
Big Things, Big Things!! June 29 at 8 a.m. six major social events in China!

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Today is Saturday, June 29th, the 24th day of the fifth month of the lunar calendar

Big Things, Big Things!! June 29 at 8 a.m. six major social events in China!

First things first: the No. 1 flood of the Yangtze River has formed, and the torrential rain in the south is still falling! The rain in this area is also twice as high as normal for the same period of the year

Big Things, Big Things!! June 29 at 8 a.m. six major social events in China!

Recently, extreme rainfall has hit many places in southern China, and the water level in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River has risen sharply, resulting in the No. 1 flood of 2024. The rainfall in Guangxi, Hunan, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, southern Anhui and other places is far above normal, and heavy rainfall will continue in the next three days. The northern regions, especially Heilongjiang, Jilin, and eastern Inner Mongolia, also experienced extraordinary rainfall, and the rainfall in some areas was more than twice that of the same period in normal years. Affected by the cold vortex, the temperature in Northeast China is low, which adversely affects the growth of crops. The Ussuri River also forms floods. The meteorological department reminded that the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and northern Guangxi need to strengthen the prevention of small and medium-sized river floods, mountain floods, and geological disaster risks. Rainfall is frequent in northern areas, and the public should take precautions.

The second thing: The man caught a 22-pound duckbill sturgeon and spent more than 1,000 treats, inviting a lonely mood and sharing happiness

Big Things, Big Things!! June 29 at 8 a.m. six major social events in China!

A fishing enthusiast in Weihai, Shandong Province, was so excited to catch a 22-pound duckbill sturgeon in June that he invited his friends to share the joy. This duckbill sturgeon was bred in captivity, so there is no violation of laws protecting wildlife. The man processed the fish at a nearby restaurant and spent more than 1,000 yuan. Netizens have different opinions on this, some people think that this expense is not worth it, and some people think that it is a favor investment, and whether it is worth it depends on personal opinions. Some netizens also mentioned that if the fish is wild, then it may face legal problems. In general, this dinner has little to do with the incident of catching a fish, and even if a fish is not caught, people may treat themselves for other reasons.

The third thing: "A physical education teacher in Feicheng, Shandong Province was accused of molesting girls" Continued: The teacher involved has been arrested

Big Things, Big Things!! June 29 at 8 a.m. six major social events in China!

According to a report by The Paper on June 26, recently, Zhai Moumou, a physical education teacher at Baiyunshan Middle School in Feicheng City, Shandong Province, was suspected of molesting a girl, which attracted social attention. Zhai Moumou has been formally arrested by the procuratorate, and the principal of the school involved has been dismissed.

Previously, Liu Chen (pseudonym), the mother of a girl at the school, told The Paper that the incident happened on May 30 this year. My daughter didn't need to go to school that day, but at 10 o'clock in the morning, my daughter's classmate had a fever and needed her to accompany her to school for the last exam in the morning. Therefore, she went to the school office and waited for her classmates to finish the exam. Liu Chen said that in the equipment room, the physical education teacher involved Zhai Moumou molested her daughter. It took more than half an hour from entering the equipment room to leaving the equipment room, and it was not until school time that Zhai Moumou let her leave, and warned and threatened her many times. The relevant person in charge of Feicheng City told The Paper that the day after the parents reported the case, Zhai Moumou was criminally detained by the public security organs. At present, the procuratorate has formally approved his arrest, and the case is under trial. The person in charge said that the attitude of the municipal party committee, the municipal government and the education department is very resolute in this matter, and it is required to be seriously dealt with in accordance with laws and regulations.

The fourth thing: Tesla China recalls laid-off employees: compensation refund "3", involving charging, sales, after-sales and delivery

Big Things, Big Things!! June 29 at 8 a.m. six major social events in China!

Sila China has recently launched a recall process for previously laid off employees, with more than 100 employees expected to be recalled. The recalled employees are mainly from the charging, sales, after-sales and delivery departments. If they agree to return to work, the employee will be required to return part of the redundancy compensation and the seniority will be recalculated. Previously, Tesla laid off more than 10% of its global workforce, and the proportion of layoffs in China was even higher, with some teams laying off 40%-50% of their workforce. Tesla provided an "N+3" compensation standard and quickly went through the layoff procedures. After the layoffs, the Beijing and Shanghai offices were reduced by nearly half and a third, respectively. Despite this, Tesla's sales in China in May increased by 77% month-on-month and 30% year-on-year, and the wholesale sales of new energy passenger vehicles reached 72,573 units. At present, Tesla has begun to recall employees of the charging team, and plans to recall employees in the sales, after-sales and delivery departments one after another. On May 14, Tesla also rehired some Supercharger team employees in the United States. At the same time, Tesla China has opened recruitment for relevant positions.

The fifth thing: A security guard in Guangxi killed 2 people with a knife in the community: the suspect was caught red-handed due to a quarrel due to contradictions

Big Things, Big Things!! June 29 at 8 a.m. six major social events in China!

On the afternoon of June 28, a tragedy occurred in a small area of the port area of Fangchenggang City, Guangxi, where security guard Chen Moumou slashed two people with a knife due to a conflict and dispute with the owner and his wife, Li and Wang, resulting in their death. Witnesses said that after the two sides quarreled at the gate of the community, Chen Moumou lost control of his emotions and used extreme means to commit the murder. The police quickly intervened and arrested Chen Moumou on the spot, and the case is currently under investigation. The Port Branch of the Fangchenggang Public Security Bureau issued a police report, confirming that Chen Moumou had been criminally detained. The sub-district office said it would cooperate with the police investigation, and the specific reason for the dispute has yet to be officially announced. This incident has aroused widespread concern about the safety management and security quality of the community.

The sixth thing: The high-speed rail seat was pretended not to be seen by the pregnant woman who was temporarily seated, and netizens praised it

Big Things, Big Things!! June 29 at 8 a.m. six major social events in China!

On June 26, Mr. Wu was on the high-speed train from Guangxi to Zhejiang when his seat was occupied by a pregnant woman. After Mr. Wu found out, considering the inconvenience of the pregnant mother, he chose not to disturb her and let her continue to rest. While the flight attendant checked the ticket, the pregnant mother was woken up and embarrassed, and then left her seat. Mr. Wu's thoughtful behavior has won widespread praise from netizens.