
Now 68-year-old Fei Yuqing, who has no wife and no children, has embarked on another road in life

author:Every day the text of the collection

Fei Yuqing was born in a poor family. During the difficult years in Taiwan, he experienced the difficulty of life since he was a child, with the early death of his father and the great pressure of the four children raised by his mother.

Now 68-year-old Fei Yuqing, who has no wife and no children, has embarked on another road in life

However, such an environment has tempered Fei Yuqing's tenacious character.

In Fei Yuqing's upbringing, her mother played the role of a lighthouse. She always encourages children to study hard and realize their dreams, especially Fei Yuqing's singing talent.

In order to live up to his mother's expectations, Fei Yuqing began to practice singing hard, and he had no skills, so he could only rely on his voice and perseverance to get closer to his music dream step by step.

Now 68-year-old Fei Yuqing, who has no wife and no children, has embarked on another road in life

The hardships of life could not hinder Fei Yuqing's passion for music. He often secretly practiced singing late at night in an effort to improve his skills. Every failure made him more determined, and every improvement made him ecstatic.

His mother's encouragement and support became the motivation for him to persevere.

In 1973, 20-year-old Fei Yuqing suppressed her inner tension and participated in a singing competition held by China Television Corporation. This was the first time in his life that he stood on a formal stage to perform, and for a moment he was intertwined with joy and panic, and his palms even felt slightly wet.

Now 68-year-old Fei Yuqing, who has no wife and no children, has embarked on another road in life

When the familiar music began to echo in his ears, his singing instantly touched everyone present, and this competition not only allowed Fei Yuqing to get good results, but also became the starting point of his music path.

Soon after the competition, Fei Yuqing was favored by the record company and signed a contract. For him at the time, this was undoubtedly a great encouragement. Although there are still many challenges ahead, Fei Yuqing is convinced that as long as he persists in his efforts, he will one day occupy his place in the music world.

This arduous initial stage not only exercised Fei Yuqing's will, but also made him deeply realize the preciousness of his dreams. He often said, "If it weren't for those tough years, I would never have known how much I loved music." It is this love that supports him step by step to the stage of success.

Now 68-year-old Fei Yuqing, who has no wife and no children, has embarked on another road in life

In 1977, Fei Yuqing's career ushered in a major turning point. He released his first album of the same name "A Cut Plum", which won the love of countless listeners with his affectionate and tactful singing, and instantly emerged as "Little Brother".

This title has accompanied him throughout his career, making him unique among many singers.

But Fei Yuqing, who is recognized as the "king of variety shows", actually performed better in variety shows. Especially the tacit cooperation with his brother Zhang Fei not only made his career to a higher level, but also formed a unique impression in the hearts of the audience.

Now 68-year-old Fei Yuqing, who has no wife and no children, has embarked on another road in life

Zhang Fei's humor and Fei Yuqing's gentleness complement each other, forming a unique chemistry The shows they co-hosted, such as "Dragon Brother and Tiger Brother", have seen their ratings climb and become a well-known variety show in Taiwan.

In the variety show, Fei Yuqing showed a completely different side from the singer's identity. Not only is he witty and humorous, he responds quickly, and he can often push the atmosphere of the show to a climax. Although Fei Yuqing is outstanding on stage, he is low-key in private.

He always said: "I just do my best to do my job" It is precisely because of this professional attitude that he can maintain his vitality in the ever-changing entertainment industry.

Now 68-year-old Fei Yuqing, who has no wife and no children, has embarked on another road in life

Fei Yuqing, who has become a variety show superstar, has not given up his music career, on the one hand, he maintains a high-yield production rate, and on the other hand, he continues to present excellent works created by himself to the audience, such as "Sailor", "Good Night Song" and other excellent albums.

Chinese people, young and old, love his songs, especially his singing, and believe that he has magical powers that can touch the softest part of everyone's heart.

Fei Yuqing's success is not limited to Taiwan, and his influence is gradually expanding throughout the Chinese-speaking region. In mainland China, Hong Kong, Singapore and other places, he has a large number of loyal fans.

Now 68-year-old Fei Yuqing, who has no wife and no children, has embarked on another road in life

Fei Yuqing's singing voice not only bloomed on the stage, but also crossed the boundaries of geography and culture, connecting the entire Chinese-speaking world, and becoming a bridge to convey joy and emotion.

Fei Yuqing transformed from a singer to a variety show host, and with his outstanding talent and diligence, he has written pages of legendary history in the entertainment industry. His success story is not only a personal victory, but also an incentive for those who persist in chasing their dreams.

