
Don't take it lightly! The collapse of the yen is only the tip of the iceberg of a large-scale financial war in the United States!

author:The heavenly machine can be leaked

Japan, an island brother, has always had an economic difficulty.

Since handing over military power to the United States after World War II, Japan has never really held the key to its own doorstep.

Militarily speaking, not economically, it depends on the face of the United States, and the recent fall of the yen is like a roller coaster.

Don't take it lightly! The collapse of the yen is only the tip of the iceberg of a large-scale financial war in the United States!

This time, the yen did not simply fall slightly, but went all the way down, and it did not stop running.

The main reason is that the big brother of the United States holds the killer weapon of interest rate hikes in his hands, and accidentally makes the global economy feel the cold wind.

As soon as interest rates rise in the United States, money around the world is like ants that smell honey, rushing towards high interest rates, so that there will naturally be a serious outflow of funds from Japan, and the yen exchange rate will naturally fall.

Don't take it lightly! The collapse of the yen is only the tip of the iceberg of a large-scale financial war in the United States!

The island nation does not think that there are many ways to earn money for its family, and mainly rely on exports.

But now that the global economy is not good, with a decrease in orders from outside and a falling yen exchange rate, there are not so many buyers for Japanese products, although they are cheap.

In addition, in order to support the economy, the Japanese government had to use a large amount of foreign exchange reserves to buy yen in an attempt to stabilize the market.

Don't take it lightly! The collapse of the yen is only the tip of the iceberg of a large-scale financial war in the United States!

U.S. control over Japan can be said to be an established strategy. Maintain the attractiveness of capital through high interest rates, and then gradually "trap" the assets of other countries through the operation of financial markets on a global scale.

Japan's desire to resist is tantamount to shaking a tree, not to mention relying on the military protection of the United States, which has made Japan an "economic colony" of the United States to a large extent.

Don't take it lightly! The collapse of the yen is only the tip of the iceberg of a large-scale financial war in the United States!

The game of big fish eating small fish in the American banking system has been playing out all the time.

Some smaller banks could be swallowed up by larger banks at low prices if they can't hold on.

In this case, those who deposit in these small banks may face losses.

This is a wake-up call for Japan, which has deposited a lot of its money in the United States through the purchase of U.S. Treasury bonds.

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