
In 1992, a song by Mao Amin unveiled China's top-secret military base to the world

author:Diary of July

All of the information stated in this article is based on reliable sources and is reproduced in the article.


In 1992, a moving song sounded at CCTV's "August 1st" party, and singer Mao Amin's voice made the national audience fall in love with it.

However, who would have thought that there was a shocking secret hidden behind this song? It unveiled a mysterious military base in China and exposed the once off-limits zone to the world.

In 1992, a song by Mao Amin unveiled China's top-secret military base to the world

What is so special about this base? And why did it choose to unveil the mystery this year?

In 1992, a song by Mao Amin unveiled China's top-secret military base to the world

The secret code in the song

When Mao Amin's singing echoed in front of the TV, few people realized that this song, called "The Ballad of Ma Lan", was quietly revealing a long-hidden secret.

This song is not just an ordinary hymn, but also a password that has been hidden for decades, and every one of its lyrics tells the world the story of a mysterious base.

In 1992, a song by Mao Amin unveiled China's top-secret military base to the world

In the song, the name "Malan" is mentioned again and again, it is not an ordinary place name, but a code name, a place that once could not even be found on the map, this level of secrecy is enough to make people amazing.

The real identity of the Malan base is the "21st Experimental Training Base of the General Armament Department", and this name is the origin of the nursery rhyme "Malan Blossom Twenty-one".

In 1992, a song by Mao Amin unveiled China's top-secret military base to the world

And the code name of the base is constantly changing, from "Unit 0673" to "Unit 8203" to "Unit 8980", every name change is like putting a new cloak on this secret.

The reason why it has been given a new cloak is that it is the cradle of China's nuclear weapons.

In 1992, a song by Mao Amin unveiled China's top-secret military base to the world

During the Cold War, possession of nuclear weapons meant that it had a say in the international arena, and the existence of the Malan base is proof that China is constantly catching up in the nuclear field.

When "The Ballad of Malan" is sung across the country, it is not just a song, but a signal that tells the world that China has enough self-confidence to lift the veil on this secret base.

At this moment, the song has become a witness to history, singing about the struggle of China's scientific and technological workers and the rise of a country in the nuclear field.

In 1992, a song by Mao Amin unveiled China's top-secret military base to the world

The cradle of nuclear weapons in the depths of the desert

The site selection of the Malan base can be said to be twists and turns, initially, Soviet experts suggested that Dunhuang in Gansu Province should be chosen, but our scientists

However, it is believed that Dunhuang is too close to cultural relics and monuments, and if something happens, it will be a cultural disaster, and the area of Dunhuang is too small to support large-scale nuclear testing.

In 1992, a song by Mao Amin unveiled China's top-secret military base to the world

As a result, scientists have set their sights on a more remote and expansive place - Lop Nur in Xinjiang.

Lop Nur, as mysterious as it sounds, is located in the eastern part of the Taklamakan Desert in Xinjiang, a vast uninhabited area known as the "Sea of Death".

In 1992, a song by Mao Amin unveiled China's top-secret military base to the world

Surviving in the vast Gobi, the yellow sand and the lack of grass, is a challenge in itself, but it is such a harsh environment that makes the Malan base unique.

It's secluded and secrecy-friendly, and the terrain is open enough for large-scale experiments, and more importantly, it doesn't affect populated areas even if an accident happens.

In 1992, a song by Mao Amin unveiled China's top-secret military base to the world

The composition of the Malan base is also unique, it is mainly divided into three areas: scientific research center, experimental area and living area.

The scientific research center, also known as the "Hongshan Nuclear Weapons Research Center", is the brain of the entire base, where countless scientists work day and night to carry out painstaking research.

In 1992, a song by Mao Amin unveiled China's top-secret military base to the world

The test area is located in the hinterland of Lop Nur, 300 kilometers away from the base, which is the main battlefield of nuclear weapons testing and witnessed the glorious moment of China's 45 nuclear tests.

The living area seems ordinary, but it carries the daily life of scientific researchers, where they are both scientists and ordinary people, with their own joys, sorrows, and sorrows.

In 1992, a song by Mao Amin unveiled China's top-secret military base to the world

The rise of nuclear forces from zero to one

Let's turn the clock back to 1945. That year, the United States dropped two atomic bombs on Japan, which shocked the whole world, and this event completely changed the international landscape.

In 1992, a song by Mao Amin unveiled China's top-secret military base to the world

At that time, China had just experienced the baptism of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and we could not sit idly by in the face of the tremendous deterrence brought by nuclear weapons.

Chairman Mao once said a very interesting sentence: "We must not only have more planes and artillery, but also atomic bombs." In today's world, we can't live without this thing if we want to be bullied by others. ”

In 1992, a song by Mao Amin unveiled China's top-secret military base to the world

This sentence expresses China's original intention in developing nuclear weapons - not to threaten anyone, but to avoid being bullied.

However, there is still a huge gap between the words and the deeds, you know, at that time, it was difficult for China to even build bicycles, let alone build atomic bombs.

In 1992, a song by Mao Amin unveiled China's top-secret military base to the world

But such difficulties did not deter our scientists, and in 1959, a team of 50,000 people marched into Lop Nur with the mission of building the Malan base and developing China's own atomic bomb.

