
Wang Xiaofei opened another big S hotel, the iconic big string of pearls! Implying that there is no way to want equity

author:Pixiu Kanyu
Wang Xiaofei opened another big S hotel, the iconic big string of pearls! Implying that there is no way to want equity

Wang Xiaofei opened another big S hotel in Qingdao, which is still an iconic big string of pearls!

Big S is going to sue again after seeing it, and it's the same as the hotel in Taipei.

It seems that Wang Xiaofei is deliberately angry with her, and she doesn't want to have any equity.

Wang Xiaofei opened another big S hotel, the iconic big string of pearls! Implying that there is no way to want equity

Back then, the relationship between Wang Xiaofei and Da S was a sensation, and the two went from acquaintance to love and then to marriage, every step was vigorous.

In 2010, they met for the first time at An Yixuan's birthday party, when Wang Xiaofei was still one of the four young people in Beijing, and Da S was a popular actress in the entertainment industry.

The two fell in love at first sight, quickly fell in love, and held a grand wedding in 2011.

Wang Xiaofei opened another big S hotel, the iconic big string of pearls! Implying that there is no way to want equity

The wedding caused quite a stir at the time, and the level of luxury was breathtaking.

However, married life is not always so sweet.

The controversies and contradictions between the two after their marriage gradually surfaced.

Economic issues have become a major disagreement between them, with Wang Xiaofei's family business struggling while Big S continues to maintain high-profile spending habits.

Wang Xiaofei opened another big S hotel, the iconic big string of pearls! Implying that there is no way to want equity

In addition, the difference in living habits also made the two drift apart.

Wang Xiaofei likes to be lively and often calls friends, while Big S prefers a quiet life.

These contradictions gradually accumulated, which eventually led to the breakdown of the relationship between the two.

Recently, Wang Xiaofei opened a new hotel in Qingdao, which caused a lot of turmoil.

Wang Xiaofei opened another big S hotel, the iconic big string of pearls! Implying that there is no way to want equity

The hotel is a large hotel with an area of more than 10,000 square meters and hundreds of rooms.

The decoration style is even more luxurious, which is somewhat similar to the hotel opened by Da S in Taipei.

Whether it is the gorgeous decoration of the lobby or the exquisite layout of the guest rooms, it makes people feel a strong sense of luxury.

Wang Xiaofei opened another big S hotel, the iconic big string of pearls! Implying that there is no way to want equity

It is said that this hotel also adopts similar design elements to the Big S Taipei Hotel, such as the crystal chandelier in the lobby and the silk bedding in the guest rooms, which are reminiscent of the Big S hotel.

After Da S saw this hotel, he was very angry.

She thought that Wang Xiaofei was deliberately angry with her, imitating her hotel in Taipei.

Wang Xiaofei opened another big S hotel, the iconic big string of pearls! Implying that there is no way to want equity

Some people even speculate that Big S may sue Wang Xiaofei for this.

After all, this kind of business involves issues of copyright and creativity.

In the past, celebrities have sued for similar things, and the compensation amount is as high as millions.

However, whether it will be prosecuted or not depends on Big S's next move.

Wang Xiaofei opened another big S hotel, the iconic big string of pearls! Implying that there is no way to want equity

Wang Xiaofei opened this new hotel, did she deliberately anger the big S? This is a question that is a lot of discussion.

Judging from some past remarks and behaviors, Wang Xiaofei does have such a tendency.

He once publicly expressed his dissatisfaction with Big S on social media, revealing resentment between his words.

Moreover, his style of doing things has always been his own way, not taking into account the feelings of others.

Wang Xiaofei opened another big S hotel, the iconic big string of pearls! Implying that there is no way to want equity

Therefore, opening this new hotel, it is very likely that he is deliberately angry with S.

After all, imitating his ex-wife's hotel, this kind of behavior is a bit provocative no matter how you look at it.

Of course, some people think that Wang Xiaofei did not deliberately get angry with S.

He just wanted to make a breakthrough in his career and open a luxury hotel to fulfill his dream.

Wang Xiaofei opened another big S hotel, the iconic big string of pearls! Implying that there is no way to want equity

After all, everyone has their own pursuits and ideals, and Wang Xiaofei is no exception.

And, from a business point of view, opening a luxury hotel is also a good investment option.

Therefore, he opened this new hotel, perhaps just out of his own business considerations and dreams.

Speaking of Big S, many people will think that she is a cold goddess who only loves herself and not others.

