
The figure is amazing, but the face collapses in seconds! It's a pity that 4 actresses whose looks can't keep up with their figures

author:Brother Yu will show you the world

In this era of looking at faces, the importance of appearance is self-evident. In order to stand out in the fiercely competitive entertainment industry, female stars have taken their appearance to a new level. They know that an attractive appearance can often win them more attention and opportunities.

First of all, the maintenance of the body is one of the most important aspects of female stars. In order to maintain a slim figure, they do not hesitate to invest a lot of time and energy. The gym has become a frequent place for them, and all kinds of aerobic exercises, strength training, yoga, etc., are all magic weapons for them to stay in shape. Not only that, female celebrities will also strictly control their diet, and a low-fat, low-sugar, and high-protein diet is their standard. Even some female celebrities will regularly take professional nutrition guidance to ensure that their diet is both healthy and helps to maintain their figure.

Secondly, the maintenance of the face is also an aspect that female stars cannot ignore. They know very well that a delicate face can add a lot of points to their image. Therefore, all kinds of high-end skin care products, beauty equipment, and regular care by professional beauticians have become their daily routine. From deep cleansing, hydration, whitening and brightening, to anti-aging, skin firming, they are meticulous in every link. In addition, female celebrities will also undergo professional skin tests regularly in order to detect and solve skin problems in time.

The figure is amazing, but the face collapses in seconds! It's a pity that 4 actresses whose looks can't keep up with their figures

In addition to the creation of body and face, female stars will also pay attention to their dress. Fashionable clothing, exquisite makeup, and appropriate accessories are all important means for them to show their charm. They will keep up with fashion trends and constantly experiment with new combinations and styles in order to show their best in front of the public.

However, the creation of the appearance is not achieved overnight, it requires long-term persistence and hard work of female stars. In the process, they also face various pressures and challenges. For example, in order to stay in shape, they need to endure hunger and fatigue; In order to maintain their faces, they need to invest a lot of money and time; In order to pursue fashion, they need to keep learning and experimenting. But it is these efforts and efforts that make them more and more outstanding in appearance, and also lay a solid foundation for their career success.

The creation of appearance is not only the personal pursuit of female stars, but also the embodiment of professionalism. In this era of looking at faces, a good appearance can often win them more respect and recognition. And this respect and recognition, in turn, will motivate them to pay more attention to the creation of appearance, forming a virtuous circle.

The figure is amazing, but the face collapses in seconds! It's a pity that 4 actresses whose looks can't keep up with their figures

In short, the importance of appearance is self-evident. In order to succeed in their careers, female stars pay more and more attention to the creation of appearance, which is not only their personal pursuit, but also a manifestation of professionalism. And their efforts and persistence in this process are also worth learning and learning from each of us.

Form factor management, as simple as it sounds, is actually a complex and challenging task. In order to maintain a perfect appearance, female stars can be said to have done their best. First of all, body management is relatively easy, and with reasonable exercise and diet control, most people are able to see noticeable results. But the beauty of the face is far from so simple.

The beauty of the face involves skin care, facial contouring, and even some microplastic surgery. These require specialized knowledge and technology, and the slightest carelessness can lead to irreversible consequences. While female celebrities pursue beauty, they must also face these potential risks.

Skin care is different, and it is necessary to tailor a skincare regimen based on individual skin type, environmental factors, and lifestyle habits. In order to keep their skin moisturized and shiny, female celebrities need to invest a lot of time and energy in basic care such as daily cleaning, moisturizing, and sun protection. In addition, regular professional skin testing and care is required to ensure the health of the skin.

The figure is amazing, but the face collapses in seconds! It's a pity that 4 actresses whose looks can't keep up with their figures

And the shaping of facial contours is a technical job. In order to have more three-dimensional and delicate facial features, female celebrities may choose some microplastic surgery, such as face slimming injections, fillers, etc. Although these surgeries are effective, they also come with certain risks. Female celebrities must be cautious and cautious when choosing these surgeries, choosing qualified doctors and formal medical institutions to ensure the safety of the surgery.

In addition, female stars still face some unpredictable difficulties in appearance management. For example, as we age, the elasticity and firmness of the skin gradually decrease, which requires more delicate and professional care to combat the signs of aging. For another example, long-term high pressure and irregular life will also have a certain impact on the skin, and female stars need to learn to adjust their lifestyles to reduce the impact of these unfavorable factors on their appearance.

In general, appearance management is a long-term and arduous task, and female stars must face various challenges and risks while pursuing beauty. But it is these efforts and efforts that make them more and more outstanding in appearance, and also lay a solid foundation for their career success. 13456710

The figure is amazing, but the face collapses in seconds! It's a pity that 4 actresses whose looks can't keep up with their figures

In the entertainment industry, appearance and figure are often the two pillars of the image of female stars. Sometimes, however, there is a mismatch between the two. Some female stars have enviable figures, but their appearance may become a shortcoming in their image.

