
A 3-year-old boy was abducted on a snowy day, and after many years, his father left a suicide note in despair, and his mother insisted on looking for it for many years

author:Sauce sauce readings
A 3-year-old boy was abducted on a snowy day, and after many years, his father left a suicide note in despair, and his mother insisted on looking for it for many years
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A 3-year-old boy was abducted on a snowy day, and after many years, his father left a suicide note in despair, and his mother insisted on looking for it for many years

In December 1991, Duyun City, Guizhou Province, ushered in a rare heavy snowfall. In the snowflakes, 3-year-old Song Yanzhi happily ran to the open space in front of the movie theater.

His grandfather had just finished feeding him lunch, and the little one couldn't wait to go outside and play.

No one could have imagined that this seemingly ordinary afternoon would be the beginning of a family nightmare. Just ten minutes later, when my grandfather rushed to the door of the movie theater, he only saw messy footprints in the snow, but Song Yanzhi was gone.

Several children of the same age recalled that they saw a strange man standing behind Zhizhi with an unusually focused gaze. When they noticed again, Ji-ji and the man had disappeared into the middle of nowhere.

A 3-year-old boy was abducted on a snowy day, and after many years, his father left a suicide note in despair, and his mother insisted on looking for it for many years

The most heartbreaking mystery of this winter day will haunt a family for 25 years, going through life and death, crossing mountains and rivers, until fate is merciful again.

Song Yanzhi's disappearance was like a bomb, instantly destroying the peaceful lives of Zhang Xuexia and Song Huainan. Their world has since been split in half: the search for the child and the waiting.

The couple began an arduous search journey, covering every corner of Duyun City. They put up missing person notices in the streets and alleys, shouting Zhizhi's name hoarsely.

Zhang Xuexia often rushes forward desperately to inquire when she hears the cry of a child. Every disappointment was like a knife cut, but they never gave up hope.

A 3-year-old boy was abducted on a snowy day, and after many years, his father left a suicide note in despair, and his mother insisted on looking for it for many years

In order to make ends meet and buy more time to find Jiji, the couple decided to open a teahouse. They entered the DNA samples into the police system and waited for a miracle.

15 years of suffering and countless disappointments finally crushed Song Huainan. On the third day of the Spring Festival in 2006, he jumped from the fifth floor and ended his life after leaving the words "I only want my son Song Yanzhi" in the notebook of the teahouse.

The death of her husband dealt a heavy blow to Zhang Xuexia. She closed herself in her home for three years, but her longing for her son grew day by day. With her father's encouragement, she finally picked herself up again and was determined to continue her search for her son.

Zhang Xuexia began to draw portraits of her sons at various stages of growth and made a large number of child-seeking cards. She has traveled to Guangdong, Fujian, Yunnan, Guizhou and other provinces, and every time she goes out to look for her son, she wears a sign on her chest with her son's photo and information.

A 3-year-old boy was abducted on a snowy day, and after many years, his father left a suicide note in despair, and his mother insisted on looking for it for many years

In December 2014, Zhang Xuexia participated in the recording of CCTV's family search column "Waiting for Me". Although the show failed to help her find her son, it expanded the influence of the son.

This passage is full of all the thoughts and expectations of a mother for 23 years. Every word seems to pulsate from the bottom of her heart, conveying her deep love for her son.

Zhang Xuexia's persistence is not only to fulfill her promise to her husband, but also to make up for the debt she owes to her son over the years. She always believed that as long as Zhizhi was still somewhere in this world, she would definitely find him.

Every setback made her more determined, and every disappointment made her stronger.

A 3-year-old boy was abducted on a snowy day, and after many years, his father left a suicide note in despair, and his mother insisted on looking for it for many years

Zhang Xuexia's search for her son is full of hope and disappointment. In 1992, the local police successfully arrested a trafficker Luo, and the news entered the hearts of Zhang Xuexia and Song Huainan like a ray of dawn.

Luo's confession did not mention Zhizhi's whereabouts, but only revealed that "all the abducted children were sent to Anxi, Fujian." This faint clue became the direction they continued to seek.

With a glimmer of hope, Song Huainan went to Anxi, Fujian Province alone to search. However, due to the language barrier, he encountered many difficulties in the local area. Local residents became wary and repulsed by this stranger who was looking around for information about their children.

Despite this, Song Huainan still persevered in searching, and every time he hit a wall, his heart was like a knife.

A 3-year-old boy was abducted on a snowy day, and after many years, his father left a suicide note in despair, and his mother insisted on looking for it for many years

At the same time, Zhang Xuexia kept sending letters of help to various departments, the media, and distant relatives and friends at home. She treasured every reply she received, hoping to find even the tiniest clue in it.

The couple put all their energy and heart into the cause of finding Zhizhi, and the once harmonious family life was gone.

After participating in the "Waiting for Me" program, Zhang Xuexia's story has attracted more people's attention. A hot-blooded young man from Henan took the initiative to cross thousands of miles to Duyun, Guizhou, hoping to recognize Zhang Xuexia.

The birthmark characteristics of this young man are highly consistent with Zhizhi, which makes Zhang Xuexia hopeful. However, the DNA test results shattered her dreams once again.

A 3-year-old boy was abducted on a snowy day, and after many years, his father left a suicide note in despair, and his mother insisted on looking for it for many years

At the beginning of 2016, Zhang Xuexia, accompanied by an enthusiastic friend, went to Anxi, Fujian Province again to look for her son. During an ancestor worship ceremony in a village, she stumbled upon a photograph of a young man who resembled Zhizhi.

