
Dong'er went to Xiaokui's house to make trouble, the conflict between the two sides escalated, whether to fight or peace, Brother Hai must make a decision

author:Pen and ink bookish


Wang'er Kang Xiaokui's family has a big incident again.

Dong'er suddenly came to Xiaokui's house to make a live broadcast, and the two sides had a fierce conflict, Xiaokui angrily snatched Dong'er's mobile phone, which made Dongkui's love incident continue to heat up and intensify.

Dong'er went to Xiaokui's house to make trouble, the conflict between the two sides escalated, whether to fight or peace, Brother Hai must make a decision

A month ago, Dong'er's younger brother had gone to Xiaokui's house to broadcast live, asking Xiaokui's family to hand over the mastermind behind slandering his entire family, but he didn't expect that a month later, Dong'er came to Xiaokui's house again to make trouble.

So, why did Dong'er come over to make trouble at this time?

You just need to be patient and read this article to know the answer.

What happened

As we all know, the contradiction between Dong'er and Brother Hai has reached the point of irreconcilability, the two sides tear each other apart online, go through legal procedures offline, and they have already killed each other, and they will not give up if they don't beat each other.

Dong'er's first target was actually Brother Hai, but she couldn't grasp Brother Hai's whereabouts, so she had to go to Xiaokui, after all, Xiaokui was the party in Dongkui's love incident.

Dong'er went to Xiaokui's house to make trouble, the conflict between the two sides escalated, whether to fight or peace, Brother Hai must make a decision

When Dong'er came to Xiaokui's house, Xiaokui and Xiaokui's mother happened to be at home, and they were shocked and angry when they saw Dong'er suddenly come over, and soon quarreled.

Dong'er took her mobile phone to broadcast live and asked Xiaokui to explain the 3,000 yuan in public.

Xiao Kui questioned why Dong'er came to his house to make trouble, and why did she bully honest people?

Dong'er said that you are an honest person, take off your pants and don't recognize people.

Dong'er went to Xiaokui's house to make trouble, the conflict between the two sides escalated, whether to fight or peace, Brother Hai must make a decision

Facing Dong'er, who is articulate and eloquent, Xiao Kui, who is silent and silent, is not an opponent at all, and he started to move without saying a few words.

Suddenly the scene was chaotic, Xiaokui's mother may have been frightened, or she may have fallen while pulling and pulling with Dong'er, lying motionless on the ground.

Dong'er went to Xiaokui's house to make trouble, the conflict between the two sides escalated, whether to fight or peace, Brother Hai must make a decision

After a while, a police car drove up, and several police officers took the person away for questioning, and the matter calmed down.

Next, Dong'er said in the video released: Uncle police said a few fair words, everything is caused by video clips, if the blind date is not successful, the man feels that the woman has received the man's money, and he can communicate privately.

Uncle Hat suggested that Kang be sued together, because his remarks had a particularly big impact, if you want to restore the chat history, you have to go to Shenzhen Tencent to apply for recovery, but if ordinary people apply, it is generally impossible to apply successfully, unless there is a certificate from the relevant department.

Dong'er went to Xiaokui's house to make trouble, the conflict between the two sides escalated, whether to fight or peace, Brother Hai must make a decision

From what Dong'er said, it can be judged that the reason why she went to Xiaokui's house to make trouble was just to clarify the matter of three thousand yuan to everyone.

As we all know, when Dong'er went to Xiaokui's house on a blind date, Xiaokui gave Dong'er 3,000 yuan. After the blind date failed, many netizens said that Dong'er was a liar and asked her to return the 3,000 yuan.

Dong'er said that 3,000 yuan was not so simple, so this time he went to Xiao Kui's house not to make trouble, but to ask Xiao Kui to explain this matter clearly, but for some reason, Xiao Kui has always chosen to remain silent and refused to respond.

Dong'er went to Xiaokui's house to make trouble, the conflict between the two sides escalated, whether to fight or peace, Brother Hai must make a decision

This time, Dong'er went to Xiao Kui's house and asked for the second time to restore the chat history, the first time was when she quarreled with Xiao Kui and asked to restore the chat history, but Xiao Kui did not agree to her. The second time was when the police came to coordinate, Dong'er asked for the chat history to be restored, and the police suggested that Dong'er go to Tencent to apply for the recovery of the chat history.

I don't know why Dong'er wanted to restore the chat history with Xiao Kui, what the chat record talked about, I'm afraid only she and Xiao Kui know.

Netizen's point of view

Netizen A said: I am a fan of Brother Hai, I like Brother Hai's video very much and the Brother Hai I learned through the video, I believe that Brother Hai himself is a person with great love, but no one is perfect, everyone will make mistakes, don't deify anyone excessively.

What we know is only half a claw, don't take it out of context, don't casually carry out a cyber explosion on anyone, the overwhelming bad comments may really make a person fall into the abyss. Those who love love to return, and those who are blessed are blessed.

