
JavaScript 2023 Annual Report is out

author:Attack on Grey

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「State of JavaScript 2023」调查报告已发布。

JavaScript 2023 Annual Report is out

Front-end framework and class library usage

JavaScript 2023 Annual Report is out
JavaScript 2023 Annual Report is out

Mobile and client

JavaScript 2023 Annual Report is out

Build tools (compiling and packaging code)

JavaScript 2023 Annual Report is out
JavaScript 2023 Annual Report is out

Utility libraries

JavaScript 2023 Annual Report is out

JavaScript runtime

JavaScript 2023 Annual Report is out

JavaScript 与 TypeScript 使用情况

JavaScript 2023 Annual Report is out
JavaScript 2023 Annual Report is out
JavaScript 2023 Annual Report is out
JavaScript 2023 Annual Report is out

Notable highlights:

1. Vite is the most adopted technology (usage is growing year over year, up 25% from last year), the most satisfied technology (98% of developers are willing to use it again), and the most loved library (88.7% positive reviews, making it the most popular technology)

2. Vitest is the technology that attracts the most attention from developers, and won the award for the technology that developers are most interested in with 79% of the data

3. Bun is the most mentioned project by developers, with a total of 353 mentions

4. React is the most commented tool library, with a total of 119 discussions

JavaScript 2023 Annual Report is out

Theo Browne, a well-known front-end developer, commented on the survey results that "JavaScript is moving to the server side."

In last year's survey, we saw rapid growth in the adoption of server rendering frameworks like Next, Nuxt, Remix, and SvelteKit.

This year, we've moved to server-first models like Partial Hydration and Islands, which have doubled their adoption.

Frameworks/libraries like HTMX show that it's not just web developers who benefit from leveraging servers.

Single-page applications (SPAs) aren't going away (just look at Inertia to prove it), but as these new models continue to improve, the market seems to be following suit.

This shift is not unanimously appreciated. React continues to grow, but React developers are increasingly worried about its direction. Having come this far...... It's tough, but it's progressing every day.

We're also seeing more options emerging outside of the React ecosystem.

From Nuxt to SolidStart to Astro, all the best React Server Component features are rolling out to every developer.

Of course, Vite continues to dominate and is a common choice for application developers and framework authors. It's hard to imagine where we would be today without it!

View the full report:


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JavaScript 2023 Annual Report is out

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