
Actor is An: The acting is very good, but the name is too special, and it is still tepid after 20 years of debut

author:Big talk about entertainment

In an ordinary family, the young Ann showed a strong interest in acting. Whenever a great show is shown on TV, he always watches it intently, and then stands in front of the mirror at home, mimicking the expressions and movements of the actors on TV.

His eyes flashed with excitement, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously raised, as if he was already in the world of the screen. Whenever his family sees his performance, they can't help but praise him.

Although it was An Hui who bowed his head shyly, his heart was full of joy and a sense of accomplishment. This love of acting, like a seed, quietly took root in his young mind.

Actor is An: The acting is very good, but the name is too special, and it is still tepid after 20 years of debut

During the winter and summer vacations, Ann likes to watch open-air movies with her friends. Despite the harsh environment and the buzzing of mosquitoes, they are always engrossed and meticulous about every detail in the film.

It's Ann frowning and smiling, fully immersed in the world of the silver screen. His eyes are glued to the big screen, as if he has become the protagonist of a movie, wandering among different roles.

This love and longing for performance has become an important driving force for An to pursue his dream of acting in the future. Although the future is uncertain, the little boy who stands in front of the mirror and imitates the actor has planted the seed of his dream of becoming a good actor in his heart.

Actor is An: The acting is very good, but the name is too special, and it is still tepid after 20 years of debut

This seed will continue to grow in the years to come, pushing Shi'an to move forward bravely on the road of acting. In 1997, at the age of 18, with a love for acting and a vision for the future, An stepped into the Xie Jin School of Film and Television Arts of Shanghai Normal University.

This academy is his first stop on the way to his dream of acting, and the young man is full of expectations and inevitably a little apprehensive. In the academy, she was hungry for acting skills.

Every movement, every look, he practiced repeatedly, striving to do his best. Even if he feels tired at times, just thinking about the stage he might stand on in the future will rekindle his fighting spirit.

Actor is An: The acting is very good, but the name is too special, and it is still tepid after 20 years of debut

Yes An knows that only by laying a solid foundation in the learning stage can he go further on the road of acting in the future. Opportunity always favors those who are prepared. In the same year that Ann entered the school, he got the opportunity to play Hong Genfa in the TV series "High School Freshman".

This was the first major role in his acting career and the starting point for him to step into the ranks of professional actors. Standing in front of the camera, the fledgling Ann inevitably felt nervous, her heart beat faster, and her palms sweated.

But when the director shouted "Action! At that moment, he instantly entered the role state. Although the performance was still a little jerky, Ann's sincerity and dedication to the role touched everyone present.

Actor is An: The acting is very good, but the name is too special, and it is still tepid after 20 years of debut

This sunny and energetic image also made the audience realize this potential rookie actor for the first time. This valuable experience made Ann more determined in her career choice.

He secretly vowed that he must move forward bravely on this road full of unknowns and shine his glory. However, the young Shian does not know yet that what awaits him in the future will be a long period of precipitation and training.

During her time at university, Ann always put her studies first and would only accept the role if it didn't interfere with her studies. He knows that in order to gain a firm foothold in the highly competitive entertainment industry, he must constantly hone his acting skills.

Actor is An: The acting is very good, but the name is too special, and it is still tepid after 20 years of debut

Only with a solid professional foundation can you go higher and farther on the road of acting in the future. This experience of studying and entering the industry laid a solid foundation for An An's future acting career.

Although there is a long way to go, the young Shi'an is ready to use his efforts and talents to break out in the entertainment industry. After graduating from Xie Jin Film and Television Art College of Shanghai Normal University, An devoted himself to his acting career with enthusiasm.

However, the path to reality was not as smooth sailing as he imagined. After auditions and disappointments, Ann gradually realized that becoming an excellent actor requires more effort and persistence than he imagined.

Actor is An: The acting is very good, but the name is too special, and it is still tepid after 20 years of debut

In many film and television dramas, Yesan can often only play a supporting role. Sometimes, his role is even pitiful. But Ann was not discouraged by this, but worked harder to figure out each role.

He believes that even the smallest characters can shine with a unique light. This professional attitude and professionalism have gradually earned him respect among his peers. "Fighter in the Little Transparency", this title makes Ann cry and laugh.

He knew that this was both an affirmation of his efforts and a mockery of his current situation. In the dead of night, Ann would repeatedly think: how can I make my performance better? How can you stand out from the crowd? In this way, Ann spent year after year in silent cultivation.

Actor is An: The acting is very good, but the name is too special, and it is still tepid after 20 years of debut

His acting skills are becoming more and more exquisite, and the characters he has created are becoming more and more full. In "The Son of Tomorrow", he played an upright and loyal minister; In "After the Naked Marriage", he interprets an affectionate husband.

For each role, Ann has poured all her efforts into presenting the most realistic and full character image. Although the popularity is still not high, industry insiders have begun to notice this low-key and powerful actor.

It was Ann's in-depth excavation of the role and rigorous control of the details that won praise from her peers. He does not pursue temporary popularity, but pays more attention to the connotation and quality of his works.

Actor is An: The acting is very good, but the name is too special, and it is still tepid after 20 years of debut

This down-to-earth attitude made him often stand out on the screen, and gradually established the image of a powerful actor in the hearts of the audience. Ann knows that success doesn't happen overnight.

He chooses to be patient, believing that one day, opportunity will favor those who are prepared. In this process, he continued to try different types of roles, from business war dramas to youth idol dramas, from costume dramas to spy war dramas, Shi An's performance range is getting wider and wider, and his acting skills are becoming more and more proficient.

