
Brewing skills丨Brewing ideas for granular tea

author:Sports Xiao Ning

Granular tea, like finely broken pearls, scattered in the sea of tea, they are the crystallization of modern technology and traditional wisdom, in a more convenient form, to convey the true taste of tea. Brewing granular tea is not only a skill, but also an art of racing against time. Next, let's discuss the brewing ideas of granulated tea.

Brewing skills丨Brewing ideas for granular tea

First of all, choosing the right utensils is the basis of brewing. Due to its small size, granulated tea is suitable for tea utensils with strainers, such as glasses, porcelain pots or special tea brewers. These utensils can effectively separate the tea grounds from the tea soup and ensure the purity of drinking.

Secondly, the control of water temperature is crucial. Different granulated teas have different suitable water temperatures. In general, green and yellow teas are suitable for brewing with a water temperature of 80-85°C, oolong tea requires a water temperature of 90-95°C, and black and black teas can be brewed with boiling water that is close to boiling. The right water temperature can stimulate the aroma of the tea leaves while avoiding the excessive release of bitter and astringent tastes.

Brewing skills丨Brewing ideas for granular tea

Next, there is the consideration of the amount of tea. Because of its small size, granulated tea is easy to underestimate its dosage. Normally, about 3-5 grams of tea leaves are needed for every 150ml of water, and the specific amount can be adjusted according to personal taste. The amount of tea is moderate, which can not only ensure the richness of the tea soup, but also avoid the excessive tea taste.

Then, the brewing time is just as crucial. Due to the broken tea leaves, the contents of granular tea are easy to release quickly, so the brewing time should not be too long. After the initial infusion, the recommended brewing time is about 1-2 minutes for green and yellow teas, 2-3 minutes for oolong teas, and slightly longer for black and dark teas, about 3-5 minutes. Of course, these times are for reference only, and the actual operation needs to be fine-tuned according to personal taste.

Brewing skills丨Brewing ideas for granular tea

In addition, the way of water injection during the brewing process should not be overlooked. It is recommended to use the method of fixed-point water injection, that is, the water flow directly impacts the tea leaves, so that the tea leaves can be fully developed and the aroma and taste can be better released. At the same time, the intensity of the tea soup can also be controlled by changing the height and speed of the water injection.

Finally, multiple brewing is a major feature of granulated tea. As the tea leaves break, the first brew tends to release most of the flavor quickly, but the taste of each brew changes as the number of brews increases. Generally speaking, high-quality granulated tea can be brewed 3-5 times, and after each brewing, the brewing time can be adjusted appropriately according to the color and taste of the tea soup.

Brewing skills丨Brewing ideas for granular tea

In summary, brewing granulated tea is a meticulous job that requires us to get it right at every turn. From the selection of utensils to the control of water temperature, from the measurement of the amount of tea to the grasp of brewing time, to the use of water filling methods, each step affects the quality of the final tea soup. Only by mastering these brewing techniques can we truly appreciate the unique charm of granulated tea.