Fei Yuqing warned us that as long as we always stick to the cause we are passionate about, we will one day bloom with dazzling brilliance.

Now 68-year-old Fei Yuqing, who has no wife and no children, has embarked on another road in life

Behind Fei Yuqing's brilliant career, there is a little-known emotional story. When he was 23 years old and his career was starting to take off, he became acquainted with Poon Anyi. At that time, Fei Yuqing was emerging in the music industry, and Pan Anyi was a young and beautiful actress.

They quickly fell in love, and they both thought they had found the other half of their lives.

Fei Yuqing and Pan Anyi's relationship began sweet and warm. They often appear together in public, and they were once a dazzling couple in the entertainment industry. Fei Yuqing's gentle gaze and Pan Anyi's bright smile have become a classic topic of heated discussion among fans.

Now 68-year-old Fei Yuqing, who has no wife and no children, has embarked on another road in life

However, the reality is harsh. The booming career has brought great work pressure to Fei Yuqing, and his busy performance and recording work has made him have little time to spend with his girlfriend.

At the same time, the family's expectations also weighed on his shoulders like a mountain, and Fei Yuqing's mother hoped that he could focus on his career development instead of falling into a relationship too early.

Between music dreams and love, Fei Yuqing faces a difficult choice. He loves Pan Anyi deeply, but at the same time, he can't give up his music dream. Every time he saw Pan Anyi's lost eyes, Fei Yuqing felt guilty and heartache.

Now 68-year-old Fei Yuqing, who has no wife and no children, has embarked on another road in life

The decision to break up finally made Fei Yuqing's heart twist, but he understood that this had to be done. After the breakup, he threw himself into his work, as if this was the only way to heal the wounds in his heart.

Since then, Fei Yuqing has never made his relationship public. He gave all his love to the stage and his fans, and became an evergreen in the music world. It may be precisely because of the setbacks of this relationship that his singing voice is full of sadness and touches the heartstrings of countless listeners.

When Fei Yuqing was asked why he had been single many years later, he always smiled and said: "My song is my love." The underlying meaning is that behind his singleness may be an endless melancholy for that unfinished relationship.

Now 68-year-old Fei Yuqing, who has no wife and no children, has embarked on another road in life

Fei Yuqing's emotional experience makes us deeply feel the struggle and choice between career and love of an artist. He interprets responsibility and affection in his own way, and also makes us understand that some love is destined to be only a good memory in the journey of life.

With the passage of time, Fei Yuqing's career has reached an unprecedented peak, he launched classic songs such as "Yangtze River Water" and "Yi Jian Mei", each of which has become a highly sung golden song, his stage charm makes him highly praised by the audience, his concerts are full, and record sales have reached new highs, making him occupy an indispensable and important position in the Chinese music scene.

However, behind Fei Yuqing's amazing performance on the stage is an unimaginable effort for ordinary people. His day after day performances, recordings, and announcements made his body start to sound alarms.

Now 68-year-old Fei Yuqing, who has no wife and no children, has embarked on another road in life

He suffered from a serious stomach problem, and sometimes the pain was unbearable, but he never showed it on stage, and even in the most uncomfortable times, Fei Yuqing still insisted on performing, just to live up to the expectations of fans.

The deterioration of his health made Fei Yuqing have to start thinking seriously about his career path. In an interview, he lamented: "I know that my voice and physical strength will run out one day, but I still want to sing for the audience as much as possible, and even in the most difficult moments, I will persevere." This kind of dedication has allowed him to persist even in the most difficult times.

Fei Yuqing's mother's illness made him feel even more exhausted. He is a person who attaches great importance to family affection, and his mother's health has become his concern. He began to travel frequently between the hospital and the stage, taking care of his mother without delaying his work.

Now 68-year-old Fei Yuqing, who has no wife and no children, has embarked on another road in life

Sometimes, he even rushed back to the hospital overnight after the performance, just to be able to spend a little more time with his mother.

During this period, Fei Yuqing often showed fatigue, but every time he stood on the stage, he could change into the brightest smile almost instantly. "No matter how hard it is, I can't let the audience down," he said. It is this professionalism that has allowed him to maintain a high level of performance during the most difficult times.

Although he was under tremendous physical and psychological pressure, Fei Yuqing still created many classic works. It seems that the deeper his pain, the more his singing will touch.

