
"Celebrating More Than Years 2" Hong Zhu: A child star debuted, married a wife and had a daughter at the age of 24, and his height at the age of 29 dragged down his acting skills

author:Radish drifting in Solo Lane
"Celebrating More Than Years 2" Hong Zhu: A child star debuted, married a wife and had a daughter at the age of 24, and his height at the age of 29 dragged down his acting skills



"Celebrating More Than Years 2" Hong Zhu: A child star debuted, married a wife and had a daughter at the age of 24, and his height at the age of 29 dragged down his acting skills


Recently, "Celebrating More Than Years 2" can be said to be popular all over the country, and even the uncle walking downstairs in my house is discussing the plot. Not only are the protagonists acting online, but even the supporting roles are all equipped with unique skills, which makes the audience watch it with relish. Today, let's talk about a supporting role in the play - Hong Zhu, who left a deep impression on the audience.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" Hong Zhu: A child star debuted, married a wife and had a daughter at the age of 24, and his height at the age of 29 dragged down his acting skills

The role of Hong Zhu gives people the feeling that it is not simple, it looks harmless to humans and animals, but in fact it is very black. can play this role alive, all thanks to actor Wang Chengyang's superb acting skills. Speaking of Wang Chengyang, he is really a treasure boy, he has been acting since he was a child, and now he is 29 years old, and he is already an old actor in the circle.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" Hong Zhu: A child star debuted, married a wife and had a daughter at the age of 24, and his height at the age of 29 dragged down his acting skills

The child star debuted, and his acting skills were highly recognized

Wang Chengyang is not an ordinary child star, but he is known as a "prodigy". When he was 10 years old, he played the young Wei Xiaobao in "The Legend of Deer and Ding", which was called a vivid and vivid little bastard. This shot is extraordinary, which makes people in the circle look at him with admiration.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" Hong Zhu: A child star debuted, married a wife and had a daughter at the age of 24, and his height at the age of 29 dragged down his acting skills

At the age of 13, Wang Chengyang had another amazing performance. His performance in the movie "The Chess King and His Son" was actually nominated for the International Emmy Award for Best Actor! You know, this is the youngest actor nominee in history. This is good, the name of "prodigy" is confirmed.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" Hong Zhu: A child star debuted, married a wife and had a daughter at the age of 24, and his height at the age of 29 dragged down his acting skills

How can life be smooth sailing? Wang Chengyang has also experienced a low period. When I was in school, my grades plummeted, and my acting career fell into a bottleneck. During this time, he once felt that he was a waste of firewood, lying at home all day playing games, and he didn't even want to get out of bed.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" Hong Zhu: A child star debuted, married a wife and had a daughter at the age of 24, and his height at the age of 29 dragged down his acting skills

reborn from the ashes, and his acting skills have reached a higher level

Fortunately, Wang Chengyang was not defeated. He began to reflect on himself and rediscover his love for acting. Through unremitting efforts, he finally ushered in a turning point. In works such as "Persimmon Red Every Year", "Icebreaker", "The Rest of Your Life, Please Advise Me", Wang Chengyang's acting skills can be said to have exploded, and the audience applauded it again and again.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" Hong Zhu: A child star debuted, married a wife and had a daughter at the age of 24, and his height at the age of 29 dragged down his acting skills

This time in "Celebrating More Than Years 2", Hong Zhu played by Wang Chengyang is even more eye-catching. This character seems to be well-behaved and humble, but in fact he is a ruthless character. Wang Chengyang vividly interpreted Hong Zhu's sleek and upright, righteous and evil temperament, and became the only person who survived Emperor Qing's side, and finally gave Emperor Qing a fatal blow. This acting skill can be described as perfect.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" Hong Zhu: A child star debuted, married a wife and had a daughter at the age of 24, and his height at the age of 29 dragged down his acting skills

Speaking of which, Wang Chengyang was still a little jerky when he first started playing Hong Zhu. But under the guidance of the director, he quickly mastered the essence of the role, and interpreted Hong Zhu's forbearance and calm temperament just right. No, the audience exclaimed: "What kind of performance is this, it's simply Hong Zhu himself!" "

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" Hong Zhu: A child star debuted, married a wife and had a daughter at the age of 24, and his height at the age of 29 dragged down his acting skills

Don't look at Wang Chengyang's young age, people have already started a family. At the age of 24, he and his girlfriend who had been in love for many years entered the palace of marriage, and it didn't take long for him to get a daughter. This is good, with a successful career and a happy family, Wang Chengyang's life can be said to be complete.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" Hong Zhu: A child star debuted, married a wife and had a daughter at the age of 24, and his height at the age of 29 dragged down his acting skills

