
Female drug lord Nguyen Thi Hui: After being arrested for drug trafficking, she spent 50 million to buy sperm from male prisoners to escape the death penalty

author:Simple squirrel E

Drug crimes, like a poisonous hand in the dark, silently erodes the healthy body of society, and it is not only the degeneration of a person, but also the fragmentation of a family, the turmoil of a community, and the hidden danger of a country.

Female drug lord Nguyen Thi Hui: After being arrested for drug trafficking, she spent 50 million to buy sperm from male prisoners to escape the death penalty

In the face of such evil, the law must stand up and cut the chain of this evil like a sharp sword, and defend social justice and tranquility.

In Vietnam in 2015, a shocking news shocked the whole country, a female death row inmate, who was facing a harsh sentence of death for selling huge amounts of drugs, miraculously escaped the clutches of death after a series of astonishing operations.

Female drug lord Nguyen Thi Hui: After being arrested for drug trafficking, she spent 50 million to buy sperm from male prisoners to escape the death penalty

This woman's resourcefulness and courage are staggering, and she not only skillfully circumvents the law, but is more likely to regain her freedom in the future and step into the door of society again. What's going on? What's next for things? What will be her final end?

Female drug lord Nguyen Thi Hui: After being arrested for drug trafficking, she spent 50 million to buy sperm from male prisoners to escape the death penalty

Nguyen Thi Huy, born in 1974 in Lang Son City, Vietnam, in a poor family, the pressure of life led her to enter the society before graduating from junior high school, in order to make a living, she chose the Phong Moon place as a means of making a living, where she met the drug lord boss who changed her fate.

And Ruan Thi Hui's road to drug trafficking began with a mysterious female drug lord named Ruan Biyu, Ruan Biyu, who was Ruan Thi Hui's "benefactor" and "mentor", she was an ordinary member of the drug trafficking gang, but with her wisdom and courage, she climbed to the top of the drug trafficking world step by step.

Female drug lord Nguyen Thi Hui: After being arrested for drug trafficking, she spent 50 million to buy sperm from male prisoners to escape the death penalty

She has established a large team of "women's army" drug dealers, with women as the main force, and has successfully left a deep imprint on the drug trafficking world by taking advantage of their advantages, such as concealing drugs and being easier to control.

However, as the years passed, Nguyen realized that she was getting older and the future development of the team needed a new successor, and she fell in love with Nguyen Thi Huy, a woman from a poor family who had endured hardships but was resilient.

Female drug lord Nguyen Thi Hui: After being arrested for drug trafficking, she spent 50 million to buy sperm from male prisoners to escape the death penalty

Nguyen Thi Hue tried various jobs to make a living, but was defeated by the harsh realities of life, and eventually, she was attracted by the huge profits from drug trafficking and embarked on this dangerous path.

With her ruthlessness and meticulousness, Nguyen Thi Hue quickly rose to prominence under Ruan Biyu's appreciation and was promoted to the new leader, she inherited the mantle of Ruan Biyu, not only pushed the team's drug trafficking activities to new heights, but also made the team famous in the drug trafficking world with her own means.

Female drug lord Nguyen Thi Hui: After being arrested for drug trafficking, she spent 50 million to buy sperm from male prisoners to escape the death penalty

Under the leadership of Nguyen Thi Huy, the "Women's Army" drug dealer team continued to grow and became a force to be reckoned with in the drug trafficking world, and Nguyen Thi Hue also transformed from a poor girl into a feared female drug lord.

The police seized a staggering 2 tons of heroin in a successful arrest operation, which led to the death sentence of nine key members including Nguyen Thi Huy, while the rest faced life sentences or prison terms.

Female drug lord Nguyen Thi Hui: After being arrested for drug trafficking, she spent 50 million to buy sperm from male prisoners to escape the death penalty

However, the matter did not end there, Nguyen Thi Huy and others were unwilling to accept their fate, they filed an appeal on the grounds of "not knowing that the transported goods were heroin", in an attempt to evade legal sanctions, and the police finally sent them to court after two years of difficult evidence collection, but Nguyen Thi Hue did not give in.

Before she was imprisoned, the cunning drug lord learned of a special case: a female prisoner who had been sentenced to death had been sentenced to life because she had a child under the age of 3 to support.

Female drug lord Nguyen Thi Hui: After being arrested for drug trafficking, she spent 50 million to buy sperm from male prisoners to escape the death penalty

This loophole in the law gave Nguyen Thi Hue a chance to escape the death penalty, knowing that she could escape the death penalty as long as she became pregnant or had a biological child under the age of three.

She decides to emulate the female prisoner and use the opportunity of pregnancy to escape the law, the ambition and cunning of the female drug lord are astounding, and she will do whatever it takes to escape the severity of the law.

Female drug lord Nguyen Thi Hui: After being arrested for drug trafficking, she spent 50 million to buy sperm from male prisoners to escape the death penalty

Nguyen Thi Huy, 40 years old, began plotting an extraordinary deal in the face of the threat of the death penalty, knowing that in order to secure her pregnancy and successfully escape the death penalty, she needed a young, healthy man, preferably a minor offender, so that the deal between them would be more likely to succeed.

