
A meeting of cadres of the Political and Legal Committee of the Fengshun County Party Committee was held, and it was announced that Zhang Xiaoshan, deputy secretary of the county party committee, was concurrently the secretary of the political and legal committee of the county party committee

author:Chaoke Hui
A meeting of cadres of the Political and Legal Committee of the Fengshun County Party Committee was held, and it was announced that Zhang Xiaoshan, deputy secretary of the county party committee, was concurrently the secretary of the political and legal committee of the county party committee

Yesterday morning, a meeting of cadres of the political and legal committee of the county party committee was held to announce the decision to appoint the county party committee, and Zhang Xiaoshan, deputy secretary of the county party committee, concurrently served as secretary of the political and legal committee of the county party committee. Zhang Zhifeng, secretary of the county party committee, attended the meeting and delivered a speech, Zhang Xiaoshan and Shi Yuanping, member of the Standing Committee of the county party committee and director of the office, spoke at the meeting, and Xu Xiaodong, member of the Standing Committee of the county party committee and director of the organization department, read out the decision on the appointment of the county.

A meeting of cadres of the Political and Legal Committee of the Fengshun County Party Committee was held, and it was announced that Zhang Xiaoshan, deputy secretary of the county party committee, was concurrently the secretary of the political and legal committee of the county party committee

Zhang Zhifeng fully affirmed the county's political and legal work, and on behalf of the county party committee, he expressed his gratitude to everyone for their loyal performance and hard work. He said that in recent years, the Political and Legal Committee of the county party committee has continued to do a good job in maintaining stability and security, normalized the promotion of the fight against crime and evil, comprehensively rolled out the "1+6+N" grassroots social governance work system, cultivated and created the "Fengtuo Yushun" mediation work method, and did a lot of fruitful work for the long-term peace and stability of Fengshun society and the people's living and working in peace and contentment. The decision of the municipal party committee to appoint Comrade Zhang Xiaoshan as deputy secretary of the county party committee and secretary of the political and legal committee fully reflects the great importance that the municipal party committee attaches to the work of Fengshun and the construction of the leading group. It is hoped that all cadres of the Political and Legal Committee of the County Party Committee and the political and legal cadres and police of the county will resolutely support the decision of the Municipal Party Committee, effectively unify their thoughts and actions with the decision-making and deployment of the Municipal Party Committee and the central work of the county, fully support and cooperate with Comrade Zhang Xiaoshan to carry out their work, and escort high-quality economic and social development with high-quality political and legal work.

Zhang Zhifeng stressed: First, it is necessary to take a clear-cut stand and stress politics. The county's political and legal system should firmly grasp the fundamental political attributes of the "political and legal surname party", adhere to the party's absolute leadership over political and legal work, firmly support the "two establishments", resolutely achieve the "two safeguards", and earnestly implement the party's absolute leadership in all aspects of the political and legal work. Second, we must build a strong team cohesion. The members of the political and legal committee of the county party committee should firmly establish the idea of "a game of chess", consciously obey the organizational arrangement, fully cooperate with the "number one" to carry out the work, implement the responsibilities in charge, and achieve both division of labor and cooperation, complement each other without demolishing the platform, unite and lead the county's political and legal cadres to "think in one place and work hard in one place", jointly create a good atmosphere for entrepreneurship, and effectively promote the county's political and legal work to a new level. Third, we must serve the overall situation and be brave and responsible. It is necessary to focus on the central task, stand firmly on the position of the masses, enhance the sense of worry, establish a bottom-line thinking, properly handle all kinds of emergencies with a sense of responsibility of "always rest assured", and resolutely adhere to the bottom line of no systemic risks. It is necessary to adhere to and develop the "Fengqiao experience" and "Pujiang experience" in the new era, deepen the construction of the "1+6+N" grassroots social governance work system, promote the rule of law in petition work, promote the mediation work method of "Feng Tuo Yu Shun", and comprehensively improve the level of conflict and dispute prevention, mediation and resolution. It is necessary to strengthen the comprehensive management of social security, carry out the struggle to eliminate organized crime and vice on a regular basis, severely crack down on all kinds of violations and crimes in accordance with the law, optimize the business environment based on the rule of law, make every effort to ensure and promote social fairness and justice, and ensure high-quality development with high-level security. Fourth, we must be strict in discipline and abide by the bottom line. It is necessary to always adhere to the comprehensive and strict management of the party and the police, carry out the study and education of party discipline from the beginning to the end, and promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the party in the political and legal fields with the spirit of thorough self-revolution. It is necessary to always maintain the foundation of honesty and honesty, strictly abide by the party's discipline and rules, strengthen the building of a clean and honest party style, strictly implement the spirit of the eight central regulations, resolutely correct bad work styles, and create a good political ecology with a clean and upright atmosphere. It is necessary to always consolidate the foundation of governing and using power, and never slack off, implement various work measures to give preferential treatment to the police, vigorously select political and legal heroes, strengthen political rotation training and professional ability training, and strive to improve the rule of law thinking and professional quality of political and legal cadres and police, and forge a loyal, clean and responsible political and legal iron army in the new era.

Zhang Xiaoshan said in his speech that he was grateful for the cultivation and trust of the organization, and he felt a great responsibility for handing over this important work to himself, and that he should strive to consciously strengthen the cultivation of party spirit in the future work to ensure that his own construction and various tasks have always moved forward in the correct political direction; Firmly establish the awareness of the overall situation, maintain and carry forward the good tradition and style of sincere unity of the political and legal committee; Take the initiative to take the initiative, closely focus on the deployment arrangements of the county party committee, and escort the economic and social development of the county; Always and everywhere strict requirements on themselves, consciously accept supervision, be honest, self-disciplined, diligent and honest party members and cadres, and strive to promote Fengshun's political and legal work to a new level with practical actions.

Shi Yuanping said that in the 11 months he was in charge of political and legal work, he worked together with his comrades to promote the construction of safe Fengshun and Fengshun under the rule of law, and created a law-based business environment for the in-depth implementation of the "Millions and Thousands of Projects" in our county, promoted the high-quality revitalization and development of Fengshun Soviet District, and continued to maintain the safety and stability of the overall social situation in the county. In the future, he will, as always, pay attention to and support the work of the Political and Legal Committee, and hope that everyone will make new achievements and make new contributions at a new starting point.

Source: Caifeng Minshun Editor: Combustible Ice

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A meeting of cadres of the Political and Legal Committee of the Fengshun County Party Committee was held, and it was announced that Zhang Xiaoshan, deputy secretary of the county party committee, was concurrently the secretary of the political and legal committee of the county party committee
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A meeting of cadres of the Political and Legal Committee of the Fengshun County Party Committee was held, and it was announced that Zhang Xiaoshan, deputy secretary of the county party committee, was concurrently the secretary of the political and legal committee of the county party committee