
Ordinary people's deposits are now being monitored? Expert: You should stock up on cash and keep it at home

author:Brother Yu will show you the world

Cash storage, as simple as it sounds, is actually very knowledgeable. Grandma Wang's story is a good example. Her old man thinks that it is so convenient to keep money at home and use it at any time. But who knows, there are unforeseen circumstances in the sky, and a sudden flood has turned Grandma Wang's home into a "water curtain cave". The cash hidden under the mattress and in the closet was all lost, and the loss was huge. This tells us that cash storage is really not child's play.

First of all, we have to understand that keeping cash at home seems safe, but in fact it is a lot of risks. There are no security measures like a bank, such as safes, surveillance cameras, let alone 24-hour security patrols. Once you encounter a natural disaster like Grandma Wang's house, or a burglary, the loss can be great4.

In addition, there is a big problem with cash stored at home, that is, it is easy to get moisture and mold. Especially in the south, in humid weather, once the money is damp, it is not only easy to damage, but also may breed bacteria and affect health. Moreover, once the cash is damaged, it is also troublesome to go to the bank to exchange it, and sometimes you have to lose a part of it6.

Ordinary people's deposits are now being monitored? Expert: You should stock up on cash and keep it at home

In addition, keeping a large amount of cash at home can also cause conflicts between family members. If you think about it, where to put the money, who cares, how to use it, these are all questions. It is not uncommon for family members to have conflicts over money.

Therefore, cash storage still has to pay attention to the method. Bank deposits, although they seem to be a bit troublesome, are safe and secure, and there is interest to take. Moreover, now that mobile banking and online banking are so convenient and can be operated anytime and anywhere, why do you have to pile up money at home?

Of course, that doesn't mean you can't keep cash at home. It is also necessary to have some cash at home for emergency use. The key is to do it in moderation, not too much. Moreover, the storage location should be well selected, dry and hidden, to avoid unnecessary risks.

In short, cash storage should not only consider convenience, but also consider safety. Something like Grandma Wang, let's not happen again. After all, no one wants to just waste their hard-earned money, right?

Ordinary people's deposits are now being monitored? Expert: You should stock up on cash and keep it at home

Recently, there have been some alarming news circulating on the Internet, saying that our deposits have been monitored, which has scared many people. Everyone is discussing, is this true or false? If it's true, then isn't our privacy all gone? For a while, all kinds of speculation and worries spread through the crowd.

Some experts came forward to speak, and they said that although the news of deposits being monitored sounds scary, everyone should not be too nervous. First of all, banks and financial institutions have a duty of confidentiality to customers' deposit information, which is required by law and cannot be viewed by any person. Moreover, even if there is surveillance, it is to combat money laundering, terrorist financing and other criminal activities, and to protect the interests of most of us.

However, experts also remind us that in this digital era, we must pay more attention to the protection of personal privacy. They suggest that for those who are worried about the safety of their deposits, it is appropriate to stock up on some cash in case you need it. This may sound a bit old-school, but sometimes the traditional approach is more reliable.

Ordinary people's deposits are now being monitored? Expert: You should stock up on cash and keep it at home

Hoarding cash sounds simple, but in practice, there is a lot of exquisiteness. First of all, you have to find a safe place to store your cash, whether it's at home, in the office, or in a safe deposit box at the bank. The key is to make sure that the place is known only to you and that it is not easy for others to find.

Second, hoard cash in moderation. Too many, not only is it unsafe, but it can also attract the attention of others. It's too little, and when something really happens, it may not be enough to be urgent. Therefore, you have to grasp this degree yourself.

Also, hoarded cash, preferably in small denominations, is convenient to use and not easy to attract attention. Cash in large denominations, although it may seem like a hassle-free, can be a big loss if it is lost or stolen.

Of course, hoarding cash is only an emergency solution, not a long-term solution. We also have to learn to plan our finances reasonably, for example, we can diversify our investments and not put all our money in one place. That way, even if something goes wrong somewhere, you won't lose everything.

Ordinary people's deposits are now being monitored? Expert: You should stock up on cash and keep it at home

In short, although the news of deposits being monitored is unsettling, we can't mess up because of this. Follow the advice of experts, stock up on some cash, be prepared for emergencies, and at the same time, improve your financial literacy and learn to plan and manage your finances reasonably. In this way, no matter what wind and waves we encounter, we can sit firmly on the Diaoyutai platform.

