
Zhao Benshan has a black face! The son's company has suffered serious losses, throwing hundreds of millions of dollars and losing all his money!

author:Open-minded grape giA

Text/Open-minded Grape giA

Editor/Open-minded Grape giA

Zhao Benshan has a black face! The son's company has suffered serious losses, throwing hundreds of millions of dollars and losing all his money!


Zhao Benshan is undoubtedly a legend. With his talent and hard work, he has grown from an ordinary rural youth to a household name and a huge business empire.

Zhao Benshan has a black face! The son's company has suffered serious losses, throwing hundreds of millions of dollars and losing all his money!

But recently, some media reported that the company of Zhao Benshan's family is in trouble, especially the company taken over by his son, which has suffered serious losses, and even smashed hundreds of millions of funds but failed to reverse the decline.

Zhao Benshan has a black face! The son's company has suffered serious losses, throwing hundreds of millions of dollars and losing all his money!

What is the reason behind this dilemma? This article will dissect from four aspects.

Zhao Benshan's history of fame and business path

Zhao Benshan, a comedy master from the Northeast, has achieved great success in the entertainment industry with his unique performance style and profound artistic skills.

Zhao Benshan has a black face! The son's company has suffered serious losses, throwing hundreds of millions of dollars and losing all his money!

His sketches are deeply loved by the audience, and he has appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala many times, becoming the memory of a generation.

Zhao Benshan has a black face! The son's company has suffered serious losses, throwing hundreds of millions of dollars and losing all his money!

With the growth of fame, Zhao Benshan began to get involved in the business field and established companies such as Benshan Media, involving film and television, advertising, culture and other fields.

Zhao Benshan has a black face! The son's company has suffered serious losses, throwing hundreds of millions of dollars and losing all his money!

With his keen business acumen and tireless efforts, he gradually built his own business empire.

Zhao Benshan has a black face! The son's company has suffered serious losses, throwing hundreds of millions of dollars and losing all his money!

Zhao Benshan's son took over the company, and the development direction was different

Zhao Benshan's son Zhao Yinan chose a different development direction from his father after taking over the family business.

Zhao Benshan has a black face! The son's company has suffered serious losses, throwing hundreds of millions of dollars and losing all his money!

He tried to expand the family business into emerging fields such as the Internet and cultural creativity, hoping to promote the development of the enterprise through innovation and change.

Zhao Benshan has a black face! The son's company has suffered serious losses, throwing hundreds of millions of dollars and losing all his money!

But this strategy did not have the desired effect. On the one hand, the competition in emerging fields is extremely fierce, and Zhao Yinan's team has certain deficiencies in experience and resources;

Zhao Benshan has a black face! The son's company has suffered serious losses, throwing hundreds of millions of dollars and losing all his money!

On the other hand, Zhao Yinan also faced pressure and resistance from within the family in the decision-making and implementation process. Together, these factors led to the company's development in a difficult situation.

Zhao Benshan has a black face! The son's company has suffered serious losses, throwing hundreds of millions of dollars and losing all his money!

Changes in the external business environment

In recent years, with the rise of new media such as mobile Internet and short video, the traditional entertainment industry is facing huge impacts and challenges.

Zhao Benshan has a black face! The son's company has suffered serious losses, throwing hundreds of millions of dollars and losing all his money!

The audience's demand and aesthetic for entertainment content are also constantly changing, and the acceptance of traditional comedy forms is gradually decreasing.

Zhao Benshan has a black face! The son's company has suffered serious losses, throwing hundreds of millions of dollars and losing all his money!

This puts the Zhao Benshan family business in a disadvantageous position in the market competition.

Zhao Benshan has a black face! The son's company has suffered serious losses, throwing hundreds of millions of dollars and losing all his money!

The state's management and supervision of the cultural industry is also constantly strengthening, and higher requirements are put forward for the compliance and innovation of enterprises. All of these factors make it difficult and risky to run a business.

Zhao Benshan has a black face! The son's company has suffered serious losses, throwing hundreds of millions of dollars and losing all his money!

The internal management dilemma of the Zhao family business

In addition to the above three reasons, the internal management dilemma of the Zhao family business is also one of the important factors that lead to the company's difficulties.

Zhao Benshan has a black face! The son's company has suffered serious losses, throwing hundreds of millions of dollars and losing all his money!

As the founder and leader of the family business, Zhao Benshan may be too centralized in business management, resulting in a lack of scientific and democratic decision-making process. This can lead to sluggish reactions and poor decision-making in the face of market changes.

Zhao Benshan has a black face! The son's company has suffered serious losses, throwing hundreds of millions of dollars and losing all his money!

The Zhao family business may lack a successor with a modern sense of corporate governance and professional managers. This can lead to talent shortages and management confusion in the process of inheritance and development.

Zhao Benshan has a black face! The son's company has suffered serious losses, throwing hundreds of millions of dollars and losing all his money!

Entanglements of interests and power struggles within a family business can also have a negative impact on the growth of the business. The combination of these factors has led to a management dilemma within the Zhao family business.

Zhao Benshan has a black face! The son's company has suffered serious losses, throwing hundreds of millions of dollars and losing all his money!


There are many reasons why Zhao Benshan's family company is in trouble. The internal management dilemma of the Zhao family business is also one of the important reasons for the company's difficulties.

Zhao Benshan has a black face! The son's company has suffered serious losses, throwing hundreds of millions of dollars and losing all his money!

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Zhao Benshan has a black face! The son's company has suffered serious losses, throwing hundreds of millions of dollars and losing all his money!

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