
Xiaomi "air conditioner first"? Dong Mingzhu couldn't sit still, and responded domineeringly, and the comment area supported Xiaomi

author:Good smell picked

Heck, the air conditioning world has been buzzing lately! Have you heard? The eldest sister Dong Mingzhu, who has always been famous for "buying air conditioners and going to Gree", couldn't sit still this time. Why? Just because of the boiling news of "Xiaomi Air Conditioner No. 1" uploaded on the Internet. No, Sister Dong immediately responded domineeringly, but the direction of the wind in the comment area was shocking!

Xiaomi "air conditioner first"? Dong Mingzhu couldn't sit still, and responded domineeringly, and the comment area supported Xiaomi

Let's take a look at what Dong Mingzhu said first. At the 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of Gree Group on June 28, Sister Dong is full of firepower! She said: "It's all up to other manufacturers to make products", "What is your technology?" "Consumers have a scale in their hearts". Isn't the meaning of this saying that Xiaomi air conditioner is an empty shell and has no real skills?

Xiaomi "air conditioner first"? Dong Mingzhu couldn't sit still, and responded domineeringly, and the comment area supported Xiaomi

Dong Mingzhu also specifically mentioned that there have been many false reports on the Internet recently, saying that Xiaomi air conditioners have surpassed Gree's sales. She said: "We are constantly fighting fakes, mules and horses, pull them out and slip around, don't always engage in some water armies to make false reports." "That's what a hard breath! It seems that Sister Dong is going to be tough this time, and I don't know how Lei Jun, who is busy building cars in Beijing, will feel when he hears this.

Xiaomi "air conditioner first"? Dong Mingzhu couldn't sit still, and responded domineeringly, and the comment area supported Xiaomi

However, this sales number one thing, to put it bluntly, depends on who will count, how to count, and who will publish the data. There's a lot of moisture in there. However, regardless of whether this data is accurate or not, Dong Mingzhu jumped out to respond in such a hurry, does it also show that Gree is indeed a little unable to sit still?

If you want to talk about this Dong Mingzhu, it is a well-known figure. Her iron-blooded style and resolute personality have long made her a wonder in the business world. But this time, her remarks caused a lot of controversy on the Internet.

You know what? Most of the netizens in the comment area are actually on Xiaomi's side! This is really unexpected. Some netizens said: "A Gree can buy four millets, and if one is used for ten years, it can be replaced with a new millet for three years, and it is all within the warranty period." "That's really heart-wrenching. It seems that Lei Jun's price strategy has really dismantled Gree!

Xiaomi "air conditioner first"? Dong Mingzhu couldn't sit still, and responded domineeringly, and the comment area supported Xiaomi

Some netizens said: "One Gree can buy two or even three Xiaomi, and the premium of the Gree brand is too serious." Listening to this, it really made Gree a little embarrassed. It seems that in the hearts of many consumers, Gree's cost performance is really not high.

Xiaomi "air conditioner first"? Dong Mingzhu couldn't sit still, and responded domineeringly, and the comment area supported Xiaomi

What's more interesting is that some netizens shared their own experience: "I don't buy Gree anymore, I always have a peculiar smell, and I asked the master to repair it, saying that it was caused by the child drinking milk powder." As soon as this comment came out, it really made people laugh and cry. Can Gree air conditioner still tell if it is the peculiar smell caused by children drinking milk powder? This master's brain hole is really big enough!

Xiaomi "air conditioner first"? Dong Mingzhu couldn't sit still, and responded domineeringly, and the comment area supported Xiaomi

To be honest, seeing these comments, we have to sigh that the market competition is really cruel. Gree, an old brand, seems to have a lower status in the minds of consumers than before. And Xiaomi, a rising star, has won the favor of many consumers by virtue of its cost-effective advantage.

Actually, this incident also reminds us of this. In this era of rapid development, past fame alone is not enough. Consumer needs are changing, the market is changing, and if companies want to stay ahead, they must continue to innovate and continuously improve the cost performance of products.

Let's go back to Dong Mingzhu's remarks. She said that Xiaomi "relies on other manufacturers to make products" and "what is the technology", which sounds a bit sour. However, in this era of more and more detailed professional division of labor, isn't it normal to find a professional manufacturer? It's about design, innovation, and service, rather than having to build it yourself from start to finish, right?

Moreover, Xiaomi's investment in technological innovation over the years is not small. Many of its products have good performance in terms of intelligence and energy saving. So Dong Mingzhu said this, isn't it a bit unkind?

Xiaomi "air conditioner first"? Dong Mingzhu couldn't sit still, and responded domineeringly, and the comment area supported Xiaomi

But having said that, Gree's efforts in technological innovation over the years are also obvious to all. It has made many breakthroughs in frequency conversion technology and energy-saving technology. It's just that it may not keep up with the changes in the market in terms of marketing strategy and price strategy.

In fact, whether it is Gree or Xiaomi, they are the pride of Chinese companies. They all have their own strengths in their respective fields. Instead of attacking each other, it is better to compete healthily and jointly promote the development of the industry, which is the most beneficial to consumers.

Xiaomi "air conditioner first"? Dong Mingzhu couldn't sit still, and responded domineeringly, and the comment area supported Xiaomi

In the final analysis, market competition ultimately depends on the product. The consumer's choice is the ultimate criterion. Whether it is Gree or Xiaomi, they should focus on improving product quality and user experience, rather than pointing fingers at each other.

This incident has also served as a wake-up call for other companies. In this era of information explosion, every word and deed of enterprises may be amplified. Therefore, when speaking publicly, it is still necessary to be cautious and consider the feelings of consumers.

Finally, I think that as consumers, we should look at this kind of business competition rationally. Don't be swayed by the words of one party, but choose products based on your actual needs and financial capabilities. After all, what's best for you is the best.

In general, the "war of words" between Dong Mingzhu and Xiaomi reflects the changes that are taking place in the entire home appliance industry. The collision of traditional giants and emerging forces will inevitably bring progress and innovation to the industry. This is undoubtedly a good thing for us consumers. The more competitive we are, the more options we have and the better the service we enjoy.

So, let's wait and see how this "air conditioning battle" will eventually evolve and what surprises it will bring us! In any case, hopefully this competition will eventually move the industry in a better direction, so that our consumers can use better and cheaper products. That's what we want to see the most, isn't it?

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