Wang Xiaofei opened another big S hotel, the iconic big string of pearls! Implying that there is no way to want equity

There is some truth to this assessment.

Judging from her words and actions on some occasions, she does give the impression of being more self-conscious and less considerate of the feelings of others.

For example, she once publicly stated on the show that she would not change her lifestyle and habits for the sake of others, and this firm self-attitude made many people think that she is a person who only loves herself.

Wang Xiaofei opened another big S hotel, the iconic big string of pearls! Implying that there is no way to want equity

Coupled with her performance in some public places, such as her attitude towards the media and her response to fans, she also gives people a relatively cold and unapproachable feeling.

However, there are also many people who think that Big S is not like this.

They thought she was just more direct, frank, and not malicious.

Moreover, she also showed a very warm and loving side in some charity activities.

Wang Xiaofei opened another big S hotel, the iconic big string of pearls! Implying that there is no way to want equity

For example, she has participated in some public welfare activities that care for children, and has also donated her own items to those in need.

These behaviors make people see the kindness and warmth in her heart.

Therefore, we still need to look at the image and public evaluation of Big S.

She may not be a flawless goddess, but she also has her own merits and sparkles.

Wang Xiaofei opened another big S hotel, the iconic big string of pearls! Implying that there is no way to want equity

Nowadays, the living conditions of Wang Xiaofei and Da S are very different.

Wang Xiaofei is living happily here, not only has a new relationship status, but her career development is also in full swing.

His new hotel has been doing a boom since it opened, with impressive profit figures, and it is said that he has achieved his profit target within a few months of opening.

Wang Xiaofei opened another big S hotel, the iconic big string of pearls! Implying that there is no way to want equity

Moreover, he often attends various events with his new partner, and his sweet moments are enviable.

The photos and videos they posted on social media are full of happiness and sweetness, and people can't help but sigh that Wang Xiaofei has finally found her own happiness.

In contrast, Big S is a little lonely on his side.

Wang Xiaofei opened another big S hotel, the iconic big string of pearls! Implying that there is no way to want equity

Her "big curve era" seems to be over, and both her career and relationship have fallen into a trough.

Her new work received a mediocre response and did not attract much attention.

In terms of relationships, she has also remained single and has not been rumored to be in a new relationship.

Wang Xiaofei opened another big S hotel, the iconic big string of pearls! Implying that there is no way to want equity

Many people are speculating about what she will do next, whether she will continue to stick to her lifestyle or seek new breakthroughs. In any case, we hope that she can find her own path to happiness and regain her own light.

Recently, the topic of Xiaomei giving birth to a baby has caused a lot of controversy.

Some people think that it is useless for her to remarry and not have children, but this view is actually a bit one-sided.

Wang Xiaofei opened another big S hotel, the iconic big string of pearls! Implying that there is no way to want equity

Childbearing is a free choice for everyone, whether it is remarriage or first marriage, they have the right to decide whether they want to have children or not.

Moreover, Xiaomei also has her own career and life pursuits, and she does not need to prove her worth through childbirth.

She has said that she prefers to focus on the development of her career rather than being tied up by her family and children.

Wang Xiaofei opened another big S hotel, the iconic big string of pearls! Implying that there is no way to want equity

This independent and autonomous attitude deserves our respect.

Of course, there are also people who understand and support Xiaomei's choice.

They believe that everyone has their own lifestyle and pursuits, and Xiaomei's choice not to have children is also out of her own considerations and decisions.

We should respect everyone's choices and not judge others by our own standards.

Wang Xiaofei opened another big S hotel, the iconic big string of pearls! Implying that there is no way to want equity

After all, fertility is not the only measure of a person's worth, and everyone has their own unique way of value and contribution.

Therefore, we should be more tolerant and understanding of different choices and lifestyles, and work together to create a more diverse and inclusive society.

Wang Xiaofei opened another big S hotel, the iconic big string of pearls! Implying that there is no way to want equity


Looking back on the development of the relationship between Wang Xiaofei and Big S and the current situation, people can't help but feel a lot of emotion.

The former golden boy and girl have now parted ways, each embarking on a different path in life.

And the topic of Xiaomei's fertility also makes us think more about personal choice and freedom.

Wang Xiaofei opened another big S hotel, the iconic big string of pearls! Implying that there is no way to want equity

Whether it is a public figure or an ordinary person, we should respect everyone's choices and decisions, and not judge others by our own standards.

Looking to the future, I hope that we can all learn to be more tolerant and understanding of others, and work together to create a better society.

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