
As soon as the dedicated boss became famous, his personal relationship was chaotic and standing, and the appearance of Shu Qi, the "goddess of hard disks".

author:Xiao Nuan said life

In 1992, 16-year-old Lin Lihui stood at the crossroads of his life. This girl with outstanding temperament and figure was caught by a talent scout at a glance, and instantly saw the ladder to her dream.

When he learned that he could make a lot of money by taking photos as a model, Lin Lihui's eyes flashed with excitement, and he did not hesitate to agree to the invitation of the talent scout and signed a contract with a Taiwan Babylon company to become a model and advertising girl.

However, the cruel reality of the entertainment industry soon gave this girl with dreams a blow to the head. In order to become famous quickly, under the temptation of the company and money, Lin Lihui signed a special contract and agreed to shoot a large number of "sexy photos".

A hint of hesitation flashed in her eyes, but it was quickly replaced by a desire to succeed. When the publisher asked her if she wanted to use her real name, Lin Lihui shook her head. She wants to give herself a stage name with temperament and cultural heritage.

As soon as the dedicated boss became famous, his personal relationship was chaotic and standing, and the appearance of Shu Qi, the "goddess of hard disks".

After thinking for a moment, she took two words from the "qin, chess, calligraphy and painting" that women should be proficient in in traditional Chinese culture, and named herself "Shuqi". However, the agent felt that the name was too literary and not catchy enough, so he helped her change it to the homophonic "Shu Qi".

In this way, the name "Shu Qi", which is destined to make waves in the entertainment industry, was born. The young Shu Qi stood in front of the camera, with both longing for the future and apprehension for the unknown in his eyes.

Little did she know that she was about to embark on a path full of thorns, with countless ups and downs. This 16-year-old girl from Taiwan is preparing to carve out her own path in the complicated entertainment industry in her own unique way.

Shu Qi took a deep breath and took the first step in her acting career, stepping into this bizarre world. In 1995, Shu Qi's fate ushered in a turning point. Taiwanese director Ke Junxiong saw Shu Qi's photo by chance and was deeply attracted by her potential.

As soon as the dedicated boss became famous, his personal relationship was chaotic and standing, and the appearance of Shu Qi, the "goddess of hard disks".

Ke Junxiong's eyes flashed with excitement, and he firmly believed that Shu Qi would be a great thing in the future. With this belief, he did not hesitate to spend NT$100,000 to buy Shu Qi into his own company.

At that time, Fengyue type movies were in full swing. Ke Junxiong keenly formulated a "sexy route" for Shu Qi and asked her to star in Fengyue movies. Although Shu Qi hesitated in her heart, in order to gain a firm foothold in this circle, she chose to compromise.

The two hit it off and reached a consensus and cooperation. Under the operation of Ke Junxiong, Shu Qi's screen debut "Spirit and Desire" came into being. As soon as this work was launched, it immediately caused a sensation, and Shu Qi became famous.

However, the price of fame is enormous. Shu Qi began to suffer all kinds of criticism, and many people accused her of doing anything to get to the top. These gossips even affected her family, relatives and friends chewed their tongues behind their backs, and her parents were even more ashamed and wanted to cut off relations with her at one point.

As soon as the dedicated boss became famous, his personal relationship was chaotic and standing, and the appearance of Shu Qi, the "goddess of hard disks".

Shu Qi's heart is full of contradictions and pain, both eager to succeed and afraid of being spurned. In 1996, Shu Qi's career ushered in a new turning point. "Ghost Director" Wang Jing saw Shu Qi on the screen and was attracted by her unique temperament.

Wang Jing traveled thousands of miles from Hong Kong to Taiwan, and he did not hesitate to take advantage of the contract loophole to sign Shu Qi. Under Wang Jing's training, Shu Qi starred in movies such as "Jade Futon 2" and "Red Light District", which completely established her status as a "sexy goddess".

However, Shu Qi was not satisfied with this. She craves more recognition and breaks through herself. In the same year, the opportunity came. Director Er Dongsheng is preparing to shoot "SQ Man and Woman", and he thinks Shu Qi is very suitable for the heroine.

