
The young Zheng Hehuizi became popular, and her attitude before and after the explosion was likeable

author:Fried chicken says gossip

First, in the entertainment industry, there is such an actress who has worked silently for ten years, and finally ushered in the spring of her career at the age of 29. She is Zheng Hehuizi. Before 2017, Zheng Hekeiko's name was still unfamiliar to most viewers.

Like countless young people with dreams of being an actor, she honed her acting skills in various roles, large and small. In "Under the Skin", she played a small role; In "Our Rivers and Lakes", she is only one of the many actors.

Despite this, Jung has always maintained her love and dedication to acting, taking every role seriously, and striving to be the best she can be, even if it is an inconspicuous supporting role. However, there is never a shortage of beauties in the entertainment industry, and the label of "vase" always seems to linger.

In the face of doubts, Zheng Hehuizi did not give up, but worked harder. There was firmness in her eyes, as if to say, "I'm not just a pretty face, I also have strength."

The young Zheng Hehuizi became popular, and her attitude before and after the explosion was likeable

In order to improve her acting skills, she constantly participates in various trainings and auditions, and strives to show her talent at every opportunity. In the past ten years, Zheng Hehuizi has been like a seed, quietly taking root and sprouting in places that the audience can't see.

She believes that as long as she persists, she will eventually blossom and bear fruit one day. Every failure and setback has become the nourishment for her growth. She often told herself: "Don't rush, prepare well, opportunities will always come."

During these years of obscurity, Zheng Hehuizi cultivated her tenacious character and deep love for acting. She continued to accumulate experience in various roles, laying a solid foundation for her future popularity.

This experience also made her understand that in the entertainment industry, only by truly loving acting and constantly improving herself can she firmly grasp the opportunity when it comes. 2019 is undoubtedly an important turning point for Zheng Hehuizi.

The young Zheng Hehuizi became popular, and her attitude before and after the explosion was likeable

Second, the broadcast of the TV series "Dear, Loved" made her like a butterfly from a cocoon, and finally showed her brilliance. This TV series, adapted from an online novel, has become an important milestone in Zheng Hekeiko's acting career.

In this drama, Zheng Hehuizi plays the heroine Han Shangyan, partnering with Bailu. She vividly interpreted Han Shangyan's stubbornness, independence, and gentleness. Every subtle expression, every slight movement, makes the audience feel the charm of the character.

Zheng Hehuizi used her acting skills to make the role of Han Shangyan alive and won the love of the audience. With the popularity of the series, Zheng Hekeiko's name began to appear frequently in the audience's field of vision.

Her Weibo followers have increased dramatically, and various interview invitations have followed. This drama not only allowed Zheng Hehuizi to gain a large number of fans, but also allowed her acting skills to be recognized by the industry.

The young Zheng Hehuizi became popular, and her attitude before and after the explosion was likeable

However, in the face of the sudden attention, Zheng Hehuizi still maintained a humble attitude. She often said in interviews: "I still have a lot of shortcomings, and I need to continue to work hard." This attitude of not being arrogant or impatient makes people see her sincerity and love for acting.

The success of "Dear, Loved" also made the CP effect of Zheng Hehuizi and Bailu continue to ferment. The interaction between the two in the play is impressive, and every rivalry is quite well received.

But Zheng Hehuizi is not complacent because of this, she clearly knows that this is just the beginning. This hard-won success is cherished by Zheng Hehuizi. She understands that after becoming popular, she needs to calm down, continue to hone her acting skills, and challenge more different types of roles.

Third, she said in an interview: "I hope to be able to try more diverse roles and continue to break through myself." "Dear, Loved" opened a new door for Zheng Hehuizi, but she knows that in order to develop in the entertainment industry for a long time, it is not enough to rely on temporary popularity.

The young Zheng Hehuizi became popular, and her attitude before and after the explosion was likeable

She needs to prove herself with more excellent works and consolidate this hard-won success with continuous efforts. The success of this drama is not only the reward of Zheng Hehuizi's ten-year persistence, but also the driving force for her to continue to move forward.

