
PK Day Ao Sha! The draw for the round of 18, the coach of the national football team laughed on the spot, and the fans: If you don't finish at the bottom, you will win

author:Cheerful passion fruit

PK Day Ao Sha! The draw for the round of 18, the coach of the national football team laughed on the spot, and the fans: If you don't finish at the bottom, you will win

This summer, once again the focus of the sports world was on the draw for the Asian zone of the 2026 World Cup qualifiers. Yesterday, Beijing time, the ballroom of Mandarin Oriental Hotel Kuala Lumpur became the focus of attention of sports fans around the world, as it is about to determine the mood of domestic fans in the coming seasons.

As a senior sports blogger in China, I have in-depth insights and unique views on the results of this draw, especially Group C, which the national football team was divided into. When the second team in Group C was revealed, the smile of national football coach Ivan caught the fans off guard. In his opinion, the encounter with the Indonesian team may be a "good sign", but the fans do not buy it. The reason is very simple, the current Indonesian team is no longer a weak team in the traditional sense, and their strength has long exceeded the level of the sixth grade with the blessing of Dutch naturalized players.

PK Day Ao Sha! The draw for the round of 18, the coach of the national football team laughed on the spot, and the fans: If you don't finish at the bottom, you will win

In addition to Indonesia, the other opponents in Group C, Japan, Australia, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain are also fuel-efficient. Japan and Australia, as traditional powerhouses in Asian football, have always been the favorites to qualify for the World Cup; Saudi Arabia has also shown strong competitiveness in recent World Cups; Although Bahrain is the lowest-ranked team in the group, their surprise and counter-attacking ability are also not to be underestimated on the field.

PK Day Ao Sha! The draw for the round of 18, the coach of the national football team laughed on the spot, and the fans: If you don't finish at the bottom, you will win

For the national football team, this group of opponents is obviously not a smooth sailing existence. Fans are full of anticipation and apprehension about whether they will be able to stand out and score enough points to qualify from the group. Whether it is competing against strong teams such as Japan, Australia, and Saudi Arabia, or facing "variables" such as Bahrain and Indonesia, the national football team will face a severe test.

The round of 18 will run from September 2024 to June 2025, when the national football team will compete against each group of opponents in a home-and-away format. Victory or failure is not only a test of the strength of the team, but also a comprehensive test of the manager's tactics and the fighting spirit of the players. The voices of the fans will also play an important role throughout the tournament, and their support and shouts will be a great source of motivation for the team to overcome strong opponents and break through the encirclement.

PK Day Ao Sha! The draw for the round of 18, the coach of the national football team laughed on the spot, and the fans: If you don't finish at the bottom, you will win

As a sports blogger, I will continue to follow every detail and progress of this round of 18 match, and present a real and rich picture of the event to readers with in-depth analysis and unique perspectives. Regardless of the result on the field, we look forward to the national football team being able to write a new glorious chapter with their strength and courage on this challenging road.

Fans, after reading the analysis of the first half, do you feel the same inner surging and uneasiness as me? The results of the draw for the round of 18 of the national football team are indeed not optimistic, but this predicament may be an opportunity for us to challenge and surpass.

We need to face up to the difficulties ahead. Competing against opponents such as Japan, Australia, and Saudi Arabia is undoubtedly an uphill battle. These teams are not only strong, but also have accumulated a wealth of experience and achievements in the international arena. If the national football team wants to stand out in such competition, it must be fully prepared, adjust its condition, and at the same time, it also needs luck to be on its side.

Bahrain and Indonesia, as the "variables" of this group, add to the unpredictability of the match. Bahrain may be ranked lower, but their quality should not be underestimated, and their performances in Asia have often been unexpected. Indonesia, on the other hand, has become a new challenge due to the addition of naturalized players from the Netherlands. In the face of such an opponent, the national football team needs to be fully prepared in terms of tactics and psychology, and cannot be careless.

The tight schedule is also a big test. Starting in September 2024 and continuing until June 2025, there will be an important match almost every month, which will be a great test for the physical and mental quality of the players. How to maintain stability and efficiency in a long period of high-intensity competition will be one of the key factors that will determine the outcome of the game.

No matter how great the difficulties and challenges we face, we must maintain confidence and optimism. Historically, the national football team has often been able to burst out with strong combat effectiveness at critical moments and create incredible miracles. We have to believe that the manager and the players can find a breakthrough in the game and move towards the dream of the World Cup step by step.

As fans, our support is invaluable. Whether on or off the field, we must support the national football team with actions and cheer for them. In every game, we are their strongest support, and our shouts and encouragement will be the source of motivation for them to move forward.

No matter how difficult the road ahead is, we must stand shoulder to shoulder, meet the challenges together, and cheer for the national football team! Let's use our actions to ignite the flame of hope for this team and witness their glorious moments together!