Now 68-year-old Fei Yuqing, who has no wife and no children, has embarked on another road in life

At an awards ceremony, Fei Yuqing sang "Affectionate and Unforgettable" affectionately, and the audience was deeply moved, this song seemed to pour out all his innermost feelings, and it also became his representative work of this period.

Fei Yuqing's story tells us that behind success is often a huge effort and sacrifice. He used his actions to show the true meaning of professionalism, and let us see the challenges that artists have to face at the peak of their careers.

This experience not only exercised his will, but also raised his artistic attainments to a higher level, laying the foundation for his future transformation and retirement.

Now 68-year-old Fei Yuqing, who has no wife and no children, has embarked on another road in life

In 2017, Fei Yuqing received a heartbreaking news: his dearest mother had passed away. The news was like a bolt from the blue, and his smile in front of the public became bitter.

At the press conference, he couldn't cry and expressed his deep nostalgia for his mother, whose death made Fei Yuqing start to re-examine his life and think about the future path.

Years of physical fatigue and the pain of losing his mother made Fei Yuqing feel like quitting, and in order to alleviate this pain, he began to reduce his performances and use more time to be alone and think.

Now 68-year-old Fei Yuqing, who has no wife and no children, has embarked on another road in life

During this time, he looked back on his 46-year acting career and was full of emotion.

After careful consideration, 66-year-old Fei Yuqing made the decision to quit the showbiz in 2019, a decision that shook the whole Taiwan and caused a huge sensation in the entertainment industry. Although fans expressed their reluctance, they also expressed their understanding and support.

Fei Yuqing sang his affectionate "Good Night Song" at the farewell concert, and the fans in the audience cried bitterly, showing the sadness of parting. Fei Yuqing said with tears in her eyes: "After 46 years, I think it's time to say goodbye, thank you for your long-term support and love." "The superstar who used to shine on the stage seems calm and ordinary at the moment, and when he takes off his mask, he is just an ordinary person who longs for inner peace.

Now 68-year-old Fei Yuqing, who has no wife and no children, has embarked on another road in life

After retiring, Fei Yuqing chose to live a reclusive life of "no wife and no children", away from the hustle and bustle of the city, and spent his old age in the quiet countryside. Some people were puzzled by his choice, but he felt more relaxed than ever.

In a rare interview, Fei Yuqing said: "Life is very simple now, but I am very happy that I can do what I want to do, read the books I want to read, and no longer have to run for work."

This decision allowed the 68-year-old Fei Yuqing to embark on a new path in life. He no longer has to sing in the spotlight, but can listen to his inner voice.

Now 68-year-old Fei Yuqing, who has no wife and no children, has embarked on another road in life

Sometimes, he would play the piano at home and sing his favorite songs just to please himself.

Fei Yuqing's retirement decision allows us to see the self-choice of a successful artist. He depicts the second half of life in his own way, presenting a different kind of life wisdom, which may be what he has been looking for, a truly his own way of life.

Fei Yuqing's retirement has sparked widespread discussion in the entertainment industry and among fans, with some feeling sorry and others sending blessings to him. However, more people expressed their gratitude and respect for the music superstar.

Now 68-year-old Fei Yuqing, who has no wife and no children, has embarked on another road in life

Fei Yuqing's music career has accompanied generations of growth, and his influence is far-reaching and lasting.

Industry insiders spoke highly of Fei Yuqing's musical achievements, saying that his singing voice was gentle and tactful, and his singing skills were exquisite, setting a benchmark for the Chinese music scene.

The public understands and respects Fei Yuqing's choice to live a secluded life without a wife and children. People realize that everyone has the right to choose their own way of life, albeit different from the mainstream values.

Now 68-year-old Fei Yuqing, who has no wife and no children, has embarked on another road in life

Fei Yuqing's decision reveals another possibility for the pursuit of personal happiness.

Today's Fei Yuqing may be reading tea in a quiet corner, enjoying a peaceful life away from the hustle and bustle. He interprets the second half of life in his own way, showing a unique wisdom of life.

Fei Yuqing's story is not only an artist's growth history, but also a touching story about yearning, perseverance and finally finding inner peace. The trajectory of his life provides us with precious thoughts: true success may be to be able to stick to oneself and live the life of self-expectations.

Fei Yuqing has transformed from a poor boy all the way to a superstar in the music world, but he chose to be explicit and retreated, and he has been using music to interpret his understanding of life all his life. His story will be remembered forever and become a legendary story in the Chinese entertainment industry.

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