With the vigorous efforts of his agent Wen Jun, Shu Qi successfully obtained this role. In the filming of "SQ Men and Women", Shu Qi showed amazing acting skills. She puts her heart and soul into the role, trying to interpret every detail.

As soon as the dedicated boss became famous, his personal relationship was chaotic and standing, and the appearance of Shu Qi, the "goddess of hard disks".

This effort was not in vain, and Shu Qi won the Hong Kong Film Awards for Best Supporting Actress and Best Newcomer in one fell swoop for this work. This is the greatest affirmation of her acting skills, and it also marks an important turning point in her acting career.

From a Fengyue film actress to a double winner of the Academy Awards, Shu Qi has proved that she is more than just a vase with her own efforts. There is no longer only confusion in her eyes, but more determination and confidence.

However, there are more challenges that await her on this path to success. Shu Qi knows that in order to gain a firm foothold in this ever-changing showbiz, she also needs to continue to break through herself and challenge new heights.

While her career is thriving, Shu Qi's love life is also like a roller coaster. In 1997, Shu Qi ushered in her first public scandal. Popular singer Aaron Kwok was filming the MV for the new song "Replicating the Soul", and he took the initiative to invite Shu Qi to be the heroine.

As soon as the dedicated boss became famous, his personal relationship was chaotic and standing, and the appearance of Shu Qi, the "goddess of hard disks".

The two quickly sparked in their cooperation, Aaron Kwok was handsome and very good at pleasing girls, while Shu Qi was charming and fascinated Aaron Kwok. Soon, the two were photographed dating and eating together, behaving intimately, and the love scandal spread.

However, the relationship came and went as quickly as it came, and was soon replaced by a new one. In 1998, Shu Qi met the handsome guy Liming while filming "City of Glass". The two fell in love because of the play, sparked love, and started an underground relationship.

Shu Qi seems to be very serious about this relationship, in order to be better with Liming, she cultivates her self-cultivation, no longer has any scandals with others, and has also taken on a lot of movies that prove her acting skills, wanting to say goodbye to the image of the past completely.

In the depths of love, Shu Qi and Liming started a cohabitation life without shame and irritability. Although the two have been photographed dating together many times and returning to the love nest together, for the sake of their careers, they have always kept a low profile in their relationship and have not made it public.

As soon as the dedicated boss became famous, his personal relationship was chaotic and standing, and the appearance of Shu Qi, the "goddess of hard disks".

This relationship lasted for seven years, Shu Qi and Liming were like glue, very affectionate, and were once called "Golden Boy and Jade Girl". However, the good times were short-lived. In 2004, the seventh year that Shu Qi and Liming were together, their relationship was in crisis.

There are different opinions about the reason for the breakup: some people say that Shu Qi forced marriage all day long, but Liming hasn't played enough; Some people say that the two have been together for a long time, their relationship has weakened, and they have quarreled constantly; Some people also said that Liming's family did not agree to the marriage of the two and looked down on Shu Qi's background.

In any case, this seven-year-long relationship finally came to an end. In 2006, Shu Qi had a new love in her life - the musical genius Wang Leehom. The two met because of their collaboration in the MV "The First Morning" and quickly fell in love.

They traveled together in Japan, were photographed hugging and kissing in the train, and picked out couple's rings together. However, this relationship did not come to fruition in the end, and it is rumored that because the Wang family has high requirements for their daughter-in-law, Shu Qi may not be recognized.

As soon as the dedicated boss became famous, his personal relationship was chaotic and standing, and the appearance of Shu Qi, the "goddess of hard disks".

In these ups and downs of emotional experience, Shu Qi seems to be floating and sinking in the ocean of love. Her eyes were sometimes full of anticipation, sometimes they revealed loss. Every relationship makes her grow and makes her more aware of what she wants.

Although there are many criticisms about her love life from the outside world, Shu Qi has always maintained her attitude and is looking for her own happiness in love. As she grew older and more experienced, Shu Qi began to realize that she couldn't stay on the label of "sexy goddess" forever.

She is eager to break through herself and show more layers of acting. This road of transformation is full of challenges, but Shu Qi is not afraid. Shu Qi began to try hard to try a variety of different types of roles, from comedy to tragedy, from modern drama to costume drama, she did her best.

