
Be hard, not soft, before you seek things, you must first seek people, and you must learn to recognize and look at people.

author:Extraordinary blue silver grass
Be hard, not soft, before you seek things, you must first seek people, and you must learn to recognize and look at people.
Be hard, not soft, before you seek things, you must first seek people, and you must learn to recognize and look at people.
Be hard, not soft, before you seek things, you must first seek people, and you must learn to recognize and look at people.
Be hard, not soft, before you seek things, you must first seek people, and you must learn to recognize and look at people.
Be hard, not soft, before you seek things, you must first seek people, and you must learn to recognize and look at people.
Be hard, not soft, before you seek things, you must first seek people, and you must learn to recognize and look at people.
Be hard, not soft, before you seek things, you must first seek people, and you must learn to recognize and look at people.
Be hard, not soft, before you seek things, you must first seek people, and you must learn to recognize and look at people.
Be hard, not soft, before you seek things, you must first seek people, and you must learn to recognize and look at people.
Be hard, not soft, before you seek things, you must first seek people, and you must learn to recognize and look at people.
Be hard, not soft, before you seek things, you must first seek people, and you must learn to recognize and look at people.
Be hard, not soft, before you seek things, you must first seek people, and you must learn to recognize and look at people.
Be hard, not soft, before you seek things, you must first seek people, and you must learn to recognize and look at people.
Be hard, not soft, before you seek things, you must first seek people, and you must learn to recognize and look at people.
Be hard, not soft, before you seek things, you must first seek people, and you must learn to recognize and look at people.
Be hard, not soft, before you seek things, you must first seek people, and you must learn to recognize and look at people.
Be hard, not soft, before you seek things, you must first seek people, and you must learn to recognize and look at people.
Be hard, not soft, before you seek things, you must first seek people, and you must learn to recognize and look at people.

In the cabin, the old man's tone was calm and mysterious, and he began to reveal the origin and secret of the "Eye of the Night" for Lin Feng. He told Lin Feng that this power originated from ancient texts, a long-sealed secret technique that could perceive people's hearts and foresee the future, but every time it was used, it would cause a huge mental burden on the user.

"So, who is the owner of the 'Eyes of the Night'?" Lin Feng asked.

The old man was silent for a moment, his face embarrassed, "This is a mystery, even I have only glimpsed one or two." But legend has it that there is a Guardian who has been passed down from generation to generation and has the responsibility of protecting this power from being abused. ”

Lin Feng was about to ask again, when suddenly a loud noise came from outside the house, followed by dense footsteps and shouts of killing. It seems that the Black Dragon Society has found their hiding place and launched an attack.

Lin Feng pulled out his long sword, his eyes were firm, "It seems that there is no time to delve into it, let's solve the crisis in front of us first." ”

The old man nodded, and drew a short sword from under the wooden bed, although he was old, his skills were still agile. The two quickly walked out of the cabin and prepared to fight.

Outside the house, people in black poured in like a tide, Lin Feng and the old man were back to back, and the battle broke out again. Lin Feng's swordsmanship was sharp, and every swing of the sword accurately repelled the enemy, while the old man's short sword was not as powerful as Lin Feng's long sword, but every blow was accurate and deadly.

Just when the battle was at its height, a strange light suddenly shot out of the wooden house and soared into the sky. Lin Feng and the old man both felt a powerful power fluctuation, and the people of the Black Dragon Society also stopped, and everyone's eyes were attracted by that light.

The light gradually dissipated, revealing a mysterious figure in a black robe. He wore a mask on his face, revealing only his eyes, which were deep, bright eyes that seemed to be able to see through people's hearts.

"I'm the guardian of the Eyes of the Night." The black-robed man's voice was low and powerful, "You should not covet this power that does not belong to you. ”

There was silence, save for the rustle of the wind through the leaves. Lin Feng and the old man glanced at each other, and they both saw the surprise in each other's eyes. They didn't expect that the legendary Guardian would appear at this time.

The black-robed man's gaze finally fell on Lin Feng, "I admire your courage and sense of justice, but the power of the 'Eye of the Night' is not for fighting. ”

After speaking, he waved his hand lightly, and the remnants of the Black Dragon Society scattered as if they had been pushed away by an invisible force. Lin Feng and the old man witnessed this miracle, and they had a deeper understanding of the power of the "Eye of the Night" in their hearts.

The black-robed man turned around and was about to leave, but he stopped and said to Lin Feng: "The rivers and lakes are sinister, you need to be stronger." If we have a chance, we will see you again. ”

With the departure of the black-robed man, the valley returned to calm. Lin Feng and the old man returned to the wooden house, their hearts full of doubts and thoughts. They know that today's events are just the prologue of the whole story, and there is more to discover about the secrets of the "Eyes of the Night".