The warmth of the family gave Wang Chengyang infinite strength. Every time he encounters difficulties in filming, he will be full of motivation when he thinks of his lovely wife and daughter at home. His wife has become his strongest backing, not only taking care of the family, but also often cheering him up. With such virtuous help, it is no wonder that Wang Chengyang's acting career can flourish.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" Hong Zhu: A child star debuted, married a wife and had a daughter at the age of 24, and his height at the age of 29 dragged down his acting skills

At the age of 29, his height became a shortcoming, but he rose to the challenge

Wang Chengyang's acting career was not all smooth sailing. At the age of 29, he found that his height had become a big obstacle. In the choice of many roles, he was passed because of his height. This made Wang Chengyang sad, and he even doubted whether he was not suitable for continuing acting.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" Hong Zhu: A child star debuted, married a wife and had a daughter at the age of 24, and his height at the age of 29 dragged down his acting skills

Wang Chengyang was not knocked down by this question. He began to pay more attention to the improvement of his acting skills, trying to make the audience ignore his height and focus on his performance. He also deliberately chose some roles that are not limited by height, such as Hong Zhu in "Celebrating More Than Years 2", which perfectly demonstrates his acting strength.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" Hong Zhu: A child star debuted, married a wife and had a daughter at the age of 24, and his height at the age of 29 dragged down his acting skills

Wang Chengyang's efforts were not in vain. The audience and industry insiders spoke highly of his performance in "Celebrating More Than Years 2". Someone said: "Wang Chengyang's acting skills are so solid, I can't see the impact of height at all." Some people also predicted: "With his strength, he will soon be able to be the protagonist in the big drama." "

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" Hong Zhu: A child star debuted, married a wife and had a daughter at the age of 24, and his height at the age of 29 dragged down his acting skills

Looking back on Wang Chengyang's acting career, it can really be described as ups and downs. From the debut of a child star to falling into a trough, and then to being reborn from the ashes, every step is full of emotion. Today, he has grown into a mature and stable actor, not only has his own family, but also has achieved good results in his acting career.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" Hong Zhu: A child star debuted, married a wife and had a daughter at the age of 24, and his height at the age of 29 dragged down his acting skills

Although the height problem caused him some trouble, Wang Chengyang was not defeated. On the contrary, he worked harder to improve his acting skills and prove his worth with his strength. 's wonderful performance in "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is undoubtedly a new peak in his career.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" Hong Zhu: A child star debuted, married a wife and had a daughter at the age of 24, and his height at the age of 29 dragged down his acting skills


Looking forward to the future, I believe that as long as Wang Chengyang continues to maintain this positive attitude and adheres to his original intention of acting, he will be able to continue to write a more exciting chapter. We look forward to seeing more of Wang Chengyang's wonderful performances in the coming days, and seeing him go further and further on the road of acting.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" Hong Zhu: A child star debuted, married a wife and had a daughter at the age of 24, and his height at the age of 29 dragged down his acting skills

Let's cheer for Wang Chengyang! I hope he can continue to maintain his good condition and create more brilliance in his acting career. At the same time, I wish his family happiness and continue to be his strong backing. I believe that in the near future, we will be able to see Wang Chengyang in more excellent works, and see him bring us more wonderful role interpretations.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" Hong Zhu: A child star debuted, married a wife and had a daughter at the age of 24, and his height at the age of 29 dragged down his acting skills

It's also interesting to say, Wang Chengyang played a eunuch in "Celebrating More Than Years 2", but in real life, he is a competent father. It is said that when his daughter was born, he did not get up in the middle of the night to change diapers. Once, his wife woke up and found him asleep in a rocking chair with her daughter in her arms. I don't know how warm this picture is.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" Hong Zhu: A child star debuted, married a wife and had a daughter at the age of 24, and his height at the age of 29 dragged down his acting skills

Although Wang Chengyang is now successful in his career, he has never forgotten his original intention. He often said: "I don't act to be famous, but to experience different lives through different roles." With this attitude, it's no wonder that he can play every role so well.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" Hong Zhu: A child star debuted, married a wife and had a daughter at the age of 24, and his height at the age of 29 dragged down his acting skills

Recently, there have been rumors that Wang Chengyang may take over the lead role in a big-budget movie. Although he himself did not respond positively, insiders said that with his strength, winning this role is a sure thing. If that's true, that's a lot to look forward to!

In general, Wang Chengyang, an actor, not only has good acting skills, but also behaves in the world is admirable. From a child star to a powerful actor, from a single guy to a husband and dad, his growth process can be said to be a model in the circle.

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" Hong Zhu: A child star debuted, married a wife and had a daughter at the age of 24, and his height at the age of 29 dragged down his acting skills

We look forward to seeing more of Wang Chengyang's wonderful performances in the future. Whether it is acting or being a person, I believe he will bring us more surprises. Let's cheer for this acting actor together, hoping that he can create more brilliance in his acting career, and at the same time continue to maintain that warmth and responsibility for his family.