
Camilla is not Annie's opponent at all, the eldest princess has recovered and been discharged from the hospital, Charles has a snack!

author:Entertaining the royal family

Good news! Princess Anne was discharged from the hospital, although she did not see the relevant photos, but royal insiders have revealed that the eldest princess of the British royal family has been discharged from the hospital and gone home, but she is only temporarily going home to recuperate, and she cannot perform official duties.

But I have to say that Princess Anne's physical fitness is really good, 73 years old, she was hospitalized a few days after being hospitalized with a head concussion after being injured by a horse, and she was really domineering.

Camilla is not Annie's opponent at all, the eldest princess has recovered and been discharged from the hospital, Charles has a snack!

But think about it, Princess Anne has been learning the art of riding horses since she was a child, and being injured by horses has long been commonplace, but now that she is older, a little bit of trouble is particularly worrying.

The British royal family is indeed too difficult this year, Charles and Princess Kate are both suffering from cancer, and if Anne falls again, won't Camilla and William be left?

Princess Kate is still recovering, and there are three Welsh children at home, although William is in the prime of life, but there are many family ties.

Now as soon as Princess Anne has an accident, the problems of the royal family immediately become apparent.

Camilla is not Annie's opponent at all, the eldest princess has recovered and been discharged from the hospital, Charles has a snack!

King Charles has a really big heart, relying on the longevity genes of the royal family, he unscrupulously streamlined the royal family, and streamlined his younger brother Prince Andrew's family and his youngest son Harry's family.

It's good now, there are a bunch of old and weak people left in the royal family, and there is not even a person who is close to herself, and Camilla can be regarded as out of the limelight.

Here, King Charles and Prince William are guarding against their own brothers, keeping them as far away as possible.

Over there, Queen Camilla blew the pillow wind every now and then, drumming up the royal titles that the old king gave herself and her ex-husband Powers a son and a daughter, so that they could come and serve the royal family justifiably.

Camilla is not Annie's opponent at all, the eldest princess has recovered and been discharged from the hospital, Charles has a snack!

What Queen Camilla said is good, but there seems to be some truth to it, Tom and Laura have really performed well in recent years.

Especially after King Charles and Queen Camilla were crowned, Tom's mouthful of a king's father was so sweet, which made the old king mistakenly think that the fat Tom was really his own.

Fortunately, Princess Anne is here, or Charles's ears are so soft, it is estimated that the royal title will be given to Camilla's children last year.

The feud between Princess Anne and Camilla is not a day or two.

Camilla is not Annie's opponent at all, the eldest princess has recovered and been discharged from the hospital, Charles has a snack!

At the beginning, Camilla didn't know what means she used to rob Princess Anne's boyfriend Bowers, and Princess Anne turned around in a fit of anger and married a captain Mark next to the queen, and Mark is also an equestrian, it is said that the two have a common language and are in love, which is also good.

And Camilla has been very busy here, and she fell in love with Princess Anne's brother Charles, as soon as Charles went to serve in the Navy, Camilla married Bowles again and gave birth to two children, which is really messy.

Camilla is not Annie's opponent at all, the eldest princess has recovered and been discharged from the hospital, Charles has a snack!

And Princess Anne married the wrong person because of the original impulse, who knew that Mark would be a playboy, and he didn't care about having a son and a daughter, and lingered outside in the flowers.

However, some people say that it was because Princess Anne was too strong, which made Mark feel very depressed, so what happened later, and finally the two divorced, and Princess Anne married her current husband Lawrence, and now the wife and husband are also very good.

Camilla is also very acquainted, she knows that Anne has always remembered her revenge when she snatched love with a knife, so after entering the royal family, she has been holding her tail in a low-key manner, and she has never dared to confront Princess Anne head-on.

Camilla is not Annie's opponent at all, the eldest princess has recovered and been discharged from the hospital, Charles has a snack!

However, now it is different, after Camilla was promoted to queen, she began to stand up, and began to enter the house with her and her ex-husband's children and grandchildren, standing firmly in the C position on the balcony of Buckingham Palace, and embroidering the names of those children and grandchildren on the queen's coronation robe, which is really a bit excessive.

