
As the saying goes: "There are three emptiness in the family, and the children and grandchildren are poor for generations", what do the three emptiness refer to? Is it exquisite?

author:Care for the health of the elderly
As the saying goes: "There are three emptiness in the family, and the children and grandchildren are poor for generations", what do the three emptiness refer to? Is it exquisite?

The saying is the crystallization of folk wisdom, it is the crystallization of people's long-term life and production practice, and contains profound social philosophy and life truth. In the ancient documents and ancient books of the mainland, there are many colloquialisms that reflect the wisdom and wisdom of people's lives, and these colloquialisms are concise and concise, but they contain profound philosophies and truths.

As the saying goes: "There are three emptiness in the family, and the children and grandchildren are poor for generations", what do the three emptiness refer to? Is it exquisite?

There is a saying among them: "If there are three empty families, children and grandchildren will be poor", which is one of the typical examples that reflect the wisdom and wisdom of people's lives. However, many people do not understand the deep meaning of this saying, nor do they know what the "three emptiness" refers to. So, here I will talk about my understanding and interpretation of this proverb from a first-person perspective, combined with my own life experience and perception. I hope that through my sharing, more people can understand this proverb and benefit from it.

Empty house

As the saying goes: "There are three emptiness in the family, and the children and grandchildren are poor for generations", what do the three emptiness refer to? Is it exquisite?

Let's talk about what the "three emptinesses" mentioned in this proverb refer to. The first of these "empty" is the "empty house". The so-called "empty house in the house" means that there are many vacant houses in the house, but no one lives in them. In ancient society, the average wealthy family did have such a situation, they would have a few or dozens of houses, but they were uninhabited all year round, which seemed particularly lonely and lonely. In modern society, especially in some rural areas, there will also be such a situation, some old houses in the countryside are empty, but no one wants to live in them. Such "empty houses" not only waste a lot of resources, but also have a certain impact on the appearance of the villages.

There is an "empty house" in the family, not only because the house is idle, but more often, because of family conflicts and disputes. For example, in some families, due to conflicts of interest and contradictions between family members, the family is separated and separated, and the house that should belong to the family eventually becomes an "empty house" and becomes a "haunted house" in the mouth of others. It can be said that what is behind the "empty house" is not only the vacancy of the house, but also the estrangement and contradictions of the family. Therefore, if there is an "empty house" in the family, it will easily lead to the end of "poor children and grandchildren", and it will also bring certain bad luck and misfortune to the family.


As the saying goes: "There are three emptiness in the family, and the children and grandchildren are poor for generations", what do the three emptiness refer to? Is it exquisite?

In addition to the "empty house", the "three emptiness" mentioned in this proverb also includes the "empty field". The so-called "empty land in the family" means that the family has a lot of land, but it is barren all year round, and no one cultivates it. In ancient societies, land was a very important means of production, and only by cultivating and planting the land could we obtain a good harvest of crops, so as to ensure the needs of the family's food and clothing life. Therefore, if there is a large area of "empty land" in the family, it will lead to the family not being able to achieve self-sufficiency, and it will also face the dilemma of insufficient food and clothing.

Having "empty land" at home is not only a problem of material life that cannot be guaranteed, but more importantly, it will affect the psychology and emotions of family members. Because land is the "cash cow" of farmers, only through their own hard work can they reap fruitful results, and it is also a place where farmers are full of hope and longing for the future. Therefore, it is only when the land is fully utilized that it can bring true happiness and joy to the family.

Empty cage

As the saying goes: "There are three emptiness in the family, and the children and grandchildren are poor for generations", what do the three emptiness refer to? Is it exquisite?

It is the last "emptiness" in the "three emptiness" mentioned in this proverb, that is, the "empty cage". The so-called "empty cage at home" means that there are many free bird cages in the house, but there is no bird's song. In ancient societies, people were very fond of raising birds, and they believed that birds could bring good luck and auspiciousness to people, and also add interest to the life of the family. As a result, almost every family has some birds, and most of these birds are kept in bird cages.

If there is no singing of birds in the birdcage, it will give people an unusual silence and coldness, and it will also make people feel very lost and sad. In fact, "empty cage" in this colloquial phrase does not only refer to the bird cage, more often, it is more of a metaphor for the "empty nest" phenomenon of the family. Whether in ancient or modern times, the family is composed of parents and children, and the children are the "hope project" of the family, the future and hope of the family.

As the saying goes: "There are three emptiness in the family, and the children and grandchildren are poor for generations", what do the three emptiness refer to? Is it exquisite?

Through the interpretation of this saying, I believe you have a deeper understanding of its meaning. In fact, "there are three emptiness in the family, and the children and grandchildren are poor" is not to pour cold water on people, nor is it alarmist, but to hope that every family can cherish the people in front of them and strive to create a harmonious and warm family atmosphere. Only when family members can care for and support each other can we create a better life together, and can we keep the phenomenon of "three emptiness in the home" away from us.

In real life, we should care for everyone around us with a grateful heart, and we should also learn to be tolerant and understanding, so that the family is full of love and warmth. Only in this way can every family be kept away from the trouble of the "three emptiness" phenomenon and be able to meet a better tomorrow.