Her story, just like Han Shangyan's growth in the play, is full of persistence and courage. If "Dear, Loved" made the audience know Zheng Hehuizi, then "Longing for Life" made the audience fall in love with her.

This popular variety show has become a stage for Zheng Hehuizi to show her true self. In "Longing for Life", Zheng Hehuizi shows a completely different side from the screen image.

She is no longer a glamorous heroine, but a down-to-earth, laughing and noisy girl next door. When she worked with He Jiong, Peng Yuchang and others, the sweat on her face and her bright smile made people feel her truth and vitality.

The young Zheng Hehuizi became popular, and her attitude before and after the explosion was likeable

Fourth, she is not afraid of being dirty or tired, and always takes the initiative to take on all kinds of housework. This kind of contrast is cute, allowing the audience to see another side of Zheng Hehuizi. In the show, Zheng Hehuizi also showed her cooking skills.

The Quanzhou snacks she made won everyone's appreciation, so she was affectionately called "Quanzhou First Sister". Faced with this title, she always smiled and said: "I'm just a young actor who has just entered the industry."

This humble attitude has won the love of the audience even more. In the variety show, Zheng Hehuizi's performance is natural and real. When she introduced herself on stage, she honestly said that she was nervous, and this unabashed realism made it feel very familiar.

During the game session, she is very responsive and always brings joy to the audience. In the interaction with other guests, Zheng Hehuizi showed her humorous side. Her smile is infectious and often sets the mood up.

The young Zheng Hehuizi became popular, and her attitude before and after the explosion was likeable

The program team also gave her the title of "old artist" to express their recognition of her acting skills. It is this true and humble attitude that has made Zheng Hehuizi win the love of more audiences in variety shows.

Her performance in "Longing for Life" not only did not affect her image as an actor, but made people feel her multifaceted and affinity. This variety show journey has become an important turning point in Zheng Hehuizi's acting career, allowing more people to see her charm.

Fifth, after becoming popular, Zheng Hehuizi did not stop. She knows that in order to gain a firm foothold in the entertainment industry, it is far from enough to rely on temporary popularity. As a result, she constantly challenges herself to try out a variety of different types of roles.

In the selection of works that followed, Zheng Hekeiko showed a strong desire for exploration and a spirit of challenge. She has participated in many works with different styles such as "Please Call Me Director" and "New Shanghai", and each time she is trying different types of roles.

The young Zheng Hehuizi became popular, and her attitude before and after the explosion was likeable

In "Please Call Me Director", she played a working woman; And in "New Shanghai", she challenges a whole new type of character. Zheng Hehuizi takes every role very seriously.

She spends a lot of time researching the background of the character, figuring out the character's psychology, and even learning some special skills for the role. She often says, "Every role is a new challenge and a new growth."

This dedication and love for the role has allowed her acting skills to continue to improve. In addition to TV dramas, Zheng Hehuizi also insisted on participating in drama performances. She believes that drama can hone the basic skills of actors and make their performances more pure and real.

Every time she stands on stage, she can feel her progress. This attitude of constantly breaking through oneself and challenging new roles has made Zheng Hekeiko's acting skills more and more sophisticated. In an interview, Zheng Hehuizi once said: "I want to be a well-rounded actor, whether it is tragedy or comedy, whether it is modern drama or costume drama, I want to try."

The young Zheng Hehuizi became popular, and her attitude before and after the explosion was likeable

This attitude of not being satisfied with the status quo and constantly striving for progress is what keeps her audience captivated. The audience also saw a growing Zheng Hehuizi from each of her works.

Her hard work and progress are obvious to all, which has also earned her more and more opportunities and recognition in the entertainment industry. The story of Zheng Hehuizi tells us how important it is to keep learning and breaking through ourselves in the acting industry.

She has proved with practical actions that only by maintaining her love for acting and constantly challenging herself can she go further in this highly competitive industry. The road to fame is never easy.