Through these attempts, she hopes to prove that she is not just a vase, but a powerful actor. Shu Qi's efforts were not in vain, and the audience gradually saw a new Shu Qi, an actor with depth and connotation.

As soon as the dedicated boss became famous, his personal relationship was chaotic and standing, and the appearance of Shu Qi, the "goddess of hard disks".

Through Feng Xiaogang, Shu Qi also got acquainted with Wang Shuo, the "big man in the Beijing circle". Adhering to the idea of multiple backers and multiple paths, Shu Qi maintained a good relationship with Feng Xiaogang while currying favor with Wang Shuo.

Shu Qi's most powerful point is that "all ages can eat". Her charm is very great, whether it is much older than her or much smaller than her, they are all impressed by her charm.

Even the uncle Ge You, the trendy man Yu Wenle, and the stylish man Peng Yuyan were all attracted by Shu Qi, praised her, and were heartbroken, and "passed on the relationship" with her. Shu Qi is good at treating the people he has met in the circle and who are useful to him as his own resources and connections, and has a good relationship with them in case of emergency.

Her sociability is amazing and she navigates this complex showbiz with ease. On this road of transformation, Shu Qi's eyes became more determined. She knows that only by constantly breaking through herself can she gain a firm foothold in this ever-changing entertainment industry.

As soon as the dedicated boss became famous, his personal relationship was chaotic and standing, and the appearance of Shu Qi, the "goddess of hard disks".

Despite the arduous process, Shu Qi has always maintained his love and pursuit of acting career. Her efforts make people see a new Shu Qi, an actor who is not only beautiful, but also talented and powerful.

In 2014, 38-year-old Shu Qi seemed to be tired of the disturbances of the love scene and began to yearn for a stable relationship. At this moment, her eyes fell on Feng Delun, who had been standing silently behind her.

The two have known each other for more than ten years, and have maintained a pure friendship relationship since they collaborated on "Beautiful Boy's Love" in 1997. Fate is so wonderful. Maybe it's because of the long-term love, or maybe it's a special opportunity, the relationship between Shu Qi and Feng Delun suddenly underwent subtle changes.

They began to appear in the public eye frequently, from going to the supermarket to buying groceries, and then to going home, the two got along naturally and harmoniously, just like an old husband and wife for many years. Shu Qi and Feng Delun's relationship quickly warmed up, but they did not announce their relationship in a high-profile manner.

As soon as the dedicated boss became famous, his personal relationship was chaotic and standing, and the appearance of Shu Qi, the "goddess of hard disks".

They choose to interpret love with actions and use time to prove each other's sincerity. On September 3, 2016, 40-year-old Shu Qi finally found her home, and she and 48-year-old Feng Delun married in a low-key manner.

As soon as this news was announced, it immediately attracted widespread attention. This relationship did not have a vigorous beginning, but it had the warmest and most insipid stay. Shu Qi's life is like a wonderful movie, from an ignorant girl at the age of 16 to a mature woman married at the age of 40, she has experienced too many ups and downs.

She has been criticized and praised; She had lost her way, but she had also found herself. Through continuous efforts and transformation, Shu Qi has successfully changed the public's impression of her, from a simple "sexy goddess" to an actor with strength and connotation.

She continued to grow in her career and relationships, and eventually found the life she wanted. Shu Qi's story tells us that there are always countless sides to human nature. Some people are good at showing their polite side to others and covering up the scum in their hearts, while some people live more freely and don't even have to hide it.

As soon as the dedicated boss became famous, his personal relationship was chaotic and standing, and the appearance of Shu Qi, the "goddess of hard disks".

Who is happier, probably only your own heart knows. Many people spend their lives trying to find the true meaning of life. Some people find money and status, some people find beauty and pleasure, some people find happiness and joy, and some people are unsuccessful.

People always know what they really want after going through thousands of sails. Now Shu Qi seems to have found what he wants. In her eyes, we see a soul that has gone through vicissitudes but is still full of hope.

Shu Qi interprets the value of life in his own way, and also shows us a real and three-dimensional Shu Qi.

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