota and linkage adjustment standards to the highest in the country.

However, in some western regions, pensions have been raised, such as Tibet.

After the announcement of the provincial pensions, most of the quotas and linkages have been lowered, and there is a difference between the refund of the enterprise and the increase in money

This has also led to the dissatisfaction of many netizens, believing that this not only fails to solve the existing problems, but makes the gap between the east and the west widen.

After the announcement of the provincial pensions, most of the quotas and linkages have been lowered, and there is a difference between the refund of the enterprise and the increase in money

So how much will the pension rise in this pension adjustment?

In most places, the quota is adjusted within 40 yuan

This year's national pension plan is also full of twists and turns, and many people are looking forward to a satisfactory result.

However, the pension plan that has been really announced is also eye-catching.

After the announcement of the provincial pensions, most of the quotas and linkages have been lowered, and there is a difference between the refund of the enterprise and the increase in money

Many people feel that the pension increase this time does not seem to be as strong as in previous years.

In fact, this year's pension rise is indeed not as large as in previous years, which is also the lowest pension increase in recent years.

The adjustment range of this time, most places have lowered the quota adjustment and linked adjustment standards, and the quota adjustment is generally within 40 yuan.

After the announcement of the provincial pensions, most of the quotas and linkages have been lowered, and there is a difference between the refund of the enterprise and the increase in money

After the quota and peg standards are lowered, many people will feel very lost.

Why did it go up a lot last year, but this year it went up so much?

In fact, this situation will be reflected in all provinces, even in places with high economic levels such as Shanghai and Beijing.

And is there a difference between the increase of enterprise retirees and public institution retirees?

After the announcement of the provincial pensions, most of the quotas and linkages have been lowered, and there is a difference between the refund of the enterprise and the increase in money


Through comparison, it can be found that in this year's pension plan, although the fixed amount and linked adjustment standards have been lowered, the pension increase of retirees in enterprises and institutions has not been as one-size-fits-all as the fixed amount and linked standards.

This has also led to a differentiated upward trend between the two.

The per capita pension of retirees in enterprises and institutions is about 3,000 yuan higher than that of retirees in enterprises, but this gap will not widen drastically because of this.

After the announcement of the provincial pensions, most of the quotas and linkages have been lowered, and there is a difference between the refund of the enterprise and the increase in money

The pension increase of retirees in public institutions will generally be about 100 yuan, and there are some provinces that have increased by more than 300 yuan because of the implementation of a higher linked percentage standard.

But even so, there is a certain degree of gap between the two.

The difference in the income increase of retirees in enterprises and institutions mainly depends on factors such as personal length of service, pension level and whether they can obtain preferential treatment for old age.

In addition, there is another question that has attracted much attention, that is, will the unit price of seniority and the linked percentage increase?

After the announcement of the provincial pensions, most of the quotas and linkages have been lowered, and there is a difference between the refund of the enterprise and the increase in money

Unit price of length of service

In some places, the unit price and the linked percentage of seniority have been raised, but the increase is generally within 1%.

From the above situation, it can be seen that in this nationwide pension adjustment, there is no situation where the linked percentage is increased comprehensively as in 2018.

At present, among the regions that have all announced this year's pension adjustment plan, the highest unit price of seniority is 86.3 yuan/year/person (Guangxi), and the lowest is 78.4 yuan/year/person (Guizhou).

However, only 4 provinces in the above-mentioned regions have increased the unit price of seniority: Shandong, Zhejiang, Gansu and Qinghai.

In these places, the unit price of seniority has been generally raised, and Gansu has also raised the standard of the linked percentage, reaching 8%.

But even so, the increase was only about 1%, which did not meet the expected "improvement" standard.

According to statistics, among the regions that have all announced this year's pension adjustment plan, there are currently 10 provinces that have increased the unit price of seniority to more than 80 yuan/year/person, and the increase is only within 1%.

According to the regulations, after the cumulative deposit amount of the personal account of the employee after retirement is determined according to the total amount of personal contributions and the corresponding interest rate, the balance will continue to be paid in full by the employer.

So can the pension of employees of public institutions be directly received in full from the balance stored in the personal account?

Employee retirement pension

According to the regulations, after the cumulative amount of personal account savings is determined according to the total amount of individual contributions and the corresponding interest rate, the balance will continue to be paid in full by the employer.

However, some provinces have adopted a special policy to deduct the shortfall from the balance of the employee's personal account when the employer makes the shortfall.

If the employer is unable to continue to advance the full amount of the employee's personal account after retirement, the balance of the personal account will be deducted, then it will undoubtedly be even worse for the employee.

So is there a different pension policy for employees and retirees of enterprises and retirees of public institutions in large eastern countries this year?

Unified approach

In fact, at present, on a national scale, there is no situation in which different groups of people are treated differently, and this year, the number of workers and retirees of enterprises and retirees of public institutions in large eastern countries has risen according to a unified method.


After the pension adjustment plan was announced, netizens did not seem to be satisfied with the adjustment this year. Different regions have their own focus on pension adjustment strategies, and the differences between the eastern and western regions are also obvious. What are your thoughts on this year's pension adjustments? Come and leave a comment to share your thoughts!

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