Although Ann's popularity has not increased significantly over the years, he has not been discouraged by this. He always believes that as long as he sticks to his dreams and maintains his love and focus on acting, one day, his efforts will be recognized by more people.

Actor is An: The acting is very good, but the name is too special, and it is still tepid after 20 years of debut

In this way, he is working silently, waiting for the arrival of his own shining moment. The year 2011 was an important turning point for Ann. In the TV series "Rules Before Divorce", the role of "Wen Hao" played by him made the audience's eyes shine.

It was Ann who vividly interpreted the artistic fanaticism and casualness of life in the character, and his outstanding performance won enthusiastic praise from the audience. This role not only earned him a loyal following, but also marked an important breakthrough in his acting career.

However, what makes Ann cry and laugh is that although the audience is full of praise for his acting skills, they often can't remember his name. The name "Ann" is so special that many people don't even know what to call him.

Actor is An: The acting is very good, but the name is too special, and it is still tepid after 20 years of debut

Some people analyze that the reason why Shi An has not become popular for a long time is largely due to the particularity of her name, especially the "yes" surname is extremely rare in life. This situation often makes Ann feel helpless.

Sometimes, he would stand in front of the mirror and silently chant his name: "It's Ann, it's Ann......" He shook his head with a wry smile, thinking: "Is my acting career really going to be delayed by this name?" But Ann was not knocked down by this "haunting".

Instead, he looks at the phenomenon with a positive mindset as a challenge that motivates him to keep trying. He secretly made up his mind: Since the name is difficult to remember, let the audience remember him with better acting skills! In the days that followed, it was Ann who worked harder to study her acting skills, carefully pondering each role.

Actor is An: The acting is very good, but the name is too special, and it is still tepid after 20 years of debut

In popular dramas such as "Unspoken Rules of Divorce", "Hot Mom and Pretty Dad", and "Don't Force Me to Get Married", it is Ann who has become one of the focuses of heated discussions among the audience with her delicate emotional expression and vivid character portrayal.

Although he has played a supporting role in many film and television dramas, Ann never slackens off, and always devotes himself to every performance with full enthusiasm. His in-depth digging into the characters and rigorous control of details have won praise from his peers.

Gradually, although the audience may still not remember his name, the evaluation of "that actor with great acting skills" is increasing. In an interview, it was An Zeng who admitted that he cherished every opportunity to perform in front of the screen.

Actor is An: The acting is very good, but the name is too special, and it is still tepid after 20 years of debut

Despite the many difficulties he faced, he always believed that as long as he had strength, he would one day be recognized. Even in the midst of a difficult situation, Ann never gave up chasing her dreams.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Ann has entered the age of 44. However, time seems to favor this dedicated actor extraordinarily. In the mirror, he still retains his youthful appearance and full of energy, and every time his new photo is exposed on the Internet, it always causes a burst of amazement.

This is not only due to his love for acting, but also from his colorful attitude to life. In the kitchen, Anhui has turned into a food lover. He enjoys the process of cooking, turning ordinary ingredients into delicious dishes.

Actor is An: The acting is very good, but the name is too special, and it is still tepid after 20 years of debut

Whenever he shares his works on social platforms, he always receives a voice of admiration, interacts with netizens, and shares the joy of food. In addition to photography and cooking, Ann is also a literary young man who loves literature.

In the quiet night, he would often pick up the pen and put his inner feelings into words. Whenever he reads a book or work that touches his heartstrings, he always writes down his feelings and shares them with his fans.

Writing has enriched his heart and given him more inspiration and understanding when playing roles. Such a rich and colorful life allows Shian to maintain its unique charm and vitality in the highly competitive entertainment industry.

Actor is An: The acting is very good, but the name is too special, and it is still tepid after 20 years of debut

He believes that only by loving life can he show the most authentic and moving side in his performance. This lifestyle not only enriched Shi An's life, but also purified and improved his soul, injecting a steady stream of creativity into his acting career.

Since stepping into the entertainment industry in 1997, Ann has been on this stage full of competition and challenges for more than 20 years. In the past 20 years, it may have been a change of several generations for the rapidly changing entertainment industry.

However, for Ann, these 20 years are a testimony to his perseverance and love for his acting career. From an 18-year-old young boy to a 44-year-old powerful actor, it is Ann who interprets what persistence is with her own actions.

Actor is An: The acting is very good, but the name is too special, and it is still tepid after 20 years of debut

Although his name may not be loud enough and not as well-known as some traffic stars, every character he portrays has left a deep impression on the hearts of the audience.

In this impetuous era, it is Ann who still maintains her pure love for acting. He does not pursue momentary popularity, but pays more attention to the quality and connotation of his works. For him, being able to create a character that touches people's hearts is more meaningful than any false name.

Despite the rarity of her surname, she firmly believes that as long as she has firm determination and unremitting efforts, she will definitely be able to conquer the audience with her acting skills. In the days to come, he will continue to interpret every role with his heart and prove his infinite possibilities on the road of acting with practical actions.

Actor is An: The acting is very good, but the name is too special, and it is still tepid after 20 years of debut

Even though she has gone through 20 years of acting, Ann still maintains her vision and expectation for the future. He believes that as long as he sticks to his dreams, one day, his efforts will be recognized by more people.

We have reason to believe that with unremitting efforts and the persistent pursuit of performing arts, we will be able to climb higher peaks and shine more brightly in the entertainment industry.

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