"Golden Tax Phase IV", doesn't it sound a bit lofty? In fact, it is a set of systems used by our country's tax department to strengthen tax administration. This system is powerful and powerful, and it can monitor the tax situation in real time, so that those who want to evade taxes have nowhere to hide.

First of all, we must understand that the main purpose of the "Golden Tax IV" system is to improve the efficiency and accuracy of tax administration and ensure the fairness of tax collection. It uses advanced technologies such as big data and cloud computing to analyze and compare taxpayers' declaration information in real time, and once an abnormality is found, the system will automatically issue an early warning.

For personal deposits, the impact of the "Golden Tax Phase IV" system is mainly reflected in tax supervision. In the past, some people may have thought that tax evasion was not a big deal as long as it was not discovered. But now, with the "Golden Tax Phase IV" system, this kind of luck psychology will not work. Through the system, the tax department can easily check your income and expenses, and once it finds that there is a suspicion of tax evasion, it will conduct an investigation.

Ordinary people's deposits are now being monitored? Expert: You should stock up on cash and keep it at home

Of course, don't worry too much, tax regulation is not about checking everyone's savings. It is mainly aimed at those who are involved in tax evasion. For us ordinary people, as long as you declare on time and pay taxes in accordance with the law, the tax department will not check you for no reason.

Moreover, the "Golden Tax Phase IV" system has another advantage, that is, it can avoid double taxation. In the past, due to information asymmetry, there were times when a person was repeatedly taxed by multiple places. Now, through the "Golden Tax IV" system, the tax department can clearly see a person's tax situation and avoid double taxation.

In addition, the "Golden Tax IV" system can also help taxpayers better understand their tax situation. Through the system, you can clearly see your tax records, know how much tax you have paid, and what tax benefits you enjoy. In this way, you can plan your finances more reasonably and avoid paying more taxes because you don't understand the tax policy.

Ordinary people's deposits are now being monitored? Expert: You should stock up on cash and keep it at home

In short, the "Golden Tax Phase IV" system is an important means for the tax department to strengthen tax administration, and its impact on personal deposits is mainly reflected in tax supervision. But you don't have to worry too much, as long as you pay taxes according to the law, the tax department will not check you for no reason. On the contrary, it can also help us better understand our tax situation and avoid paying more unjust taxes. Therefore, we should actively support and cooperate with the work of the tax department to jointly safeguard the fairness of taxation.

In this era of various financial channels, we have more places to go for our spare money. However, before that, you must first understand the difference between wealth management products and fixed deposits. Wealth management products may have higher returns than fixed deposits, but they are also risky, and they may not even be able to keep the principal. As for fixed deposits, although the yield is lower, it is stable, and the principal plus interest is a lot at maturity. Therefore, when we choose, we have to come according to our own risk tolerance, don't be blinded by high returns, and finally even the principal is 1112.

Ordinary people's deposits are now being monitored? Expert: You should stock up on cash and keep it at home

When it comes to allocating the amount of deposits, this is a technical task. We can't put all our eggs in one basket and spread the risk. For example, you can save a part of your money for a fixed period of time to stabilize your income; Part of the money to buy some financial products to win high returns; Set aside a portion of your current deposit in case you need it. In this way, even if something goes wrong in one aspect, it will not be wiped out, and at least most of the funds will be kept safe.1112

In addition, special attention must be paid to the security of personal information. Nowadays, information leakage incidents are common, and if you are not careful, your deposit information may be targeted by criminals. Therefore, when you go online or use ATMs, you should be careful not to let your personal information be easily exposed. Make the password more complicated, don't use birthdays, mobile phone numbers, etc., which are easy to guess. Also, if you receive a strange phone call asking you to transfer money or provide bank information, don't believe it, most of them are fraud 1112.

In short, the matter of capital security is not big or small. Let's learn more about relevant knowledge and improve our awareness of prevention. Don't wait until the money is gone to regret it. Keep an eye on yourself and make more preparations, so that your hard-earned money can be safe and stable, and provide a better life for yourself and your family.

Ordinary people's deposits are now being monitored? Expert: You should stock up on cash and keep it at home

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