On the deserted Gobi Desert, thousands of people suddenly appeared, living in tents, digging cellars, working under the scorching sun, and studying in the cold wind.

In 1992, a song by Mao Amin unveiled China's top-secret military base to the world

The initial conditions can be said to be extremely difficult, there is no laboratory, then you will do experiments in the field, and if you lack food, you will eat wild vegetables to satisfy your hunger.

What is even more admirable is that after the evacuation of Soviet experts in 1960, our scientists did not give up, on the contrary, they worked harder, vowing to prove that the Chinese themselves could build an atomic bomb.

In 1992, a song by Mao Amin unveiled China's top-secret military base to the world

Finally, on October 16, 1964, China's first atomic bomb was successfully exploded, and at that moment, a mushroom cloud rose over Lop Nur, announcing that China had officially become a nuclear power.

This achievement, in today's words, is a breakthrough "from 0 to 1", which is not only a scientific and technological achievement, but also a manifestation of the will of the Chinese people.

In 1992, a song by Mao Amin unveiled China's top-secret military base to the world

The times have changed from top secret to open

In 1992, when Mao Amin sang "The Ballad of Ma Lan" at the "August 1st" party, who would have thought that this would be a turning point of an era?

A top-secret base that has existed for decades suddenly revealed its existence to the world through a song, which immediately shocked everyone in the country!

In 1992, a song by Mao Amin unveiled China's top-secret military base to the world

And behind the choice of the release date, there are also profound considerations.

At this time, the Cold War has ended, the international situation has changed greatly, and China no longer needs to keep its nuclear forces as strictly secret as in the past.

In 1992, a song by Mao Amin unveiled China's top-secret military base to the world

At the same time, after years of development, China's nuclear technology has become quite mature, and we have enough self-confidence to calmly face the eyes of the world.

More importantly, it represents a shift in China's strategy, and we want to send a message to the world that China's nuclear forces are defensive and are designed to maintain peace, not to threaten others.

The public singing of "The Ballad of Malan" is like a signal flare, indicating that the Malan base is about to be unveiled.

In 1992, a song by Mao Amin unveiled China's top-secret military base to the world

In the following years, the Malan base gradually opened to the outside world, and this place, which was once not even found on the map, gradually became a popular attraction for "red tourism".

Visitors can visit the Malan Memorial Hall to learn about the history of nuclear weapons research and development, feel the arduous years up close, and experience the selfless dedication of scientific researchers.

In 1992, a song by Mao Amin unveiled China's top-secret military base to the world

This change is not only an adjustment of foreign policy, but also a manifestation of self-confidence, China is no longer a country that is closed to the outside world, and we are willing to face the world with a more open attitude.

At the same time, young people can learn history here, feel the fighting spirit of their predecessors, and enhance their patriotism.

In 1992, a song by Mao Amin unveiled China's top-secret military base to the world

However, it is worth noting that the opening of the Malan base does not mean that the mission of the Malan base is over, on the contrary, it is still an important base for China's national defense science and technology, and continues to contribute to national security.

The new generation of scientific research workers will continue to work this hot land, and their goal is no longer just to make weapons, but also to explore the possibility of peaceful use of nuclear energy.

In 1992, a song by Mao Amin unveiled China's top-secret military base to the world


A song can carry such an important mission, it not only conveys a beautiful melody, but also conveys the confidence and strength of a country, this is the charm of "The Ballad of Maran", it tells the most thrilling story in the most gentle way.

In that era of scarcity of materials, it was really a miracle to be able to build such a huge and perfect base, and behind this miracle was the wisdom and sweat of countless scientific research workers.

In 1992, a song by Mao Amin unveiled China's top-secret military base to the world

In this barren land, they planted the seeds of China's nuclear weapons development, allowing it to take root and sprout in a difficult environment, and finally blossom and bear fruit.

Malan Base is such a legendary place, and every inch of its land tells the story of a country's efforts and sacrifices for its own security.

From top secret to open, the change of the Malan base is actually a microcosm of China's development, and a truly strong country must not only have a strong national defense, but also have an open mind and a confident attitude.

In 1992, a song by Mao Amin unveiled China's top-secret military base to the world

The story of the Malan base is not only a dusty history, but also a legend about dreams, struggles and growth, which has witnessed the rise of China and heralded China's future.

The development of nuclear weapons embodies the painstaking efforts of many scientists, carries the dreams of hundreds of millions of people, and bears witness to the spirit of a nation's unremitting self-improvement and the process of a country's rise.

In 1992, a song by Mao Amin unveiled China's top-secret military base to the world


Changsha Political Science and Law 2023-04-07The nursery rhyme "Ma Lanhua Blooms Twenty-one" is actually a hidden code? Hiding an earth-shattering secret"

In 1992, a song by Mao Amin unveiled China's top-secret military base to the world
Beijing Daily 2017-08-22 "Malan Thunder - Revealing China's Nuclear Test Base"
In 1992, a song by Mao Amin unveiled China's top-secret military base to the world
China Military Network Ministry of National Defense Network September 15, 2022 "There is a place called Ma Lan"
In 1992, a song by Mao Amin unveiled China's top-secret military base to the world

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