
Whether Mr. Yang Shaohua can bring goods live or not, whether he consumes him or not, can't be generalized

author:The world is wonderful


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Do you still remember Yang Shaohua, who took the first step in his artistic career on the small stage of Qiming Tea House? This time, he is really "hot".

In his old age, this legend in the cross talk industry actually entered the field of new media and was active on the stage of live broadcast with his son, which is really surprising.

According to netizens, Mr. Yang Shaohua's live broadcast is really dumbfounded.

Whether Mr. Yang Shaohua can bring goods live or not, whether he consumes him or not, can't be generalized

I thought that such a respected old artist would share some life insights or artistic experiences in the live broadcast, but I didn't expect that he would play live broadcast with goods like young people.

What's even more astonishing is that Yang Shaohua, who has always shown a calm and solemn image, was quite active in the live broadcast this time, not only interacting with the audience frequently, but also popping up a few hot words on the Internet from time to time, which makes people sigh: This old man is really "advancing with the times".

Whether Mr. Yang Shaohua can bring goods live or not, whether he consumes him or not, can't be generalized

However, this seemingly "novel" live broadcast has also caused a lot of controversy.

Some netizens believe that Yang Shaohua, as an old artist, frequently appears in the live broadcast room, which seems to be a little inappropriate.

They are worried that this is an overconsumption of the old gentleman, which will affect his image and reputation.

Some people even bluntly said: This is simply "late season is not guaranteed".

In this regard, Yang Shaohua's family has a different view.

Whether Mr. Yang Shaohua can bring goods live or not, whether he consumes him or not, can't be generalized

They believe that although the old gentleman is old, he still maintains his love for life and the pursuit of art.

Participating in the live broadcast will not only allow the old man to keep pace with the times, but also allow him to interact with more audiences, why not?

To be honest, the gold content of this live broadcast is indeed not high, and it is even a little "embarrassing".

But from another point of view, this may be a kind of collision and fusion between the old artists and the new era.

Whether Mr. Yang Shaohua can bring goods live or not, whether he consumes him or not, can't be generalized

In this era of rapid development, perhaps we should give more understanding and tolerance to the old gentleman.

Speaking of which, Yang Shaohua's artistic career can be described as full of twists and turns.

He grew up in a poor family, but with his love and dedication to cross talk, he embarked on the road of art step by step.

He has worked hand in hand with many artistic partners to perform countless classic jokes and has become a leader in the cross talk industry.

Today, in his old age, he still maintains his passion for art and love for life, which is indeed worthy of our admiration.

Whether Mr. Yang Shaohua can bring goods live or not, whether he consumes him or not, can't be generalized

However, the "turmoil" of live streaming does not seem to have subsided.

Some netizens broke the news that Yang Shaohua's live broadcast not only frequently had technical problems such as jamming and out-of-sync music and painting, but also the quality of the recommended products was also uneven.

Even some viewers said that "the goods are not the right version" and "the quality is worrying" after buying the recommended products.

In this regard, Yang Shaohua's family said that they would actively improve the quality of live broadcast technology and services, and promised to return and exchange the goods that had problems.

Whether Mr. Yang Shaohua can bring goods live or not, whether he consumes him or not, can't be generalized

They expressed their gratitude for the support and feedback from their viewers, and will continue to work hard to bring a better live streaming experience to their viewers.

Although this live broadcast has caused a lot of controversy and questions, we should also see the positive side.

As an old artist, Yang Shaohua's spirit of daring to try new things and accept new challenges is worth learning from.

At the same time, we also look forward to his continuous improvement and perfection in future live broadcasts, bringing more joy and positive energy to the audience.

Whether Mr. Yang Shaohua can bring goods live or not, whether he consumes him or not, can't be generalized

At present, this "live streaming" turmoil seems to be continuing to ferment.

But in any case, we hope that Mr. Yang Shaohua can be healthy and the road of art will be broader and broader.

At the same time, I also look forward to him bringing us more wonderful works and performances in the future.

After all, he is an old artist who really loves cross talk and dedicates himself to art.

His persistence and love are something we will always learn from and respect.

Whether Mr. Yang Shaohua can bring goods live or not, whether he consumes him or not, can't be generalized

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