Take Yang Ying 11 as an example, her appearance is known as a mixed-race beauty, and her big eyes that can talk are instantly killed. However, her figure has a little flaw, especially her rib chest, which makes people feel too shriveled and lacks feminine femininity. Despite this, when Yang Ying played the role of the flower fairy, she was still able to show her sweet and cute side with her small and delicate elf girl image. But with the divorce, her figure is getting thinner and thinner, and the ribs on her chest and shallow back, coupled with her chopstick-like legs, seem to fall down as soon as the wind blows, which makes people feel distressed.

Zhou Dongyu 13 is known for its fresh and natural tranquil beauty, known as the "little yellow duck", although the body is shriveled, but her appearance is very light, fair skin, small and tight nose, the overall forehead is gentle, and the cherry mouth is very cute. The smiling face with a big palm, the forehead, eyebrows, nose, and chin are perfectly proportioned, and it is simply an actor's face. But she is not tall, and her figure is very shriveled, not only thin but also not a little curved, and she looks extremely much like a child. Despite its bony beauty, being too thin will also break its aura.

The figure is amazing, but the face collapses in seconds! It's a pity that 4 actresses whose looks can't keep up with their figures

Deng Ziqi 13 is known as the "top little diva", which is relatively outstanding among the female singers of the same era. Every time she speaks, she can bring a different feeling to the audience and amaze the audience. However, she is small and a little chubby, and her proportions are not very good, and she looks more obvious in leather pants. Because of his obesity and his preferences, he was unanimously complained by fans. But through hard work to lose weight, she has an extraordinary temperament in a long skirt and wide-legged pants, which perfectly covers the shortcomings of her figure.

These examples show that even female celebrities will inevitably encounter a mismatch between their appearance and figure. But through their own efforts, they are constantly adjusting and improving, and strive to achieve a better balance in their image. This also brings enlightenment to ordinary people, everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses, the key is how to play their own strengths, make up for their shortcomings, and show the best of themselves.

Yuan Shanshan, this name was once controversial in the entertainment industry, but now it has become synonymous with counterattack. Turning over from the controversy over appearance, she used her fitness results and vest line to win a positive image of the public.

The figure is amazing, but the face collapses in seconds! It's a pity that 4 actresses whose looks can't keep up with their figures

Once, Yuan Shanshan received a lot of negative comments because of her appearance, and some netizens even bluntly asked her to "get out of the entertainment industry". However, Yuan Shanshan was not crushed by these negative voices, but chose an unusual path - fitness. She began to share her fitness routine on social platforms, from yoga to strength training, from running to swimming, she gave it her all.

Yuan Shanshan in the 21 video, wearing professional yoga clothes, a short vest shows off a slender waist, obvious abdominal muscles and a pair of long legs are particularly eye-catching. She slashed through the air, her legs stretched straight and her arm muscles smooth and powerful. This is not only a temporary fitness achievement, but also a proof of long-term exercise.

24 Yuan Shanshan has had a strong interest in sports since she was a child, especially yoga, Pilates and other body shaping exercises. She knows that to have a beautiful vest line, you need to combine cardio and strength training. As a result, she does fitness training at least four times a week, including two cardio exercises and two strength trainings. She enjoys running and swimming, which she believes are effective in burning fat and building a perfect body.

The figure is amazing, but the face collapses in seconds! It's a pity that 4 actresses whose looks can't keep up with their figures

In the process of fitness, 24 Yuan Shanshan pays great attention to diet. She insists on eating breakfast every day to ensure her nutritional intake. In addition, she will also consume some protein before and after the workout, such as chicken breast, eggs, milk, etc., to help muscle recovery and growth. At the same time, she strictly controls the intake of sugar and fat, and avoids high-calorie foods.

25 Because she posted a photo of the vest line on Weibo, Yuan Shanshan suddenly became everyone's inspirational idol. Her vest line is more than just a simple fitness achievement, but also a symbol of her perseverance and courage to face challenges.

26 Yuan Shanshan's fitness photos posted on social platforms show her unique sports fashion charm. Wearing a black sweatshirt and revealing her iconic vest line, she proved with her actions that everyone can become a goddess in their own life as long as they have purpose and perseverance.

After the 27 fitness counterattack, Yuan Shanshan's overall figure has changed, the vest line, mermaid line, and abdominal muscles are all very distinct, the shoulders and neck are exquisite, the collarbones are beautiful, and the muscles of the whole body are tight, strong and not exaggerated. This is the body that every woman dreams of.

The figure is amazing, but the face collapses in seconds! It's a pity that 4 actresses whose looks can't keep up with their figures

28 Now Yuan Shanshan has a goddess halo wherever she goes, and her good figure is highly praised. Her counterattack is not only a change in her external image, but also a reflection of her inner strength and self-confidence.

29 Yuan Shanshan once said that life experience is like fitness, and there is no shortcut to practicing the vest line. Her successful counterattack is the result of one step at a time and perseverance.