As the popularity grew, so did the voices of skepticism. Some people say that Zheng Hehuizi became popular by "hype", and some people questioned her relationship with Bailu, Tong Mengshi and others.

The young Zheng Hehuizi became popular, and her attitude before and after the explosion was likeable

In the face of these voices, Zheng Hehuizi has always maintained a calm mind. She wasn't knocked down by negative remarks, and she didn't change her way of doing things because of it. In an interview, Zheng Hehuizi smiled and said, "I think the duty of an actor is to act well, and other things are not under my control."

This indifferent attitude shows her professionalism and inner strength. Zheng Hehuizi chose to respond to doubts with strength. Every performance, every new role, is a challenge for herself, and it is also an explanation to the audience.

Sixth, she believes that as long as she sticks to her own path, she will eventually win recognition. In "Longing for Life", she shows her true self, which is also the best response to the "hype" question.

Faced with CP hype rumors with other actors, Zheng Hehuizi chose to remain silent. She focused on her performance and ignored the guesswork. She understands that a real actor should rely on his work to speak, not on scandal hype.

The young Zheng Hehuizi became popular, and her attitude before and after the explosion was likeable

Zheng Hehuizi's attitude also affects the people around her. Her colleagues say it's been a pleasure working with her. She is always full of positive energy, and she will not complain when she encounters difficulties, but find ways to solve them.

This positive and optimistic attitude not only helped Zheng Hehuizi get through the trough of her career, but also allowed her to maintain her original intention and continue to work hard after becoming popular. When faced with doubts, Zheng Hehuizi often reminds herself: "Don't be influenced by the outside world, trust your choice."

She firmly believes that as long as she continues to improve herself and speaks with her works, she will eventually be recognized by the audience and the industry. Zheng Hehuizi proved with her own actions that in the entertainment industry, maintaining a positive and optimistic attitude and focusing on your own development is the best way to deal with doubts.

Seventh, her story has also inspired and inspired many young people who are facing challenges. Looking back on the past ten years, 29-year-old Zheng Hehuizi finally ushered in the spring of her career. From obscurity to popularity, she has experienced too many ups and downs, and this experience has shaped her now.

The young Zheng Hehuizi became popular, and her attitude before and after the explosion was likeable

At a sharing meeting, Zheng Hehuizi said emotionally: "I am grateful for everything now, but I cherish those days of silent dedication. It was those days that shaped me now.

These words show her cherishing of the past ten years, and also show her love and dedication to acting. Zheng Hehuizi admits that success is not achieved overnight. Every failure is an opportunity to grow, and every doubt is a driving force to move forward.

Eighth, she encouraged young people to cherish the present moment and focus on their own growth. "Don't get carried away by momentary success, and don't be knocked down by temporary failure." "It's important to always maintain a sense of love and awe for acting.

Today's Zheng Hehuizi still maintains her passion for acting. "I still have a long way to go and a lot of roles I want to try," she said. This enterprising spirit is what keeps her audience captivated.

The young Zheng Hehuizi became popular, and her attitude before and after the explosion was likeable

She knows that in the entertainment industry, only by constantly improving herself can she firmly grasp the opportunity when it comes. Zheng Hehuizi's success is not only her personal victory, but also an inspiration and inspiration for many young people with dreams.

Her story tells us that as long as we maintain our love for our dreams and persevere in our efforts, we will eventually come to fruition one day. 29-year-old Zheng Hehuizi used her own experience to interpret what persistence is and what growth is.

From obscurity to popularity, she has always maintained a humble attitude and love for her acting career. This kind of attitude and enthusiasm allowed her to maintain her original intention after becoming popular and continue to forge ahead on the road of acting.

The story of Zheng Hehuizi is undoubtedly an inspiration to all dreamers. She proved with practical actions that as long as she sticks to her dreams and works hard, she will eventually usher in her own spring.

The young Zheng Hehuizi became popular, and her attitude before and after the explosion was likeable

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