
What the EU wants most, China gave it to Russia, the 4,200 tons of pork order was finalized, and the European tax hike was counterattacked

author:The heavenly machine can be leaked

The talk of raising taxes on China's electric vehicles is like throwing a bomb on the market, and the reaction of all parties can be described as swift and violent.

Germany has always had a leg with Russian gas, and now the United States has to let them break off this relationship.

At this time, China's electric vehicles are simply a lifesaver for them, can Germany be happy to come out of nowhere?

What the EU wants most, China gave it to Russia, the 4,200 tons of pork order was finalized, and the European tax hike was counterattacked

Germany is not alone in the EU. Like France and Spain, these guys have broken their coke, and the reason is that they see that Chinese electric vehicles seem to affect their own car market share.

It's like cooking a good pot of soup at home, but the neighbor suddenly sends a pot that is more fragrant than you, and it doesn't taste like a thing in your heart.

What the EU wants most, China gave it to Russia, the 4,200 tons of pork order was finalized, and the European tax hike was counterattacked

The United States has always wanted to expand its influence on a global scale and control these technologically advanced emerging markets, the European Union, which will not be led by the nose.

The problem is that Germany is not a vegetarian either, and some people are starting to complain internally.

Especially after China's counterattack against them came, it was already infighting, and this stirring up became a mess.

What the EU wants most, China gave it to Russia, the 4,200 tons of pork order was finalized, and the European tax hike was counterattacked

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, the old brother, can imagine his disappointment after the meeting.

He warned that this would end in an uncertain way, and who knew that countries such as France and Spain would turn a blind eye to it.

They may think that it seems that it is the Chinese cars that are affected now, and their own car market can be better.

What the EU wants most, China gave it to Russia, the 4,200 tons of pork order was finalized, and the European tax hike was counterattacked

The reality is that the importance of the Chinese market cannot be overstated.

Once it really provokes China, the EU economy will suffer a heavy blow.

As soon as China made a move, it gave their economy a blow.

At first, China may only make a small fuss, but if it does make a big fuss, it may impose new sanctions on EU wine, luxury goods, and even Airbus aircraft. The EU's economic blow will not be a piece of cake at that point.

What the EU wants most, China gave it to Russia, the 4,200 tons of pork order was finalized, and the European tax hike was counterattacked

The influence of the United States is too great, and the EU is sometimes really weak. Von der Leyen, the president of the European Union, simply obeys the words of the United States, even if it is a gamble on the interests of the EU as a whole.

What the EU wants most, China gave it to Russia, the 4,200 tons of pork order was finalized, and the European tax hike was counterattacked

The current situation is that the EU is deeply divided because of this incident, and some countries are already starting to feel the pain.

This internal inconsistency, combined with external pressure, has caused the entire EU to swing.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz's warning did not seem to have gone unheeded, but his words were quickly verified.

What the EU wants most, China gave it to Russia, the 4,200 tons of pork order was finalized, and the European tax hike was counterattacked

Under such circumstances, there is no major essential contradiction between the EU and China, and in fact, cooperation can be strengthened.

After all, the international economic landscape is complex, and no country is immune.

This electric vehicle tariff turmoil is just the beginning, and if it is not handled well, the consequences are unimaginable.

A more cooperative attitude is good for both the EU and China, isn't it?