30 Yuan Shanshan's vest line has been following her for 5 years, and this persistence is indeed admirable. Her path of counterattack shows us the tenacity and courage of a woman in the face of difficulties and challenges.

Yuan Shanshan's counterattack is not only her personal change, but also an encouragement to all women. She uses her actions to tell us that no matter what kind of difficulties and challenges we face, as long as we have goals and perseverance, we can achieve self-transcendence and become a better version of ourselves.

In the entertainment industry, the appearance of female stars is always examined under a magnifying glass, and the three actresses, Lu Yan, Karen Mok and Myolie Wu, have attracted much attention because of their appearance controversy.

The figure is amazing, but the face collapses in seconds! It's a pity that 4 actresses whose looks can't keep up with their figures

Lu Yan, this name is well-known in the international fashion industry, as an international supermodel, her figure is undoubtedly the best on the catwalk. However, there is a lot of controversy about her appearance. Some people think that her facial features do not meet traditional aesthetic standards, and some even jokingly call her "the ugliest supermodel"40. But Lu Yan was not discouraged by this, but used her own efforts and strength to win respect and recognition on the international stage. Her story teaches us that the definition of beauty should not be limited and that everyone has their own unique charm.

Karen Mok, an actress who has left a deep mark on both the music and film and television industries. She has an enviable pair of peerless legs and a well-proportioned figure, yet her facial features are often considered less beautiful in the traditional sense.31 But this did not prevent her from dazzling on stage, and she conquered countless audiences with her unique charm. Karen Mok's example shows us that true beauty comes from confidence and talent, not just appearance.

The figure is amazing, but the face collapses in seconds! It's a pity that 4 actresses whose looks can't keep up with their figures

Myolie Wu, born in Hong Kong, has a good body proportion, and is a goddess in the minds of many people. However, regarding her appearance, she can't escape the fate of being complained about, and some people even jokingly call her "the ugliest Hong Kong sister"37. But Myolie Wu was not discouraged by this, she used her hard work and talent to break out of the world in the film and television industry. Her story has encouraged many people and shown us that good looks are not the only measure of a person's worth.

The stories of these three actresses let us see different beauty. In their own way, they broke the traditional aesthetic concept and showed the power and charm of women. Their experiences teach us that everyone has their own shining point and should not be swayed by the controversy of the outside world. True beauty comes from inner self-confidence and talent, and the courage to face challenges and show oneself.

On the glamorous stage of the entertainment industry, the appearance is often the first thing people notice, but with the passage of time, what can really be remembered and respected by people is the business ability and personal quality of female stars.

The figure is amazing, but the face collapses in seconds! It's a pity that 4 actresses whose looks can't keep up with their figures

First of all, business ability is the foundation for female stars to gain a foothold in the entertainment industry. Whether you are an actor, a singer or a model, you need to have strong professional skills. For example, actors, they need to have deep acting skills, be able to interpret the role to the fullest, and make the audience empathize. Singers need to have a unique voice and solid singing skills to be able to move people's hearts with music. Models need to have good body proportions and catwalk ability, and be able to show off the charm of clothing on the runway.

Take Yuan Quan, for example, who won the audience's love with her superb acting skills and low-key personal qualities. In "The First Half of My Life", she played Tang Jing, who is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people with her strong and independent image. Yuan Quan was not affected by the controversy over his appearance, but won the respect of the industry and outside the industry by virtue of his strength.

Another example is Liu Wen, as an internationally renowned supermodel, she was not discouraged by the controversy over her appearance, but with her excellent business ability and professional attitude, she became a representative of China's supermodel. On the international stage, she speaks with her own strength and has won recognition from the international fashion industry.

The figure is amazing, but the face collapses in seconds! It's a pity that 4 actresses whose looks can't keep up with their figures

Personal qualities are equally important. A female star, if she only has appearance and business ability, but lacks good personal qualities, it is difficult for her to gain a long-term foothold in the entertainment industry. Good personal qualities include honesty and trustworthiness, respect for others, and a sense of social responsibility. These qualities can allow female stars to win the respect and trust of others in their cooperation, and establish a good reputation.

For example, Fan Xiaoxuan, she is loved by the audience for her sweet image and friendly personality. In the entertainment industry, she has always maintained a low-key and humble attitude, showing her good qualities both at work and with others. This has allowed her to establish a good image in the entertainment industry and has also won her more development opportunities.

In short, appearance is important, but if female stars want to develop in the entertainment industry for a long time, they also need to have excellent business ability and good personal quality. These are their real core competitiveness, and they are also the key to winning the love and respect of the audience. As time goes by, we will find that those female stars who can really leave a mark in the entertainment industry are those who cultivate both inside and outside, and are both virtuous and artistic.

The figure is amazing, but the face collapses in seconds! It's a pity that 4 actresses whose looks can't keep up with their figures