
Follow-up to the beating of the Internet celebrity craftsman: The insider revealed the reason for the beating, and netizens revealed the identity of the beater

author:R vision of the world


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Do you still remember the "craftsman" who set up a stall to sell milk tea on the shore of a lake in Tibet? This time, he got into trouble.

On June 26, 2024, this usually gentle blogger made a lot of noise with a few tourists on the lakeside, which was really surprising.

Follow-up to the beating of the Internet celebrity craftsman: The insider revealed the reason for the beating, and netizens revealed the identity of the beater

Speaking of which, this is really absurd.

On that day, the "craftsman" set up a stall by the lake, ready to sell his specialty milk tea.

Who would have thought that a man with glasses would swagger on the bench he had placed.

Follow-up to the beating of the Internet celebrity craftsman: The insider revealed the reason for the beating, and netizens revealed the identity of the beater

This "craftsman" is also a straight person, so he went up directly to ask.

But the man not only did not leave, but also said defiantly: "Is this land yours?" This question is terrible, and the two suddenly became tense and argued.

Follow-up to the beating of the Internet celebrity craftsman: The insider revealed the reason for the beating, and netizens revealed the identity of the beater

At this moment, a man wearing sunglasses quietly approached, pretending to be casual at first, but suddenly joined the battle group and punched and kicked the "craftsman".

Follow-up to the beating of the Internet celebrity craftsman: The insider revealed the reason for the beating, and netizens revealed the identity of the beater

This scene is really thrilling.

This "craftsman" is also unlucky, he just wanted to sell milk tea, but he didn't expect to be on the stall.

He was also forced to delete the photos he had taken during the dispute, and even his mobile phone was snatched.

Follow-up to the beating of the Internet celebrity craftsman: The insider revealed the reason for the beating, and netizens revealed the identity of the beater

He later appeared in the video, his face was scarred, his eyes were swollen, the corners of his mouth were bleeding, and he also had obvious scratches on his neck.

With tears streaming down his face, he told what happened to him, claiming that he just wanted to do business with peace of mind and get a new car, but he didn't expect to encounter this unjustified disaster.

Follow-up to the beating of the Internet celebrity craftsman: The insider revealed the reason for the beating, and netizens revealed the identity of the beater

As soon as this matter spread on the Internet, it caused an uproar.

In the comment area, everyone expressed sympathy and support for the "craftsman".

Someone said, "It's so unreasonable to use someone else's stuff without permission."

Follow-up to the beating of the Internet celebrity craftsman: The insider revealed the reason for the beating, and netizens revealed the identity of the beater

Another said: "In the face of this kind of group bullying, the 'craftsmen' are so helpless."

At the same time, some people advised the "craftsmen" to reflect on whether they had done something wrong.

Follow-up to the beating of the Internet celebrity craftsman: The insider revealed the reason for the beating, and netizens revealed the identity of the beater

However, the "craftsman" has already reported the case to the local police, and now it is up to the authorities to deal with it.

He also said that he would send more videos to restore the truth to everyone.

It's infuriating.

Follow-up to the beating of the Internet celebrity craftsman: The insider revealed the reason for the beating, and netizens revealed the identity of the beater

Now, this matter has made a fuss.

The community and netizens have spoken out, hoping to seek justice for the "craftsmen".

Some netizens suggested that he go for a medical examination, so that those perpetrators could be punished by the law.

Follow-up to the beating of the Internet celebrity craftsman: The insider revealed the reason for the beating, and netizens revealed the identity of the beater

Accompanied by friends, the "craftsman" had already gone to the hospital in Lhasa for treatment.

Looking at his expression, you can know that this injury is definitely not minor.

It's not over yet.

The injured "craftsman" was not able to update the video overnight, but his comment area was not idle, and netizens were fiercely discussing what happened and what happened.

Follow-up to the beating of the Internet celebrity craftsman: The insider revealed the reason for the beating, and netizens revealed the identity of the beater

One of the netizens who claimed to be in the know even broke the news that the matter also involved the leader of a travel agency, which pushed the travel agency to the forefront.

However, things quickly took a turn for the worse, and another netizen who claimed to be an eyewitness came forward to defend the team leader, saying that he was only helping to take pictures at the time and did not participate in the violence.

Follow-up to the beating of the Internet celebrity craftsman: The insider revealed the reason for the beating, and netizens revealed the identity of the beater

This turmoil is really getting worse.

The alleged team leader also took the initiative to contact the "craftsman" to ask for clarification of the misunderstanding.

The "craftsman" also said that he would wait for the police to find out the truth before making a clarification.

Follow-up to the beating of the Internet celebrity craftsman: The insider revealed the reason for the beating, and netizens revealed the identity of the beater

On the other hand, because he couldn't stand the pressure on the Internet, the team leader finally chose to call the police, hoping to resolve the dispute through legal means.

At the same time, a new video circulated on the Internet showing the "craftsman" being treated roughly by a man with a tattoo.

Follow-up to the beating of the Internet celebrity craftsman: The insider revealed the reason for the beating, and netizens revealed the identity of the beater

Although the video quality is not very good, the situation of the "craftsman" being beaten is clearly visible.

He referred to the man as a "black leader" and also vaguely referred to possible illegal operations and deeper issues.

Follow-up to the beating of the Internet celebrity craftsman: The insider revealed the reason for the beating, and netizens revealed the identity of the beater

It seems that this turmoil really involves a lot of insiders.

As the incident continued to ferment, the public's attention gradually expanded from a single brawl to the personal background and daily behavior of the "craftsman".

Follow-up to the beating of the Internet celebrity craftsman: The insider revealed the reason for the beating, and netizens revealed the identity of the beater

Many netizens shared positive interactions with the "craftsman", such as his selling Coke at cost price when supplies were scarce on the plateau, and his kindness of going out of his way to help others as a member of the Blue Sky Rescue Team.

Follow-up to the beating of the Internet celebrity craftsman: The insider revealed the reason for the beating, and netizens revealed the identity of the beater

These deeds have demonstrated the good nature and integrity of the "craftsman", and won him wide praise from all walks of life.

Although this turmoil is infuriating, it also shows us the tenacity and integrity of the "craftsman", and I hope he can recover as soon as possible and continue to spread his positive energy.

Follow-up to the beating of the Internet celebrity craftsman: The insider revealed the reason for the beating, and netizens revealed the identity of the beater

【Disclaimer】The process and pictures described in the article are all from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.