Dong'er went to Xiaokui's house to make trouble, the conflict between the two sides escalated, whether to fight or peace, Brother Hai must make a decision

Netizen B said: This matter is that Dong'er can't let go from beginning to end, holding a grudge, and nothing can be gained if he goes on like this, only think about the reasons for the failure of the previous marriage, and reflect deeply, everyone has become strangers, it doesn't matter who was right and who was wrong before, the important thing is to learn from it and avoid similar mistakes.

Dong'er went to Xiaokui's house to make trouble, the conflict between the two sides escalated, whether to fight or peace, Brother Hai must make a decision

Netizen C said: Things have passed, let the past, no matter what, there is something wrong, you live your life well, maybe after a few years you will regret your behavior today, don't listen to others, some things you have to think deeply about whether you can do or not, people's hearts are unpredictable, you go to you like this is not good, you still have a long way to go, don't pursue it anymore, be a smart and wise woman.

Dong'er went to Xiaokui's house to make trouble, the conflict between the two sides escalated, whether to fight or peace, Brother Hai must make a decision

Netizen Ding said: I don't understand the coming and going of things, don't make the words of the position, there is no right or wrong in a blind date, I hope everyone has a lover and eventually becomes a family, and I hope that every pair of relatives, husband and wife do not become friends......

Who's right and who's wrong

It is said that it is better to settle grievances, when is the time for revenge, why can't Dong'er and Haige's team turn hostility into jade silk and live a peaceful life from now on?

In fact, the two sides fought for fame.

Rural people care most about reputation, and it is difficult to move an inch when reputation is stinking, and they can't hold their heads up in front of relatives and friends.

Therefore, for the sake of the reputation of the whole family, Dong'er and Dong'er's younger brother tear each other apart with the Haige team on the Internet every day, even if most netizens do not support the sister and brother, the sister and brother will not stop being cyberbullied every day.

In fact, things have deteriorated to such a point, not only did the Dong'er sisters and brothers not expect it, but also the Haige team didn't expect that even if they wanted to end the matter now, it would be difficult, unless one party made concessions and admitted that they were at fault.

There is no absolute right or wrong for the Dong Kui love incident, because both parties have made a lot of mistakes in the process, and if they can think carefully before making these mistakes, there may not be the bad situation they are in today.

Dong'er went to Xiaokui's house to make trouble, the conflict between the two sides escalated, whether to fight or peace, Brother Hai must make a decision

First of all, Dong'er is at fault, she and her ex-husband still have a blind date with Xiaokui when they still have economic disputes, take risks for the sake of traffic, conceal the facts, dream of getting through the tricks and becoming an Internet celebrity with fame and fortune, but they don't know that there is no impermeable wall in the world, and it will be too late to regret it when it makes a big mistake.

Brother Hai is also at fault, after Dong Kui's blind date failed, he still sent out the video of Xiaokui coming to the door to propose marriage, and the video was edited, only the video of Dong'er's father being high and unreasonable was posted, and the video of Dong'er's father's warm hospitality was not posted, which led to Dong'er's father being cyberbullied.

Dong'er's ex-husband was at fault, he shouldn't have secretly recorded it when he was on the phone with Dong'er, and leaked the phone recording, causing Dong'er to be cyberbullied.

Wen is always at fault, he should not have obtained the phone recordings of Dong'er and Dong'er's ex-husband through illegal means, let alone posted the phone recordings on the Internet to invade other people's privacy.

Dong'er went to Xiaokui's house to make trouble, the conflict between the two sides escalated, whether to fight or peace, Brother Hai must make a decision

A certain hero is at fault, he shouldn't be reckless for the sake of traffic, this matter has nothing to do with him, but he still intervened and became a character who added fuel to the fire.


There is no contradiction in the world that cannot be resolved, only the knot that cannot be let go.

The reason why the contradiction between Dong'er and Haige's team is difficult to reconcile is because both sides are not calm enough and are unwilling to give in. I hope that both sides can empathize, think more for each other, and listen to each other's demands, and many problems may be solved.

The author believes that Haige, as an Internet celebrity who spreads positive energy, has helped many people, and his character is obvious to all, which is worthy of our admiration and learning. In the Dong Kui love incident, Dong'er and Hai Ge were both at fault, but Dong'er was at fault first, and she didn't know her mistake and changed it, so she should be mainly responsible.

Dong'er went to Xiaokui's house to make trouble, the conflict between the two sides escalated, whether to fight or peace, Brother Hai must make a decision

Now that Dong'er has lost her job and lost her reputation for the Dong Kui love incident, it can be said that she has suffered a heavy loss, and I hope Brother Hai will not worry about her.

Brother Hai is a well-known Internet celebrity blogger, everything he does will affect others, the author hopes that in this matter, Brother Hai can take the initiative to make concessions, and sincerely communicate with Dong'er's family, if you can turn the fight into a jade silk, it will become a beautiful talk, and it will also improve its own reputation, and be praised by everyone, if so, why not!


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