However, it was verified that the young man was not her son. Hope and disappointment again and again, like fate playing a cruel joke on her.

Over the years, Zhang Xuexia has experienced countless times of despair after her hopes were dashed. Every disappointment was like a scar on her heart, but she never gave up.

She firmly believes that as long as Zhizhi is still somewhere in this world, she must find him. Every setback made her more determined, and every failure made her stronger.

A 3-year-old boy was abducted on a snowy day, and after many years, his father left a suicide note in despair, and his mother insisted on looking for it for many years

Zhang Xuexia's persistence is not only to fulfill her promise to her late husband, but also to make up for the debt she owes to her son over the years. Her story is a microcosm of thousands of families looking for children, showing the greatness of maternal love and the tenacity of human nature.

Although fate has tested her again and again, she has always maintained hope and interpreted a mother's endless love for her children with her actions.

In February 2016, during the traditional Chinese Lantern Festival, Zhang Xuexia's mobile phone suddenly received a text message from Guangdong. This seemingly ordinary holiday blessing has become the key to changing her fate.

Zhang Xuexia's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and she trembled her fingers to ask if the other party had a birthmark on her buttocks. When she received the photo and found that the birthmark was highly similar to Jiji's features when she was young, she was almost out of breath.

A 3-year-old boy was abducted on a snowy day, and after many years, his father left a suicide note in despair, and his mother insisted on looking for it for many years

Despite experiencing numerous disappointments, her mother's instincts told her that this might be the miracle she had been waiting for.

With apprehension and anticipation, Zhang Xuexia immediately invited the young man to Guizhou for DNA matching. In the days of waiting for the results, she was both nervous and excited, afraid that this would be another dream bubble.

She looked at the photo repeatedly, and every detail was so similar to the Zhizhi she remembered.

This text message is like a beam of light, illuminating Zhang Xuexia's dark road to finding her son for 25 years. She began to fantasize about the reunion with her son, imagining what he would look like when he grew up.

A 3-year-old boy was abducted on a snowy day, and after many years, his father left a suicide note in despair, and his mother insisted on looking for it for many years

But at the same time, she didn't dare to hold out much hope, afraid of the pain of being disappointed again.

This Lantern Festival has become a special day for Zhang Xuexia. It is not only a traditional Chinese reunion festival, but also a turning point in her life. She prayed silently, hoping that this time she would really find her wisdom and end this quarter-century-long journey to find her son.

In March 2016, when the sun was rising, Zhang Xuexia stood on the streets of Duyun City, nervously waiting for the young man from Guangdong. Her heart almost stopped beating when she saw a tall figure walking towards her.

That strange and familiar face seemed to be the son she had imagined in countless dreams.

A 3-year-old boy was abducted on a snowy day, and after many years, his father left a suicide note in despair, and his mother insisted on looking for it for many years

Although they already knew that this was Zhizhi, they took a DNA test to make sure it was correct. Every minute waiting for the results feels like a century.

Finally, at 8:25 that night, the police came with confirmed news: the DNA comparison results showed that the young man was indeed Zhang Xuexia's biological son Song Yanzhi.

The 25-year wait has come to a successful end at this moment. Mother and son hugged each other and cried, and the tears contained too many indescribable emotions. Zhang Xuexia trembled and stroked her son's face, as if she wanted to engrave this moment in her memory forever.

The next day, Zhang Xuexia took Song Yanzhi to Song Huainan's tomb. In the resting place of her deceased husband, this once fragmented family is reunited in a special way.

A 3-year-old boy was abducted on a snowy day, and after many years, his father left a suicide note in despair, and his mother insisted on looking for it for many years

Zhizhi knelt in front of his father's grave and told about his experiences and thoughts over the years.

Zhizhi told his mother what happened after he was abducted: someone gave him a lollipop, and he was taken to his adoptive parents' house after he lost consciousness. Although his adoptive parents were very kind to him, he always had a gap in his heart that could not be filled.

The 79-year-old grandfather finally saw his grandson who had been absent for many years, and the boulder that had been hanging in his heart for 25 years finally landed. The old man trembled and held Zhizhi's hand, his eyes full of tears of relief.

At this moment, all the waiting and dedication becomes worth it. Zhang Xuexia feels that her life has regained its brilliance, and the childhood that disappeared in the snow has finally found a home after 25 years.

A 3-year-old boy was abducted on a snowy day, and after many years, his father left a suicide note in despair, and his mother insisted on looking for it for many years

After the reunion of mother and son, Zhang Xuexia and Song Yanzhi's lives opened a new chapter. Zhizhi has settled down in Guangdong and has two lovely sons after getting married. Zhang Xuexia travels between Duyun and Guangdong, taking care of her elderly father and running a tea business.

Mother and son often get together to try to make up for the lost 25 years. Every time they get together, they share the bits and pieces of their lives, as if they want to make up for the missed time bit by bit.

Zhizhi would take his wife and children back to Duyun to visit his grandfather, while Zhang Xuexia would go to Guangdong to help take care of her grandson.

This touching reunion story is not only the joy of Zhang Xuexia's family, but also brings hope to thousands of families of abducted children. It shows us the power of family affection and makes us look forward to other families who are still looking for it.

A 3-year-old boy was abducted on a snowy day, and after many years, his father left a suicide note in despair, and his mother insisted on looking for it for many years

May all the lost relatives be reunited, and may there be no more pain in the world.

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