Princess Anne didn't want to embarrass her brother Charles, so she turned a blind eye to Camilla's behavior.

Who would have thought that Camilla would kick her nose more and more, here to fight for the royal title for her children, and there to pry Charles, drive Prince Andrew out of the royal villa, and make room for her son Tom to live.

Camilla is not Annie's opponent at all, the eldest princess has recovered and been discharged from the hospital, Charles has a snack!

This is really hideous, but fortunately there is Princess Anne here, otherwise it would be really unimaginable.

Recently, Princess Anne had an accident, royal fans really sweated, Princess Anne was riding a majestic horse on King Charles's official birthday, although Anne's horse was in trouble that day, and she was extremely irritable, and it would have been turned upside down a long time ago.

Camilla is not Annie's opponent at all, the eldest princess has recovered and been discharged from the hospital, Charles has a snack!

But this is Annie, who has won several championships in equestrian competitions and participated in the Olympic Games, no matter how irritable the horse is, it can be subdued by Annie.

But only a few days later, Buckingham Palace actually released a news that Princess Anne was injured by a horse and was admitted to the hospital with a concussion, and many netizens couldn't sit still.

Thinking of Princess Kate's sudden appearance and Princess Anne's sudden injury to a horse, everyone immediately thought of Camilla.

Camilla is not Annie's opponent at all, the eldest princess has recovered and been discharged from the hospital, Charles has a snack!

During Kate's recuperation, Camilla did a lot of work, pushing Rose to the front page of British media newspapers, meeting with Rose in various ways, and inviting the son of the Rose family to be a robe-boy for the old King Charles.

Camilla is not Annie's opponent at all, the eldest princess has recovered and been discharged from the hospital, Charles has a snack!

Let everyone really think that the British royal family is ready for Ross to replace Kate. However, as soon as Princess Kate appeared, everyone laughed, it turned out that Queen Camilla was tricked by Kate, and Princess Kate recovered well, but she kept hiding it from Queen Camilla.

And Princess Anne has been working behind the scenes with Kate, so Princess Kate's perfect appearance this time.

Camilla is not Annie's opponent at all, the eldest princess has recovered and been discharged from the hospital, Charles has a snack!

Netizens unanimously agreed that Princess Kate is now the key protection object of the royal family, and it is the focus of attention, and Queen Camilla just wants to do something and has no chance.

But Queen Camilla was unwilling, so she started with Princess Anne, some netizens seriously suspected that Princess Anne's horse has been having frequent problems recently, and it must have nothing to do with Queen Camilla, it is very likely that when the queen sent someone to feed Princess Anne's horses, she added something to the forage.

However, regardless of whether everyone's conjecture is true or not, Princess Anne has now recovered and been discharged from the hospital, and the eldest princess will definitely keep an eye on herself.

Camilla is not Annie's opponent at all, the eldest princess has recovered and been discharged from the hospital, Charles has a snack!

However, in the face of this series of unfortunate events, the aging of the British royal family has become increasingly prominent. Prince Charles, Princess Anne and other members of the older generation of royal family members have entered their advanced age, and their health and energy are facing a huge test.

As soon as Princess Anne withdrew, wouldn't the burden fall on William? Where can he be busy alone, the Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh are not young, and they can't hold on for a long time.

And the young royal family-age staff in front of them are only the two daughters of Prince Harry and Prince Andrew's family.

Camilla is not Annie's opponent at all, the eldest princess has recovered and been discharged from the hospital, Charles has a snack!

King Charles really should have a long snack! He turned away his relatives like this and went to get close to the children of Camilla's family, the consequences are really unimaginable!

It's when everyone makes mistakes, you can't beat people to death with a hammer, right? Although Andrew made mistakes, what was wrong with his daughters, Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie?

Harry was stunned by Meghan, did Charles really bear to abandon his youngest son?

Do you think Charles should reuse Camilla's children, or should he give his son Harry a chance to repent and mend himself?

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