
Defeat Belgium! Zheng Wei is still investigating! As soon as the rotation was changed, it collapsed, and she was still hesitating who to bring

author:Xiao Xia said sports
Defeat Belgium! Zheng Wei is still investigating! As soon as the rotation was changed, it collapsed, and she was still hesitating who to bring

In the just-concluded women's basketball game against Belgium, the Chinese women's basketball team suffered a rout, and this defeat made fans pay more attention to Coach Zheng Wei's inspection of the team's lineup. Despite the consistency of our starting line-up, the collapse after coming off the bench was particularly glaring. What problems did this game expose? Why is Coach Zheng Wei still hesitating to list? Let's break down the details of this game!

Defeat Belgium! Zheng Wei is still investigating! As soon as the rotation was changed, it collapsed, and she was still hesitating who to bring

One game exposes the whole problem

This clash with Belgium was an opportunity to test the overall strength of the Chinese women's basketball team. In the first quarter, the Chinese women's basketball team was still able to compete with the opponent, and Huang Sijing's return made everyone's eyes shine, and her defensive suppression and rebounding control put a lot of pressure on the opponent. However, in the second and third quarters, the team's form took a sharp turn for the worse, scoring was lackluster, the defense was full of holes, and finally a total rout.

In the game, the most eye-catching thing was Coach Zheng Wei's frequent adjustments when rotating the lineup. Many fans commented after the game: "As soon as you change the rotation, it will collapse", which is a sentence that hits the nail on the head. After coming off the bench, the team's offensive and defensive ends were instantly out of balance, what problems did this rotation expose?

Defeat Belgium! Zheng Wei is still investigating! As soon as the rotation was changed, it collapsed, and she was still hesitating who to bring

Defensive errors become fatal wounds

Mistakes on the defensive end were one of the main reasons for the collapse of the Chinese women's basketball team in this game. Especially in the second and third quarters, the Belgian team frequently exploited our defensive holes to break through. Throughout the game, the defense of the women's basketball team leaked many times, and the defensive cooperation between the players seemed very uncoordinated.

In this game, Wu Tongtong's defensive problems were particularly exposed. Her explosiveness dropped significantly after the injury, and she looked a little inadequate against the Belgian team's rapid attack. Although her confrontation ability is still there, she is clearly lacking in speed and agility to effectively prevent the opponent's breakthrough. Many fans expressed concern: "Wu Tongtong's state, can you still count on her?" It seems that her future positioning in the team really needs to be carefully considered by Coach Zheng Wei.

Defeat Belgium! Zheng Wei is still investigating! As soon as the rotation was changed, it collapsed, and she was still hesitating who to bring

The offensive end is lackluster, and scoring is even harder

In addition to the problems on the defensive end, the lack of energy on the offensive end was also a significant factor in the collapse. Especially in the second and third quarters, the team's offensive efficiency dropped significantly, and whether it was outside shooting or inside breakaways, it seemed a little helpless.

Han Xu, Huang Sijing and Sun Mengran played well in the starting stages, but after they came off the field, the performance of the substitutes looked very weak. The shooting percentage from the outside is low, and there is also a lack of effective means of breaking through on the inside. Many fans commented on social media: "It's really sweaty to see the performance after the substitutes come up. "Under the pressure of the Belgian team's defense, the women's basketball team's offensive routine is single, and it is difficult to break the opponent's defensive formation, which makes the team fall into a scoring dilemma.

Defeat Belgium! Zheng Wei is still investigating! As soon as the rotation was changed, it collapsed, and she was still hesitating who to bring

Lineup selection is key

Coach Zheng Wei frequently adjusted the lineup during the game, apparently to look at the performance of different players in order to determine the final squad. The injury problems of Li Yueru and Li Meng have affected the team's height on the inside and the firepower on the outside. This is also one of the important reasons why Coach Zheng Wei has not been able to determine the squad for a long time.

In the game, Zheng Wei sent small players many times, which led to the collapse of the offense and defense in the second quarter. Small players, while having an advantage in speed and flexibility, are clearly at a disadvantage when it comes to duels and rebounding. In this case, fans have questioned: "Is this adjustment appropriate?" Should an inside player like Han Xu be given more time? ”

Defeat Belgium! Zheng Wei is still investigating! As soon as the rotation was changed, it collapsed, and she was still hesitating who to bring

The views of netizens sparked heated discussions

After the game, the discussion of the game on the Internet remained hot. Some fans think: "Coach Zheng Wei is still groping for the lineup, and such adjustments and inspections are for long-term development and take time." Some fans also bluntly said: "In the face of such an opponent, the team's defensive and offensive state are unstable, do you need to bring in more experienced players?" ”

At the same time, some netizens were dissatisfied with the performance of the substitute players: "If the substitutes collapse after the core players leave the field, it will be difficult to cope with future games after the squad is determined." "There were a lot of constructive comments about the team's performance in the absence of key players.

Coach Zheng Wei's lineup selection in this game really made many fans feel puzzling. Especially for Liu Yutong's snubbing, it has caused a lot of questions. One fan posted on the forum: "Liu Yutong's performance last season was obvious to all, and her speed and shooting ability can fully make up for the shortcomings in the current lineup. Director Zheng didn't take her, was he too stubborn? ”

Defeat Belgium! Zheng Wei is still investigating! As soon as the rotation was changed, it collapsed, and she was still hesitating who to bring

It is widely believed that Liu Yutong has excellent outside shooting and flexible running ability, which is exactly what the women's basketball team lacks when playing against a strong team like Belgium. Her characteristics are exactly what the team desperately needs. Some fans commented: "Look at the current offensive efficiency, with Liu Yutong on the field, at least it can open up space and enrich the offensive routine." "Everyone's opinion is clear, Liu Yutong can bring a variety of tactical options to the team.

The fans' fears are not unfounded. Coach Zheng Wei's insistence on player selection is similar to the stubbornness of the previous men's basketball coach Du Feng. He has drawn a lot of criticism for sticking to players he trusts in key games while ignoring the potential of other players. We don't want to see the women's basketball team repeat the mistakes of the past. As one fan said: "Isn't the current situation of the women's basketball team a copy of the previous men's basketball team?" In terms of lineup selection, we can no longer follow Du Feng's old path. ”

In addition, Zheng Wei's inspection of some players is not flexible enough. Some netizens pointed out: "Director Zheng is always hesitant, who does he want or who he wants, how can he run in the strongest lineup if he goes on like this?" Fans believe that Zheng Wei needs to let go of her stubbornness as soon as possible and dare to try new players, especially players with potential like Liu Yutong. In this way, you can achieve better results in the upcoming competitions.

Defeat Belgium! Zheng Wei is still investigating! As soon as the rotation was changed, it collapsed, and she was still hesitating who to bring

Summary: There is a long way to go to run in the lineup

This game with Belgium sounded the alarm for the Chinese women's basketball team. Leakage on the defensive end and lack of scoring on the offensive end are problems that the team needs to solve urgently. In the process of scouting the lineup, Coach Zheng Wei still needs more time to find the most suitable combination. In the face of the upcoming trip to Australia, fans hope to see the team confirm the squad as soon as possible, strengthen the overall coordination, and improve the efficiency of both offensive and defensive ends.

Finally, the performance of this game makes us even more excited about how the women's basketball team will adjust in the next games. What do you think of Coach Zheng Wei's choice? Who do you think deserves to be on the final squad? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to discuss!

Defeat Belgium! Zheng Wei is still investigating! As soon as the rotation was changed, it collapsed, and she was still hesitating who to bring

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