During a few days in prison, Nguyen Chuanxiong became her target, a young man born in 1987, with a strong physique and an age that met her requirements.

Female drug lord Nguyen Thi Hui: After being arrested for drug trafficking, she spent 50 million to buy sperm from male prisoners to escape the death penalty

So, Nguyen Thi Huy began to approach Nguyen Chuan Hung, looking for an opportunity to propose her plan to him, and during a lookout, she seized the opportunity and offered Nguyen Chuan Hung a price of up to 50 million VND (about 15,000 yuan), hoping that he would provide sperm.

For Nguyen Chuanxiong, this price is almost astronomical, enough to solve his problems of reintegration into society after he is released from prison.

Female drug lord Nguyen Thi Hui: After being arrested for drug trafficking, she spent 50 million to buy sperm from male prisoners to escape the death penalty

Nguyen Chuanxiong was shocked when he heard this request, he didn't expect that he would be involved in such a deal, however, after calm thinking, he began to weigh the pros and cons.

He realized that the deal would not only bring him huge financial benefits, but also that it didn't seem to be very risky, after all, Nguyen Thi Hue was in her 40s, the success rate of pregnancy was not high, and even if she was really pregnant, by the time the prison authorities found out, she would have already been released from prison and would not have to bear any responsibility.

Female drug lord Nguyen Thi Hui: After being arrested for drug trafficking, she spent 50 million to buy sperm from male prisoners to escape the death penalty

Eventually, driven by interests, Nguyen Chuan Hung decided to accept the deal, and he approached Nguyen Thi Huy, and the two reached an agreement, a seemingly absurd deal that became a key step for Nguyen Thi Hue to escape the death penalty.

On a hot day in June 2015, shortly after Nguyen Thi Huy's appeal was ruthlessly rejected by the court, Nguyen Chuanxiong suddenly had a huge extra VND50 million in her bank account, which came from Nguyen Thi Huy, and she urgently needed a solution to escape the threat of the death penalty.

Female drug lord Nguyen Thi Hui: After being arrested for drug trafficking, she spent 50 million to buy sperm from male prisoners to escape the death penalty

Under Nguyen Thi Huy's meticulous planning, Nguyen Chuanxiong became a key part of her plan. During Nguyen Thi Huy's ovulation period, Nguyen Chuan Hung quietly placed the plastic bag and injection cartridge containing his semen at the agreed location according to her instructions.

Although prison guards kept a close watch on Nguyen Thi Huy, she skillfully exploited a key weakness – the relatively low wages of the prison guards, who she orchestrated to bribe four guards to silence and not interfere during her critical operations.

Female drug lord Nguyen Thi Hui: After being arrested for drug trafficking, she spent 50 million to buy sperm from male prisoners to escape the death penalty

Nguyen Thi Huy, on the other hand, took advantage of the toilet to cleverly retrieve the items and secretly injected herself without anyone knowing.

Eventually, Nguyen Thi Huy's plan succeeded, she successfully completed artificial insemination and noticed signs of pregnancy a month later.

Female drug lord Nguyen Thi Hui: After being arrested for drug trafficking, she spent 50 million to buy sperm from male prisoners to escape the death penalty

However, she knew she couldn't reveal the secret too soon, so she carefully hid her changes until two months of pregnancy, when she was discovered by the prison's medical staff.

After the hospital confirmed, Nguyen Thi Huy's pregnancy was officially confirmed, a news that angered and shocked the Vietnamese government, but the verdict of the law is irrevocable. Nguyen Thi Huy, who was supposed to face the death penalty, was sentenced to life imprisonment because of the special circumstance of pregnancy.

Female drug lord Nguyen Thi Hui: After being arrested for drug trafficking, she spent 50 million to buy sperm from male prisoners to escape the death penalty

When the news of Nguyen Thi Hue's pregnancy broke, Vietnam's police and leadership were shocked that what they thought was the end of the death penalty for the big drug lord had taken such a dramatic turn at the last minute.

The incident caused great shame in Vietnam, with the prison guards guarding Nguyen Thi Huy dismissed and those who were bribed prosecuted.

Female drug lord Nguyen Thi Hui: After being arrested for drug trafficking, she spent 50 million to buy sperm from male prisoners to escape the death penalty

However, at the center of this turmoil, Nguyen Thi Hue skillfully completed her plan, not only successfully escaping the death penalty, but also giving birth to a boy later, and her "conspiracy" succeeded, leaving everyone shocked and helpless.

After the incident was exposed by the Vietnamese media, it quickly aroused widespread attention in the international community, although it was difficult for everyone to accept that the big drug lord could escape the punishment of the death penalty, but the provisions of the law and previous cases forced the court to make such a verdict.

Female drug lord Nguyen Thi Hui: After being arrested for drug trafficking, she spent 50 million to buy sperm from male prisoners to escape the death penalty

Although Nguyen Thi Hue managed to escape the death penalty, she could not escape the punishment of the law, and she was sentenced to life imprisonment and will spend the rest of her life in prison, which is the price she paid for her crimes.