
Huo Yingdong's granddaughter's wedding gift was only 20 yuan, and she was too lazy to open it for 3 years, and her father once begged for money from the big house

author:Fun little fan girl
Huo Yingdong's granddaughter's wedding gift was only 20 yuan, and she was too lazy to open it for 3 years, and her father once begged for money from the big house

Recently, the Fok Ying Tung family has once again become the focus of public attention. Fok Ying-tung, the late family entrepreneur; The huge inheritance he left behind and the strife within the family have always been the topic of conversation in the outside world. And this time, with the news of Huo Yingdong's second granddaughter, Huo Yongying, publicly marrying a souvenir and red envelope, this family turmoil seems to have set off a new wave.

Huo Yingdong's granddaughter's wedding gift was only 20 yuan, and she was too lazy to open it for 3 years, and her father once begged for money from the big house

On June 29, Hong Kong media broke the festive news that Fok Yongying and her husband Hu Zhiluo had been married for three years. The daughter of the Huo family not only has a prominent family background, but also has won the love of many fans with her elegant temperament and low-key style. This move of making the wedding letter and red envelope public unexpectedly aroused heated discussions among netizens.

Huo Yingdong's granddaughter's wedding gift was only 20 yuan, and she was too lazy to open it for 3 years, and her father once begged for money from the big house

I think that Fok Yongying's public wedding letter and red envelope may have been intended to share her joy and happiness with fans. However, the amount of each red envelope is only 20 Hong Kong dollars, but it has become the focus of discussion among netizens.

Huo Yingdong's granddaughter's wedding gift was only 20 yuan, and she was too lazy to open it for 3 years, and her father once begged for money from the big house

Some people praised the Huo family for being low-key and pragmatic, not showing off their wealth; Some people also questioned whether such an amount was too shabby and inconsistent with the status of the Huo family.

In fact, the Huo family's wealth and status have long been well known. As an outstanding entrepreneur, Fok Yingdong has accumulated a wealth of nearly 30 billion Hong Kong dollars in his lifetime.

Huo Yingdong's granddaughter's wedding gift was only 20 yuan, and she was too lazy to open it for 3 years, and her father once begged for money from the big house

After the death of Fok Yingdong, this huge wealth caused disputes within the family. The dispute over the distribution of family property between the large, second and third rooms has not been properly resolved.

Huo Yingdong's granddaughter's wedding gift was only 20 yuan, and she was too lazy to open it for 3 years, and her father once begged for money from the big house

In this turmoil over the distribution of family property, Huo Wenxun, as the son of Fok Yingdong's second room and a famous doctor in Hong Kong, also participated in the dispute over the distribution of family property on behalf of the second and third rooms.

He openly expressed his dissatisfaction with the unfairness of the inheritance distribution of the big house, and hoped to obtain a more reasonable distribution plan. This kind of strife within the family has undoubtedly brought a lot of negative impact on the image of the Huo family.

Huo Yingdong's granddaughter's wedding gift was only 20 yuan, and she was too lazy to open it for 3 years, and her father once begged for money from the big house

And the story of the Huo family is not just as simple as family disputes and wealth struggles. In this large family, everyone's life and destiny are closely tied to it.

As the granddaughter of Fok Yingdong, Fok Yongying naturally carries the family's hopes and expectations. Her marriage choices and attitude towards life represent the image and values of the Huo family to a certain extent.

Huo Yingdong's granddaughter's wedding gift was only 20 yuan, and she was too lazy to open it for 3 years, and her father once begged for money from the big house

Although Fok Yongying's public wedding letter and red envelope have attracted attention and discussion from the outside world, it should be more of a blessing and encouragement to the young girl.

Huo Yingdong's granddaughter's wedding gift was only 20 yuan, and she was too lazy to open it for 3 years, and her father once begged for money from the big house

In her own way, she showed the Huo family's low-key and pragmatic to the outside world, and also expressed her beautiful expectations and yearning for married life. This positive attitude deserves our affirmation and respect.

Huo Yingdong's granddaughter's wedding gift was only 20 yuan, and she was too lazy to open it for 3 years, and her father once begged for money from the big house

Of course, disputes and conflicts within the family are also unavoidable realities. In the huge family of the Huo family, everyone's interests and values are different.

Huo Yingdong's granddaughter's wedding gift was only 20 yuan, and she was too lazy to open it for 3 years, and her father once begged for money from the big house

How to achieve more reasonable wealth distribution and family inheritance under the premise of ensuring family harmony and stability is a difficult problem in front of the Huo family.

Huo Yingdong's granddaughter's wedding gift was only 20 yuan, and she was too lazy to open it for 3 years, and her father once begged for money from the big house

Looking back at the history and development trajectory of the Huo family, we can see the brilliant achievements and outstanding contributions of this family in the business and political circles. However, within the family, there will inevitably be some disputes and contradictions.

Huo Yingdong's granddaughter's wedding gift was only 20 yuan, and she was too lazy to open it for 3 years, and her father once begged for money from the big house

On this issue, I think the Huo family needs more communication and understanding. It is only through mutual respect and tolerance, and through strengthening unity and cohesion within the family, that we can work together to address external challenges and difficulties.